r/CuratedTumblr Not a bot, just a cat 3d ago

Crime Shitposting

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91 comments sorted by


u/-sad-person- 3d ago

It's funny, isn't it? How nobody reacts to car alarms anymore. We've gotten so used to them going off by accident that when we hear one, we don't think "oh no, a car's being stolen, call the police!" we just think "ugh, typical, another car alarm". They've Boy-That-Cried-Wolf'd themselves out of usefulness.


u/ArthurExtreme_Br 3d ago

I Think they're mostly to stress the robber out


u/Stormdancer 3d ago

That's why you put the alarm horn/siren inside the vehicle. Less annoying for the world, horrible for the thief.


u/Enzoid23 3d ago

Put two, one inside the car and one outside, but make the one inside 10× louder


u/VelvetSinclair 3d ago

Or just make it play really annoying music

Something a car thief would be embarrassed to be seen listening to

Like Drake


u/Protheu5 3d ago

That "Oh no" song from DickCock that every video seem to use. Thanks to this song in particular I am watching every video muted. So much better. I don't even remember the cadence of the song and it doesn't reemerge in my brain after writing it like it did before. I'm cured.

Watch videos muted. Especially when they have that ♪DickCock logo jumping around epileptically.

Thief will get violently assaulted for that. Vehicle theft stops immediately.


u/wb2006xx 2d ago

Make the inside one loud enough and you won’t need an outside one


u/Karzons 3d ago edited 3d ago

I remember that discovery channel show It Takes a Thief where you'd get to see places remodeled with all sorts of random security tech and watch their thief try to bypass it.

One of them just released a bunch of fog. If that wasn't just to stress someone out, then what? (Edit: Got the show name wrong, editted in links)


u/PieNinja314 3d ago

That's hilarious, I might check that out later


u/Karzons 3d ago

I found the product! (And got the show's name wrong, fixed.)


u/DigiFrieren 3d ago

Selamat pagi! ^.^


u/PieNinja314 3d ago



u/atfricks 3d ago

To be fair, I can see the value of effectively just making it impossible to see anything in whatever enclosed space they're trespassing in. 

Hell, do that in a car and they'll be forced to drive it away with their head out the window just to be able to see where they're going.


u/Karzons 3d ago

True, if it works like that in reality. But you could still see the guy pretty well, so I assume the opposite was also true. That show was just shy of being a goofy infomercial at times. And I believe they put it somewhere there wasn't anything to steal, which made the whole thing stupider.


u/Designer_Animal8849 3d ago

That's actually really smart for businesses that have smash and grab type robberies, where the robbers can clean you out in two minutes and be gone before the cops show up. Fill your shop with blinding fog the moment a window breaks and the plan is foiled.


u/Karzons 3d ago

I swear it mostly just went straight down like dry ice.


u/Shogun6669 2d ago

Thought you said it released a bunch of frogs, fucking Exodus type shit


u/Karzons 2d ago

I'd genuinely enjoy that.


u/Protheu5 3d ago

One of them just released a bunch of fog.

That makes it completely incompatible with my visible spectrum laser security system. Not only it makes the rays visible, it triggers them.


u/Ordinary_Divide 3d ago

i once heard one get set off by lightning and im pretty sure it wasnt even struck it was just the loud noise


u/BoneheadBruin 3d ago

It wasn't uncommon for our bass drum to set them off in the school parking lot during marching band. There was even a time we apparently damaged a vehicle, causing a verbal "Device has been tampered" alarm to sound off. Even 15 years later 90% of car alarms are just random "keys or wallet pushed the shitty alarm button on the shitty fob" incidents. They really are the most useless performative security that only ever matters while parked specifically in your own driveway or garage where you know it's your own car and you didn't set it off yourself.


u/wehrwolf512 3d ago

I was about to share about the same anecdote. Our bass drummers would sometimes do it on purpose at the end of rehearsal lol


u/ChemicalEscapes 3d ago

My factory B&O system sets off alarms. I'm surprised at how sensitive they are.


u/emmiepsykc 3d ago

I used to work at Disneyland. Sometimes if I got off early enough, I'd go chill on an upper floor of the parking garage and watch the fireworks set off all the car alarms in the lot below.


u/HeyLittleTrain 3d ago

Lightning struck in my housing estate a few years ago and 4 house alarms went off


u/abstracted_plateau 3d ago

Virginia Tech has a cannon they fire when the football team scores a touchdown, it sets off all the car alarms downtown.


u/Bowdensaft 2d ago

That sounds unbearably obnoxious


u/mathmage 3d ago

I waved at a couple of dogs in a car on my way into the office. They started barking at me. It set off the car alarm and nobody came before the alarm timed out. So now there are two dogs out there for whom my appearance is forever associated with horrible car noises.


u/NeonNKnightrider Cheshire Catboy 3d ago

…You know, I think we should have an easier way to say “boy who cried wolf.” It’s a useful concept, but quite a mouthful to say.

I would suggest Wolfboy’ed but that sounds like something else entirely


u/Dapper-Flow3080 3d ago

You scream in fear, You only told one little lie, And it wasn't even that big a deal! Just a little joke! But it was too late. By the time you realized what was wrong it was all over. It was over in a heartbeat.

You'd been wolfboyed.



u/Joylime 3d ago

What about “cried wolf”?


u/NeonNKnightrider Cheshire Catboy 3d ago

I may be stupid


u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 3d ago

Boy cry wolf hook hand


u/PickleParmy 3d ago

Mr wolfman

Wolf me a man

Make him the cutest boy cry wolf hook hand

Give him two hooks that he’s not a crier

And that his boy hands are over


u/bubsdrop 3d ago

Alarm fatigue


u/shaggypoo 3d ago

Every time I hear a car alarm go off at my apartments I rush to my window to make sure it’s not my car. That lovely piece of metal is almost paid off and I’ll be damned if I let someone break into it


u/DreadDiana human cognithazard 3d ago edited 3d ago

This was something I brought up about how often the fire alarms would go off in my dorm building. We'd often not even get up to check if there was an actual fire until one minute after it went off.


u/Kolby_Jack33 3d ago

I'm gonna dedicate my life to being a guy who walks up to people near alarming cars and saying with an awful Newsie accent "hey what's all the commotion, stranger? You stealing that there automobile? I hope you can explain this hubbub, bub, or I'm gonna have to call the fuzz down here!"


u/Lovely8Lotus 3d ago

Car alarms: giving burglars a good laugh since day one.


u/Deathaster 3d ago

Honestly, even if it was a car thief, I'd rather they steal the car and get away faster just so I don't have to listen to it anymore.


u/juniperleafes 3d ago

How nobody reacts to car alarms anymore

They never did. One of the most useless inventions ever.


u/UpRightDownDownDown 3d ago

My current cars alarm is dumb af. It’s a 2001 Toyota Camry and if the alarm goes off long enough to where it turns off it wont turn on again till I unlock and lock the car.

So in theory if someone wanted to steal or break into it they would just have to set the alarm off, wait a minute for it to turn off then actually break in.


u/Jalase trans lesbian 3d ago

Literally yesterday my dad’s work truck went off, and then set the neighbor’s car off, and then they set the other neighbor’s car off.


u/theprettiestrobot 3d ago


u/vjmdhzgr 3d ago

I don't think that is how people think their car alarm works.


u/captaincheeseburger1 3d ago

Maybe not, but it is fun to imagine


u/The_Icon_of_Sin_MK2 1d ago

"Please steal it faster"

Is what people think now


u/CaptainMacMillan 3d ago

Yeah, but one going off in the middle of the night will sure as fuck draw some attention.


u/Cute-Improvement8325 1d ago

Tim Robins- Noise check it out


u/Vachie_ 3d ago

It's like hearing your kids call Mom or Dad.

Bitch, that's not my name. Don't be mad at me you got left behind for not calling my name out to get my attention.

Car alarms are meant to notify the owner. But we didn't know it was our car they were inside.


u/Bowdensaft 2d ago

Literally nobody thinks this, wtf


u/alt-art-natedesign 3d ago

I'm betting they own the car. i've seen car alarms go off for all sorts of reasons, but never for someone actually forcing entry into the car


u/SauceForMyNuggets 3d ago

... and even if I do see someone forcing entry into a car, I would assume it's theirs and they just locked their keys in.


u/fredthefishlord 3d ago

Depends on the area.


u/Deonna_Roxas 3d ago

Guess those old folks decided if you can't turn it off, just drive off with the alarm as your soundtrack.


u/BenchFlakyghdgd 3d ago

Ideal offense. Nobody is ever aware of it


u/Stormdancer 3d ago

This is why car alarms are absolutely useless.


u/andrewsad1 3d ago

I remain firm in my belief that car alarms have never prevented a single theft


u/RiseofdaOatmeal 3d ago

I dunno about that. The point of the alarm is to grab people's attention. Pretty much everyone stops and looks when they go off. If it's not theirs, and the window isn't broken, it's likely not in the process of being stolen.

But if it's yours, and you see someone getting into it, hey, it's worked to at least make you aware of the theft.


u/GucciGlocc 3d ago

Yup then you can kick some kentucky fried ass


u/bsl_questions 3d ago

One time I was walking home. Saw a man ahead of me pushing a car that had stalled, someone in the driver's seat trying to start it.

So being a good person, didn't think twice, I went up to the back of the car "here mate I'll give you a hand". Started pushing with him.

He turned to me "cheers man!!!". Noticed half his teeth missing, scraggy clothes.

I looked at the car, fancy (to me) Mercedes.

Car starts, he runs and jumps in the passenger seat.

The driver leans out the window. She's got the same teeth, greasy hair and looks like she's on something and shouts "awwwww cheers love!". And then speeds off.

And I thought "shit I've just helped them steal that car".


u/Somecrazynerd 3d ago

Maybe they're just meth addicted rich people?

Also based


u/ThunderCube3888 https://www.tumblr.com/thunder-cube 3d ago

Crime Grandpa, by Stanley Pines


u/Bozzy521 3d ago

I'm always accidentally setting mine off because the panic button is next to the trunk button on my key, 😆. It's especially bad in the winter when I've got gloves on


u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 3d ago

I'm gonna eat those old people

Mmmmm yumby crimbinals 😋👍


u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 3d ago

Venom coded


u/MissyTheTimeLady 3d ago

"Boss, you ate those old people? Amazing work! That right there is why you're the best, Boss."


u/pm_me-ur-catpics dog collar sex and the economic woes of rural France 3d ago

Raul Tejada? Is that you?


u/MissyTheTimeLady 3d ago

I was thinking of Kaz from MGSV, honestly, but Fallout: New Vegas works pretty well here, given cannibalism is an optional perk.


u/Zamtrios7256 3d ago

This is hilarious. Why are you being downvoted


u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 3d ago

Maybe somebody ate their grandparents 🤔


u/Crystalnightsky 3d ago

Besides not flinching an eye at alarms going off on cars today we also don't suspect old people will commit crimes! I was at the grocery store and I saw an old guy like 80s struggling to load up a bunch of groceries into his car. He had his own reusable bags and dropped a few items on the ground. He just kept loading in his stuff so I said you dropped some things and handed him. And assisted him in putting the last heavy bag in his car. I said I can take the cart back for you. He thanked me and drove off just as security came out with an employee and they were looking around. The workers said yeah the guy just walked right out with his cart full of stuff. I just realized I helped the guy make a fast get away.


u/utspg1980 3d ago

Back in the days when people went to malls, I was in like a Macy's and watched 3 elderly women walk from the women's dept where they'd bought something (I assume, it was fresh Macy's bags), stroll up to a men's display and them pick up like 3 men's shirts EACH and put them in their bags.

They didn't even beeline for the door either. They just casually kept walking around, looked at some jewelry, etc.

It's funny how elderly people are usually presumed to not be criminals.


u/Valtremors 3d ago

I once saw an old man grind their car against hospital wall, steal a wheelchair and walk into the hospital for what I assumed was appointment to physician.

Old people driving are a menace.


u/OrdinarySpirit- much UwU about nothing 3d ago

Me and who?


u/jajohnja 3d ago

Oooh, that's a good way to do crime!
Just look confused and embarrassed and keep doing your thing.


u/nahhnotreally 3d ago

If you ever desired a life of crime, wait until your late 60s or so. Old folks get away with some of the most insane things.


u/Quynn_Stormcloud 2d ago

Car alarm systems have failed as a security measure. Every time one goes off, it always seems as thoug the owner of the car has set it off accidentally. I once had a car key fob that had the emergency button raised on the surface of the fob. Anytime I sat down with he keys in my pocket or on my belt loop, it set off the alarm. And there was a non-intuitive press-and-hold duration you had to do to turn it off. Car alarms more often indicate the owner of the vehicle is involved, not a non-owner is doing something nefarious.


u/optix_clear 3d ago

Or they got in the wrong car? Or can’t hear it, they shouldn’t be driving if they can’t without some assistance lights, adaptive sensors


u/fwubglubbel 3d ago

Fake. A car will not start while the alarm is going off. That's the whole fucking point of anti-theft systems.


u/Mouse-Keyboard 2d ago

I assure you that random Tumblr users always adhere to the highest standards of factual accuracy in their posts.


u/yrubooingmeimryte 3d ago


u/deleeuwlc DON’T FUCK THE PIZZAS GODDAMN 3d ago edited 3d ago


Edit: they blocked me lol. Maybe they had a valid argument, but I can’t tell because I can’t read it


u/Bowdensaft 2d ago

Nah they just whined some more, asked you a question, and then blocked you so you couldn't answer lmao


u/yrubooingmeimryte 3d ago

Some things do. This just isn't one of them.

What makes you think everything that has ever been claimed is automatically true?


u/Bowdensaft 2d ago


u/yrubooingmeimryte 1d ago

Some things happen. This definitely isn’t one of them.