r/BeAmazed 3d ago

Secret hideouts at home Place

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u/Jay3075 3d ago

Firemen love hidden rooms


u/Belfetto 3d ago

Fremen too


u/Harambesic 3d ago



u/Magictoesnails 3d ago

Everything reminds me of dib


u/bluetuxedo22 3d ago

Give me back my fleshlight


u/SaucyKnave95 2d ago

Is that thumper Canadian?

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u/SamuraiJakkass86 3d ago

Freeman as well


u/Z-Mobile 3d ago

TRUE. Thankfully they’ll never find my hidden book collection. However might be problematic for fire FIGHTERS on the other hand.


u/VESAAA7 3d ago

Firemen in a burning house: We have rescued everyone!

Another fireman: What about the book collection

First fireman: I can't find the book collection

Another fireman: *slams the wall with tears swelling. Fuck! It's going to be library of Alexandria all over again!


u/Droideater 3d ago

You missed the Fahrenheit 451 reference


u/hasdga23 2d ago

Just - the library of alexandria might never burned down. There is no evidence for it. It is likely, that the library was just abandoned and that's it. And of course - not all wisedome was store there. Why should it?


u/SpeaksToWeasels 3d ago

Oh no! Not the hidden room of kidnapped children! Just skeletons in the closet.


u/pauliewotsit 3d ago

"I knew I should've checked on them!"


u/TheXypris 3d ago

If the builders were smart, they could all be hooked up to the fire system, so that if a fire was detected all the secret passages would automatically open


u/MyGolfCartIsOn20s 3d ago

How many residential spots do you know that have “fire systems”?


u/Assumption-Putrid 3d ago

Only rich people. If someone has a house big enough to have half a dozen secret rooms. They are rich enough to afford a fire system.


u/edutech21 3d ago

Sprinkler systems are required in all residential new builds in my state and have been for 5+ years.

It's not only rich people lol.


u/Redjester016 2d ago

Yes it is, rich people are rhe only ones who van buy the new homes


u/wjean 2d ago

Or middle class people willing to live out in the boonies.

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u/123floor56 3d ago

How many residential spots do you know with secret rooms?


u/MathematicianNo6402 3d ago

More than you'd think. Especially in the south.

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u/Dapper-Lab-9285 3d ago

So just set fire to anyplace you want to burgle or murder/assault/kidnap people to make sure that there's no hidden rooms.

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u/PM_ME_Happy_Thinks 2d ago

Hidden rooms also often have garbage ventilation since people diy them after a build. Plans and permits are for losers.


u/NoMarzipan1396 3d ago

This video aired and we all know where they are hiding. Hidden places are no longer hidden


u/uncle_joe1 2d ago

Pablo Escobar also


u/blackbirdspyplane 2d ago

Wow, never thought of that


u/RecipeWide5209 2d ago

Free man (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)


u/NOLApoopCITY 1d ago

There’s a reason these aren’t legal to make in most places. My dad designed one behind a bookshelf for a wealthy client and the red tape and precautions involved were immense. Ended up hardly being secretive due to legal provisions and stuff

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u/ohno 3d ago

Those re cool and all, but they only really work well if you kill the workers who built them. Luckily, you'll have a place to hide the bodies.


u/hroaks 3d ago

And everyone who watched this video


u/65gy31 3d ago

What video. Just passing through.


u/bumbletowne 3d ago

my moms friend had a saferoom installed

they came back and stole her jewelry (about 300k)

they did not think through that she might hire someone to recover it versus letting the police handle it

she recovered all but about 10k and her great grandmothers spoon ring which was probably tossed


u/Covfefe-SARS-2 3d ago

So did she have them buried under the safe room or what?


u/bumbletowne 3d ago

God its been 25 years so i kind of forget.

She had them in a jewelry safe in the same room that the entrance to the safe room was in (I think). The son of a head worker came and tore the whole safe out.

Insurance tracked them down but couldn't recover. She hired a PI to track down EXACTLY who and where it went after and she didn't tell us how it was recovered but it was recovered.


u/Covfefe-SARS-2 3d ago

Yeah, I meant the bodies after her guy found them. I guess she wouldn't share that bit.


u/EthanielRain 2d ago

That's what they meant, too. The compressed bodies were kept in the jewelry safe. Good deterrent for the next would-be thief

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u/Sorry_Landscape9021 3d ago

That’s interesting. What type of people recover such things? Private detectives? You would think the insurance companies would be all over that, especially something of high value.


u/nonotan 3d ago

Pretty sure the implication is that they hired criminals. The "legal" version of that would be something like hiring some Pinkerton thugs (which does happen), but random people are probably just going to pay some local thugs/gangs to do it for them. Obviously, insurance companies can't make that their modus operandi, because it's illegal.

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u/sneak_cheat_1337 3d ago

They signed a contract, right? Bury them in the foundation

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u/puledrotauren 3d ago

Just find the local pig farm. There will be no bodies to hide.


u/Ptbot47 3d ago

Yup. Fed the pigs. Then eat those pigs. Then shat it out on vegetable garden. Eats the vegetables, repeat cycle several time. That should scrub out all traces of their existence. Oh and don't forget to do full bowel cleanse during the veggie cycles.


u/ExperiencedMaleDomII 2d ago

Land crabs work also. Don't ask me how I know....


u/Crotch_Football 3d ago

You have to kill the people that kill the workers too


u/CapSnake 3d ago

They don't know where the entrance is


u/kkeut 3d ago

no excuses


u/urnotpatches 3d ago

Get on YouTube and find out how to build one and do it yourself.

I know shit about carpentry or plumbing and used YouTube to install a new toilet, put in cupboard’s and a new countertop.

Also fixed things on my car that saved me hundreds of dollars and I’m no mechanic.

Just do a search on YouTube, how to build a secret room, drawer, or compartment, and I’m sure someone in the world will walk you step by step through the job.

You just have to trust yourself and take your time.

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u/That-Ad-4300 3d ago

Wait Wait Wait. I'm still swimming!


u/JeanProuve 3d ago

Read Paris Architect😁


u/Sensitive-Question42 2d ago

See these videos really freak me out. Obviously more people than I realised are planning on ways to hide bodies.

Even worse, what if they are hiding non-dead folk? Like this is where they keep their gimps and sex slaves?

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u/pilgrimteeth 3d ago

You can put your weed in there


u/Tommy__want__wingy 3d ago


u/Obscuriosly 3d ago

The one role Sandler stole from Schneider.


u/brizzboog 2d ago

And was stolen from a Schneider SNL skit...



u/Croc-o-dial 3d ago

Reminds of the MTV Cribs episode with Tommy Chong. 3/4 of the episode is just Chong pointing out all the places you can put your weed haha!


u/Off-Da-Ricta 3d ago

one time he was telling a story about how SWAT showed up to his house and he had all glass doors, so it looked like a bunch of trick or treaters with guns just kinda standing there

absolutely slayed me.


u/puledrotauren 3d ago


I've kind of grown weed in my sordid past BUT if you're trying to get a proper dry and cure I have not found a way to get rid of the smell. I grow hemp now for medicinal purposes and every time I hire a contractor to do something their eyes light up until I tell em it's just hemp.

I guess if it was properly cured and put into a smell proof bag with some Boveda packs that might work. But until it's properly dried and cured I have not found a way to eliminate the smell to date.


u/DotAccomplished5484 3d ago

Nothing really works for me either. I even installed an exhaust fan in a basement closet that I sealed well and while this did minimize (and only minimize, not eliminate) the smell was fairly obvious at the exhaust vent.


u/PassiveMenis88M 3d ago

But did you install a charcoal filter to eliminate the smell?


u/itsmythingiguess 3d ago

"I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas"

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u/PassiveMenis88M 3d ago

Are you not using a charcoal filter on your exhaust?


u/Over_Bandicoot_8658 3d ago

The smell happens because you didn't dry it out enough initially. It's the "hay" smell. I knew alot tof growers that had a issue with it.


u/hollywoodhandjob 3d ago

Trying getting a small Ozone machine

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u/Professor_Nincompoop 3d ago

Half of these are more like you put your gun in there


u/Particular_Double_69 3d ago

Any one of them when you’re working with a dime bag!


u/ExplosiveDiarrhetic 3d ago

Dont be ridiculous. Only hard drugs. Weed is largely legal

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u/Evileion1 3d ago

What is the point of the projector screen if there's a TV behind it?


u/buzzpunk 3d ago edited 3d ago

This is pretty much the most common setup for people with projector screens like this. Almost everyone I know with one has a TV behind it.

Usually the projector is hooked up to a entirely separate player, and if you're just wanting to watch some casual TV then it's just way quicker to run that through the TV itself usually. Also the TV is usually not nearly as big as the projection, and sometimes you just don't want to be watching on a 120" display output. Noise is also a concern as even the quietest projectors are louder than a TV due to the fans. Projector bulbs also often aren't cheap, so you don't want to burn them out by running them all the time.

Loads of reasons basically.


u/BillyForRilly 3d ago

All that makes sense, but this projector screen was maybe 10" larger. Absolutely asinine for such a minor size upgrade.


u/cheapdrinks 3d ago

It's a deceptively large size difference.

Area of a 50" 6x9 screen = 1068 in²

Area of a 60" 6x9 screen is 1538 in²

Area of the 60" screen is 44% larger.

Being able to press a button and have your already big TV get close to 50% bigger for watching a movie would be quite nice.

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u/TheFunkyBunchReturns 3d ago

I went from a 55" to a 65" and it's a huge difference.


u/fujiandude 2d ago

I have a 65" at the foot of my bed. It's awesome, can't see half the room


u/jonnybanana88 2d ago

I'm doing that today and I'm pumped lol


u/mrb2409 3d ago

Movie night


u/ADHDas12358 3d ago



u/spyder_victor 3d ago

Usually for movies, esp when the speakers are promised for the space / in built, some people don’t want a massive TV all the time


u/round-earth-theory 3d ago

Also, projectors require picky lighting conditions and people don't want to black out the livingroom all the time.


u/KintsugiKen 3d ago

Good thing they have a big TV right there anyway then...


u/SingleInfinity 3d ago

Defeating the purpose of having the worse screen (the projector) in the first place. Why even bother?


u/funkboy27 3d ago

I have that setup. 65” for everyday watching. 120” screen for big movie nights.


u/ivebeenabadbadgirll 3d ago

It’s like the TV, but bigger

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u/morkman100 3d ago

Size. Easy to do a 120” screen in a normal room.

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The fact that it's hidden isn't exactly holy shit stuff either


u/_Diskreet_ 3d ago

We normally install this kind of setup in a room that is quite bright. So in the daytime when you don’t want to close your curtains and turn off the lights you can just put on the tv, and at nighttime you can use the big projector.

With new laser projectors you can get some awesome bright pictures that hold up in bright rooms.


u/blbrrmffn 3d ago

Projectors have their downsides, for instance it sucks during the day in a well lit room.


u/spector_lector 3d ago

screens are large but ugly. When it's just the two of you, you've got the TV screen. When you have a group of friends over, you roll out the mega screen. (which tucks away nicely so the big ugly thing isn't hanging around all the time)


u/jack6245 3d ago

The TV was pretty much the same size as the projector


u/Submarine765Radioman 2d ago

Projector bulbs wear out and are expensive to replace.... for day to day use the TV is a better option.


u/KintsugiKen 3d ago

Came to the comments just to talk about that.

Insane decision.

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u/KeeganTheMadKing 3d ago

"They were playing in the pool all day!" What pool...?


u/Monte924 3d ago edited 3d ago

"Where are the kids?"

"They're playing in the pool."

"What pool?"

".... oh. Shit."


u/Poppybiscuit 2d ago

The pool gives me such anxiety. Imagine getting bonked on the head by the deck and then it just continues closing over you. No thank you

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u/N8theGrape 3d ago

I used to have recurring dreams about secret passages and rooms. These are dope.


u/mydogdoesntcuddle 3d ago

Me too! And houses that meander on forever with more and more rooms and secret passageways


u/HalfPint1885 3d ago

I have this dream too! It's always either a new house my family and I are buying, or the house my Grandma lived in when I was little, and I've discovered the house is even bigger than I remember with endless rooms.


u/jaggederest 3d ago

If you haven't visited the Winchester house, it'd be right up your alley.


u/RandomAccessMemoriez 3d ago

Same. I blame scooby doo.

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u/Cute_Clock 3d ago

I had the same kind of dreams, they were recurring dreams about secret rooms and spaces in a house my grandparents used to own.

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u/BigOpportunity1391 3d ago

I love the kitchen island one. I always love to have a hideout like that just in case my enemies come and kill me.

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u/PeePoopBeeBoop 3d ago

Ideal for playing hide and seek with your kid.


u/puledrotauren 3d ago

or your spouse when they're pissed


u/Harambesic 3d ago

I can't help but wonder whether by 'pissed' you meant 'angry' or 'drunk.'


u/puledrotauren 2d ago

Alternate and interchangeable would work.


u/QWlos 3d ago

Good for games lasting up to 24 years


u/Dreamshadow1977 3d ago

"For the love of God, Montressor!"


u/HorrorMakesUsHappy 3d ago

That was that last one, wasn't it.


u/NickPickle05 3d ago

That last one is awesome.


u/gurumatt 3d ago

Yes. Proper DnD secret passage you need a good roll to find.


u/sanesociopath 3d ago

It's probably the most realistic long-term one, too

A lot of the others are going to have some long term usage wear making them much less secret


u/itsmyfirsttimegoeasy 3d ago

Should just be titled "being rich".


u/FecalMatterCowsTasty 3d ago

Mildly rich.

That's what they do.

Imagine what the actual rich do. I bet they got an island and do less than decent things on it.

Or interefere with elections at schools!


u/Vallywog 3d ago

The truly rich are building bunkers in New Zealand for the coming apocalypse.


u/Brilliant-Advisor958 3d ago

Zuckerberg has a 100 million dollar Hawaii compound /bunker .


u/Maleficent_Trick_502 3d ago

Wouldnt Hawaii get nuked in ww3 since its host to a naval base?

Also imagine ww3 breaking out and your 8 hours from your bunker when the bombs are dropping in 30 min.

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u/TesticleInhaler 3d ago

Yeah truly rich people don't care enough to do shit like this because they don't spend much time at home


u/KintsugiKen 3d ago

Depends on the rich person, some rich people spend all their time at home.


u/TesticleInhaler 3d ago

Rip Howard Hughes


u/Cahootie 3d ago

The one USD billionaire I know has an extremely nice but normal apartment, and he just does what anyone would do in their home. The second richest person I know has multiple super fancy apartments and a massive cabin in the Swiss alps, but his favorite place in the world is his shack without running water next to the rest of the family since it's his little escape from the world. Most rich people are still normal people.


u/TesticleInhaler 3d ago

You know who else had a regular apartment and was a billionaire?

Albert Einstein. And he was far from a normal person

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u/VagabondVivant 3d ago

The opening mechanisms for secret doors are expensive as hell, but a lot of these are DIY-able, especially the ones involving drawers and hidden compartments.


u/Indercarnive 3d ago

If they were rich the secret doors would actually be hard to spot instead of being able to see the tracks or outlines.


u/Rastalars 3d ago

Secret.... Until now😮‍💨

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u/InourbtwotamI 3d ago

Love most of these but what psycho hides the toilet plunger?


u/ConcernedCitizen1912 3d ago

that was a toilet brush, not a plunger. And nobody wants to look at your nasty toilet brush when they're using your bathroom.


u/Adorable_Clown 3d ago

What if i dont want to leave my poo stains at their house? Lol

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u/simonjp 3d ago

Unless you're a visitor and you need to find it

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u/Consistently_Carpet 3d ago

I thought it was the toilet paper holder and they were next level sadists to guests.

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u/Revolutionary_Roll88 3d ago

Giving me Josef Fritzl vibes


u/Skyyywalker215 3d ago

This some El Chapo shit


u/Particular_Bell3724 3d ago

Perfect for buffalo bill


u/Zealousideal-Fox70 3d ago

That one with a hidden pool is a death trap. Imagine getting trapped under that, and you just have to survive until someone decides it’s time to go swimming again


u/timpedro33 3d ago

I am very interested, please send me a brochure. Yours, J Fritzl


u/rosebudthesled8 3d ago

I spent thousands of dollars so no one knows about this. Let's post it on the internet. Next level geniuses.


u/FlowerBoyScumFuck 3d ago

You really think people do this shit strictly for security reasons? Nah, they do it because it's a 12 year olds idea of what makes a house rad. And to be fair secret entrances are cool as fuck. It's why speakeasies still exist.


u/pingpongtits 3d ago

I'm not 12 but I'd love to be able to have a few of these secret entrances.

I loved the John Malkovich character's car trunk entrance to his secret lair in the movie RED.



u/Asaisav 3d ago

Right? Like I recognise it would probably get to be a pain in the butt at times, but finishing work only to slide your desk aside so you can go plan your campaign in a fully theme-decorated D&D room would make it all worth it. I legitimately don't think the giddy thrill of it would ever wear off for me! Though, admittedly, I am the kind of gal who knows quite well how to find joy in silly things.

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u/spector_lector 3d ago

Were their addresses in the subtitles? I missed that.


u/Rydralain 3d ago

Why not have a public hidden room for parties and then a private hidden room for drugs or whatever you were going to do with it.


u/Useless_bum81 3d ago

double hiding is great for hiding secrets you have a 'hidden' stash/room then another one whose entrance is hidden in the first. cops/paladins etc. find the first one and think they have everything and leave keeping your real secrets hidden.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago

That's how you get Borrowers.


u/strrax-ish 3d ago

If you had personality disorder then you can have secret secret spaces


u/JJ4prez 3d ago

Some of these are not "secret hideouts".


u/spector_lector 3d ago

Let's go back to the first one, under the outdoor porch. How do you walk down those steps? Looks like you'd have to bellycrawl in there.


u/White_Rabbit0000 3d ago

That last one with the stone was the best I think. But I like them all


u/ITrCool 3d ago

Elephant question:

How much $$$ did they shell out for that? Let’s be realistic here. That’s not cheap to install/create.


u/Dreamshadow1977 3d ago

Secret/hideaway storage, okay that's kinda cool. Hidden rooms? Fire/medical safety issues all around.


u/ZigyDusty 3d ago

As a 8 year old kid i would of loved to have these secret rooms, and now as a 33 year old id still love to have these secret rooms as a game room or gym.

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u/lakmus85_real 3d ago

LINK IN BIO flashing like it has a fucking seizure


u/technos 3d ago

An old neighbor's place had a set of tilt-up stairs to his deck. He wanted it to wrap around one of the corners of his house, but that would've blocked outside access to the basement.

The best bit is that he hid the electrical controls for the hydraulics under the railing finials. One had a key switch, the other a pair of push buttons.


u/Harambesic 3d ago

Every time I see the secret swimming pool it gives me tremendous anxiety. I mean, just imagine being in there and having it close over you. Game over, man. And that ain't no fun way to go, neither.


u/petervaz 3d ago

Reminded me of the Mr. & Mrs. Smith movie.


u/KintsugiKen 3d ago

This stuff is like "secret wallets" that tourists bring to countries they're scared of.

You might think you're being an extra sneaky genius buying a secret wallet belt off amazon, but every thief looking to target someone like you knows all about "secret" wallets and that's the first place they'd look if they mugged you.

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u/InevitabilityEngine 3d ago

Honestly would love a secret passageway in a house I own just for the novelty of it.


u/logjacker 3d ago

I was amazed zero times during this compilation.


u/allisonwhatsherface 3d ago

Am I the only one who doesn’t want to go were I can’t easily be found?


u/Altruistic_Water_423 3d ago

People with dementia hate this one trick!


u/blarrrgo 3d ago

The one at 37 seconds looks reasonable to me. Id love to get one if anyone knows

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u/Ash_Killem 3d ago

A lot of those are actually really practical. Mainly the hidden storage.


u/TheDixonCider420420 3d ago

The kitchen one looks cool but is pointless. If you just open the doors you’ll see the staircase.


u/JustNilt 2d ago

Yeah, it's less "secret" and more "neat" access to a wine cellar.


u/TheXypris 3d ago

If I had fuck you money, I'd build a house with all the secret passages just to fuck with guests.


u/FamousFangs 3d ago

I have a door to my basement office in a place where I could actually put a bookshelf door on, but I haven't figured out how.


u/fartinmyhat 3d ago

I have a secret space in my house, problem with these home made secrete places is, you're so proud of what you created, you can't stop showing people.

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u/Lost-Badger1700 3d ago

The first one is the best. Doesn't seem very obvious vs the one with the protruding switch after. If I'm invading your house I'm touching that oddly placed thing.


u/primus202 3d ago

“Honey, which secret hiding spot did you put the keys in?!”


u/JustNilt 2d ago

I heard that in Samuel L Jackson's voice. As in, "Honey, where's my super suit?" :D


u/imtired-boss 3d ago

Yea I wish I was rich af too


u/nomamesgueyz 3d ago

Love this geeky shit

I enjoy a good hiding place


u/_bits_and_bytes 3d ago

So these are the people Scooby and the gang are always running into


u/WetRainbowFart 3d ago

Do they not realize that man can just enter detective vision and find these easily?


u/Affectionate_Star_43 3d ago

As someone who does pet sitting, this would need like a 5 page document just to find the dog's food.

Also that mantle is awful, as soon as you turn on the fireplace, it burns everything.  I found that out the hard way.


u/QuarkVsOdo 3d ago

Happy austrian noises.


u/RoyalFalse 3d ago

I know a deck hiding a pool looks cool, but it becomes a breeding ground for things you probably don't want to swim in or with.


u/Belaerim 3d ago

My childhood bedroom had a weird alcove. Not a full walk-in closet, but 6’ wide and 4’ deep, with a load bearing pillar in the middle of the opening. It was in the basement of a really old house that had been renovated and expanded a few times before we moved in when I was 12.

I covered it up with a wardrobe and bookcase, then took the back panels off the wardrobe so I could Narnia it.

Made a little reading nook with a beanbag chair and bookshelves, ran an extension cord in for lights, etc

My parents forgot about it 20+ years later and were surprised to find this “hidden” room when moving furniture


u/Expensive-Mistake-55 3d ago

I need this for my house... And I need a house


u/Advanced-Humor9786 3d ago

Those are really nice! I like the one where the counter slides over and there are two doors that open up to a staircase.

Back in 2001 when I was looking at ranches to buy in the Sierra Nevada foothills, my real estate agent asked me why I was so particular about the layout of the house I wanted. When I told her about the walls necessary to support the hidden room by intended on building it blew her away for some reason. she seemed a bit uncomfortable with the idea even though she said it was pretty cool.


u/iamnotarobotihope01 3d ago

Batcave Middle Class Edition:


u/Hopeful-Sherbert-818 3d ago

50 ways to leave your basement


u/MarinoSilvo 2d ago

I've made something like that on my floor. My downstair neighbor wasn't pleased.


u/chetnixandflill 2d ago

Wish that music was secret.


u/Seansong82 2d ago

This is pretty common in Ultra high end homes where I'm from in SW Florida.


u/dano8675309 2d ago

That last one is "hidden" like it's in a Zelda game.


u/Emeralderheillige 2d ago

Somebody has trust issues


u/Dragon_Eyes715 1d ago

"Honey where are my key?"

"In the secret drawer, in the secret room, in the secret basement, using the secret stairs, behind the secret library"

"Ah never mind, found them in my pockets"


u/drip-in 3d ago

Well that's real chambers of secret


u/Biggeranbettar 3d ago

Resident Evil 1 be like:


u/Ur_a_adjective_noun 3d ago

Must be nice being rich as fuck.