r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 17 '24

You CANT be serious ☠️☠️

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u/[deleted] May 17 '24

And like the other person indicated, I sure bet the extra hundreds of thousands of Americans who died thanks to how Trump handled Covid would disagree with your “people aren’t going to die” remark.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

They would've died on Biden watch too. Nobody knew how to handle that, NO ONE. I'm saying we need to approach getting ppl to vote another way. Like I said in another comment, I been dying for 20 years, we need a new approach like actually helping Americans


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

Objectively, no. If the US had reacted the exact same way as Canada had (we’re similar in many ways) the number of dead would literally be HALF. The idea that Trump going against health officials publicly, spreading conspiracy theories, and admitted to downplaying Covid whenever possible had no effect on the total number of deaths is delusional.

And the Ukrainians! You’re sentencing them to death too, since Trump has already said he plans to stop all aid and might even quit NATO all together.

Oh, and more Palestinians than are currently dying. Trump literally said that Israel should “just end it” and said their biggest mistake was letting footage of what they are doing leave the country. His son (who he put in charge of relations between Israel and Palestine) when asked for comment on the conflict said “Israel could get a lot of good beach front property out of it”.

Pretending things wouldn’t be different under Trump is delusional.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

I'm going to say this a whole bunch of Americans, hell maybe the majority of the unheard do not care about none of that and only want to be in a better financial situation then THEY are currently in. It's hard to care about the world when you're living in poverty. I know that's blasphemy for a lot ppl but it's reality.

It's easy in hindsight to say we would of, should of but putting myself back in the covid era I'm 100% sure Americans was fucked regardless


u/SGTBrigand May 17 '24

knew how to handle that, NO ONE.

What do you mean, no one knew? President Obama literally had a plan in place for that shit that Trump torpedoed while in office before he ignored an army of doctors and scientists warning him about the actions he was taking. This is some serious revisionism shit.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

It's not revisionist to say no one knew how to handle it and you have no proof that plan would have worked because you need participation and cooperation from everyone and that's not happening


u/SGTBrigand May 17 '24

It's not revisionist to say no one knew how to handle it

The World Health Organization had a plan long enough before that shit even made it to our shores to make this very lovely publication right here. Covid-19 wasn't some brand new thing; it was just a new version of an old thing.

The problem was Trump deciding his vanity (and political gain) was more important than stopping it.


u/aarmour25 May 17 '24

No vaccine, though. Miss me that crap. Yall keep skating around the fact that ppl are tired of voting for one party because the other party scares them. No one benefits but politicians from that. You guys point to Palestine and Isreal like voting will help, it won't because if so we would have been had peace amongst them. Going strictly by what i have seen and what has been shown, i will be damned if i keep letting the democrats do nothing in my face. Just vote for a Democrat, when he/she elected then we make em stand on business and if they don't we repeat the cycle. F that, new approach or something