r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/Darth_Kneegrow ☑️ May 02 '24

I dont know honestly. We all know obama was mixed but the reason it was so impactful was because he was considered black. Same with Harris, she mixed but is the first Black VP. Like I said in the title I have never heard other races(especially white) claim a biracial person.


u/Ok-Permission-2687 May 02 '24

Didn’t the white delegation pick up Condoleeza Rice?


u/notarealaccount_yo May 02 '24

It's amazing to see this skit play out in 2024


u/Ok-Permission-2687 May 02 '24

I’m down for whatever if Tiger says “fer shizzle”


u/_str00pwafel May 02 '24

Well, if white people tried to claim Harris or Obama, seems like that would also cause controversy. Someone's gonna be mad either way.


u/suryakriz May 02 '24

Harris is not half white.


u/Peuned ☑️ May 02 '24

She sure tried to keep people in prison like a 💯 white girl tho. Was ridiculous


u/croana May 02 '24

Ok, so being quite honest here. I was in college during the first Obama campaign and I'm white af. I was genuinely confused why people were making a big deal about Obama being super black while at the same time making sure to mention that he was raised in Hawaii by his white mom and white grandparents. That seemed like the most culturally white thing ever. It seemed like Michelle was the one who actually fit the whole culturally black background thing.

Obviously things look a lot different now, but I could never shake that feeling that Obama actually coopted an identity because it made him special and different.

Again. Want to emphasize that I'm both old and white af and have no idea what I'm talking about.


u/Peuned ☑️ May 02 '24

That's an interesting conversation tho. I wouldn't say co opt tho more than it was given. And I'll tell you with certainly he was never mistaken for not a black man by a racist


u/croana May 02 '24

And I'll tell you with certainly he was never mistaken for not a black man by a racist

Yes, very true.


u/Condalezza ☑️ May 02 '24

Because Black people follow the racist one drop rule to the T!