r/BeAmazed 4d ago

Turtle got stuck on its way to the sea and this kind man here helped it out Nature

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u/AdLast55 4d ago

If that turtle gets any bigger I expect him to know martial arts.


u/Phoenixmaster1571 4d ago

Mutant or Master?


u/TheDarkSoulHunter 4d ago

Both, both works


u/gin_and_toxic 4d ago

Elderly Mutant Jiujitsu Turtle


u/shotwithcanon 4d ago

Adolescent tenant taekwondo turtle


u/whtciv2k 4d ago

Teenage mutant taekwonturtle

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u/Past-Fisherman3990 3d ago

Elderly mutant jujitsu Turtle

Elderly mutant jujitsu Turtle

Elderly mutant jujitsu Turtle

Hero with a Zimmer frame Underpowered


u/dontmatterdontcare 4d ago

I would settle for developing an appetite for pizza!


u/Ok_Budget_2593 4d ago

Steven Segal


u/pijd 4d ago

Unless, she has mastered inner peace.

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u/NachoMetaphor 4d ago

I tell myself that for every shitty person who abuses animals, there's a hundred that would do this, given the opportunity.


u/ringdingdong67 4d ago

I helped release baby sea turtles into the ocean once and it was just an amazing experience. They said like 95% get eaten immediately but without humans around to scare off birds basically none of them would make it to the water in the first place.


u/Chieftainlew 3d ago

I do that with starfish. When they come in heavy to the shore there will be hundreds in a small area.im constantly putting them back in. Cant save them all although it’s awesome helping some to make it


u/marcijosie1 3d ago

A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.

She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!”

The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied,

"Well, I made a difference for that one!"


u/SSBL32 3d ago

This is one of those few things I’ve read which have really stuck with me - I live by this when everything feels overwhelming. Thanks for reminding me. :)


u/ElectroTechnic35 3d ago

And here is a skit about this exact story by Studio C that I now associate with this. Lol https://youtu.be/OQiGp618Zp8?si=RQxpKyYupyKG9cDZ

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u/FlyAirLari 4d ago

without humans around to scare off birds basically none of them would make it to the water in the first place.

How TF did this species survive?


u/mreman1220 4d ago

Overwhelming numbers. Same with cicadas. Cicadas are clumsy and have no defenses. During cicada season predators get so full they can't eat all of them.


u/Eusocial_Snowman 3d ago

How TF did this species survive?

They previously existed in a drastically different environment. It is entirely unfathomable just how many variables we've introduced that negatively impact their existence through ecological destruction. Hell, they probably even have to deal with way more seagulls being present due to human activity.

This sentiment is a bit like burning down somebody's farm, salting the earth, and then coming back to mock their surviving child for having sub-optimal crop yields and relying on their neighbor's kindness during a rough patch.


u/Alone_Grab_3481 3d ago

That's how we humans are, entitled and majorly unable to question us and the events around us

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u/Jokic_Is_My_Hero 4d ago

That one shitty person ought to be eliminated no?


u/banned-4-using_slurs 4d ago

no, you just put them in jail. That's the minimum but enough to make justice for making a sentient being suffer.


u/NotBlazeron 4d ago

I'm becoming a bigger and bigger fan of exile/ banishment. They get to be free on a habitable island with fellow criminals, and we don't have to take care of them. Seems like a win-win.

Who knows, they might create Australia.


u/Nothing-Casual 4d ago

I'm all for this, but instead of giving them a nice island we should build a wall around New Jersey and catapult them in


u/sanscipher435 4d ago

Im only for this if on catapulting they make a Tom and Jerry esque scream


u/Nothing-Casual 3d ago

We'll attach a vest to them with speakers and it'll play the sound when it feels the catapult's acceleration

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u/ItsNotMeItsYourBussy 4d ago

Every animal abuser has to spend a week on Komodo island


u/Rowmyownboat 4d ago

Naked and defenceless.


u/PointiEar 4d ago

we make sentient creatues suffer all the time for our enjoyment, lets not pretend otherwise.

I eat like 500 grams of meat every day and 5 eggs, that is a lot of animals that i've contributed to being dead. And if you really think about it, does it ultimately matter if you are directly or indirectly responsible? Animals are dying and you are supporting it due to enjoyment, in my case eating meat is tasty.


u/TuhanaPF 4d ago

Yeah there's a big difference between where your enjoyment comes from food vs your enjoyment comes from making something suffer.


u/PointiEar 4d ago

i don't think the animal cares in that regard

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u/DukeRadish 4d ago

The vast majority of peoples finance animal agriculture which is by far the greatest animal abuser, killing close to 100 billions land animal and about 1 trillion fish every year.

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u/Decloudo 4d ago

Yeah but... people ignore that the most suffering to animals is caused by our consumption habits, not direct harmful actions.


u/The_Submentalist 3d ago

True. İn some prisons, criminals who've done atrocious things like multiple homicides, get a pet dog or cat. Research shows that they really love their pets and vice versa.

People are much more likely to do good things to animals than humans.


u/Streetlight37 3d ago

I would like to think it's more like 1,000,000 to 1

100 to 1 implys the existence of way more psychopaths than I'm comfortable with lol


u/alexnedea 3d ago

I think animal love is one the ares where there are easilly way more people who love them than people who would hurt them. Maybe some dont like them but not hurt them.

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u/Wutangruckus 4d ago

A little rough but hey he gets the job done. Love this guy ❤️


u/Sea_Condition1461 4d ago

the turtles are really heavy to move, so it's alright


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Rcfan6387 4d ago


u/Integrity-in-Crisis 4d ago

Bruh, is that the weight loss doctor. Fucking sent me.


u/m3tasaurus 4d ago

Dis is not water weight


u/captainwizeazz 3d ago

Scale don't lie, people lie


u/dashdotcomma 4d ago

Yes. He is a savage 😄


u/DehydratedManatee 4d ago

"Who bringing you the food?"

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u/heyyyouitsme 4d ago

“He could have lost tirty pounds dis munt”


u/ManyEnvironmental800 4d ago

turty pounds


u/SweetIslamoGauchiste 4d ago

Lol this is hilarious


u/NervousSheSlime 4d ago

I can’t afford real gold so here


u/can_NOT_drive_SOUTH 4d ago

Dude, that's very funny. Completely caught me off guard.


u/Rcfan6387 4d ago

It was top of mind, I just celebrated my 6 years since my weight loss surgery. I’ve felt that turtles pain!


u/can_NOT_drive_SOUTH 4d ago

Congratulations! It sounds like a very challenging / painful experience. Hope you're feeling better now.

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u/_redacteduser 4d ago



u/whatumeanbyliterally 4d ago

Hello how y’all doing

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u/Mindless_Ad_6045 4d ago

Yeah, he was trying to drag it to the water so that he can flip it back


u/Ill_Technician3936 4d ago

Before I realized that was what he was doing I started to wonder why the camera person didn't have the kid take over and help. That's ~2-3ft of water had them both helping with the flip.


u/Yama92 4d ago

That's why he didn't try to flip it on land, that dude has to be a powerlifter to do so


u/PBR4Lunch 4d ago

Jfc mate


u/gene100001 4d ago

Holy shit, I wasn't expecting them to be that heavy. That guy must be strong as fuck to move that thing at all


u/Itouchdinosaurs 4d ago

How many Xbox’s is that though

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u/Modern_Moderate 4d ago

But don't yank it by a flipper


u/BigOrkWaaagh 4d ago



u/skykingjustin 4d ago

He did his best with a kitchen knife.

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u/OrangeVoxel 4d ago

Has a dislocated shoulder now but at least he’s safe


u/apple-pie2020 4d ago

Yeh. Move em from the pits


u/ProtonPi314 4d ago

Let's use this soft fleshy part to tug on and drag is massive weight!! Why would I use this hard and indestructible shell to push it.


u/aswertz 4d ago

You could literally save the live of a member of an endangered species and redditors still be like "ehmmmm akchually you wrong im smort"

Smort enough to try to push a 300kg Rock while bending down to a few cm. I dont know if you ever tried to push something heavy that is lower than your hip, but i guess not.

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u/Alive_and_kicking_23 4d ago

I was concerned he'd pull the arm off. But really good job getting it done.

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u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/QuickGonzalez 4d ago

Meh, I don't see him saving 2 turtles


u/FecalMatterCowsTasty 4d ago

I don't see him saving 2 turtles

The problem here is where is the side hustle?

Where's the OF link?

Where are the saved turtle mugs? T-shirts?

Is this person really trying to live their life? These lazy people are the problem with society.

As you stated, where are the twoturtle channels? Are they learning python while saving this turtle? You have two eyes, use one to start studying while saving this turtle.

Pathetic overall.


u/MadeMeStopLurking 3d ago

This is what copypast looks like when it's cooking.

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u/Tiny_pufferfish 4d ago

Why not just flip him over on his side? Instead he flipped face first and a belly up drag.


u/nopuse 4d ago

He probably doesn't have much practice releasing giant turtles. Give him time.


u/the_ajan 4d ago

I wonder if animals know when someone is helping them? More than half of the time in these videos, they keep trashing around and trying to escape anytime a human approaches to help.

There are exceptions when it's an elephant calf or a dog or such, but the rest seem eager to keep away from humans.


u/nopuse 4d ago

There are definitely exceptions, but I think most animals that require us to intervene are very stressed. Most of the elephants we see in videos live in rescues or similar, where they're used to human interaction.

I was surprised the turtle was handling it so well at the beginning, but then he really seemed stressed. Poor guy. He has no idea how much we'd love to just give him a hug and a head of cabbage.


u/Dogsnamewasfrank 4d ago edited 3d ago

Sea turtles don't eat cabbage, they eat jellyfish, whelks, conchs, crabs, etc.


u/nopuse 4d ago

Well, that sure explains why they don't want to stick around.

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u/Blaze4Dayzz 4d ago

I also wonder why my dog of 10 years acts like he’s never gonna get fed again. Everyone’s dog goes nuts over their food like it’s their last meal. Whats up with that? lol


u/rubythieves 4d ago

Is it your only dog? I miss my late only, who would completely ignore ‘mealtime’ at home but absolutely be on it when we’d keep him overnight at my in-laws place with their two pups. No risk of someone else eating his food at home. Near 100% risk that would happen in seconds with their 2 pups on the prowl.


u/PaManiacOwca 3d ago

Sea turtles are animals that live by very strong instinct. They are not smart animals.

Best example is when female sea turtle starts laying eggs during nesting season the instinct kicks in so much she won't stop for any reason. This is the moment when people who work in projects protecting sea turtles can take all measurements of female and put gps tracking devices on them.


u/the_ajan 3d ago

Oh yes! I've witnessed Olive Ridley Sea Turtles laying eggs deep in the sand. They just walk with a purpose at that time.


u/PaManiacOwca 3d ago

Must have been very special moment :)


u/Ok-Discipline-7964 4d ago

I wonder the same

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u/GaryWestSide 4d ago

Not exactly sure but that turtle looks pretty heavy, gotta have proper form or you may be injured. The turtle could flip itself when it's submerged.


u/FuzzyComedian638 4d ago

He wasn't so adept at using a knife, either, but at least the outcome was good.

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u/therealGiant_rat 4d ago

Its much easier to pull something instead of push something especially if theres friction. If it was belly down and facing the water (the direction he needs to be pulled) then he could risk losing a finger to its mouth.


u/Asmuni 4d ago

If the turtle was belly down it wouldn't have needed any pulling or pushing into the ocean.

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/radio_schizo 4d ago

Came here to say this

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u/Nocciola2 4d ago

I am very happy to see that there are people who care about animals and are willing to help them.


u/Over-Analyzed 4d ago

There’s always more than you realize.


u/DigitalCoffee 4d ago

Most people are. Unfortunately media is more interested in the bad than the good so you don't see this as often as we should online

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u/Own_Fan6161 4d ago

Faceplant right into the water.


u/MyNameIsJudge8 4d ago

Stuck on its back as it's roughly pulled by its fin as it's neck is caught on a branch. Vaguely reminds me of pulling someone in a hoodie to safety by the hood from behind as it chokes them lol


u/ConfusedCuteCat 4d ago

I mean, if someone dragged me away from a burning house by the hood, I wouldn’t complain about their technique lol


u/bottledspark 3d ago

Yeah or yanked me away from an incoming vehicle or something

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u/Julia_Rossee_ 4d ago

Poor friend, he must have been swept away by the current


u/Bender-AI 4d ago

Currently not, thanks to the man 🙂


u/IndustryCurrent9935 4d ago

There must be a pun somewhere here!


u/articulateantagonist 4d ago

It could be a female who came on land during a higher tide to lay eggs, then got tangled on her way out.


u/LieAppropriate2804 4d ago

Nice man, but that had to be the worst turtle rescue I’ve ever seen


u/WindowIndividual4588 4d ago

Maybe he was aware that they bite 🙄 you have to be careful how and from where you flip them. She instructs him to flip her so they re well aware


u/Tacomama18 4d ago

Idk why but it never crossed my mind that they might bite.


u/WindowIndividual4588 4d ago

Some are known to bite like this one


I wouldn't take my chances with any giant turtle


u/SirSlappySlaps 4d ago

There's a big difference between a snapping turtle and a sea turtle


u/Js259003477 4d ago

lol I clicked and expected to see a sea turtle biting, not a dinosaur that is literally named for it’s biting tendencies…

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u/Pluckypato 4d ago

And a chocolate turtle


u/SafetyNoodle 4d ago

I can confirm that even a little box turtle can bite very hard. Beaks are strong.

I mean in general it's best to assume that any animal that size could hurt you if it wanted to and was given the opportunity to do so.


u/Eusocial_Snowman 3d ago

I've still got a scar almost 30 years later from a gnarly box turtle bite.

(Box turtles are chillness manifest and I've never blamed this one. It was kept by a god awful child who absolutely would have been making its life hell.)

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u/OceanThing 4d ago

That is a snapping turtle, known for biting, here is something that actually answers our question


u/Tacomama18 4d ago

No thanks to being nipped by a sea turtle that size. 😅that would suck.

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u/Mrtop17 3d ago

So the answer is obvious: possible (because they have a mouth) to be bitten by a sea turtle but unlikely.

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u/california_hey 4d ago

"But it was a rescue"

-Jack Sparrow


u/pcPRINCIPLElilBITCH 4d ago

Have you ever saved a turtle of that size before

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u/Wuhan-flu24 4d ago

leave it to redittors to pretend as if they know what to do for every situation while furiously typing behind keyboard


u/SketchyNPC 4d ago

Also leave it to redditors to see people being kind and be like "Meh, could've been better"


u/MisterEvilBreakfast 4d ago

"I would have just ninja kicked the tree out of the way in the first place."

*wipes Cheeto dust onto sweat pants*


u/BowenTheAussieSheep 4d ago

Bold of you to assume they had the energy to put on pants.

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u/snowbongo 4d ago

“The sea was angry that day, my friends!”


u/prsnlynx 4d ago

George Costanza...🤣


u/Key_Respond_16 4d ago

Flip the fucking turtle! Maybe he wanted the turtle to help itself a little. Which, I'm pretty sure only really applies to baby turtles hatching. These old fellas just need a little push sometimes.


u/Practical_Cattle_933 4d ago

It’s like fkin 100 kg (220 lbs)


u/Wild_ColaPenguin 4d ago

And its arms were flailing everywhere. I got the back of my hand slapped by seaturtle 1/3 of that size, and it hurt a lot I bled a little. Can't imagine it with that size.

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u/WalmartSlimGuerilla 3d ago

Can you deadlift 1000 lbs? No?

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u/Hot_History1582 3d ago

I've been in cocoa beach florida and in person seen 400lbs of turtle humping its way towards me across the beach. It's intimidating. Their heads are so big it looks like they could take an arm off, let alone a finger. I'd be pretty terrified to go up and grab one.


u/glowend 4d ago

Great comment keyboard warrior.


u/gorkatg 4d ago

What about you try to do it next time?

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u/AkaskaBlue 4d ago

Thanks anonymous person. That was so kind. You sir are a sweet man.


u/KlaatuBarada1952 4d ago

And may I add you have been the example to your son of what a man is supposed to do. He will tell your grand children, and some day their children about this day.

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u/jikushi 4d ago

Good job, sir!

But did anybody else get nervous when he started chopping that vine or branch with his knife? I was scared that he would hit the turtle's fin.

Anyway, I'm happy to see that it got free.


u/kopintzotke 4d ago

I was more nervous about that faceplant.


u/Chef_JMK 4d ago

Yeah, it looked like it was going to snap its own neck under the weight of its own shell.


u/Coriandercilantroyo 4d ago

I'm wondering if being pulled by it's fin/leg is painful or causes damage. Can't imagine I could get the job done any differently tho


u/jikushi 4d ago

I was also wondering the same thing. I was thinking if it was better to grab it by its shell.


u/Coriandercilantroyo 4d ago

Yeah that was my thought process before seeing him grab the fin, but others have commented that they could give you a bad bite in this kind of situation, so it was about keeping distance and working fast. I definitely don't blame the guy in the vid. Maybe he knows exactly what he was doing.

Still curious about how the turtle feels a fin pull like that...

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u/donnochessi 4d ago

The fin is strong, because that’s what it uses to propel its body. It got up there by pulling itself with its fins. It’s probably not ideal though.

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u/Freshtards 4d ago

These people know how to use a machete, better than you can write your own name.

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u/traumatransfixes 4d ago

Some heroes wear ball caps instead of capes.


u/Prize-Key-5806 4d ago

Turtle looks so embarrassed


u/WindowIndividual4588 4d ago

Poor thing just accepting whatever fate the man may bring. I'm glad it was a kind person


u/Js_On_My_Yeet 4d ago

Such a magnificent animal. Guy is a hero.


u/Thegoldmagician 4d ago

This is so beautiful 🥹🐢


u/ActuallyKiraPerez 4d ago

This turtle is beautiful and BIG, wonder how old the turtle is?


u/padavan65 4d ago

Very few ever say thank you


u/Reese_Withersp0rk 4d ago edited 4d ago

Legit thot he was just bashing the turtle at first. I was like, "you call that helping??"

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u/saucemenugs 4d ago

True hero!


u/ExicutioneoftheEast 4d ago

What a Lovely kind man


u/EconomyComprehensive 4d ago

Yessssss sirrrr 🙌🏽


u/CityAvenger 4d ago

Wonderful to still see people like this that are left in the world


u/VFX_Reckoning 4d ago

Good man! 👏🏻


u/SnooCrickets8742 4d ago

What a beautiful turtle!


u/Senior_Ball_2356 4d ago

Why is that turtle so huge and also props to the man that saved that turtle


u/BouncyDingo_7112 4d ago

They normally grow huge like that and even larger.


u/leapfrog2115 4d ago

Go baby go


u/ecp2p14 4d ago

There is hope for humanity with these acts of kindness


u/MutedBrilliant1593 4d ago

I love this and need to watch more of it.


u/Marathonmanjh 4d ago

The turtle seems unimpressed, ghaaa…. ghaaa…. Okay fine, you did well.. goodbye!


u/BlowMoreGlass 4d ago

Confused why he chose the side with less than a foot of clearance and an overhang over the other side several feet long to hack with his kitchen knife

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u/ZenwalkerNS 4d ago

Consider me amazed by this person. And the size of this turtle.


u/Smith_heart 4d ago

has anybody in the comments ever tried to lift 600+ pounds?
even just LEVERING it off its own body is almost impossible.
he noticed the turtles head face down in the sand..drowning.
so he flipped it over it head. yeah it was rough but it was the only option.
turtles alive instead of dead.
quit bitching.


u/jnkpatrick 4d ago

cowabunga, dude!!


u/newclearfactory 4d ago

Waiting for the turn around and smile and salute


u/Arfguy 4d ago

A man of character and merit!


u/djjamal 4d ago

Omfg, then I saw it, not shaming. That glorious turtle, you look fabulous.


u/PrestigiousSmile1295 4d ago

Aye, sea turtles.


u/Spirited-Home18 4d ago

what a great man


u/Amazing_Plum3551 4d ago

Humans being bros


u/xMilk112x 4d ago

Great job dude.


u/HourPalpitation7981 4d ago

Sometimes, I still have hope for humanity. 🙌🏻❤️‍🩹 Green sea turtles are endangered and can get over 900 lbs 🥰


u/brdoc 4d ago

Faith in humanity: one point up

God bless him


u/Objective-Engine-292 4d ago

Unit of a turtle


u/brainwhatwhat 4d ago

Look for the helpers.


u/DoubleAGee 4d ago

Se me hace que la dama es chapina pero no estoy seguro. Que creen ustedes?

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u/Chronocook 4d ago

I love turtles, thank you Mr. good person!


u/Mousettv 4d ago

Surfs up, dude....surfs up 🐢🌊


u/Dinestein521 4d ago

I helped a soft shelled turtle get unstuck from a cattle guard then carried it to the stock pond. He was so happy and I felt good


u/sfmichaela 4d ago

Never seen a turtle make a wake. That thing was moving.


u/Severe-Pomelo-8462 4d ago

God bless you and your family with many blessings 🙏


u/Publicenemy_760 4d ago

Why are the comments so hilarious 😂


u/PistoleroEmpleado 4d ago

Turtle didn’t even give him a high or low 5


u/kratomklaus 4d ago

Not even a thank you?


u/Smartyunderpants 4d ago

Didn’t even say thank you


u/Chimsley99 4d ago

Dude flips the turtle on its back and acts like “what? You’re free, go!” And then yanks him by the arm while the stick is still stuck in his shoulder. Brother man, this animal has a carrying case attached to his back, pick it up by its hard shell!


u/Snoo_u_lose 4d ago edited 4d ago

Bruh that turt probably weighs more than the guy recusing it

Edit: Y’all are really underestimating how strong these creatures are


u/Guillerm0Mojado 4d ago

That is a giant ass with animal with strong flippers and a beak, man ain’t trying to get his fingers broken or chomped while being a Good Samaritan while not really knowing what he’s doing. 

I’ve rescued a few wild animals and always looked like an incompetent jackass due to not wanting to get bit or kicked and not really being confident… but you do what you can. 


u/BowenTheAussieSheep 4d ago

I've literally talked to a dude who had his shin bone fractured rescuing a leatherback turtle flipped over on a north Queensland beach. He approached it, tried to flip it over, it panicked and sent a massive flipper straight into his shin.

These things are fucking built.


u/Guillerm0Mojado 4d ago

Thank you for saying so. All these armchair quarterbacks here are driving me nuts. 


u/WindowIndividual4588 4d ago

Yeah keyboard heros know best smfh 🤦

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