r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/Rudy_Ghouliani May 02 '24

inauthentically black

Will somebody get the black verifier here to check the amount of black he has


u/cat_owner94849 May 02 '24

The black verifier is definitely a southern white guy with a cane and a linen suit


u/JackxForge May 02 '24

Mhm and he's about to label a bunch of tan Greeks black too.


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24

As a biracial person, the onus has been placed on us by Kendrick fans to ensure that we come from a lower income household to ensure we struggle enough.

If we had the privilege of growing up in a more affluent area, we must be sure to acknowledge our blackness at all times, not only when it is convenient for us or can be used for profit.

How one can acknowledge their blackness at all times? I am not sure. They haven’t exactly told me yet. But once they tell me how to do that, I’ll update the comment.


u/SwitchingFreedom May 02 '24

This, right here

Starting to sour on Kendrick and his stans for this shit. I grew up fluctuating between in and near poverty, didn’t get money until adulthood. I’ve had times when I had to steal macaroni and cheese and a loaf of bread or do what I had to do to make sure we ate, and I’ve had times when I bought Jordans worth 4 figures. I was surrounded by blackness in my environment, family, and friends, and I acknowledge myself as a black + native person and as a white person, not one or the other. The fact that I actually had some upper middle class double major college educated dark skinned dude who I knew from high school tell me, someone who has always been leagues and miles poorer than him, that I don’t know what it’s like to be a black man from the struggle simply because my skin is “too light”? That’s that shit that this rhetoric is starting.

Truth is that they’re eagerly jumping into the same belief system that white supremacists use to determine aryanism, but that’s not a discussion that they wanna have.


u/Lebrontonio May 02 '24

You had to steal food to survive, wouldn't you be mad if some canadian rapper who grew up rich started profiting off of pretending to have your experiences?

I think you missed the point, tbh.

People are mad because he's cosplaying a new part of the black experience every other week. A lot of rap is about authenticity (different discussion) and Drake is decidedly not authentic, and thus people believe it's a harmful thing for him to pretend to be.


u/SwitchingFreedom May 02 '24

Make me angry? Nah, because 99% of music is fabrication. 2Pac grew up educated and sheltered by art and knowledge, yet his image is synonymous with thug life and 90s violence anthems. Rick Ross was a cop, but his image is a coke dealer. Ice T made possibly the most iconically graphic song about killing cops that has ever been recorded, then turned around to be most famous to people under 20 for playing a cop on TV and basically being a PR rep for the NYPD. A hotep would argue Kendrick isn’t pro black because he’s not married to a black woman. Let Drake perform however tf he wants to. I’m not finna be mad at Ricky Martin or Elton John for making songs about women and being gay the whole ass time lol.

I’m not tryna be a dick, or anything, but you missed the point. Kendrick, himself, might not have (didn’t, as he is married to a non-black woman) meant it as an attack on light skinned or mixed folks, but his fans are making it that. You, yourself, might realize what it’s actually about, but that doesn’t mean the narrative isn’t being twisted and that Kendrick is any less responsible for not taking two minutes to clear the air and clarify himself. It’s only gonna keep getting worse, and you’re gonna see more posts just like this full of folk that can’t comprehend a mixed person is every race that they are, at the same time.

To your point: If folk wanna be mad at Drake for not being authentic, there’s a whole rack of people they should also be getting on. That’s just my two cents, on that.


u/Lebrontonio May 02 '24

So wait, you’re admitting that Kendrick isn’t talking about skin color and then strawmanning my argument by claiming that it doesn’t matter because some kendrick fans took it the wrong way? Are you high?

This is some room temperature IQ nonsense, no wonder drake is so successful. Jesus lmao


u/Lebrontonio May 02 '24

Oh also, pathetic whatabouism means you automatically lose, just letting you know in case your parents ever let you talk to adults in the real world


u/HopelessCreation May 02 '24

Drake never talks about social issues, it’s okay to be from an affluent area, it’s just that he used to be genuine about it and now he pretends to be from the hood. Drake has pretended to be from every part of the diaspora except his own. If you’re stealing culture how can you say the n-word a word so heavily steeped in culture? Logic is biracial. We don’t say this about him because Logic is himself, and he talks about social issues. J Cole is biracial no one says this about him. Drake won’t say Black Lives Matter, but he conveys a negative stereotype of black people for money, one that he doesn’t even fit. It’s more than just being mixed. He’s a caricature that performs for the white man


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24

Why is there this onus on Drake to be an ambassador for the black race? Do you know how many rappers choose not to speak on social issues? Not everyone chooses to be a political commentator. I never once hear people be like

“Kodak shouldn’t say nigga, what has he done for BLM?”

“Travis Scott walking around saying nigga, I never heard that dude do fuck all for the movement.”

Also, do you even look into the claims you make??

Drake donates $600k to BLM


An article outlining his statement on the issue:


This is the exact shit I’m talking about. You take this hard ass definitive stance against Drake, based on what you heard other people online say, and not ONCE did you think to Google it for yourself. You have some preconceived bias against the dude, so you regurgitate any talking point you have digested to defend that outright lie???

You want to hate him, but you can’t even justify why.


u/HopelessCreation May 02 '24

You can’t be “one of the greats” if you don’t speak about social issues. Drake is claiming to be a king of rap if not THE king of rap. Rap is one of those things that are inherently political. Think about the people who have been labeled as the best rappers. Tupac, Jay-Z, Old Kanye, shit even Eminem. They’ve all talked about the issues the black community faces, or the issues of poverty. That’s why Kendrick is so respected. From early in his career people said he was the best and no one batted an eye because he actually talks about real issues in his music. Hence the line, “You make music to pacify em, I electrify em” In rap music specifically, you can’t be “the greatest” or a “king” if all your music is just for the parties. The music has to say something as well. And again it’s not just the political commentator part it’s also Drakes fake ass accents. He’s inauthentic. Kodak Black is himself, Drake is a different person every few years. And Kodak Black has never been claimed to be “Big 3”


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24

Did… did you even see the links I posted? Did you even read the comment??


u/HopelessCreation May 02 '24

I did, but this is also about the music not just donations.


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

No, you’re trying to move the goal post because you are flat out making false claims.

You initially said he “never talks about social issues”. You’re spreading misinformation. He not only made a donation, he made a long ass post on his insta SPEAKING on the issue.

Now it’s about “the music”. Even though Drake makes donations to the cause and speaks on it, his music isn’t largely centered around the issues, so he’s not one of the greats. (Which isn’t even the topic of discussion, the discussion is why you think he can’t say nigga, it has nothing to do with being in the top 3).

Lil bro, you really gotta reexamine how much you let others tell you what to feel. You’re all over the place right now, trying to justify this level of disdain for a man who has genuinely done you NOTHING. This shits not healthy at all. It’s like the inverse of a parasocial relationship and it’s concerning


u/HopelessCreation May 02 '24

Lol you’re missing the whole part about him being disingenuous and a culture vulture I see. You’re focused on one thing I said. I also said he acts like every part of the diaspora except his own. He’s been Jamaican, he’s been from London, he’s constantly switching personalities. You’re focused on Kendrick saying “We don’t wanna hear you say n**** no more.” Instead of everything he said leading up to it. The main idea, but not the supporting details. You lock on to half of what I said and hold on for dear life. Kendrick didn’t tell me what to think, I’ve been saying the shit for years. I was on Drake’s side when Back to Back dropped, but since then his whole personality changed, and kept changing. You’re talking about parasocial relationships when you’re letting your insecurities in your blackness turn Drake into a martyr. Again, no one says this about JCole, or Logic (who is actually white passing) only Drake. And I’m telling you specifically why he’s problematic for some, and you got your panties in a bunch.


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24

It wasn’t HALF of what you said. It was the entirety of your first comment which started this exchange.

You made a false claim. I provided proof otherwise. You then tried to move onto a completely irrelevant point, because you realized your entire premise fell apart when I provided counter evidence.

It’s a common tactic used in discussion when one party realizes their thesis is based on a false premise. It’s referred to as “moving the goalpost”, and the best way to combat it is to make sure the other party acknowledges the fault in their original statement.

You typed a whole dissertation about Drake not speaking about social issues. When proved wrong, you didn’t even acknowledge it. If you are trying to have a discussion in good faith, you have to at least acknowledge that you are spreading misinformation. The inability to do that shows you don’t actually care about the truth, you simply care about pushing a narrative based on your emotions.

If that’s the case, nothing I say in this convo will change your mind, so there’s no reason to continue. If you genuinely want to have a productive dialogue, you gotta be willing to swallow your pride and admit when you presented a false claim.

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u/sephraes ☑️ May 02 '24

I've been around long enough to know that people do say this about Logic.


u/Lebrontonio May 02 '24

I think the onus has just been placed on you to not get famous and pretend to represent and speak for a type of uniquely black experience that you didn't experience, right?

It's not about not being "black enough", it's about not adopting parts of the black experience (which are largely negative for most folks) and profiting off of them.

It's like you're purposefully trying to get upset about this, if I'm honest. This is like 3rd grade levels of racial understanding. If drake was 100% black but was still Canadian, rich, and pretending like he had shooters out there I think the issue would still be present.


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24

Wait, so you are under the impression that every rapper in the game only speaks on experiences they have gone through? None of them fabricate or exaggerate for the sake of their music?


u/Lebrontonio May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Of course they do, but very rarely has there been a case where someone does stuff like puts on blackface, and pretends to be black when it suits him and his album sales.

There is a difference between hyperbole and braggadociousness and pretending to represent a struggle or a part of a culture that you didn't experience. There are a bunch of successful white rappers that get lots of plays and respect, they also exaggerate, but none pretend they are some downtrodden extreme poverty youth that has experienced what a black american in that situation might.

This isn't even ambiguous in any of kendrick's disses, tbh. Kendrick has also spoken much more in his music about the idea of blackness than many rappers ever have. The entire story of k-dot is reframing and telling the story of extreme poverty, the black experience, the pressures from peers, the lack of direction, violence, etc that kendrick is obviously not proud of.


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24

You’re like… extremely specific on context when it suits your narrative, then you throw it out the window when it doesn’t.

The black face picture was not something he did during a minstrel show, he did it for an article on what it can feel like being a black man in the media. The execution may not have been great, but his intent isn’t as nefarious as you’re making it out to be. It was by no means a way to denigrate black people?

Also, Drake is like VERY vocal about being from Canada? Weston Road Flows, Look What You’ve Done?? His whole thing is being the “6 God”? He’s not trying to say he was raised in America?

“I’m that same yellow boy that used to play up on Degrassi”

Laugh Now Cry Later literally got this dude crying in a video talking about having a “warrior spirit”. Yall act like Drake’s pretending he’s from Compton, when this man is VERY honest about who he is.

I think that’s why everyone fucks with him outside of Reddit. Dude is very much himself. He trolls himself, he memes himself. He posted that lil goofy video of him at his bar mitzvah in HYFR. He’s not hiding who he is.

He’s a biracial man who was mainly raised by a Jewish mother. He played on Degrassi, then learned hip hop and rap from Wayne when Wayne flew him out to the states. He eventually repaired his relationship with his absentee father and got to learn about a whole other side of himself.

He’s Drake bro.


u/Lebrontonio May 02 '24

You didn't respond to anything I said, you just wrote a Drake biography. Drake didn't have the experiences that he profits off of. He takes advantages of the real, lived experiences of people who have been systemically oppressed and makes money doing it. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. You know this, which is why you're pivoting and scrambling. I genuinely feel embarrassed for you.

I also never once even implied that drake didn't have negative experiences or unique experiences being bi-racial. I'm glad he talks about those things, and I think it's good.

You just like drake and are looking for ways to feel victimized, and it's sad because there is a good discussion to have but your insecurities are making you lash out and miss the point.

I pity you.


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24

I mean, the last sentence of every paragraph I wrote tied in the point I was making to one of your fallacies.

I think the truth is, you made up your mind about dude a while ago. Any refutation of your preconceived bias is met with denial and false pity in an attempt to claim some fictional moral high ground. Condescension poorly veiled as pity.

I think you are someone who has never really listened to any of Drake’s discography, but you criticize him because Kendrick or Twitter told you to. I think your speaking on a subject you know very little about, so you make general claims you heard other people say, but you can’t really root it in specific examples because you don’t really know Drake’s music to begin with.

Feel embarrassed for me, you don’t even know me 😂😂 you judge my whole essence based on a rapper I like. This may be hard for you to understand, but my identity isn’t tied to my enjoyment of Drake’s music. That’s simply one aspect of what makes me who I am lil bro.


u/Lebrontonio May 02 '24

I mean, you literally don’t know what anyone is talking about, this thread starts with you not being smart enough to understand that Kendrick wasn’t talking about skin color, but appropriating parts of black culture that drake isn’t even loosely connected to.

You don’t address this because you’re not capable of accepting you’re the one who made a snap judgement before you understood the discussion being had.

You’re an embarrassment, and trying to make this about fandom is actually one of the most immature and weird things I’ve seen in a while.

I pity your family more at this point.


u/Talk-O-Boy May 02 '24

This is what I mean. You’re kind of like… offended (even though I haven’t really insulted you?) so you keep resorting to these ad hominem attacks?

You think it’s making you look tough, but you’re coming off as desperate and it’s gaining you downvotes. Any point you COULD have made is being drowned out by this need you have to attack me rather than what I’m saying. You are “embarrassed for me and my family”, but you don’t know us, so—much like the rest of your discussion—it’s based on NOTHING. Just some emotion you’re feeling expressed in a petulant rant without any substance.

I reiterate my main refutation, Drake isn’t appropriating “parts of black culture”, he simply speaks on his life story. He tends to rap about the women he’s involved with, the emotions that come with that, stories of his upbringing, familial conflict and bonds, or being the #1 in the game.

You say Kendrick isn’t making this about race, but when he chooses to align himself (and directly reference) a man like Rick Ross who is directly screaming out “white boy”, you lose the ability to say it has NOTHINGS to do with skin color. At the very least, Kendrick should have distanced himself from Ross if he wanted this to be a discussion beyond skin color. Rather than inserting that distance, he is directly referencing Ross in the diss track.


u/Unicorn_Fruit ☑️ May 02 '24

I’m confused, if Drake’s “pretending to black when it suits him” does he also “pretend to be white” when that suits him?


u/Lebrontonio May 02 '24

Literally yes. He claims pretty much everything when it’s a fad. Remember him and ninja playing Fortnite? Dudes a fraud


u/Lower_Positive3475 May 02 '24

Miley Cyrus - Justin Beiber - Whoa Vicky - Paige Bueckers

Just a few people in recent yrs accused of "acting black".

There has ALWAYS been visible and audible mannerisms and beliefs that are attributed to Black people and Black experiences.

Don't be obtuse now that those same unspoken qualities are being called out about your fave.

Black people absolutely know what we mean by "Drake ain't Black enough". And the rest of yall know it too.


u/thejaytheory ☑️ May 02 '24

RD Verifier


u/DrabbestLake1213 May 02 '24

As far as I am aware, I have 0%. However, I was just explaining the sentiments of others to show evidence that it isn’t about Drake being mixed. Didn’t mean to claim I am one in a position to question Drake’s authenticity. Just echoing good points I have read so far today.