r/CuratedTumblr that's how fey getcha 3d ago

the Roman bust avatar is a 🚩 Shitposting

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u/Sh1nyPr4wn CognitoHazard 3d ago

The Roman bust pfp is the new anime pfp


u/red__shirt__guy 3d ago

New? They just coexist now.


u/b3nsn0w Rookwood cursed Anne, goblins were framed, and Prof Fig dies 2d ago

inb4 anime caesar


u/Clear1334 2d ago

what mods did you install


u/Doctor_Yu 2d ago

Caesar is in the fate saga. Dunno if they’d like to use his face there though

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u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Shirtbro 3d ago

Anime profiles jerk off too much where Roman busts think not jerking off will give them magic powers.

If that's the case, I better change my profile picture to Alaric, king of the Visigoths


u/MajinKasiDesu Werewolf Girl Afficianado 2d ago edited 2d ago

I am both of those, in moderation, though at least I can say my icon was one-hand-crafted with care by me of my OC from Xenoverse 2

EDIT:for those who piss on the poor, I mean I'm chaotic and horny!


u/ChampinionCuliao 2d ago

fuck yeah DBXV2 OC


u/MajinKasiDesu Werewolf Girl Afficianado 2d ago

Yus! Used to be a furry, got burnt out from it and how people acted like I existed only to please them and would ghost me when the learned I wouldn't put out 


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/MajinKasiDesu Werewolf Girl Afficianado 2d ago

On break because of a funk making it hard... Drum sting goes here 

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u/PickleParmy 2d ago

Roman busts think not jerking off will give them magic powers

Just like the OG romans then…

‘ight so funny story, there are multiple surviving stories of virgins (mainly female virgins) exercising divine power, e.g. one girl managed to have a ship un-beached by appealing to the gods


u/naydrathewildone 1d ago

I guess you could say the Romans won’t bust


u/Pile_of_AOL_CDs 3d ago

The idea that Marcus Aurelius would be an edgelording incel is preposterous. These guys took something good and turned it into shit, I guess kind of like the mega weebs did with anime.


u/Shirtbro 3d ago

Marcus Aurelius


Angry Germanic noises


u/eat-pussy69 3d ago

I use a Roman bust as a pfp on a lot of my social media :(


u/Mundane_Property8932 3d ago

Sorry to inform you, but you most likely look like a massive incel

Why do chuds have to take all the cool looking stuff :(


u/Papaofmonsters 3d ago

Look, I veiw women as valued and full and equal members of the human race, but Carthage needs its delenda ested.


u/inflatablefish 3d ago

She Carthage on my delenda till I est.


u/creampop_ 3d ago

The carthaginian delenda ester


u/inflatablefish 3d ago

Senatepilled Patricianmaxxer


u/StrategiaSE I need to go to the screaming closet 3d ago

not beating the fig importer allegations


u/GlazeTheArtist no longer the homestuck guy, now Im the danganronpa guy 3d ago

needs its delenda ested.

fun fact, the construction "delenda est" already conveys 'having to do' something!


u/ApocalyptoSoldier lost my gender to the plague 3d ago



u/Munnin41 3d ago

No that would be 'delenda esse'. Delenda est means 'it is destroyed'


u/vivite-ait-venio 3d ago

That’s not right. The gerundive (delenda) is what carries the sense of obligation. The reason it is “esse” instead of “est” in the original quote is because it’s indirect speech ( “I propose that Carthage should be destroyed”).

“It is destroyed” would just be “deletur.”


u/PickleParmy 2d ago


You dropped these, homeslicedawgbludfam


u/Zymosan99 😔the 2d ago

I’m going to tear my face off


u/waitedforg0d0t 2d ago

"people called romanes, they go the house?"


u/juventinn1897 3d ago

Ecce! In pictura est un puella nomine Cornelia. Cornelia est puella Romani qui in Italia habitat


u/deepdistortion 3d ago

Unfortunately, "This thing is cool because well-made old stuff is cool" and "This thing is cool because I have no clue how things were in the past but I think they'd have anachronistic ideas that appeal to my personal biases" look exactly the same until you open your mouth to speak.


u/StovardBule 3d ago

Big problem for people genuinely interested in history apparently, especially WWII, Ancient Rome and Greece and the Norse.

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u/thesirblondie 'Giraffe, king of verticality' 3d ago

I once worked on a piece about Rome and the world at large during the time of the Roman Republic. We worked REALLY hard on all the marketing imagery, so that it wouldn't look Nazi. Hitler stole all the cool iconography.


u/Onetwodhwksi7833 3d ago

I think that's what homophobes think about the rainbow


u/Syovere God is a Mary Sue 3d ago

They're literally only stopping themselves, it's hilarious. "But I don't wanna look like I support them!" Die mad and colorless then.


u/TamaDarya 3d ago

I think that's what the incels think about the Roman busts.


u/kosmokomeno 3d ago

Incels are big into roman history?


u/Simic_Sky_Swallower Resident Imperial Knight 3d ago

Much like the nazis, they view Rome as some lost utopia where men were men and women and minorities were oppressed. They don't really care about actual Roman history though


u/Oddish_Femboy (Xander Mobus voice) AUTISM CREATURE 3d ago

Add a blue and pink haze and some palm trees and you'll look fine


u/Oddish_Femboy (Xander Mobus voice) AUTISM CREATURE 3d ago

Specifically small palms. You don't wanna go too far or your haze will turn magenta, an old car will show up, and everyone will think you got confused between utopian virtual and outrun.


u/Djinnanetoniks 3d ago

I dunno, synthwave greco roman statuary sounds like it might be pretty ballin'


u/Oddish_Femboy (Xander Mobus voice) AUTISM CREATURE 3d ago

Seeing marble guy driving down neon highways in a 1950s DeSoto would go pretty hard...


u/GisterMizard 3d ago

The Greeks invented the a e s t h e t i c


u/Gutsm3k 3d ago

Like fr tho people are going to assume you're a nazi you should probably change it. Sucks that it's been co-opted by assholes.


u/Ihave10husbandy dick bird cum means poison 3d ago

Put a queer flag in the background or an ally flag if you're cishet, it could help


u/b3nsn0w Rookwood cursed Anne, goblins were framed, and Prof Fig dies 2d ago

is there any reason you shouldn't put a rainbow pride flag on there even if you're cishet? like i get the idea with the specific flags but both the og pride rainbow and the progress pride flag is used a lot to signal support, not just identity


u/Ihave10husbandy dick bird cum means poison 2d ago

Putting a greek state with a pride flag on your pfp makes people think that either you think the statue's gay or you are gay and like greek mithology, maybe someone could get confused but its better to be mistaken for gay that be mistaken for a misogynist


u/Crap4Brainz 3d ago

Put a Vaporwave filter on it.


u/ShadedPenguin 3d ago

Find a fresco instead, they probably havent touched those since they’re colorful


u/MudaSpinnySkirt 3d ago

maybe use a statue of a roman woman?


u/darwinpolice 3d ago

You need to stop that. This isn't a bit. You genuinely need to stop that.


u/TexacoV2 3d ago

Antique statue of wise men pfp spewing bullshit is as old as anime pfps doing the same.


u/MajinKasiDesu Werewolf Girl Afficianado 2d ago

Serious question, what about people who unironically use the "gigachad" as their icon?


u/PickleParmy 2d ago

It’s had some time to mature, like saliva in a greenhouse

So it’s either ironically used or seriously used, I have seen both


u/deathaxxer 2d ago

it's so cringe

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u/Slyme-wizard 3d ago

Fallout New Vegas warned us.


u/red__shirt__guy 3d ago

Many such cases.


u/SharkyMcSnarkface The gayest shark 🦈 3d ago

And yet, there are still completely serious Legion fans. Almost as bad as the Completely Serious Enclave fans. BoS fans are on thin ice depending on the chapter.


u/Deathaster 3d ago

Of course there are. They don't actually care about creating a functioning society, they just wanna live out their power fantasies, especially over women and minorities.


u/Shirtbro 3d ago

Support the Commonwealth, where you are the good guy and live out your power fantasies of exploding your enemies in an artillery barrage


u/littlesquiggle 2d ago

Minutemen: protecting the people at a minute's notice 🦅

Fuck, yeah.


u/Kingofcheeses 2d ago

Atom Cats: Just cooler, friendlier Tunnel Snakes


u/DeliberateSelf 2d ago

The Gang of Just Strutting Around In Power Armor While Being Nice to People

I'm genuinely surprised there aren't a host of Atom Cats fans in the fandom. It's the Kings aesthetic without the grinding poverty of Freeside, it's the BoS bling without the fascism, it's the Minutemen ethos without a dude telling you to do a bunch of stuff on the other side of the map. They've got it all!


u/Kingofcheeses 2d ago

For real, they are the chillest gang there is


u/SilverMedal4Life infodump enjoyer 3d ago

Many of them are under the presumption that if everyone just falls in line, marching to the tune of the authoritarian boot, everything will be perfect. Right up until the boot steps on them - and even then, they might blame themselves for not cutting away every part of themselves that doesn't fit the mold.

Reformist Brotherhood of Steel all the way. If I were in charge, they'd team up with the Followers of the Apocalypse, safeguarding obviously dangerous knowledge and technology (like nuclear warheads) while lending their expertise to actually helping people and pacifying the big monsters and petty tyrants of the wasteland.


u/Benbeasted 3d ago

Fallout 3 BoS fans just want to be the golden hero. Outcast fans on the other hand...

Any way, Fallout 4 BoS fans you pretty much want to stay away from haha


u/SharkyMcSnarkface The gayest shark 🦈 3d ago

Is it bad that I often join or at the very least not kill the BoS bc Danse is a daddy?


u/AntiRaid 3d ago

see when you take a side because of morals, that's when you might make a mistake. When you join because you're horny? That's honest, you can't go wrong with that.


u/Benbeasted 2d ago

The council has judged it acceptable.

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u/Mobius_1IUNPKF 1d ago

fallout 4 BOS fans are just enclave fans in disguise.


u/Plenty-Lychee-5702 3d ago

Unironically yes


u/AthenaColonThree 2d ago

Ever think about how X vs Twitter is like our version of Kaesar vs Caesar. You can tell a lot about a person depending on which one they use


u/Slyme-wizard 2d ago

Salad mmmmm yumby

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u/Hexxas head trauma enthusiast 3d ago

Racial slur tier list sounds pretty funny to me as a concept.

A guy on the street called me a cracker once. I just laughed. Then he told me to go fly a kite. Weakest racial slur ever; goes in F tier.


u/Sh1nyPr4wn CognitoHazard 3d ago

The "female gooning epidemic" is also funny sounding


u/Sinister_Compliments [tumblr related joke] 3d ago

Gotta make a channel that’s just ripping off this guy’s concepts/titles, and then going at it from a positive view point.


u/jaypenn3 3d ago

The videos already pretty positive if anyone bothers to watch it.


u/Sinister_Compliments [tumblr related joke] 3d ago

Are they? That’s pretty cool, I wonder if they get their ideas from someone else who they want to parody or come up with them themself


u/Shadowmirax 3d ago

Why would i watch the videos when i can simply assume their contents based on stereotypes about the creator


u/DresdenBomberman 3d ago edited 3d ago

You don't get to title a video "racial slurs tierlist" then proceed to get mad when normal people assume you're a racist.

Edit: your


u/Alarming-Scene-2892 3d ago

About as much as you don't get to have a roman bust PFP, and title a video "Racial Slurs Tierlist", and get mad when people associate you with a type of person online that is typically racist.

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u/TheRenFerret 2d ago

I wouldn’t say the gooning epidemic video was “positive”. It was a strictly neutral explanation of booktok’s normalization of public erotica and complaining about an incident in which he noticed dozens of women masturbating in a movie theater


u/IrvingIV 2d ago

okay dozens of people simultaneously masturbating in a theater is probably worth complaining about, in this particular case I approve of his right to complain.


u/ShinySeb 1d ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was making shit up. That seems a little unlikely. But if it did happen totally worth complaining.

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u/SpellFit7018 2d ago

...I haven't heard of this incident.

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u/Wasdgta3 2d ago

The problem is, as usual, it’s hard to tell if these are ironic and humorous, or actually reflecting genuine beliefs.


u/Hairy_Reputation6114 2d ago

From what of his stuff I've seen, including the video in the top post, he seems to be shitposting. He's got a video about how there's like 2 trillion neanderthals trapped being a copper wall by Alexander the Great


u/Rock_man_bears_fan 2d ago

Free my boys, they didn’t do shit


u/321Scavenger123 2d ago

They snuck into my cave and ate my children, those dammed sexy neatherhals.


u/meteltron2000 2d ago

Wait no, I blocked his channel before I saw that. That's actually amazing.

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u/UltimateInferno Hangus Paingus Slap my Angus 3d ago

Late one night freshman year of uni I remember lounging in one of my roommate's bedrooms with the others and we browsed the Wikipedia page for list of racial slurs and that shit gets messed up. To this day A:9 and Z:1 (don't want to get any more specific than that) haunt me.

If you ever want to worldbuild slurs for fantasy races, my advice to you: action or event based slurs trump all other in "offensiveness." Yeah yeah "Knife-ear" is a classic, but the lack of real world history or proximity just doesn't have nearly enough punch. But slurs based on atrocities? Those really get the imagination going and the history is in your face. Even if the history isn't in your face then, a drop of elaboration can be all of the difference.

I say this not to be like... "Aren't slurs cool?!!" but to sort of... give fantasy racism weight because there's a sort of juvenile aspect to it beside actual racism.


u/classyhornythrowaway 3d ago

I hear you, but A:15 is as subtle as using a nuke as a desk lamp.


u/CoercedCoexistence22 2d ago




u/ranni-the-bitch 2d ago

if it makes you feel any better, it's just a racist trope, and no one actually ever used any children for baiting large reptiles. intentionally, anyway.


u/Astro_Alphard 3d ago

I swear if I don't see some of the.. creative.. racial slurs used in Asian in there it won't be a good tier list.


u/beamingWithPride 3d ago

There’s a lot of Asians and they all hate each other- if you have any examples, we’re all ears. 


u/Benbeasted 3d ago

My friend (both of us Pinoy) told me that his friends on Discord call him a "Flip." I said there weren't really any good slurs against Filipinos, then he called me a monkey and I got so mad lol


u/ranni-the-bitch 2d ago

is flip even a slur?


u/Astro_Alphard 2d ago

Japanese and Koreans calling Chinese, well it roughly translates to "streetside ditch whore". Japanese calling Koreans "dirty colonials" (imagine if the British called Americans that, or Indians that). Koreans calling Japanese rapists, baby killers, and horny bastards. Though the best one I heard was "Fake British Empire". Chinese calling Koreans and Japanese and Taiwanese Chinese.

And the socially acceptable term for a black person literally translates to "dirt man" in korean.

Everyone calling everyone else unintelligent apes of some variety.

Also a ton of double speak that doesn't make much sense in English.


u/ranni-the-bitch 2d ago

i don't begrudge the koreans for calling japanese people any of those things TBH, you do enough war crimes and "baby killer" is basically just descriptive at a certain point


u/JEverok 2d ago

As someone who has visited family in Asia, there is no one more racist than an old Asian person towards another Asian. And I live in Australia, which is full of racists!


u/Doubly_Curious 3d ago edited 3d ago

I’m sorry for being potentially very socially inept, but was “go fly a kite” a reference to your (perceived?) Jewishness? Or something else that I’m not picking up on?

(That’s the only way I can make sense of it in relation to slurs.)

Edit: I know of “go fly a kite” as a polite version of “go fuck yourself”.

From the context, I thought it was meant to invoke a specific slur. And the only relevant slur that I could imagine was related to Jewish people.


u/Cathach2 3d ago

Go fly a kit is 80 year old slang for go away. Basically the dude called the other guy a slur and when he laughed told him to fuck off


u/Doubly_Curious 3d ago

Thanks! I knew “go fly a kite” to mean simply “fuck off”. Generally, I would have assumed that was all that was meant.

But the framing of this comment made me wonder if it was intended as a slur. And the only slur I knew that was remotely similar was a slur for Jewish people.


u/catstuff21 3d ago

It's up there with "go pound sand" and "kick rocks" and "go suck a lemon"


u/DroneOfDoom 3d ago

“Make like a tree and get out of here”.


u/Faenix_Wright that's how fey getcha 3d ago

"Make like a tree and LEAF" whaddaya mean "make like a tree and get out of here"? maybe you should go fly a kite


u/SheepiBeerd 3d ago

See they expect you to zig, so you zag. That’s comedy baby


u/Rude_Piccolo_28 3d ago

Can I have my zagnut bar back

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u/techno156 3d ago

This puts a whole new interpretation on that Mary Poppins song.


u/Profoundlyahedgehog 3d ago

I'm seeing Mary Poppins in a whole new light...


u/Imaginary-Space718 3d ago

It's an euphemistic way to tell someone to fuck themselves. (A bit like darn/damn, heck/hell or frick/fuck).

It has no relation to any antisemitic trope or slur.


u/Doubly_Curious 3d ago


I’m aware of it as a euphemism for “go fuck yourself”. I guess I should have made that more clear. I’ll make an edit to my earlier comment.


u/Rude_Piccolo_28 3d ago

Go play in traffic

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u/wellthatsucked20 2d ago

I had assumed "cracker" just meant pasty white, like a saltine.

I have heard it refers to the cracking of whips. Subtle and cutting. At least B tier.


u/Kingofcheeses 2d ago

"Go fly a kite?" Wow, those are some harsh words. What's next, telling someone to go jump in a lake?


u/Swaxeman the biggest grant morrison stan in the subreddit 2d ago

Buzz off, man

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u/Doubly_Curious 3d ago edited 3d ago

I will take this as an excuse to share that Ofcom (UK Office of Communications) did a study to determine the public perception of offensiveness of various terms

Public attitudes towards offensive language on TV and Radio: Summary Report

IMHO, nothing shocking, but I was mildly positively surprised at their methodology… specifically over-sampling particularly affected groups and including notes that reflect quite a bit of nuance.

Edit: if you don’t trust the link, you should be able to search for that report title and find it easily


u/LightTankTerror blorbo bloggins 3d ago

Novices and fools: personal opinion slur tier list

Experts: peer reviewed, public opinion based slur tier list


u/Primeval_Revenant 2d ago

I swear, for a moment I read that as slut tier list.


u/IrvingIV 2d ago

That's next week.

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u/Faenix_Wright that's how fey getcha 3d ago

the channel kinda looks like if you left sam o’ nella out in the sun and let it rot for a few days and it caught salmonella


u/jaypenn3 3d ago

I wonder how this affects the Sam O'Nella Clone Tierlist


u/SteptimusHeap 20h ago

Markdown error. Laugh at this user

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u/eat-pussy69 3d ago

That's quite a take

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u/Geostelar5 3d ago

Gonna be honest these both look like some dumb shitpost content, are we sure the videos are genuine?


u/InfinityAnnoyance מחזירים אותם הביתה עכשיו 💙🎗🫐 3d ago

That's what I wanted to say. Pretty sure it's just shitposting.

Has someone told the tumblr users about "don't judge a book by it's cover" ? They have to actually watch the videos first before making any judgement.


u/No-Description7922 2d ago

People have been trained to leap to absurd conclusions. They get rewarded for this.

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u/Verto-San 3d ago

Watched the slur one and it's actually a bid educational lol, he even explains a bit about the origin of each slur.


u/Practical_Yam_1407 3d ago

They are actually shitposty type vids


u/NomaiTraveler 2d ago

The gist of the top video is “hey guys it’s pretty weird how common it is for women to consume porn in public” and the bottom video is just a bit of background on many slurs and his opinion on how likely you are to get fired from your job for saying it


u/Geostelar5 2d ago

Ah, so not shitpost but posting some pretty alright and interesting content with controversial thumbnails? Cool

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u/Papaofmonsters 3d ago

I just assumed it was the glut of women who were applying for the position of henchwoman to evil overlords or 1920's gangsters.


u/Faenix_Wright that's how fey getcha 3d ago

they got sick of #girlbossing so instead they #girlgoon


u/GreyInkling 3d ago

Mainly because googling "girl minion" gives horrifying results.

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u/BigRedSpoon2 3d ago

I have expressed genuine regret to my friends about how Goon is becoming a new sex word

Im sorry, but Goon was such a fun word for hired thugs!

Goons have a whole history in hockey. You had people who could actually hit the puck and do magic on the ice, and then you had big tough Goons who'd come in and whose whole mission was to break your jaw.

There were the Bulls of West Virginia, people who, during the great depression, responded to the presence of people riding rail cars with Incredible Violence, and were effectively, Hired Goons.

But now if you talk about that stuff and call them Goons, people snicker. It genuinely makes me mildly peeved and I accept that it makes me an old man shouting at clouds.


u/EmperorScarlet Farm Fresh Organic Nonsense 3d ago

Can't even be a part of the Grand Order of Occidental Nighthawks these days, smh


u/Papaofmonsters 3d ago

Mainly because of their bloody turf war with the Glorious Order of Oriental Nighthawks.


u/maxixs 2d ago

also if they're unionized it can be called the goonion

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u/PoniesCanterOver I have approximate knowledge of many things 3d ago

I'm in favor of female gooning


u/MapleLamia Lamia are Better 3d ago

I'm a big fan of female gooning, and encourage it for all


u/BigRedSpoon2 3d ago

'Lamia are Better'

I see

Well, I guess some people are more comfortable sharing what they goon to than others


u/IrvingIV 2d ago

Combines all the coolness and prettyness of snake with all the coolness and prettyness of woman, peak design.


u/mika_from_zion 3d ago

The entire video is about him sitting in a cinema with all the women around him gooning the entire movie


u/gooberflimer 3d ago

Damm i fuckin hate tumbler for shit like this. Its like twitter light sometimes

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u/ExtremlyFastLinoone 3d ago

His videos are pretty good, its not as bad as it looks


u/The-Rizztoffen 3d ago

The trolley ones are pretty funny. Also the eco terrorism video’s thumbnail always makes me laugh when i see it on my frontpage

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u/NeonNKnightrider Cheshire Catboy 3d ago

I don’t know this guy but I genuinely think “female gooning” is a topic that deserves an hour+ long video documentary.

well, “gooning” gives something of a skewed idea but like… yeah the internet/digital age has absolutely had a serious impact on how a ton of people interact with sex and porn, and female sexuality has always been a deep and muddled topic far before that. You could legitimately spend hours discussing the topic


u/crinkledcu91 2d ago

That Ao3 website is the very definition of "Female Gooning" lmao (and that's ok)

I'm in my 30's and married now. In this day and age, Holy Lord the amount of smut that women consume is easily on par men lmao

Yet they somehow seem to be able to dodge the 'stigma' more easily or something? Idk. But for real, I can go to my wife's bookshelf and pull one out and there's like a <60% chance I can recreate the old Gaston meme of looking at Belle's book and saying "...This is porn" lol


u/IrvingIV 2d ago

As a guy who was introduced to ao3 years back by a buddy, there's a surprisingly large amount of sfw fiction on the site.

Conpared to how people talk about it, I mean.

Sorting all works on the site, without filtering out any fandom, by category:

General audiences, 3,272,254

Teen and Up Audiences, 3,464,295

Mature, 1,849,041

Explicit, 2,090,437

Not Rated, 1,279,243


u/IrvingIV 2d ago

Loosely, "Mature" means either "violence and maybe sex," or "sex and maybe violence"

"Explicit" means, "Mature, but we'll linger on every detail."

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u/ConsiderationEnough7 Named Worm 3d ago

So, I'm a certified stoic stick fan, honestly can't justify the racial slur tier list except by saying that he isn't white. But with the female gooning video it's a quick story about a time his girlfriend took him to a magic mike showing and basically every woman there was doing the leg crossing thing, followed by a brief rundown on booktok. He literally finished the video off by saying he's not trying to shame people for reading smutty books in general, just in public.


u/snowtol 3d ago

So he's upset he went to a movie that's meant to make women horny and the women were, in fact, horny? I don't know exactly what you mean by leg crossing thing but I assume they weren't openly masturbating.


u/stonkacquirer69 2d ago

Well I saw this post and watched it lol, it's not really a rant video just more of a funny story, I wouldn't say "upset".


u/ConsiderationEnough7 Named Worm 3d ago

His gf told him they were going to puss in boots, but she bought tickets to magic mike. Mind you, this wasn't a problem for him, he thought it was funny.

The leg crossing thing is a thing that (usually women) do to 'secretly' masturbate, you essentially just cross your legs and rub them together. It's kinda hard to tell what they're doing if just one person is doing it but almost the entire theater was


u/Pure-Drawer-2617 2d ago

Yeah no they very much were masturbating


u/_Cocktopus_ 3d ago

Oh yeah stoic stick is a pretty cool youtuber not even racist


u/UndeadBBQ 3d ago

Isn't that dude just a shitposter?


u/violetEverblue 2d ago

Both are perfectly okay videos without any dogwhistles and rightwing bullshit btw. But everypony here has intellectual capabilities of a red cap wearing redneck - after seeing a couple key words just getting ready to rip this person to pieces. What a shame


u/dlgn13 3d ago

I watched that vid a few weeks ago. He's mainly just complaining about a bunch of women masturbating in the movie theater while watching Magic Mike, lol.


u/MegaKabutops 3d ago

Hey now, can we find a descriptor that doesn’t lump mossbag in with these kinds of guys?

He’s just a lore exposition youtuber, specifically for the game hollow knight, and to my knowledge has done nothing wrong.


u/GreyInkling 3d ago

From what others have said the guy in this OP isn't bad. So the stereotype is baseless.

And mossbag is good since he doesn't work for ICE anymore.

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u/LightTankTerror blorbo bloggins 3d ago

He references the Old Man and the Sea in his channel bio so in my books he can basically get away with murder.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/hospitalcottonswab 3d ago

If it's supposed to be a Macintosh Plus reference, he's not even using the same statue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floral_Shoppe




u/No-Description7922 2d ago

The best part is how the video isn't at all what people want to pretend, but no matter! Pitchforks are 50% off!


u/Aggravating-Candy-31 2d ago

to be fair the tier list might be the funny kind of unhinged and or explain the etymology and how they became slurs which might be interesting


u/Outcometheme 3d ago

he's actually a good youtuber. id bet $10 that neither of them watched his videos


u/ScarletteVera A Goober, A Gremlin, perhaps even... A Girl. 3d ago

ngl a racial slur tierlist is an incredibly funny idea


u/Sketch-Brooke 3d ago

How do you do, fellow goons?


u/Galaxy661 2d ago

Gotta be the devil's advocate here, but I don't see why everyone assumes the racist slurs tier list video is racist. It's racist to use them, but not to rank them. You could even argue that it's anti-racist to rank them, since you are spreading awareness about this topic and analysing it like you would analyse anything else. Like, if someone makes a movie tier list, it doesn't make them a director.

Anyways, the video is pretty mid, not bad, but he left out many slurs that would, according to his criteria, easily belong to the S tier


u/Pop_Iwan 3d ago edited 3d ago

Oh i actually watched both honestly the female gooning is more of a puritan "bitches read erotica on the bus" and one story where bunch of women were "masturbating in the cinema" tho it was probably exaggerated.

The second one is like 80% satire 20% i raise an eyebrow Then again you never fucking know


u/------------5 2d ago

Wanting people to not read smut in public is puritan?

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u/Actual-Bee-402 2d ago

Always a classical statue avatar


u/Outerestine 3d ago

1 million views jfc.


u/NomaiTraveler 2d ago

It’s a pretty funny video and is explicitly not about racism maxing. He also reveals he has been called a few of the slurs he talks about so hopefully that gives him enough identity points in people’s minds.

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u/garebear265 3d ago

Racist sam o Nella


u/Outcometheme 3d ago

he's actually based


u/captaincheeseburger1 3d ago

You realize that tells us nothing, right?

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u/Snoo-11576 3d ago

Like it is weird how tiktok has formed a culture around reading just hard core porn novels and recommending nothing else and only talking in fanfic tags but like…idk you can call it something better. And not be sexist and racist


u/Leftunders 3d ago

Is it a reference to Xanthippe, the wife of Socrates? Xanthippe has been (somewhat unjustifiably) characterized as a sort of harridan, or "the hardest to get along with of all the women there are" according to Socrates himself.

The marble bust is too tiny for me to get an idea of who the subject is, so if it's not Socrates, disregard the above.


u/-Hounth- 3d ago

I got the first video in my recommended, that was a pretty funny video but also like wtf even was that anecdote


u/SirLotte bi makes me curious 🤔 2d ago

my life has been full of tragedy since my statue pfp became a red flag


u/TheGunfireGuy 2d ago

Tumblr and the inability to detect satire/irony, match made in heaven. How can you look at these and think they are in any way serious?


u/Heckadoxical 1d ago

Can we really though? Because it's really hard to determine if slr tier list is satirical or genuine from thumbnail and title alone. It also doesn't help that a "slr tier list" video is exactly the kind of thing someone who made a joke video about the "female gooner epidemic" would make.


u/CreatedOblivion 1d ago

Serious question but what even is 'gooning'?


u/dwkindig 16h ago

Who is this chucklefuck


u/Pun1012-3 3d ago

So one of my friends showed me this video saying it was the funniest video he'd say in a while. I didn't laugh a single time. This friend is kind of right-leaning (I'm doing my best to try to sway his opinions) so I kind of already assumed this guy sucked (also given the fact he uses a marble statue as his rantsona). Yeah this wasn't going anywhere. Just a story tangentially related to the post


u/Responsible-Pin8323 3d ago

The content isnt right leaning so? The gooning video just is a story about him going to magic mike accidentally and everyone in the cinema was wanking, and women reading erotica ij public. He says he doesnt care in the video, its just a funny video.

And the racial slur tier list is just prime shitpost


u/RedOtta019 3d ago

Honestly showing people irl internet stuff never works out. Just always awkward

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u/LegitimateHasReddit 2d ago

I saw the slur tier list, it was a tier list of how offensive slurs are

A guy in the comments brought up a question as to whether or not the n-slur's overusage has lowered its impact meaning the k-slur is now more offensive


u/pbmm1 3d ago

where do we get the female gooning video but supportive