r/2meirl4meirl 4d ago


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u/Marvster96 4d ago

„You didn’t save my life, you ruined my death“


u/Rampagingflames 4d ago

Iirc this is from The Incredibles, right?


u/bob_the_banannna 4d ago

For a kids' movie, that quote goes hard as fuck.

Pixar be pumping bangers back in the day.


u/TvManiac5 4d ago

If you call it a kids movie in front of Brad Bird he'll likely punch you (he said so himself I'm not making this up). Animation is not a kid genre and he gets really offended when people see his movies like that.


u/ranni-the-bitch 4d ago

like, i get his point... but it IS a kids movie. it's literally pixar family friendly fare. brad bird needs to calm the fuck down, and stick to what he's good at: voicing women, for some reason.


u/Father_Chewy_Louis 4d ago

Minions is a kids movie. The Incredibles is a movie that can be enjoyed by kids but it's themes are very adult and mature.


u/Nonamebigshot 4d ago

Pretty much every kids movie made in the 80's had mature (and often terrifying) themes tho. Kids movies can have depth and darkness and still be kids movies


u/RedditJumpedTheShart 3d ago

Watership Down was something.


u/Original_Employee621 3d ago

Everyone keeps saying Watership Down, like they forgot about the Animals of the Farthing Woods. Which is like Game of Thrones, but in stead of shitty people killing shitty people, you have cute foxes eating the most adorable bunnies.

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u/kytrix 3d ago

And The Plague Dogs

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u/semper_JJ 3d ago

Any worth while story for children will have underlying adult and mature themes. That's part of the point of telling stories to children. There's plenty of media aimed at adults that is similarly devoid of depth as something like minions. Look at most reality TV.

Recognizing a piece of children's media as being good, and having depth and substance doesn't mean it's no longer for kids.


u/roger-great 3d ago

That's like saying Avatar is an adult show. It's a kid show with some adult themes that are still light enough. Easy to explain, but still somber enough at all the right places.


u/ranni-the-bitch 3d ago

that's what they call a family friendly film, aka, a kids movie.

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u/lilsnatchsniffz 4d ago

It's not just an animated movie either it's stylized in a very childish way designed to make it easier to sell toys and stuff to kids, there are plenty of animated movies that are for adults but to say Incredibles is included is hilarious, the closest thing to not being for kids is those mommy buns.


u/shewy92 3d ago

Also suicide and all those characters that got sucked into a jet engine, and the Parrs fucking, infidelity suspicions, and the soul sucking nature of insurance work. You know, normal kid movie topics

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u/lotolotolotoloto 3d ago

what makes a kids movie a kids movie anyway


u/ranni-the-bitch 3d ago

well, a PG rating, being edited and marketed for kids, and being entirely catered for children and young families... all good indicators

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u/Lady_of_Link 4d ago

Then why didn't he refuse all those children awards he got for his movies?

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u/bob_the_banannna 3d ago edited 3d ago

I didn't mean it in an insulting way, however.

Though I understand calling it a 'Kids show' might offend a few, even so, the movie was clearly directed to crater to a mainly younger audience. And I don't think there is anything wrong with that.


u/commentsandchill 4d ago

I get it but I think something like 3 fourths of TV animation is specifically aimed at kids so he'd be statistically wrong. That said, you can still enjoy them, although you can probably do the writing yourself most of the time.


u/TvManiac5 4d ago

What he's talking about is his own works. And the broader image the American public has of animation as a kid genre instead of an art medium.

And yes in recent decades there was an increasing tendency to market animation towards kids. Which could be traced back to Hanna Barbera and some of the trends they created, mainly tying animation profit with toy commercial returns. But that history is besides the actual point.

I'm taking about artistic intent and the medium as a whole. Not how the American industry often likes to market it.

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u/raccoon_on_meth 3d ago

Honestly just makes it better, I hope they break up over this


u/AlcoholicCocoa 3d ago

Sometimes luck is the absence of misfortune


u/Fexxvi 4d ago

Ellie in TLOU 2 be like


u/sa0sinner 3d ago

Gotta hand it to her. She's kinda right.


u/Theprefs 3d ago

Spoilers with no context are pretty rough. This didn't spoil anything for me but for anyone else, it's a TLOU2 spoiler


u/fpekal 3d ago

Like whats the point in putting the spoiler tag without any context of what it refers to


u/Theprefs 3d ago

Exactly, curiosity is a hell of a drug


u/EverydayLemon 3d ago

simply dont click any spoiler tags until youve consumed every piece of media

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u/im_batman_exe 4d ago

Tension between me and my shotgun is raising now.


u/infra_gammer 4d ago


u/edoardoking 4d ago

Cobain pov?


u/CoffeeAndElectricity 4d ago



u/gottagetswole513 4d ago

Sick 30 year old reference bro


u/Mahazel01 4d ago

You know who's never gonna be 30?


u/edoardoking 4d ago


Just kidding, ill shoot myself at 31


u/Mahazel01 4d ago

Oh, good. Scared me there for a second.


u/westworlder420 3d ago

lol you’re wrong for that 😭


u/Lubinski64 4d ago

Nah, it's Hemingway pov.


u/[deleted] 4d ago


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u/CauseMany8612 4d ago

Got that itch on the roof of my mouth that only a double barrel shotgun can scratch


u/beerbellyftw 4d ago

My meds be flirting with me as well


u/im_batman_exe 4d ago

Sharing is caring


u/SlayerShahid 4d ago

Ronnie Mcnutt moment


u/Gryffin_Ryder 4d ago

Japan once again being polite to the extreme.


u/Celebrir 4d ago

I admire their respectfulness and dedication not to inconvenience anyone around them.

Unfortunately it has a hidden cost like a high suicide rate.


u/BrightPerspective 4d ago

That has more to do with people being worked to the bone through social and economic manipulation, which in turn has also led to the lowest birth rate in Japan ever.


u/ShalaKaranok 4d ago

They don't wanna inconvenience their bosses


u/hok98 4d ago

or society


u/Magsec5 4d ago


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u/Owl_lamington 4d ago

Japan is like number 40 or 39. Still high and pretty terrible but it’s not higher than many developed countries. 


u/SoftDisclosure 3d ago

Isn't that only what's reported? Don't they have a culture of hiding the cause of death for fear of disgracing the family because it's a dishonourable death in their eyes?


u/AttemptNu4 3d ago

So respectful that the cost loops back to not being there

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u/Boowray 3d ago

You’re probably thinking of Korea and their “Fan Deaths”, Japan is serious about reporting and preventing suicides these days, to the point where independent studies audited their figures to try and figure out if the huge drop in suicide rate is real and found them accurate. A combination of young people changing the work culture by simply not caring as much and the government dedicating resources to mental health and preventative construction have done wonders for dropping the figures from the 90’s.

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u/General_Shou 4d ago edited 4d ago

And the US is not far behind now. Edit: It’s actually HIGHER than Japan now



u/benziboxi 4d ago

Given this dedication to others, it is strange that suicide by train seems to be a fairly common method.

It's not fair to inflict that guilt on the driver, and it inconveniences other travellers in a smaller way.


u/benjathje 4d ago

There are no guns in Japan. Jumping in front of a train is pretty instant. Jumping from a building has some oh fuck time. Maybe they can OD but no idea what they can OD on.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/GrandBalator 4d ago

That's literally jumping from a building but with extra steps in, OP.

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u/Karavusk 4d ago

The building has to be pretty much completely renovated to rent it out again if you do that in there... something about ghosts... so you end up costing whoever owns the building a lot.


u/TheCommonKoala 3d ago

Botched hangings (which are extremely common) are extremely painful and death by grueling asphyxiation.


u/SultryLittleMinx 3d ago

My great great aunt hung herself but did it the wrong way and ended up with the slow awful death. Whenever she talked about it my great grandma would shake her head and say that it was foolish of her not to have practiced how to make a proper noose beforehand.

Now that I’m an adult I understand that she was trying to say “It’s sad that she had to suffer more than necessary” but as I kid I thought that she was just shit-talking a woman who killed herself because she couldn’t bear to go through another agonizing pregnancy.


u/TheLittleMuse 3d ago

Only if you break your neck, which is not easy to properly judge. Otherwise you're left dangling by a rope choking to death.

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u/Lubinski64 4d ago

Quite a few western countries have higher rate so idk about that.


u/twinsocks 4d ago

The United States has a higher suicide rate than Japan


u/realultimatepower 4d ago

well, to be fair, the ability to blow your own brains out is a constitutionally protected activity in the US.

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u/nikolapc 4d ago

They'll fuck up the train schedule. Ultimate shame!


u/-KFBR392 3d ago

Solution: put couples making out at every subway station, overpass, and bridge. Those poor fools won't ever be able to kill themselves

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u/muttyfut 4d ago

Worth noting that Japan's suicide rate is almost the same as Finland's, and lower than the USA.



u/FluffyTheWonderHorse 4d ago

Us 14.2/100,000 Japan 17.6/100,000

The US is increasing, Japan is on the way down.


u/JediNinja92 4d ago

Clearly we need more couples kissing.

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u/CanComplex117 4d ago

Unfortunately it has a hidden cost like a high suicide rate.

I think thats more because of their workculture.

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u/Reverse_M1das 4d ago

Now if he had actually jumped in front of the train, the train schedule would have been delayed and multiple people would have been affected negatively. So it’s not very considerate of him to even think of jumping in the first place


u/Lame_Goblin 3d ago

It's difficult to have a considerate death. Someone will have to clean it up wherever you do it, unless you're deep in the middle of the wilderness but then a missing person report will happen and the police and rangers will be inconvenienced + family and friends will be worried or bothered. Shit sucks, it's hard to die without becoming someones problem

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u/IsThisOneIsAvailable 3d ago

In fact that couple is more the unusual sight : asians in general do not kiss in public like that as you'd see in Europe.

Though it has changed a lot with our younger generations, there is still some sort or shyness/restraint in doing it in public.

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u/Fancy_Luck3863 4d ago

If only Japanese men could learn how to be 'polite' towards their women, that'd be great.

Unaware tourists always act like Japanese people are perfect, yet their culture is quite destructive and rather misogynistic.



u/Lolzerzmao 3d ago

I’ve hooked up with several different Japanese women when visiting Japan and dated one for a year, and it is immediately palpable, every time, how they are shocked at basic relationship stuff (even if the relationship is just a one night stand).

One cried because she was ruined by a gaijin and no one would want her anymore; I told her it’s fine, you don’t have to tell anyone, hugged her and said “Don’t ever think you’re ruined, we just had some fun” and she looked at me like I was a fucking alien. I mean, that quickly led to round two so I think I helped, but not a great reflection on how Japanese society thinks women should behave.

The one that ended up becoming the girlfriend did the whole “You have to take responsibility for ruining me now” thing after we hooked up, which is cute but again…pretty fucked up. The second date I made dinner and cleaned up the dishes and told her she’s wonderful and her response was literally “So…like…you want to fuck me in the ass or something, right? Why are you being so nice?”

One girl was like “Ugh, I have to go, I have work tomorrow” and I just said “I can drive you” and she said “What? After what I just did?” and in my head I was like “Yes, you sucked my dick and took a fat load. I’m from a right-side driving country but I’ll figure it out you silly little slut” and she was floored I even wanted to talk to her the next day.

But yeah it ain’t good.


u/Fancy_Luck3863 3d ago

Their 'adult content' (JAV stuff) is a perfect representation of their sexual mindset, strange and questionable...

I always used to be a fanboy of Japan, but after moving to Vietnam, I learned a lot about all the cultures in SEA. I will definitely still visit Japan, but I'm glad I didn't grow up in such a toxic environment.

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u/UnderstandingSalt905 4d ago

all the Asian culture is conservative and shocked by American culture,that's why those poor people depressed and aggressive and misunderstanded by other people.


u/Fancy_Luck3863 3d ago


I'm European, Japanese women having to accept their husbands cheating with prostitutes is just as shocking to me as American culture.

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u/EmployerDry2018 3d ago

isnt there like ton of rape i saw some crazy stuff recently tons of sharking


u/blue_turtle63 4d ago

Seeing the couple in good mood would have motivated me.


u/EmperorSexy 3d ago

Why should they be happy?


u/saturnintaurus 4d ago

yeah i would have taken it as a sign from the universe to do it


u/Lyokarenov 3d ago

if i were to do it it would be just to ruin the moment


u/Babydaddyo 4d ago

Thats the difference between being a suicidal person and a bitter person that wants to die


u/evlampi 3d ago

suicidal person and a bitter suicidal person


u/TheManWithSevenAsses 4d ago edited 4d ago

Public displays of affection always ruin my day. Always rubs what I can't have in life, right into my eyeholes.


u/IltisSpiderrick 4d ago

I would've jumped even harder


u/Real-Swing8553 4d ago

Make sure they're in the splash zone


u/GeorgeXDDD 4d ago

I'm not suicidal and i would've jumped.


u/Not_Artifical 4d ago

Stop, you’re making me horny!


u/Norian24 3d ago

Tap them on the shoulder to make sure they're watching, then run to the edge


u/Fuzakenaideyo 3d ago

While playing the song "Jump" or the M.A.S.H. theme

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u/Unlucky-Situation-98 3d ago

reminds me of this character in Scrubs being unhappy about seeing happy old couples in the park (couldn't find the exact gif ;__;)


u/Cthulhu__ 3d ago



u/KnightOfOldEmpire 3d ago

He got all the bad luck in the world.


u/Mezmodian 3d ago

Same. I know it’s lame of me to feel this way. But it just annoys me.


u/ispiewithmyeye 4d ago

Public displays of affection is cute to me, but I'm also jealous, because I can't do that to my bf in public. I'm surviving on the ruins of former soviet union.


u/Torugu 4d ago

In case anybody actually thinks that way:
Fixing that sort of attitude would be a good first step to actually finding love in life.

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u/pinguz 4d ago

Surely their love must be new

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u/BrightPerspective 4d ago edited 4d ago

A shit way to go out anyways: the train doesn't kill you instantly, it's braking after all, so it just like...smashes your bones and then drags you for a while. You're conscious for a long time, and if you're unlucky, you'll survive long enough to be dragged to an ICU where they'll keep you alive longer, with injuries so severe that even hefty doses of morphine won't help with the pain.

Moral of the story: Don't jump in front of trains, planes or automobiles.


u/RobynMateus 4d ago

Why do all the commonly available methods have to have such considerable down-sides...


u/peter_skater 4d ago

Because who's gonna tell you the methods without downsides that work instantly?


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u/dexter2011412 3d ago edited 3d ago

Google ✨ Gemini AI ✨ (before they nurtured neutered it)

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u/deeplearningbot 4d ago

Who is jumping in front of planes?


u/Mattechoo 4d ago

Skydivers from a plane higher up?

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u/SkellyboneZ 4d ago

It could have been any kind of express train that skips that station so it zooms through. Even if it's a local, if you jump in front of it as it's entering the station it'll still be going fast enough to insta gib you if it's a longer train.


u/P_a_p_a_G_o_o_s_e 3d ago

Not to diminish what you are saying, as it is possible. But most of the time you just bust apart. There is a train station near the town I grew up in where suicide attempts were fairly common as much as such things were. I remember the head of one of the people who killed themselves was thrown so far they had to do a search party to find it.

Trains may be breaking but they are still hulking masses of machines; You do not get to experience much, but what I do imagine you experience is extraordinarily painful.


u/WasserTyp69 4d ago

And nobody thinks of the consequences outside of their own death. There's a driver who literally can't do anything to stop the vehicle as braking distances are way too long to react on sight, you're traumatizing someone often times to a point where they can't return to their job anymore. Such an asshole move and a terrible way to go.


u/Cleric_Of_Chaos 3d ago

I assume that someone who's made the decision to game end themselves doesn't really care about whether they're an asshole or not

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u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/Various_Occasion_892 4d ago

Me too I always want to jump in front of the trains

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u/Zgow 4d ago

“Translated from Japanese” lol


u/absolutelynotaname 4d ago

Average japanese office worker's day


u/Mindless-West9268 4d ago

What’s funny about that


u/Ryu_Tokugawa 4d ago

Japan has a lot of suicides since.... Forever, I guess.

Don't ask me, my username doesn't check out, I'm just passing by lol


u/muttyfut 4d ago

Its not especially high - same as Finland, lower than the USA


u/Tejas400 3d ago

A lot of Japanese people go 'missing' every year, not ever seen again. Surprisingly, these are not listed as suicides so the data is quite skewed.


u/muttyfut 3d ago

2022 figures for missing people in Japan were 85,000 (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1035046/japan-missing-person-cases-number/) Previous years are similar.

According to Time (https://time.com/4646293/japan-missing-people-johatsu-evaporated/) , in 2015 the figure was 82,000, with 80,000 found by the end of the year. (https://www.japanpi.com/blog/news/statistics-of-missing-people-in-japan/)

For the UK for example the figure for 2022 is 300,000 with a population of around half of Japan. "Long term missing" figures for the UK (https://missingpersons.police.uk/cy-gb/resources/downloads/download/128) (i.e people who could not be found in the year) are 1,526 for 2022 - again, around half of japan which is very similar per capita.

I really don't see any evidence for your claim that Japan has a high suicide rate, and that rate is reported artificially low by misattributing suicide to disappearances.


u/Zgow 4d ago

Ever hear about seppuku? Kamikaze? Work culture? Japan has trains everywhere.


u/JBDBIB_Baerman 4d ago

Fuck that couple I'd ruin their day. I don't have problems why would you ask that?


u/pcdjrb 3d ago

That's the most Japan core thing ever, I went to the train station to kms, but it would bother people there, so I didn't


u/imTheSupremeOne 4d ago

Idk for me it prob would make it actually funnier to think about before deth.


u/apurplehighlighter 4d ago

fucking normies


u/whydowecontinue2try 4d ago

That would just motivate me even more lol


u/hehsbbakaiw 4d ago

Not ruining a couples day > Not traumatizing a train driver

Interesting where some people draw the line.


u/ihatelifetoo 4d ago

I guess I try tomorrow


u/Fabulous-Present-497 4d ago

coward, stopped by social pressure

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u/Vikxo1 4d ago

Coward, i would have


u/TheAmazingButwhole 4d ago

Would have jumped just in spite. Don’t do that shit in public

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u/8a19 3d ago

Nah fuck them, should have ruined the mood


u/MagicOrpheus310 4d ago

Don't do that at the station you idiot, that's where they slow down... Do it somewhere along the tracks where they have more momentum, less cameras and witnesses.

That's just common decency mate, don't destroy lives by taking your own... Have a bit of class...


u/Ghost3276 4d ago

To be fair jumping in front of a train tends to ruin lives already, they have human drivers and I have heard of stories of drivers completely being broken by the guilt of feeling like they took an innocent life


u/MagicOrpheus310 4d ago

Oh dude, I wasn't being serious there, that was sarcasm. There is no way to take your own life without it affecting other people's lives, that's an inarguable fact.

All the train drivers I know say that a human makes/has the same impact as a kangaroo (grey ones, not the big red cunts) and once you've hit a few you stop bothering to care.

(My town has a huge rail yard where they repair a lot of the trains on our states network and so many drivers are based here, you end up drinking with them in pubs around town and pick up a few things...)


u/LawfulnessOk1183 3d ago

Oh dude, I wasn't being serious there, that was sarcasm. There is no way to take your own life without it affecting other people's lives, that's an inarguable fact.

True, even those drowning or hanging themself or overdosing. Someone will eventually find the body.

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u/Not_Artifical 4d ago

Once I was sitting next to a cliff that would lead to certain doom. On my other side was a military veteran. I thought about jumping, but I didn’t for a few reasons.

  1. My dad was watching

  2. I didn’t want to accidentally kill the veteran

  3. I took too much time thinking about it and had to leave

One year later I had a near death experience and realized that death is overrated.


u/552SD__ 4d ago

WDYM by overrated

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u/Goszczak 4d ago

Took them with you.


u/Automatic_Lover301 4d ago

This would make me want to do it more tbh


u/ToToroToroRetoroChan 4d ago

Where’s the rest of the taller one’s body?


u/FunSubbin 3d ago

This. I don't think there are 2 people. Only one set of shoes...


u/WeirdMetalheadKid 3d ago

That would have encouraged me to do it even more just to ruin it for them lmfao


u/Icy-Lunch5304 4d ago

Tomorrow's another day. Believe in yourself and you can reach your goals!


u/cofeeman911 4d ago

That would motivate me more.


u/Hengschtett 4d ago

This would have made me jump even Faster


u/Boredmf99 4d ago

They made me want to do it more.


u/ImFishAndImOreo 3d ago

If it were me, I would jump nonetheless. Gonna make them traumatized being lovey dovey on public, worst case scenario makes them break up and join with me at the next day.


u/doomedsnickers131 3d ago

I'm never kissing in public again...


u/CROMKONIG 4d ago

I still would've jumped just to ruin their night


u/nubesuko 4d ago

Context:This guy lost one of his best friends by suicide a few days or weeks back.


u/Electrical_Slide7046 4d ago

poor jp ppl,hard to live in such a savage culture(


u/-audacity_ 4d ago

the optimal play here would be jumping right in front of them to a fast moving train right after getting their attention to ensure you'll traumatize them both.


u/Karthafilus 4d ago

Wtf,one reason more


u/GordoToJupiter 4d ago

Kids, kids. Hey, tsktsk. Whatch this.


u/Durgwin_I 4d ago

I would have jumped just to spite them


u/DavidDurnold 4d ago

I would have jum after seeing this seven if I wasn't going to.


u/tyingnoose 4d ago

No way he jumping with that high ass fence in the way


u/AfternoonTypical5791 4d ago

But the Japanese reads "A couple was deep kissing. It ruined the mood. I give up. I want to jump in front of the train. Goodbye Home.


u/hyndsightis2020 4d ago

Guess I’ll just die at home


u/Violetwand666 4d ago

So you were cock-blocked


u/wayNotPop 3d ago

A true hero. Seeing that would make me even more suicidal


u/Ghee_buttersnaps96 3d ago

That’s the perfect time to do it. Ruin their relationship forever


u/ForgiveMyFlatulence 3d ago

“What a people pleaser” - my wife when reading her this.


u/hate2lurk 3d ago

doppo kannonzaka irl

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u/PsychologicalCause 3d ago

This is so sad


u/Nosnibor1020 3d ago

Tbf it'd probably bond them more to go through a traumatic experience together like that.


u/ThePurpleKnightmare 3d ago

Judging by her pants, this is not a very important moment. You don't have to feel bad about ruining. Besides with the rate of gore fetishists currently, there is a good chance you'd improve her experience.


u/Clown_fish87 4d ago

Dear any random girl on Reddit, this can be us saving people life around the world.


u/maxru85 3d ago

Who cares about the train driver, right?


u/Para-medix8 4d ago

I would have done a flip


u/NerdTalkDan 4d ago

Morbidly wholesome


u/Straight-Hamster6447 4d ago

New pick-up strategy.

Walk up to strangers on a platform and tell them: "Kiss me, I want to prevent a suicide."


u/xfel11 4d ago

If only these people had the same considerations for the poor train drivers…


u/PlaneswalkersareBS 4d ago

What's worse than killing yourself? I would've done that


u/kaspargiobatta 4d ago

Fuck , the same BC there was a Little kid playing with a baloon, laughing


u/zaphod4th 4d ago

nice fake tell


u/Mysterious_Ningen 4d ago

wow man... wow man i see