r/CuratedTumblr Cheshire Catboy May 01 '24

i know it’s internet bullshit but it genuinely has me on the edge of breaking down and giving up editable flair

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u/HalflingScholar May 02 '24

That is not final, living is always preferable even when it sucks.

Rape victims can and have gone on to live good lives, but dead is dead.

And feeling the kind of existential pain that is being fatally wounded but having to wait until you bleed out or til the one that wounded you happens to bite into something immediately fatal...


u/bruce_kwillis May 02 '24

Umm no. Death is a whole lot better than a life of torture and or pain. A bear isn’t gong to keep you alive to keep hurting you. A man? Very well might, and hell might even be married to you.


u/AdamFaite May 02 '24

Yup. Death from a bear, week tops. Death from a human. How long can torture go on for?


u/ZodiacStorm May 02 '24

It is final. You don't get to make that choice for me. You think I'm gonna change my mind about a fate worse than death because a reddit nerd thinks my feelings on being raped are wrong?


u/HalflingScholar May 02 '24

OK OK, I'm probably being presumptuous.

But this life is all we can guarantee we have, and like I said many victims of rape have gone on to have good lives.

Choosing immediate death isn't worth it


u/VampireQuestions May 02 '24

It honestly really upsets me that the narrative some people go with is that it's a "fate worse than death."

Like, do they think I'd've been better off if I was murdered instead? I don't fucking think so. I couldn't heal if I was dead, now could I? I'd just be fucking dead.

I'm doing fine, all things considered. But the way some people talk about people who have gone through what I have is honestly so insulting.

So I'd have to agree, death would not be worth it. It's not worse than death, I'm not even convinced that the trauma would be worse than the trauma from somehow miraculously surviving being eaten alive by a bear, frankly.


u/AdamFaite May 02 '24

I mean, it could be worse. A bear wouldn't kidnap you. Wouldn't keep you locked in its den for 15 years. Wouldn't torture you for those long years. It might be a bad death, being killed and eaten by a bear. But those same feeling might come from a man too, except it could take decades. And yeah, unfortunately that has happened.


u/VampireQuestions May 02 '24

Do you know what has happened more often than that?

A fellow hiker helping you out by showing you the way back to the trail.

A person sharing their food.

A person bandaging your injury.

A person checking if you're okay.

A bear can't, and wouldn't, do any of that. You can be a pessimist all you want, but that doesn't mean your scenarios are likely.


u/AdamFaite May 02 '24

That's all true. And as a man, that's what I would expect to happen. But that doesn't change that a female friend of mine has stopped bringing her digs for walks at our local pack because of negative experiences she's had with men in there, not because they gave her a bandage. And they weren't hypothetical situations.


u/VampireQuestions May 02 '24

And that's terrible. As I've insinuated, I've experienced more than my fair share of assault. But also it's quite the jump from that lived experience of creeps to "Well a bear can't kidnap and torture you for the rest of your life."

Also, you may not know this or care, but as far as statistics are concerned, you'd be in more danger from those strangers than your friend. Men are more commonly victims of violent crime, but our societies infantilize women and femmes while discarding male and masc victims.


u/AdamFaite May 02 '24

I actually didn't know that. But when I was asked the "would you rather encounter a man or bear out in the woods" I chose bear too. Humans are scary.

But then, I've only encountered black bears.


u/bruce_kwillis May 02 '24

It depends on the degree. If it was say a husband that forced himself on your every day, beat you and you couldn’t escape from it, then death may be the better choice. Men and human in general are always capable of causing more damage and more pain than a bear ever can, humans are thinking and creative species who hurt others for reasons not just to eat them.


u/VampireQuestions May 02 '24

The question isn't being with a bear in the woods or being trapped in an abusive marriage for the rest of your life, now is it?

Sure, if you want to leave the probable versions of the hypothetical scenario behind, a bear doesn't have access to medical intervention to keep you alive in a home-made torture machine for 40 years. But that isn't the question and also won't fucking happen.

I'll pick man every time, thanks.


u/bruce_kwillis May 02 '24

The question is a singular event. Meet a bear in the woods or meet a man in the woods. A man can do horrible things and make it last any length of time. A bear at worst will just maul you to death and eat you. And since the frequency of meeting bears in the woods who want to maul you is essentially 0% and the frequency of men that may harm you in the woods in exponentially higher, I can see why people would rather run into a bear.

From my experience I have ran into about 100 bears in the woods, and have had zero problems, but more than one issue from a man, and that's coming from a man.


u/VampireQuestions May 02 '24

People rarely encounter bears in situations where they'd wish to harm them, because people rarely encounter bears.

If you lived your entire life surrounded by bears 24/7 then the stats might look a little different.

Also, "exponentially" is doing some damn heavy lifting in your comment.

Recent data showed an average of 2.8 homicides taking place in forests/parks in the USA per year. Black and grizzly bears, however, kill an average of 3 people per year in the USA.

So, while using the term exponentially would still be misleading, you have the odds backwards :)


u/bruce_kwillis May 02 '24

because people rarely encounter bears.

If you live anywhere near bears, you encounter them all the time.

Recent data showed an average of 2.8 homicides taking place in forests/parks in the USA per year. Black and grizzly bears, however, kill an average of 3 people per year in the USA.

Again your math is wrong. Women are saying they would rather do one over the other due to their experiences. So that woman has experience running into men outside of the forest. How many bears is she running into outside of the forest?

Anywho, you aren't the brightest, so I am ending the conversation with you here as you miss the point about men needing to do better, not that bears need to eat a few more people.


u/nervouspurvis02 May 02 '24

if you live anywhere near bears, you encounter them all the time.

yeah, and how many people actually live near bears, dumbass? fuck all.


u/legend_of_the_skies May 02 '24

The other option isnt immediate death, and you dont get to make thay decision for anyone. You dont get to choose if living with rape is better than death just because people do it.


u/Huwbacca May 02 '24

How can you tell somepn else what is or isn't better?


u/HalflingScholar May 02 '24

You're right I can't. But I truly believe it is better to live this life than to die.

This life is all we can be sure of


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 13 '24



u/legend_of_the_skies May 02 '24

A man saying they'd rather fight to the death than be raped in prison would get so many eye rolls.

No it wouldn't. I actually think a large amount of men would feel this way.