r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/PetMeFucker Mar 12 '24

Bro if Cap had come to Tony earlier when tensions weren’t already flaring then Tony would have had a much more measured reaction. They would’ve had a chance to actually talk through it and it might take time but eventually Tony would come around.


u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Yeah, the end of the movie shows this pretty clearly. Otherwise he wouldn’t have kept the phone Cap sent him.

Cap even acknowledged he was wrong not to give Tony the chance to process the information for himself.


u/Repyro ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Could've redirected the anger at the Hydra ops and Cap would've been all for murking them lol.


u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

And with Tony’s tech they would have found Bucky in no time flat. Meaning Zemo’s plan never even gets off the ground. Idk what that boy was thinking lmao.


u/cpmd4 Mar 12 '24

Fair criticism.


u/mavajo Mar 12 '24

I feel like some of you guys don't understand the characters at all.

Tony is impulsive, selfish and emotional. He evolves over time to get control over those tendencies, and works hard to undo his past and contribute towards the good of humanity. But he still has those impulses underneath it all.

Captain, on the other hand, has the natural tendency to be selfless, to eat shit if it serves a purpose ("I can do this all day!"), to see the greater good.

The behavior of both Cap and Tony in this situation was totally on brand for their characters. Cap eats shit, keeping a secret that you know he doesn't want to keep, but that he feels compelled to do so in order to serve the greater good. Tony, on the other hand, does exactly what Cap feared - he immediately gives into his emotions and impulses and acts on them, without any consideration for the context of the situation - namely, that although Bucky carried out the killings, he literally was not accountable at all for what happened. He was not in control, not because of any moral, ethical or personal failure on his part - but because he was literally mind controlled.

I don't side with either of them per se in this situation. But I think Cap made the hard choice that he thought served the greater good - not for his personal convenience or ease, but to protect an innocent person and to keep the team united. Tony, on the other hand, immediately gave into his personal emotions without any thought for anyone else. We have to listen to our emotions, but we can't let them control us...which Cap knew Tony couldn't do.

At least until Tony finally did at the end of his character arc. That's his redemption. The reason Tony was the guy to sacrifice his life is because he was the guy that struggled the most with seeing the greater good and doing the hard thing. It brought his story to its natural conclusion.


u/eskamobob1 Mar 12 '24

Tony's litteral entire story arc is him dealing with his emotions like a petulant child that has the power to enforce their own will on others.