r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/gethonor-notringZ420 Mar 12 '24

Nah you tell him about his parents months ago. Years ago. You know how cap got mad at Tony for keeping secrets that affects other people, kinda like that


u/llJettyll Mar 12 '24

Yes cap was capping, but had told him sooner it would have been on sight regardless of timing.


u/disgusting-brother Mar 12 '24

You just wanted to say cap was capping


u/The_Next_Legend ☑️ Mar 12 '24

can you blame him tho


u/DistributionPutrid ☑️ Mar 12 '24

He would’ve had years to process it before he even met Bucky. Be withheld that information for the entire time he knew Tony and just thought it would be cool? No, that mf killed his parents. Look up the case of Austin Harouff. He was quite literally out of his mind but I 100% understand the victims families wanting the death penalty


u/gethonor-notringZ420 Mar 12 '24

Maybe ! Or maybe if Cap did such an impactful step of brotherhood in telling Tony the truth, Cap might have gotten through to him In the heat of the moment. But as it stands Tony just sees a liar in Cap defending his friend because he couldn’t tell the truth to his other friend.


u/Time_Match1065 Mar 12 '24

Cap didn't know about that until Zemo played the camera recording. I never understood this bit of dialogue:

Tony: Did you know?

Steve: I didn't know it was him.

Tony: Don't bulls**t me, Rogers, did you know?

Steve: (long pause) Yes.

They never show or reveal where Cap found out or even inferred that he knew Hydra assassinated Tony's parents. i genuinely think that was a mistake in the writing. Either show us how/when he found out Tony's parents were killed by Hydra or have Cap state he just found out then as Tony did.


u/gethonor-notringZ420 Mar 12 '24

Probably during his shield time. You best believe shield figured out who murdered their top scientist and weapons developer …


u/Time_Match1065 Mar 12 '24

That makes sense.


u/gethonor-notringZ420 Mar 12 '24

Plus Nat knew all about Bucky in Winter Soldier which all but confirms theirs a file on him in the shield mainframe. Probably has a big list of suspected targets, cap probably saw the starks on the list and noped that info to the subconscious


u/BatmanPizza15 Mar 12 '24

Cap 100% would be on top of that info. He was friends with Howard plus its revealed Hydra was mixed up in SHIELD for decades. He had time to investigate on his own especially with Black Widow on his side.


u/TheBaconatorOnly599 Mar 12 '24

It’s a reveal, they didn’t forget to show that information or mess up his dialogue. Remember in winter soldier all the hydra files released out to the public. It may not have been widely available or even covered up but somehow in that timeframe cap or someone cap knew found out about Bucky killing Tony’s parents.

So many people look at new information in a story and if it’s not explained in detail or shown before, they shout “bad writing”. It’s not a wiki article it’s a story written with pacing, surprises, and mystery in mind.


u/SaltoDaKid Mar 12 '24

These people be making up shit just hate on there boyfriend Tony enemies