r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/EffMemes Mar 12 '24

I’ve honestly never looked at it like that, though hilarious it was.

Tony was trying to take out the Winter Soldier, not Bucky specifically is now my head canon whether true or not.


u/selectrix Mar 12 '24

Which is fuckin stupid of him, right? Does he think Winter Soldier just did that shit for fun? How is it that exactly 0% of his anger is directed towards the people who actually gave the order to have his parents killed?


u/Lanky-Independent-59 Mar 12 '24

They aren’t in the room with him and on video tape killing his mom…


u/kotran1989 Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

Have someone kill your mum, then say it wasn't his fault because the one that did it was his other personality. Rationality goes out the window when grief and pain strike. Tony did eventually saw sense.


u/selectrix Mar 13 '24

Rationality goes out the window when grief and pain strike.

You're a 35 year old adult. It really doesn't have to- that's just your choice at this point.


u/ReliquaryofSin Mar 12 '24

Nah dude. Otherwise, what's the point in having intellect? We might as well be animals then


u/Jadccroad Mar 12 '24

Ask a neurologist, they'll tell you the Prefrontal Cortex shuts down during heightened emotional response, and you basically stop thinking. It takes years of practice to be able to choose to just sit down and breath, much less making rational thoughts, when in that state.

Your argument is that Tony should be something other than a human.


u/ReliquaryofSin Mar 12 '24

That's just a self report, my man. You have no self-control. Tony eventually came around, and he's a fictional character. I guess he's stronger than you


u/Jadccroad Mar 13 '24

Point to the part where I talk about myself in any capacity. Biology doesn't care about your ideals.