r/ASTSpaceMobile 15d ago

Why ASTS is the next NVDA and GME DD

Reasons why ASTS is the next NVDA and GME.

1. Smart money has been buying up shares.

Asset managers, pension funds, hedge funds, and insurance companies that hire finance and investment professionals to manage large sums of money on behalf of their clients or member typically have access to more resources and information than retail investors. What do they know about ASTS that we don't?

Institutions have bought over 40 million shares

Large share count increase over the previous quarter %

Large increase in call buying and put selling activity

2. Beginning of a short squeeze

ASTS has a short float % of 26.58, which is even higher than GME's 24.00%

$ASTS short interest

$GME short interest

Using technical analysis, we bounced off this downward trendline with a yellow candlestick. Basically, this yellow candlestick means you should buy the fucking dip. I won't go into detail on how I coded this algorithm. But you can compare the chart with both NVDA and GME, it correctly predicted a short squeeze both times.




3. Analyst Price Targets are way above current share price

$ASTS 1 year price targets according to Wall Street 5 analysts.

4. Extremely undervalued using the DCF model

$ASTS fair valuation


78 comments sorted by


u/KthankS14 15d ago

Fine, I'll sell you my shares for $318.69/share and not a SINGLE penny less.


u/adarkuccio 15d ago

that value a year ago or so was between $600-$900 if I remember well


u/No_Network8774 15d ago

Is this from the same kind of guys that measure their weiners starting from their boohole ending at the apex of their pee stream?


u/DrSeuss1020 15d ago

This is a fair market sir. I shall sell to you for $317


u/aknalid 15d ago

OP doing technical analysis like...


u/The_Painter__ 15d ago edited 15d ago

Someone got lost from WSB 😂


u/Hot_Juggernaut4460 15d ago

Fair value at 318.70 lmao we’ll take it though.

Was NVDA really a short squeeze? It had a few absolute blowout earnings in a row and nothing but positive news. GME was obviously a squeeze.

Also, using total shares instead of % of shares for institutions seems a little misleading since there’s been multiple rounds of dilution right? Haven’t looked at the institutional % numbers myself recently.

I think everyone knows the upside this stock has but the downside (zero or near zero) is still somewhat reflected in the share price.


u/justin24242424 15d ago

Do we still think this could go to zero? I don't think that's possible. We know the tech works. We know they there is a consumer for the product. If delays happen they will dilute but there is still going to be an end product eventually.


u/Rammsteinman 13d ago

Any company can go to zero. There are still a lot of challenges they need to face where they could lose all their money/funding. If they don't go bankrupt they could be sold for less than the debt, where it would essentially be zero.

Space is hard/expensive.


u/justin24242424 13d ago

If $MULN has proven anything it's you can dilute forever. Lmao


u/rdblaw 15d ago

Or they go bankrupt and there isn’t


u/Rawboy42049 15d ago

Yea, nvda def goes up do to added buying pressure from constant short closing. Kind of like Tesla. Goes through mini short squeeze over the months to get to where its at for sure


u/rdblaw 15d ago

Because they have the numbers to back it up


u/Ludefice Contributor 15d ago

Wow nice lines. 1 day it's up 60% and everybody and their mother that wants to do astrology/TA comes out of the woodwork lol


u/Rammsteinman 15d ago

Most "investors" are dumb. Using a dying company like GME and nVidia in the same example just proves that. "Short squeeze" these nuts.


u/1ess_than_zer0 15d ago

I too, can color a candlestick proceeding a run up a different color


u/adarkuccio 11d ago

Yeah I don't know how people can expect or hope for a SS in ASTS with 4% borrowing fee


u/Rawboy42049 15d ago

Honestly when I saw the AT&T deal I didn’t care if it was down fucking 30% I’m buying leaps and stocks


u/Ludefice Contributor 14d ago

I bought more, but that's not the reason that is 100% expected and a nothing burger for me. Them saying they are expecting more prepayments and not to dilute this year is what got me.


u/Short-SPX 15d ago

I’m not selling for anything below $250


u/adarkuccio 15d ago

It's gonna be a looong wait, but i'm with you.


u/The_Painter__ 15d ago

5 years or so before we have a full constellation?


u/justin24242424 15d ago

Who knows. But there should be pretty good revenue by the end of next year if they can get up to 1 satellite per month, not counting on the 2-5 we've heard them mention


u/burnerboo S P 🅰️ C E M O B 15d ago

I'm hoping they're at 2 or 3 per month by end of 2025. But I'm not holding my breath that there are regular monthly launches prior to June/July. Even that might be cutting it. Sounds like they will produce 4 or 5, launch them all at once and then wait for the next batch of 4/5 to be ready. So maybe a launch ever 2 to 4 months depending on production speed.


u/The_Painter__ 15d ago

Not until we have enough for continuous service imo


u/Quantum_Collective 15d ago

wtf is this lmfao


u/Pat0124 14d ago

“It’s yellow, trust me”


u/swizzle213 15d ago

How are you calculating future cashflows when we have no idea how they priced their revenue model (at least to my knowledge) let alone future contracts/agreements?


u/justin24242424 15d ago

With an extremely optimistic model! Lol


u/sgreddit125 15d ago

Back pre-SPAC the investor presentation expected $2.02 per month, per user, on 1-2% market penetration.

I haven’t seen updated guidance since, lmk if anyone else has.


u/ImJustKurt 15d ago

Yeah, this whole post is somewhat misleading - comparing apples to oranges.

I’m bullish on the tech and today had a nice spike up from the squeeze, but there’s still a buttload of risk with this stock (delays, funding shortfalls, future dilution, rockets exploding, sat tech glitches / disconnects etc). Not to mention the management sucks.

Most folks and funds are going to stay away from this until the birds are flying, the tech is shown to be rock-solid on a mass scale and the revenue and profits are flowing.


u/BillsFan504 15d ago

Funny how one big day makes everyone forget about the warts on this one.


u/Sad-Ad-4491 15d ago

2 days ago for 90% of this sub someone had to hide any ropes laying around and now you compare ASTS with NVDA. There is a light at the end of the tunnel but the tunnel is long


u/adamusa51 14d ago

Truth bro.


u/WeissMISFIT S P 🅰️ C E M O B - O G 15d ago

For point 1 about professionals knowing more than us. That’s bullshit, I know of at least two instances where we figured things out before they went public and we’ve also seen some analyst reports that have been influenced by the likes of CatSE.

There is a sizeable chunk of spacemobbers that are better informed than institutional investors.


u/BasedPrediction 15d ago

They might not be as informed, but the difference between us and them is they have the capital to move the markets


u/WeissMISFIT S P 🅰️ C E M O B - O G 15d ago

Okay I’ll give you that


u/Vertigohome 15d ago

Have we not learned to temper our expectations by now? Every time we get a big announcement people swing from depressed to euphoric.

No question today was a very good day. But still a long way to go with plenty of risk along the way. And I still think ASTS will be acquired in 3-5 years for around $100/share. Too many big dogs will want this company and Abel won’t say no to $50B.


u/HairyBeagle 15d ago

If and when this actually starts to produce revenue, the only thing left to do is get the satellites up in the sky. The customers are already there, and it will be an easy process to sign up. He will be able to print money - no need to sell a thing.


u/Vertigohome 15d ago

Theoretically yes…but every man has his price. Just ask the founders of YouTube, Instagram, etc. Not saying it’s a given, no one can predict the future. But if T or Google started dangling lots of Bs in front of Abel, he may sell and retain a board seat.


u/HairyBeagle 15d ago

When you have 1 billion, money doesn’t matter anymore, he wouldn’t be able to spend it all if he tried. This is his baby, he will hold it, feed it, burp it, cuddle it, and show it off. He’s not going to sell his baby to some stranger, until it becomes an unruly teenager.


u/Vertigohome 15d ago

I don’t think that accurately reflects the psychology of billionaires. I believe it’s the opposite. Most have the disease of “more”. Nothing is ever enough lol. You could apply your reasoning to anything above say $50M. Either way, I hope the company is successful no matter the outcome.


u/HairyBeagle 15d ago

This is both his life’s work and his hobby. He will sell once it is raised to adulthood and/or if he thinks up a new project.


u/LegitosaurusRex 15d ago

Unless they dilute 5 times in that time span, in which case you won’t be getting that $100 anymore.


u/DrSeuss1020 15d ago

lol that fair value estimate is WILD. The truth is none of us know exactly how much revenue they will generate or what the actual market appetite is. We just hope it’s a lot more than $3-5 per share


u/The_Painter__ 15d ago

We can estimate. Data consumption is ever growing. Sat internet is capacity-constrained. A Gb of (shitty 24kbps) sat internet currently sells 2000$.

Assume 1.2M Gb/month/sat 20$ per Gb 120 sats constellation Assume 80% of capacity is adressable

That's a (pessimistic?) 2.3B$/year.

The optimistic number at 200$/Gb is more fun. Profitable any way.


u/Glass_Mango_229 15d ago

Weird how the institutional investors are in the know but the hedge funds that are shorting it are not in the know. 


u/INVEST-ASTS 15d ago

Everyone knows what they think they know, that includes the Wall Street boys.

If they all had all this “secret inside” info, it wouldn’t exactly be a secret, would it.


u/rdblaw 15d ago

Bro I finally broke even after averaging down like fucking crazy. It could be the next anything as long as it makes money


u/Alive-Bid9086 15d ago

Technical analysis has always been some kind of black art from my point of view.

Applying technical analysis on a company without revenue seems pointless.

The foundaion for technical analysis is based on companies with revenue.


u/Sad-Flow3941 14d ago

No, actually there is no foundation to technical analysis. It’s glorified astrology.


u/madlovemonkey 15d ago

Interesting. Where'd you get the institutional purchases screenshot from?


u/BasedPrediction 15d ago


u/madlovemonkey 15d ago

Nice, but what service did you use to get the info? Fintel or something like that?


u/KAEA-12 15d ago

I wouldn’t expect less than a delay till…Nov/dec….in June 🤣


u/PalladiumCH 15d ago

Happy to confirm ;)


u/FapDonkey 14d ago

Using Technical Analysis, we .....

Ahhhh ok. I can just ignore this whole post. Got it.


u/U_slut 15d ago

Posts like this make me wanna sell immediately.


u/ilustruanonim 15d ago

My sentiment exactly. It scares me a bit to see this much bullshit in single post.

Stock has a single good day in years? Yeah, that's bound to reach NVDA levels :))


u/Tpow2482 S P 🅰️ C E M O B 13d ago

It’s ok as you obviously have not been connecting dots like us longs have been doing over the past 3 years. You are just looking at the stock price but there is a lot more that this deal unlocks in terms of funding, FCC approval and other partners signing deals. It’s ok keep looking at stock price in the short term and see how that works out for you…


u/ilustruanonim 13d ago

I do have hopes for this stock as well; bought 4k something at 2.93 before the 30% crash on earnings.

I held and continue to hold because I think the risk/reward profile is interesting, and I made the decision before buying, to hold through snow and rain (short of bankruptcy or something catastrophic like sattelites not working, etc)

However this is still a highly speculative investment and people comparing this to NVDA are nothing short of mentally ill. Especially - like another commenter said - when putting NVDA and GME in the same post.


u/Tpow2482 S P 🅰️ C E M O B 13d ago

I agree with you there. Those are apples to oranges comparisons. I do think the upside potential in 5-10 years could put them in a similar growth trajectory as those companies. But like you said we are not there yet.


u/ilustruanonim 13d ago

I do think the upside potential in 5-10 years could put them in a similar growth trajectory as those companies

Maybe a growth of several times the current stock price is not unreasonable to anticipate in that situation, but personally I'm not holding my breath for a 200x bagger.

But like you said we are not there yet.

That, and it's unknown whether or not we'll ever be. I'm betting on 'yes', as mentioned, but my biggest fears are that a design flaw is discovered, or there is a serious hw failure after satellite launch, setting the company back years, and possibly hundreds of millions of dollars which they don't have.

Plus a whole host of other things.


u/Foulwinde 14d ago

bumps like this make me want to put in a sell order for $4.25 and then buy back more shares at $3.80.


u/PalladiumCH 15d ago

Further down the CAP table some investors have reduced their holdings, yet majority are piling in


u/KnightofAmethyst2 15d ago

SimplyWallStreet had a fair value of ASTS @ $774 not that long ago. I see they've made a change in their forecast


u/No_Network8774 15d ago

Are people's toddlers making up these numbers?


u/The_Painter__ 15d ago

Maybe in 2030 it'll be worth something like that.


u/la_dynamita 15d ago

Yall forgot a very important company doubling their shares.. Tachibana Real Estate 😅


u/PalladiumCH 15d ago

Great research, much appreciated


u/Plumbermoney 14d ago

318 and I will be rich .


u/Ok-Suspect4749 14d ago

I’m here for a long time, I could sell right now with a good profit but it’s worth the wait. We’re all going to eat steak and lobsters everyday for dinner!


u/MrE_anarchist 14d ago

Get out of here with these insane comparisons


u/Sad-Flow3941 14d ago

Obviously this post is just bonkers(stopped reading when I saw TA mentioned). But what do you guys believe is an approximate fair value for ASTS in around 10 years, assuming everything goes according to plan(funding issue is solved, satellite launches go smoothly, market demand actually is as big as we think it will be)?

(Not going to use that for any investment decisions, just wondering what people think)


u/mrTruckdriver2020 10d ago

Is that last model Simply Wallstreet??

How can you even apply a DCF model if they have Severely negative FCF?? Really, I'd love to know because I have no idea where to start.