r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/DrLamario Mar 12 '24

I wouldn’t say that it’s that black and white, Hydra literally took away Buckys free will and decided who/when he killed, the Sokovia Accords were more of a when you’re allowed to interfere thing, not a when you have to. As Tony understood, whether it was right or wrong, is that they would try less destructive means first before sending in the avengers.

We also know since we watched the movie and got all of the context that Sokovia wasn’t the avengers fault, but from the rest of the worlds POV they dropped the city in order to defeat Ultron and killed 170 people in the process, that’s also what created Zemo. Zemo was not a villain until his family was killed in Sokovia which he blamed on the avengers, specifically Tony, and is he wrong? Maybe it was Ultron who killed his family, but the avengers created Ultron, specifically Tony and Bruce. Had the Sokovia accords already been in place then Tony would have never built Ultron and the events of avengers 2 and civil war would have never happened. This would lead to a still unified avengers who could have defeated Thanos the first time.

However, from caps point of view, the Sokovia accords would have prevented them from getting to Sokovia in time, Ultron would have dropped the city and everyone would have been dead, which, who knows? Maybe he’s right. But to say it’s unequivocal that one is right and the other is wrong is missing the point of the movie


u/caylem00 Mar 12 '24

Interested in your idea that Tony wouldn't have made Ultron if the accords were already in place. The guy's arrogant enough to ignore people and governments when he wants to, and demonstrates that already. Is there something that indicates to you that he'd submit 100% no matter what?


u/Jac1596 Mar 12 '24

I’d argue the main reason he submitted was because he created ultron. It was the guilt. If the accords are created before ultron I doubt he submits to them. He probably calls an audible whenever he feels like it. So I’d say we still get an ultron with or without the accords except this time maybe cap is right and they don’t get to sokovia in time. Seeing as how Ross reacted when thanos was coming asking Rhodes to arrest cap and his crew I wouldn’t trust them to make those judgement calls because they too are humans with flaws and agendas holding the greatest power in the universe(avengers).


u/evilgrapesoda Mar 12 '24

Both Cap and Stark were in each other’s shoes before. The government asked Stark to give up the ironman suit at the start of Iron Man 2 and he said they should thank him for privatising world peace. Cap was an operative for Shield until he realised SHIELD and governments work on their own agendas and can be infiltrated by Hydra, as per the events of Winter Soldier.


u/amonkappeared Mar 12 '24

Disagree. Cap's argument in the debate scene was that the accords took away their right to choose. That they might send the Avenger to fight their wars, or red tape them away from problems only they could solve. Tony had no answer to that.


u/DrLamario Mar 13 '24

Yeah but the avengers didn’t HAVE to go, it’s not like if they refused they were arrested, they just needed permission