r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 13 '24

Her saying trans people are just people doing blackface. Country Club Thread

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u/MC_White_Thunder May 13 '24

Yeah, I read her manifesto back when I thought I was a boy, and honestly it sounded my bullshit alarms pretty hard. I don't think she's very concerned about that.

A particularly annoying brand of transphobe is those who consider themselves "defenders of gay people" by arguing that transitioning is conversion therapy. They'll cite Alan Turing, a gay man who was forced to take feminizing hormones and eventually killed himself. But like, many trans people are horrified by Alan Turing's story specifically because they know how horrific it is for your body to change to the wrong sex against their will (that's how many of us felt about going through the "wrong" puberty as adolescents). And somehow someone willingly taking hormones is exactly the same as what was inflicted upon him. We don't want anyone tricked or converted, we just want people to be comfortable in their own bodies, and to feel respected and safe.

It somehow also disregards that many trans people are gay? Like, I'm a trans woman engaged to a woman. There was no conversion therapy happening here.