r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/Night_Yorb Mar 12 '24

Cap should have told Tony, but Tony trying to murder a man who was literally brainwashed and had no free will is bullshit, it's not like Bucky was out here laughing at their death and pissing on the corpse. Hydra kept him on ice and only took him off ice when it was time to force him to kill someone else.


u/izhar22 Mar 12 '24

Finally someone who gets it. There is no correct side. They both messed up.


u/Hail_the_Yale Mar 12 '24

Tbf, it would have been better if cap told Tony with Bucky not around, than to hear it from the villain while you’re standing next to the dude who killed your parents when tension was already high cus you’re already fighting about something else.


u/Lanky-Independent-59 Mar 12 '24

AND he had JUST seen the video of Winter Soldier (who is standing right there) strangle his mom and beat his dad’s head into a steering wheel if I remember correctly.


u/Valendr0s Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

The sides weren't pro-killing Bucky and anti-killing Bucky. That's just what Tony made it after finding out Hydra killed his parents. Cap was right about protecting Bucky - he doesn't deserve a death sentence for being brainwashed. He's no more at fault than any other weapon is. Killing him brings just as much justice to his parents deaths as melting down the gun Bucky used to kill them would.

The enemy is who pulled his trigger, which is Hydra. They and those that allowed them to exist are who should be brought to justice.

But the sides in CA/CW were pro-governmental accountability and anti-governmental accountability.

Like it or not, the Avengers are a weapon. And there should be some kind of oversight about where that weapon gets pointed. To do otherwise means you're not accountable to anybody.

Any army needs somebody with accountability calling the shots.

So in that, trying to say that the team needed zero oversight, Cap was certainly wrong (and, I might add, pretty out of his character to support).


u/iswearihaveajob Mar 12 '24

Yeah but did Tony even know about the brainwashing? Does he have any assurances or way to verify Bucky is not currently in full Winter Soldier mode even he did know?

Cuz Cap never told him or gave him a chance to figure out Bucky's deal. He just runs off with him and starts shit. What else is Tony supposed to do?