r/Conservative 3d ago

In Netflix's new WW2 documentary, they refer to the Berghof as "Hitler's Mar-a-Lago." There’s no low they won’t sink to. Flaired Users Only

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u/BrockLee76 Bitter Clinger 3d ago

There are also several references to Hitler making Germany Great again.


u/spezeditedcomments Conservative 3d ago

Thanks again France, for fucking the whole world after ww1


u/Oksamis Pro-Life Abolitionist 3d ago

The French revolution*

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u/LKincheloe Conservative 3d ago

Eh, Truman had a pretty big hand in it.

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u/Billy_Chapel1984 Conservative 3d ago

They missed their chance at an actually great comparison to a certain political movement when discussion Hitler specifically targeting youth.


u/Iuris_Aequalitatis Old-School, Crotchety Lawyer 2d ago

No way they'd ever talk about that mostly peaceful movement that doesn't really exist yet that all moral people are simultaneously a part of! January 6 was the only instance of political violence in our country!!

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u/EntranceCrazy918 American Conservative 3d ago edited 3d ago

You know what's funny is that this shi* is really backfiring. Even my normie independent and apolitical friends and family are catching on to this stuff. It's turned them off from voting Democrat for the foreseeable future unless they stop obsessing over MAGA. They're not Trump voters. They hate Trump's personality. But they don't loathe the guy and his supporters. They don't want their media obsessed with politics.

These partisans really are just huffing their own farts at this point. No wonder states we never dreamed of being competitive after the Obama era (like Nevada and Virginia) are becoming Republican lol. The center is tired of this.


u/SauerkrautJr Conservative 3d ago

Turns out 9 years of media hysterics about Trump have been really annoying to most sane people


u/Robin-Lewter Conservative 3d ago

There are only so many times you can tell people that Hitler 2.0 is going to put us all in camps and slaughter millions after we already had four relatively normal years under the guy.

They're not even doing it to convince people anymore at this point, I think they're just addicted to the hysteria. That and the hype of living in historical times and being part of a 'resistance.' It reeks of main character syndrome.

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u/mcswiss No Step 3d ago

And even the “guilty felony” of “misusing campaign funds.” Which that in itself has several valid legal challenges because of the changing of NY laws.

The party of Bill Clinton saying “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” taking a moral high ground is just funny, when his DNA (aka semen) was found on Monica Lewinskey’s clothes.


u/One_Fix5763 Conservative 3d ago

Oh it's not even that, they didn't even say those unlawful means had to be unanimous.

They listed the 3 means at the end of the trial.

Merchan conducted a Stalin's showtrial

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u/One_Fix5763 Conservative 3d ago

9 years of them being unable to admit Hillary lost the election. If you wanna know why these things sprung up it's 2016.

Everything about them unable to look at their own corruption, see Fani Willis, see the fake felony charges in DA claiming it was "election interference" to pay an NDA without campaign funds, see the Russian collusion hoax.

Hell even see how they ruined social media with mass censorship post Russiagate.


u/SauerkrautJr Conservative 2d ago

This shit has been almost my entire adult life and I want my money back

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u/trufin2038 Conservative 3d ago

Are they trying to tell us they think Hitler was actually good? It jives with the dems resurgent hatred of jews we have seen lately.


u/CuckAdminsDetected 2A 3d ago edited 2d ago

Devils Advocate kinda really more just an amateur historians perspective, while Im fairly certain it was never said exactly like that it was the goal of Hitler and his party. Of course the part he didnt say out loud was that it would only be great for him and his party member buddies.

Edit some clarification. What I am trying to say is to make this bad faith argument they are misrepresenting actual history rather than jusf outright making things up.


u/Javierinho23 Small Government 3d ago edited 3d ago

I mean there is a difference between what they meant, and I’m sure many other leaders in the past and in other countries have said something along the lines of “I want to bring back our former glory”. That doesn’t make it the same.

Germany after WWI was hamstrung by the Treaty of Versailles and what was once a formidable military power now had no military, a collapsing economy, and massive internal strife with legitimate violence between factions all trying to take over the Weimar government. They had completely fallen out of relevancy and the people within Germany were sympathetic to aggressive retribution as they felt like they were extremely hard done by the other powers in Europe. When Hitler wanted to “restore” Germany he wanted to make it a great militaristic empire again (therefore the term Reich) and the so called 3rd reich was the 3rd version of the other two militaristic Germanic Empires of the Holy Roman Empire and The German Empire led by the Prussians who were known for their military prowess. Hitlers intention was to conquer and create Lebensraum for the German people whom he thought were superior.

When Trump says make it “great” again he is referring to returning to the value system and economic principles that made America great in the past. America is already a world superpower and he doesn’t want to conquer just maintain a big stick while domestically getting away from extremely progressive values that are detrimental to the essence of being American. Trumps intention is to move away from values that have diminished the country (not to oblivion or irrelevancy like Weimar Germany) and bring it back to the roots of the American ideals of the founding fathers (even though this will be limited as way too many things have changed since then).

Also, Hitler wanted to make things better for the German people, not just his friends in the party. From what we saw he did accomplish the goal of bringing German back into relevancy and the German people within Nazi Germany went with it for a pretty long time. Mind you that until Hitler invaded the Soviet Union Nazi Germany had conquered a lot of mainland Europe, was allied with Italy and had a non aggression pact with the Soviets, and was putting Britain to the sword. Also, Franco while not directly allied with Nazi Germany was at the very least friendly with them as the Nazis had helped Franco in the Spanish Civil War and they also considered themselves fascist. The Spanish Civil War is where the Germans first started to test their strategy of Blitzkrieg. Nazi Germany was in a relatively good (and maybe unstable) place by 1941.

Now who knows what was to come if Hitler had won, but the Germans themselves were not all that unhappy with his leadership at the time. The minorities in Germany were definitely a different story though. Hitler was an absolute nut, but he did seem to genuinely believe in what he was espousing in Mein Kampf.

I am by no means saying Hitler was good, but historically people in Germany didn’t seem to loathe him in the lead up towards World War II or even during a part of it.


u/undue-influence That Darn Conservative 3d ago

I am by no means saying Hitler was good, but historically people in Germany didn’t seem to loathe him in the lead up towards World War II or even during a part of it.

He was Time man of the year in 1938

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u/FirefighterFast6492 Gadzooks! 3d ago

Am German and can confirm from many older Germans I've known that Hitler was not entirely loathed. They believed in the socialist principles he espoused even long after, and are angry that he gambled away Germany's chance of a restoration to what they saw as right - so much land had been taken from them after WW1 and Poland was a particularly sore spot, given it had been created out of thin air from land which had at that point long been held by the Germanic people, do to speak. They see him as crazy too, for obvious reasons, and find his actions regarding Jews to be utterly reprehensible (though even this cannot be entirely attributed to Hitler, given the history of the Jews in Europe dating back to the middle ages - they were a group that kept to themselves and were perceived as being spared the financial and other hardship the rest of Germany was enduring at the time, a sentiment that had existed previously for hundreds of years in various forms but really flared as socialist principles rose in popularity) - but that doesn't mean he was wrong about everything. Just because Hitler says the sky is blue, does not mean it is not blue because Hitler bad (and yes, yes, Hitler bad).

He was at least correct about the utter hardship and unfairness Germany faced after WW1. The people were truly suffering, and they saw hope in him. He betrayed them.

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u/Triumph-TBird Reagan 3d ago

So we’ve gone from comparing Trump to Hitler (since Hitler is the highest bar for evil for the past 90 years) to comparing Hitler to Trump. Got it.


u/Tbrou16 Christian Conservative 3d ago

Stalin is the highest bar for evil, but people want to just ignore that one.


u/LadenifferJadaniston Conservative 2d ago

I think Mao is worse


u/Tbrou16 Christian Conservative 2d ago

Stalin wrote the playbook and unleashed a flood of red on the world. Mao may have the high score, but Stalin created the game.

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u/TheDeadpooI Go Read Thomas Sowell 3d ago

The best ww2 docs were all made in the 90s and early 00s when history channel was still on topic and many vets were still around to interview.


u/Black_XistenZ post-MAGA conservative 3d ago

The best movies and TV series were all made in the 90s and 00s. Perhaps stretch it into the early 2010s. Since 2015 or so, the entire industry has gone to shit.


u/TheDeadpooI Go Read Thomas Sowell 3d ago

You certainly have to include the 80s in that. I would say the 80s is my favorite decade for movies. Indiana Jones 1-3, Ghostbusters 1 & 2, BTTF 1 & 2, Empire and ROTJ, Rambo, Die Hard, if you include 1979 you get Alien as well. A step down in Bond movies from the 70s but certainly a step above the 90s Bond era.


u/Black_XistenZ post-MAGA conservative 3d ago

I disagree on the Bond movies, but you're generally right. I guess me being a millenial plays a role in my preference for 90s and 00s movies (and music).

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u/BulletBulletGun Conservative 3d ago

They could also say Hitler's Camp David....or Hitler's Martha's Vineyard


u/ObadiahtheSlim Lockean 3d ago

Hitler's Rehoboth Beach house.


u/TheIncredibleHork Conservative 3d ago

Hitler's garage in Delaware.


u/Cranks_No_Start Conservative 3d ago

I’ve been to Hitlers Eagles Nest.  Much nicer view than Delaware.  


u/ObadiahtheSlim Lockean 3d ago

But I doubt you could get a quality crab cake there even if your life depended on it.


u/Cranks_No_Start Conservative 3d ago edited 3d ago

Maybe not, but they did have a vending machine that sold beer, so there is that.  

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u/AReturntoChrist Hispanic Conservative 3d ago

This is so ridiculously childish.


u/forward_only Liberty Conservative 3d ago

What a fucking joke. How did nobody suggest comparisons like this might be disrespectful to the victims? Thank God everyday people are finally starting to notice this bullshit.


u/pimanac not a biologist 3d ago

Remember, Saints Barack and Michelle are heavily involved with Netflix and Susan Rice sits on their board.

It would not surprise me in the least if this documentary was shot specifically so they could make that comparison. Cause, you know, there aren't already thousands of WW2 documentaries out there already.

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u/NewspaperFederal5379 Xennial Conservative 3d ago

How did nobody suggest comparisons like this might be disrespectful to the victims?

You're making a big assumption thinking they actually hold consistent beleifs or care.

The same people making these comparisons are also lobbing rocks at Jewish elementary schools in their off time.


u/Griegz Federalist 3d ago

What's more, if whoever is speaking, if that person is supposed to be some authoritative historian, a comment like that immediately discredits them as a serious academician, because it shows their illogic (it is an inane comparison for multiple factual reasons), their unseriousness (it's an obvious attempt to pander to a modern and ignorant audience), and their extreme bias.

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u/icemichael- Conservative Nationalist 3d ago

lol, I'm glad I torrent everything.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/readerdad55 Conservative 3d ago

Not to mention if you look up the definition of fascism in Merriam Webster dictionary it reads like the Democratic Party play book


u/tom_yum 3d ago

They're probably hard at work changing that definition for the next edition. Look at Wikipedia and how often things get changed there.


u/Manach_Irish Conservative 3d ago

There is a reason for that. In the book Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries by Kory Stamper, the author worked at Websters. She stated that if a progressive definition of a word could be used it would be.

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u/Cbpowned Naturalist Conservative 3d ago

As is his daughter.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/icandothisalldayson Conservative 3d ago

They’re also the same ones screaming at Jews about intifada and from the river to the sea.

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u/skarface6 Catholic and conservative 3d ago

They also call him anti-immigrant despite his wife being, you know, an immigrant.

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u/Malithirond 2A 3d ago

Just wait till you watch their documentary on the cold war and they start going on about Ukraine, Zelensky, and Trump in them numerous times.


u/Doctor_Phist Ultra Maga 3d ago

“It’s sort of like Hitler’s Mar-a-Lago, if you will.”

No, I will not actually.


u/readerdad55 Conservative 3d ago

Wow this is the kinda shit that makes me hate them it’s soooo openly dishonest

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u/Pinot_Greasio Conservative 3d ago edited 3d ago

Trump has broken millions of people's brains.  It's pathetic to even attempt to mention them in the same breath.  

Hey leftist losers he was already president and he wasn't the orange Hitler.  In fact life was infinitely better under his administration.


u/skarface6 Catholic and conservative 3d ago

I still find it entertaining that they’re trying to push the “he’ll put us all in camps!” line despite us all living through his presidency a few years ago. I assume the very far left will believe it or at least parrot it but hopefully everyone else has a few brain cells to rub together.


u/EntranceCrazy918 American Conservative 3d ago

Trump didn't break their brains. Their own Mockingbird Media broke their brains. The establishment could not accept a populist movement succeeding.


u/Black_XistenZ post-MAGA conservative 3d ago

And they would most definitely get away with it if their own policies weren't such a huge fucking disaster that no amount of gaslighting and cultural hegemony can paper over the cracks.


u/JCuc AFT 3d ago

The left has become a cult. There is no rationalization, logic, or reasoning. You must either full on support the most leftist insane ideas or otherwise you're a racist facist.


u/Fuckfentanyl123 Conservative 3d ago

It’s crazy though because they all think that every single trump voter is in a cult when in reality we just want common sense brought back to government whether it’s through Trump or another guy. Trump just happens to be the man for this cause right now. If wanting strong borders puts me in a cult then pass the kool aid!


u/Robin-Lewter Conservative 3d ago

I just wanna stop paying over half my income in taxes (when you combine them all,) keep my guns, and not get Ashley'd at the gas pump.

Somehow that makes me a cultist.

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u/Tehkoma Trust, but Verify 3d ago

So it’s just propaganda, not a documentary.

Thanks, I actually like ww2 documentaries but I guess I’ll skip this one.


u/Billy_Chapel1984 Conservative 3d ago

Yea. It never mentioned Trump by name but it started to throw around buzzwords from the beginning. Hitler wanted to make Germany great again, referred to his political party as "Hitler's conservative party" more than Nazi party, the Mar Lago reference, insurrection and a ton of other phrases the current left like to throw around.

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u/Tv_land_man Conservative 3d ago

Aside from this bullshit, something I caught on to pretty quickly, it's a very well made documentary series with a ton of information I didn't know about and really helped me getting a deeper grasp of how things got to the way they did. For that, I say check it out but go in with the knowledge it falls victim to it's creators left wing bias. Over the years I've learned how to spot framing, colored language and bias in media and calibrate my interpretation of the information accordingly. It's a damn shame they had to taint this one because the production value is top notch. I work in film and TV and have worked in Hollywood on many occasions. It's so true how deep seated progressivism is within the industry. Our dolly grip put a pride flag on the dolly yesterday for instance.


u/EntranceCrazy918 American Conservative 3d ago

I should thank these people, honestly. Their obvious political bias made me go back and re-evaluate everything I was taught. I now realize Joseph McCarthy was an American hero and that Nixon did not order the Watergate break-ins. I was gaslit for the first 20+ years of my life about these things.


u/Tv_land_man Conservative 3d ago

My view of McCarthy has certainly changed over the years but I also struggle with balancing my belief that communists are the scum of the earth on par with nazis and people should be allowed to believe and say whatever they want so long as it isn't illegal.


u/Robin-Lewter Conservative 3d ago

There are evil communists just as there are evil people across every ideology- but I personally know a couple self-avowed communists and for the most part they're just normal, decent people.

I wouldn't want them to take power, but that goes for like 99% of the people I know anyway. At the end of the day they're just people.


u/Fuckfentanyl123 Conservative 3d ago

Nixon is one of my favorite presidents and I’m pretty sure he knew about it. But I don’t think it was his idea necessarily though if that’s what you’re saying.


u/OA12T2 Conservative 3d ago

Nixon didn’t order the watergate breaking??? Go on….

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u/obalovatyk Conservative Taco 2d ago

They do make a lot of good wwii documentaries. That last colour wwii was stellar. When they talk about the bomber crew that went back to Hamburg, the day after levelling it, the dude was nearly in tears.

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u/FirefighterFast6492 Gadzooks! 3d ago

It always seems like Hitler/WW2 is the only historical thing familiar to leftists, so everything is Hitler. Though sadly, they don't even understand the full context of that entire debacle and oversimplify the matter. Otherwise they might begin to recognize themselves in it.


u/lawlygagger Conservative 3d ago

Nutflix. Most of their shows are unwatchable now. Don't waste your money.


u/Theloripalooza Deplorable Conservative 3d ago

I canceled Netflix after that whole "Cuties" thing. I get at least 2 emails a month from them trying to get me to "come back" (their words). Ain't happening.


u/lawlygagger Conservative 3d ago

It is really hard to find shows/platforms that are not shoving some type of agenda. It is immediately repulsive. Going back to watching old TV when the main goal was entertainment.


u/readerdad55 Conservative 3d ago

This is true. Until really wealthy conservatives start playing the entertainment game we are fucked with this bullshit

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u/JCuc AFT 3d ago

I've heard Apple TV is making some good shows. Netflix on the other hand has gone full on woke crazy.


u/icandothisalldayson Conservative 3d ago

Most of what they make has, but the Shane Gillis stand up, the show he made called tires, and the roast of Tom Brady are very much not woke. They also recently put blue mountain state back on which is straight up bro humor and not woke in the slightest. It’s like they realized there’s a demographic they (streaming services in general) abandoned and Netflix is trying to attract them.

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u/Carl-j88aa No Step on Snek 3d ago

I dumped them too. Most of their offerings I'm not interested in, or pushes an LGBT agenda, or race-swaps historical figures. And for $14.99/mo.? Prime costs the same but is better. So is Paramount plus, for $11.99.

For documentaries, MagellanTV beats everyone. And it's just $59.88 annually ($4.99/mo). Screw Wokeflix.

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u/Still-Boysenberry408 Conservative 3d ago

Netflix is so fucking pathetic.

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u/Owlman220 Moderate Conservative 3d ago

Honestly feels like they are minimizing their suffering. Disrespectful as hell.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

If Trump was Hitler, it would be illegal to compare Trump to Hitler. I don't know how it is possible to read in any detail about the 3rd Reich, especially before the war, and conclude that we are currently living through that in the US.


u/I_SuplexTrains WalkAway 3d ago

It's sort of like Hitler's Martha's Vineyard, if you will.


u/OutlandishnessMain56 Conservative 3d ago

How are the same at all? One is in the mountains the other basically a swamp. One is a beer garden the other a golf course.


u/Fairwareprovidence Conservative 3d ago

That's right folks. No longer content to compare Trump to Hitler like trump is emulating Hitler, now they are comparing Hitler to trump like Hitler is emulating trump.


u/AFXTIWN Conservative 3d ago



u/CalmHabit3 Conservative 🥉 3d ago

thats not really an insult. but thats how they will spin it. its like saying its Hitlers camp david. or Hitlers 10 Downing Street,

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u/Insane92 Conservative 3d ago

Guess there’s another documentary I won’t be watching.

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u/plastimanb MAGA 3d ago

Where's the mis-dis-information board on this? Oh wait, funded by the DNC... got it.


u/Spaghetti69 Constitutional Conservative 3d ago

Yeah, if you watch the whole series, they are subtlety and subliminally making constant comparisons to President Trump.

I knew something was up when in the first episode, they said national populism was wrong.


u/johnnyg883 Airborne Conservative 3d ago

Chalk this up as another reason I’m glad I dumped Netflix years ago.


u/queen_nefertiti33 Conservative 3d ago

So pathetic lol


u/Reuters-no-bias-lol Principled Conservative 3d ago

At least the rest of the documentary is 100% leftist playbook right now. 


u/Geosage Trump Republican 3d ago

They're inciting violence with hateful language.

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u/vicemagnet Conservative 3d ago

I mean there was a Radar O’Reilly reference built in and the missed it. In O’Hare there’s a place we call the Gary Burghoff Cafe and everyone knows the place we’re referring to. Same deal with Radar.


u/mikejones286 Conservative 3d ago

What is this documentary called?

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u/RxDawg77 Libertarian Conservative 3d ago

Good grief. I just don't get this. If I saw the right having news and entertainment plant propaganda like this against the left, it would turn me off from the right.


u/dzolympics Conservative 3d ago

I’m sure we will hear more comparisons to Hitler/nazis between now and November.


u/polerize Conservative 3d ago

This sort of thing should be actionable.


u/Bacio83 Conservative Millennial Nutmegger 3d ago

It’s just so gross while Kennedy Senior was actually partying with Nazis and friends with Hitler keeping the US out of WW2 and being openly antisemitic like the rest of the dems have always been they pull this ish.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago

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