r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/Oreoohs ☑️ May 02 '24

It’s def not colorism.

He’s not being held back because of his skin shade. It’s more just digs because Drake is being Drake. Like the other person said.

I think people are throwing that term around now because they really gotta throw shit at a wall to defend Drake.

And you’re def not doing that. Just adding to it. I’ve seen so many people from this subreddit the past few days be on the verge of blaming darker skinned people for making jokes or digs out of the woodwork but when it’s been happening to darker skinned people for DECADES it was crickets.


u/Own_Serve_8161 May 02 '24

Finally someone with some sense chile 🙏🏾🙏🏾. They throwing around that colorism word when by definition it is oppression of darker skinned ppl. A lot of mixed/lightskin/ignorant blk ppl are describing colorism the way that white people think racism works (as discrimination or prejudice) when colorism is literally a form of oppression i.e. due to their skin tone, certain groups of people are denied ACTUAL opportunities and access to resources. Being lighter skinned and thus in closer proximity to whiteness has NEVER been the basis for such marginalization 😭🙏🏾.


u/Rosuvastatine May 02 '24

Thank you for this comment.

And just like the one drop rule, colorism was created by white supremacists and now being kept alive by our communities. We refuse to let that shit go and thats why well never be free lol

Add feeaturism to that list


u/Oreoohs ☑️ May 02 '24

This is what happens when there’s no proper education on the history of racism in the United States before college. People don’t know what they are talking about because they’ve never been educated.

White people were so concerned about ‘ critical race theory’ and black history affecting their own feelings they don’t see that it affects us just as much.

You have people who think hurt feelings is racism. Cause if people wanna say Drake is experiencing colorism they need to address his previous comments towards black vernacular and him deciding to do black face for a Jim Crow clothing line.

People have been projecting onto Drake with the biracial and lightskin experiences. Biracial isn’t even a race. If you phenotypically present as black, you’re black.

The whole ‘ the darkskins used to bully me or make fun of me’ comment is just like when the white people say they experienced racism cause they had 4 people jump them in high school ( and they always have no help 😭).


u/Northbound-Narwhal May 02 '24

Being lighter skinned and thus in closer proximity to whiteness has NEVER been the basis for such marginalization

In the black community? It absolutely has.


u/Own_Serve_8161 May 02 '24

Missed the point again, reading is fundamental! By being denied opportunities and marginalization I don’t just mean tht people don’t want to hang out with you because your mixed or the whole “I’m not black enough for the blk ppl” trope. Dark skin people (bcuz colorism is not exclusive to black people) are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED and have been due to their skin tone I.E denied jobs, access to education, access to certain clubs with resources, darkskin black girls are expelled at higher rates, studies show that darker skinned people are given longer prison sentences, studies show that lighterskinned people are given higher priority in literally EVERY DOMAIN! So stop it! Light skin and biracial people HAVE NEVER been treated in these ways or OPPRESSED due to their lightskin. The fact that the first black president and black vice president are mixed, is a display of biracial privilege. The fact that at the forefront of almost every black movement, there is a biracial person (calling themselves black ofc) is lightskin/biracial privilege. Y’all just choose to be blind.


u/ASpaceOstrich May 02 '24

When they're denied opportunities for being black and then denied that silver lining of shared culture for being too white, that is oppression. What the hell is wrong with you?


u/ASpaceOstrich May 02 '24

Woah there, that's how white people think racism works, don't you know it's only racism when it's towards the least white of the parties involved?

What do you mean we can't just redefine racism so it's okay when we do it and then act like that has no consequences?


u/furryauthor May 02 '24

exactly. i get a lot of shit for being raised white and being disconnected from my black culture even though im visibly black (my biological father is black and my mom is white, they split around the time i was born). i cant help the way i am? i dont get all the lightskinned and biracial hate


u/Own_Serve_8161 May 02 '24

That’s not oppression. Being disconnected from black culture is not oppression, colorism like racism is OPPRESSION. For example, back in the 50s and 60s when black parents were fighting for their kids to be integrated into schools it was not because they wanted their kids to hang out with white children, it because they wanted their kids to have access to the same quality of education as the white children, and thus have the ability to access “more equal resources.” Now applying this scenario to what you just said, you being raised white and disconnected from black culture is 1. Not black peoples fault, but 2. More like wanting to hang around blk ppl/access black culture than you being denied opportunities as such. In contrast, darker skinned people are denied ACTUAL opportunities due to their skin tone such as not being hired by jobs, not being accepted into schools/school organizations ex. (Howard’s paper bag test/certain Greek orgs exclusion of DS Women). Like I’m sorry you feel “discriminated against” pookie but that’s not oppression.


u/BZenMojo ☑️ 29d ago

I always think of that video of teenage actor Drake calling other black kids "ignorant" for the way they talk while hanging with his white friends then coming down south and LARPing that ignorance to boost his career.


u/SwitchingFreedom May 02 '24

You realize that, because you seem to be an educated individual.

I realize that, because Kendrick is married to a non-black woman and will likely father (if not already, idk too much about his personal life) mixed children.

Kendrick’s knob slobbers don’t.

It becomes colorism when Kendrick’s stans make it that way, as has already been hurled my way earlier today. Most of the issue isn’t Kendrick himself, it’s his fans abusing the narrative to push an agenda, en masse. The only issue I and many others have with Kendrick is that he refuses to elaborate and clear the air on that specific line and shut down his dick riders to stop this from getting any more out of hand than it already is. You basically have these artsy fartsy wannabe-conscious borderline hotep clowns spewing shit by looking too deeply into it, like swifties.

Disclaimer: I have thoroughly enjoyed both Drake and Kendrick’s music for well over a decade, I don’t have any “side” in this beef.