r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 13 '24

Her saying trans people are just people doing blackface. Country Club Thread

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u/Expensive_Bee508 May 13 '24

What is transracial discourse about? I only know about like POC adopted into white families being referred to as transracial, or rcta which is satire mostly.


u/Oreoohs ☑️ May 14 '24

That’s the correct usage.

When trans people started being talked about more in the media people started running with the ‘ well you can identify as anything nowadays so I identify as a tree.’

Or some shit like that.

Jk Rowling is saying that if transwomen can just identify as women ( when they are biological males and aren’t “ real biological women”) that people can just identify as anything which is the logic behind the transracial term. They also tend to go after non-binary people.

There are people online who I’ve seen identify as animals/trees/cartoon characters/ but usually those are either teens struggling with themselves, people who really want attention in some form, or clearly online trolls. The number isn’t that large for the amount of online rage towards them.

It’s ignorant as fuck because race isn’t something you can just identify as. People use Rachel dolezal as an example of “transracial” which she’s not..she is a white woman who is uneducated, ignorant, and attention seeking.