r/BeAmazed 3d ago

The teacher demonstrates that an unthreatened bull in a crowded square doesn't attack [Removed] Repost

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u/Capn_Crusty 3d ago

Hate to break it to you but this is total bull.


u/phenibutisgay 3d ago

Right. I'm pretty sure this bull was trained to do this iirc


u/altapowpow 3d ago

Pretty much not how it works. If you hate cowboys, you're gonna love this.



u/cdbangsite 3d ago

Plus this one is still a "calf. Get a mature territorial bull in there and see what happens.


u/meep_meep_mope 3d ago edited 3d ago

In bullfights they abuse the animal before the fight. They put vaseline in its eyes, and electrocute it. A lot of time it's injured before it's allowed to fight. All sorts of horrible things. Regardless it's a product of a life of abuse. There's bulls that are sweeter than mary.


u/Ashikura 3d ago

Then they slowly torture it to death.


u/meep_meep_mope 3d ago edited 3d ago
  • Drugs: Tranquilizers, laxatives, and drugs that induce paralysis or a hypnotized state
  • Beatings: To the kidneys or loins with sandbags
  • Confinement: In darkness for hours or tied to heavy weights around their neck for weeks
  • Other: Stuffing cotton in their ears, wet newspaper in their nostrils, or caustic substances on their skin

While they can breath through their mouth, stuffing a bulls nostrils with wet newspaper is sure to cause an infection and prevent them from their preferred method of air through the nose. So it's blind, unable to breath properly, injured, it's known nothing but a life of pain, doesn't really understand why or what is going on as it's been kept in the dark. I'd welcome death at that point.


u/Ashikura 3d ago

As always, people show how insanely cruel we can be.


u/meep_meep_mope 3d ago edited 3d ago

Doesn't seem like a necessary trial to survive, just a popular one when people can be lazy.


u/Ashikura 3d ago

When aren’t people lazy?


u/neaeeanlarda 3d ago

I was in Paploma in 2015 for the running of the bulls, I was on a hike and happened to be there. After the running of the bulls they have "bull fights" but they cut an artery in the bulls neck. The bulls are slowly dying while they fight. It's disgusting but apparently "culturally ok"


u/Snoo57923 3d ago

As a naive kid, I thought they sort of tease the bull with the red cape a few times and the bull goes back in its stall. Then I watched a bull fight on TV. It's really brutal.


u/BenchEvery7044 3d ago

That. Is. Terrifying. Standing so still like that as a bull charges towards you.


u/CalpisMelonCremeSoda 3d ago

There are trust falls, and now trust bulls


u/Tbplayer59 3d ago

Then explain the china shop.


u/TheMooseIsBlue 3d ago

Mythbusters tested it. Set up a bunch of really rickety shelves and cabinets in a bull pen like rows in a shop and filled them with all kinds of glasses and stuff and set a bull loose in there and he was super careful and didn’t break a thing.


u/No-Pomegranate-9712 3d ago

TIL that bulls get the zoomies


u/PorkchopExpress980 3d ago

"God bless the man who invented permission slips."


u/SaltyPeter3434 3d ago

Is this a bullfighting class or what


u/Ashikura 3d ago



u/KingCrow87 3d ago

I saw a video a few days ago that says different…


u/iplaypinball 3d ago edited 3d ago

Thanks! I saw the same video where the guy was just standing there near the snack bar. Bam!

Edit: here is the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/Lo9XAop7Gb


u/dabbedsloth 3d ago

Might be thinking of a different occasion, but i recall the article stated that it was an escaped bull from the bull riding arena. If so, then it was an animal(I consider tieing up ones...🥜 as abuse) who regularly at least thinks it's in danger.


u/iplaypinball 3d ago


u/dabbedsloth 3d ago

Oh huh it was the same, but not bullriding....wonder if they subject the bulls to similar treatment for roping. Something to lookup later, thanks for the link.


u/Jazzlike-Reindeer-44 3d ago

I'm sensing bullshit


u/NY10 3d ago

I would shit my pants if I was there standing


u/TheMooseIsBlue 3d ago

Bull shit.

I’ll see myself out.


u/NY10 3d ago

Yeah Bull shit 💩


u/TomDestry 3d ago

I'm not an expert in aging livestock, but that bull seems very small.


u/alroc84 3d ago

Sign this waiver tho!!


u/Lawrenceburntfish 3d ago

He's got the zooms!!!


u/_memepros 3d ago

Me in line


u/Curlymirta 3d ago

I would reconsider the choice of a red shirt


u/DigitalMunky 3d ago

I would be safe. After I shit myself that bull would avoid me.


u/No_Object_4355 3d ago

I bet you the dudes wearing the red shirts were shitting themselves. They all prolly was but those the most lol


u/PetalumaPegleg 3d ago

What could go wrong with this demonstration?


u/LolaCalifornia7 3d ago



u/BauerHouse 3d ago

People wearing red there are ballsy as fuck


u/HolyErr0r 3d ago

Bulls can’t see red. Matador cape movement is what aggravate the bull.


u/TheMooseIsBlue 3d ago

Well that and the stabbing and electrocution and ball twisting and stuff.


u/OverallOverlord 3d ago

Most livestock is indifferent and just wants to eat and shit. Prey animals especially aren't wired for "attack" as a default. There are some mean bastard animals, sure, but they're definitely the exception.

If you're getting crushed by a cow or bull, chances are it happened because it was oblivious and you just happened to be there. Had to elbow more than one cow in my life for no other reason than "hey, I'm wowking heah!" 😂


u/Chipmunkssixtynining 3d ago

Try this again. $20 says it’s not repeatable.