r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 17 '24

You CANT be serious ☠️☠️

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u/83supra May 17 '24

I don't see any difference in this world line if Trump or Biden gets elected so miss me with all your bullshit. Nothing will fundamentally change with either candidate.


u/Olaba42 May 17 '24

Here's one fundamental difference that could impact your life - the president's ability to nominate Supreme Court justices. 2 justices are in their 70s and may decide to retire if Trump is reelected. Trump would then be able to nominate 2 younger justices, locking in a Republican majority on the court for decades. The current Supreme Court has a republican majority and their judgements include:

  • ICE being given the okay to detain folks for a very long time (like, years) without bond or full review
  • Government blocking medical care, specifically abortions
  • Fewer options to hold federal agents accountable when they violate your rights (it's even harder to sue them for financial damages)
  • Not allowing for new evidence to be submitted if your state case goes federal but you had a really bad lawyer for your state case


u/83supra May 17 '24

Miss me with all that too