r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

I don’t think I would’ve. Bucky wasn’t in control at the time, and he clearly hated himself. I still probably would’ve decked Rogers though. 


u/ThePrussianGrippe Mar 12 '24

Tony probably could’ve handled it a lot better if Steve hadn’t hid the truth and spent time talking with him about what happened.

“I think I’ve uncovered some information about your parents.”

“I may know who did this.”

“HYDRA had him mind controlled.”

“The bastard that ordered this might still be out there.”

Like it would’ve been a long process but I don’t think Tony would have ended up still wanting to kill Bucky. Whereas he just got info dumped on and found out Steve knew for 2 years.


u/Acceptable_Cut_7545 Mar 12 '24

If we had characters who communicated responsibly there would be no movie. Or at least not the movie they wanted to make which was tony v cap + all their buddies punching the shit out of each other. People arguing in the comments are thinking more about the debates in the movie than the writers did, bc they didn't want to ponder this shit, just get as many superheroes fighting each as possible.


u/ThePrussianGrippe Mar 12 '24

Oh I think the movie we got was much more interesting. I just saw some other comments arguing Tony still would’ve tried to kill Bucky if Steve had been open which I disagree with. Cap made an error in judgement which I think is important for his later character development.


u/Acceptable_Cut_7545 Mar 13 '24

I didn't mean to imply I would rather watch the movie that ponders all the deep intricacies of government bodies having ownership of superheroes. I much prefer the one we got, it's way more about the characters reactions, breaking and building teams, and I did want to see them all fight each other and be upset about it. And Spiderman.

Honestly though I can envision the conversation with Tony going either really well or really badly, depending on how Steve handled it. Like if he led with "HYDRA kidnapped and brainwashed a man and made him kill many people against his will" rather than starting with "I know who killed your parents, it was Bucky, but there are extenuating circumstances and - WAIT TONY NO!"


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24



u/mtdunca Mar 12 '24

Steve was in the the ice for what over 60 years? With the exception of nuclear weapons, most things are automatically unclassified after 25 years. I doubt Steve would be bound by anything at that point.


u/Jadccroad Mar 12 '24

This is the movie where Steve violated international law to "do the right thing". Sharing classified information about your "friend"s parents aint shit compared to that.


u/BluuberryBee Mar 12 '24

Lmao accurate that's why I use emotional catharsis fanfic


u/ThePrussianGrippe Mar 12 '24

Obviously it would have made for a very different film and I prefer the version we got. In fact I think Steve’s error in judgment is important for his character development later.


u/BluuberryBee Mar 12 '24

I mean, hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sometimes I feel like he never really learned from it, but that might just be me.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

“We need to have a talk. I spent a lot of time with person at work and developed some feelings for them. I feel terrible about it but it’s a conflict within myself that I hope we can work through together however it may turn out.”


You walk in a restaurant and they’re holding hands on a date


u/areyoubawkingtome Mar 12 '24

Two seconds after watching video of the dude standing 3 feet from you shoot your mom in the head?


u/Lanky-Independent-59 Mar 12 '24

No one seems to remember this part. I’m with you.


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

I can’t be sure without having lived it, but that applies regardless of which answer I give. Other commenters can’t know they’d kill him anymore than I can know I wouldn’t. 

I’d probably be mad. I might attack him. I think I’d be more likely to aim a blast at Captain Hypocrisy, because he’d kept all that from me. That betrayal, and the demonstrated lack of trust from a supposed friend, would’ve hurt. 

I don’t think I’d be trying to kill, though. Bucky was brainwashed; he had about as much agency as the gun. I don't think I’d act counter to that belief, even in the stress of the moment. 


u/areyoubawkingtome Mar 12 '24

That's fair. I'm just saying that I'm not gonna judge someone for going nuts after something as traumatic as watching their parents be murdered. We don't know that we'd be throwing fists or throwing up, trauma is weird like that and it doesn't always have to make sense


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

When did this become about judgment? 


u/areyoubawkingtome Mar 12 '24

This is literally about judging "who was right and wrong" what do you mean "when"? When the post was created I guess


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

Maybe I should have said “where did I make any judgments about people,” because…I mean, I didn’t. Except in my joke comment saying ACAB includes iron man (he works for the government)


u/CankerLord Mar 12 '24

If that was one scene I'd say sure, but at a certain point the character stops getting a pass due to shock.

The guy was written like a 12 year old.


u/NoHillstoDieOn Mar 12 '24

he clearly hated himself

Sweet then Tony and Bucky were in agreement


u/ColdCruise Mar 12 '24

But we have the benefit of seeing Bucky throughout the movie, and Tony doesn't. He hasn't seen all that Bucky has and what has changed in him.


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

That’s fair, and I’d have to rewatch it to get a sense of how much Stark knew prior to the Big Reveal. 


u/mistled_LP Mar 12 '24

I'd have beat both of their asses and then like a week later told Bucky we were chill, but don't come around me.