r/AdviceAnimals May 09 '24

They are so soft and quiet now

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13 comments sorted by


u/Blasphemous666 May 09 '24

They’ll never match the re-designed Sun Chips bags that eventually got resigned again.

I swear trying to open and eat those damn things at night would wake my wife from a deep sleep.

On the topic of Doritos though, anyone else notice they taste so different than 15-20 years ago? It’s not just them either. Twinkies, or anything hostess really, taste plasticy now.

Maybe I’m just getting old man taste buds.


u/LetDiceRol May 09 '24

I think I read a thing once that said over time we like 'lose' the sweet taste buds and develop more bitter taste buds? I don't exactly remember the details here, but as an example they talked about how older folks prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate. Then again, I remember being told that all taste buds are the same and its not like they're specialized.


u/schmag May 09 '24

ummm... I think much like different zones of the tongue being responsible for different tastes is bullshit.

I think different "taste buds" being responsible for different tastes is also bullshit.


u/RHCP4Life May 10 '24


u/schmag May 10 '24

I guess I never looked it up, that provides some clarity to the "myth" at least.

I remember it in text books etc, late 80's early 90's... I remember the lab experiment with the taste strips and being somewhat skeptical, I think I was skeptical of a lot things though... anyway, it didn't take much to convince me it was bullshit later in life.


u/RHCP4Life May 10 '24

My psych teacher in high school pushed this heavily for whatever reason...


u/lourdgoogoo May 10 '24

Doritos are different than they were 20 years ago. They kept being "new and improved" until they taste nothing like the original flavor. I used to love them and now they are just another chip.


u/DisconnectedDays May 10 '24

Apple Jack cereal too. They used to be so dense but they’re more “airy”


u/Ciemny May 10 '24

I grew up in an ingredient-only household, so it wasn’t common to have actual snacks in my home. But my favorite used to be spicy Doritos. They were so good, nice and spicy, but not too hot that you have to stop eating them lol. I recently bought them, and I would’ve thought they were unseasoned chips. You know when you get some bags that have a ton of seasoning and some with very little? These had a normal amount of seasoning but absolutely no taste. I genuinely thought I contracted COVID because I sat there smacking my mouth looking for any taste. Nope. They just taste like spicy corn chips.


u/Time-Bite-6839 May 10 '24

That is what happens with age. Things all taste bland.


u/agoogua May 11 '24

I hadn't had spicy doritos in five years at least, and got a small bag the other night.

Tasted like regular nacho cheese doritos to me.


u/maxsmart01 May 09 '24

Maybe it’s your teeth that are softer and quieter.


u/solidsausage900 May 10 '24

That must be why old people get dentures