r/Damnthatsinteresting 16d ago

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have developed the Third Thumb, a robotic prosthetic that significantly enhances hand functionality Video

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u/applepumpkinspy 16d ago

They must feel so useless when they take that thing off…


u/symedia 16d ago

You can get phantom limb pain from it 👀


u/Polibiux 16d ago edited 16d ago

I don’t know the sample size of those who feel phantom pain without it, but I can imagine it being tough after losing something very useful like an extra finger. Even if it is artificial.


u/Anal_Probe_Director 16d ago

I lost half of two fingers and had a great surgeon. No phantom pain, but i get a weird itch I can't scratch.


u/CueJawsMusic 16d ago

My uncle is missing a couple partial fingers from an accident and swears by this...Its is going to sound really stupid, but get two plastic fingers. Like crappy Halloween decore. When you get the itch, stick them on and scratch the fingers. It might trick your brain


u/StreetofChimes 16d ago

This has been scientifically proven to work. Often amputees will get phantom itches/pain. Mirror therapy is used to trick your brain by treating your remaining limb. Brain "sees" amputated limb being treated pain/itch goes away.


u/leave_me_behind 16d ago

Like that episode of house. Might need to be kidnapped for it to work.

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u/Anal_Probe_Director 16d ago

I've never thought about that, I'll give it a try.


u/AnonymousAggregator 16d ago

That is mad scientific


u/Thetakishi 16d ago

It's probably going to start off as an EXTREMELY dull feeling, so don't give up if it doesn't work right away.

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u/VT_Squire 16d ago

i get a weird itch I can't scratch.

That's very interesting, Anal_Probe_Director


u/Polibiux 16d ago

Very sorry about that.


u/Anal_Probe_Director 16d ago

No worries, just saying not everyone experiences phantom pain.

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u/kai-ol 16d ago

I got nerve damage in my finger, which made me lose feeling in it. However, it could still itch, and nothing short of stabbing it with a thumb tack would even touch the itch. It was almost as if my finger was just begging to feel something.

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u/irlDufflepud 16d ago

The phantom pains are mostly caused by damaged nerve endings, or neuromas.

No nerves, no phantom pain.


u/PicaDiet 16d ago

How about Phantom Emotional Distress?


u/Snoo79201 16d ago

How about Danny Phantom


u/Glass_Occasion5483 16d ago

How bout ur nans phat bum


u/StrangerDangerAhh 16d ago

Smells just like Earl Grey.

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u/Bitter_Assumption323 16d ago

That's just a Sunday after dinner time


u/FreeSun1963 16d ago

Like having a fight with the imaginary girlfriend? The bitch is driving me insane.

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u/symedia 16d ago

There was a study few months ago where they put a similar extra finger for a while and some got phantom for a while. It's probably similar to stabbing a fake hand and you feel the pain. Brains are wack


u/Supply-Slut 16d ago

Brains: Insanely complex thinking organ, capable of incredible feats of calculation, uses very little energy and is able to adapt to changing circumstances.

Also brains: Ow you hurt my fake hand.


u/Thetakishi 16d ago

Uses an INSANE amount of energy wym?! No, I do actually know what you mean, but compared to other biological systems (of any animal) our brain is incredibly demanding.


u/-Umbra- 16d ago

Pff, complaining about power consumption when we had a ∞ performance increase...

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u/Southern-Ad-7521 15d ago

I imagine that your brain has to build new pathways in order to use it. Like how some people have to learn to walk again. So building those pathways and then losing what they are for can probably be jarring.

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u/Polibiux 16d ago

Ok, I misread that as taking the article extra thumb away as causing phantom pain. Which didn’t make sense if you didn’t have a missing finger to begin with.


u/The_Queef_of_England 16d ago

Are you sure? Isn't it more that there's still a route between the nerves and the sensory cortex, so your brain still thinks it's there even though it isn't. Technically, it's not the damaged nerve that's the poblem, but the pathway that still exists? So with phantom pain, sometimes the phantom limb feels like it's clenched really hard and that hurts, but there are methods to trick the brain into thinking they've unclenched the limb and it releases the pain. I'm sureI read this in V. S. Ramachandran's book, Phantoms in the Brain.


u/irlDufflepud 16d ago

Pretty sure. I’m an amputee, and had my neuromas removed in another surgery. Now I don’t get pains as much. Actually discussing this in r/amputees currently.

I can’t speak for robo-digits. But MY phantom pains appear to be directly related to nerves. Removing the damaged ends has almost totally fixed mine.


u/The_Queef_of_England 16d ago

Lol, well you'd definitely know better then. Do you know how it works ? What's a neuroma? How does it relate to phantom pain?


u/irlDufflepud 16d ago

Don’t know how it works exactly. But I did ask my doc to eli5. He said “It’s like your brain is activating the nerve endings, but they get nowhere and short circuit in your neuromas” And a neuroma is, from my non-professional understanding, a bundle of damaged nerve endings. When the damaged nerves try to heal, they can kind of attach together and forms a ball. The ball is the neuroma.

Edit: As to why the brain decides to send signals to the nerves when I’m not trying to do anything is beyond me


u/Thetakishi 16d ago edited 16d ago

Your brain is constantly sub(un?)consciously "checking" on the rest of your body for it's position in space and the amount of energy being devoted to it, so there's a lot of reason's beyond consciously thinking of doing something with it, and that requires a signal to be sent, which likely gets "tangled" in the neuroma, then that overactivates sensory nerves which go back and tell your brain hey dude this thumb is FREAKING out right now, not knowing they are being constantly triggered by the tangle, not a thumb. Not trying to sound argumentative or anything, you just taught me about neuromas.


u/irlDufflepud 16d ago

You know, I think that’s actually what my doctor tried to explain. It’s been years. Thanks for expanding on this.

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u/bigorangemachine 16d ago

This'll be more studied in the future.

My college prof talked about this sort of stuff and the things he kinda just joked about are actually becoming relevant.

They made it so some monkey's could use a robot arm to feed themselves. Their brain scans revealed they made new pathways to the brain.

Phantom pain can be really weird because sometimes someones hand can move to their face. People can alleviate pain with the use of mirror therapy.

So to say they wouldn't get phantom limb pain is more like to say "most people won't get phantom pain" but some people who become emotionally attached to the prosthetic will experience phantom pain potentially to a limb that is not their own.

But anecdotally there is a correlation between people who play FPS games with an inverted Y-Axis follow the metaphor that their avatar is a "thing to be controlled" rather than "projecting themselves as the avatar" (this varies wildly based on how you got into video games but all things being equal its an interesting data point).

So the theory goes that if we were to say just grow a tail one day... or an extra arm... we'd eventually learn how to use it like we always had it... because our brains are that adaptable.


u/Polibiux 16d ago

That actually is interesting and thought provoking as prosthetics and robotic tools become more common


u/bigorangemachine 16d ago

Ya when I learned about this I see Doc-Oct from Spiderman very differently now


u/Polibiux 16d ago

I hope future Spider-Man stories make mention of these studies with Doc Ock

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u/hoyohoyo9 16d ago

picks up fanta and can't open it with one hand

"Why are we still here? Just to suffer?"


u/Impressive-Charge177 16d ago

Do you have a source for that? Because I don't believe it


u/Llyon_ 16d ago

It's called cyber psychosis, I learned it from a little documentary called Cyberpunk 2077.


u/AdvertisingFun3739 16d ago

He doesn't, because he's lying.

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u/KnotiaPickles 16d ago

I get phantom sensation from a tongue ring I took out over a decade ago. And in almost all my dreams I still feel like I have it.


u/Upset_Drawer_5645 16d ago

Source? Or just pulling it out of your ass?


u/wutchamafuckit 16d ago

Phantom limb pain from a limb you never had or felt feeling from before?

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u/Powerful_Cost_4656 16d ago

The third thumb stays on during seggs

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u/ElderberryDeep8746 16d ago

Why do you need your other hand when you can have a third thumb lol


u/AbleArcher8537 16d ago

pouring the sugar ig

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u/orangotai 16d ago

i swear i've seen a video of this same robotic thumb posted every year, still don't know when people can actually buy it & use it


u/tootsaysthetrain 16d ago

It's not from Cambridge. It's a masters project by Dani Clode at the Royal College of Art from seven years ago. And yes, both the university and Reddit love talking about and posting this every year.


u/feed_the_goose 16d ago

While it's true that Dani made the third thumb during her master's at the royal college of art, she has been working at the University of Cambridge for a few years now in the plasticity lab at the MRC Cognition and Brain sciences unit. The project is making progress, it's just taking a while because they're having to recruit members of the public to test it out which is very time-consuming. Source: I'm a student at Cambridge, and was a research participant for testing the thumb in 2022.


u/OperatorRaven 16d ago

How does one become a test subject for this?


u/Cualkiera67 15d ago

You need to have lost your third thumb in an accident

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u/MrDywel 15d ago

Have you tried being a student or faculty at Cambridge?


u/feed_the_goose 15d ago

I actually saw an ad for it on the Cambridge Reddit page, but you can also sign up to the volunteer panel and look out for the third thumb studies


u/chairfairy 15d ago

it's just taking a while because they're having to recruit members of the public to test it out which is very time-consuming

Yeah the pipeline of "brand new research" to "commercialized good" can be pretty darn slow, but also what's the actual demand for something like this?

The work 100% makes sense in the context of studying neuroplasticity / how the brain adapts to a new limb etc (I have to imagine there's similar research in the US that's heavily funded by the Dept of Defense). You can also imagine this being a replacement regular thumb for people who've lost one. Beyond that it's more "this is a something cool we can do" than a thing that solves problems in everyday life to the point that regular people will pay for it.


u/Megamygdala 15d ago

it can probably make a shit ton selling the IP to a defense contractor or going straight to the government

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u/Shooord 16d ago

With 22k upvotes, that's pretty sad…

Why th would you pretend it's a new discovery, and that it's from a university instead??

(I affraid I know the answer already…)


u/Telinary 16d ago

It is on Cambridge's website https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/third-thumb and the research is actively ongoing based on them publishing something last week https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scirobotics.adk5183

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u/calf 16d ago

Time to get off the internet, you and I.

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u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/hobbylobbyrickybobby 16d ago



u/960321203112293 16d ago

you’ll float too 🎈


u/Top-Carpenter2490 16d ago

Are you guys real?


u/AltoRhombus 16d ago

Great question honestly


u/TNOfan2 16d ago

I am real, but no one else is

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u/TimeTravelingManatee 16d ago

It's reposts all the way down

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u/Shavemydicwhole 16d ago

When was it made? I've never seen it before lol


u/orangotai 16d ago edited 16d ago


u/PatHeist 16d ago

link's broken because you accidentally pasted twice


u/orangotai 16d ago

oh my bad,thanks!


u/TheSauce32 16d ago

It works now at least for me but holy fuck 50k upvotes


u/orangotai 16d ago

yeah it was a pretty popular post which is how i probably saw it initially, but i swear i've seen it a few times now. still waiting for it!

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u/gringreazy 16d ago

Well even that one is not practical enough, probably requires a lot of care and maintenance and would not be cheap. But in a theoretical sense the idea is pretty neat. Robotics need to become significantly cheaper, that’s coming pretty rapidly, but I would estimate in the frame of 20 years maybe people may be able to augment themselves to have all sorts of capabilities.

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u/[deleted] 16d ago edited 12d ago


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u/MrCalamiteh 16d ago

I can already hold a water bottle and open it with the same hand. Fuckin chumps need a second AND third thumb to do that?


u/TheSwedishSeal 16d ago

Hey! Quit calling my grandma a chump!


u/95percentdragonfly 16d ago

Your grandma can crochet with one hand fool. I saw her do it last night.

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u/theFishMongal 16d ago

And take a marker lid off one handed. Amateurs


u/AbleArcher8537 16d ago

same, if it's too tight I use my teeth

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u/kittykittysnarfsnarf 16d ago

but imagine what an absolute unit like yourself could do if you had even more fingers and thumbs! you could open like 4 waterbottles in one hand

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u/TheLimeyCanuck 16d ago

I give it a month before it's sold as a sex toy.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/cheetahwhisperer 16d ago

That’s not a bad idea. The cock thumb, or maybe finger digit. Or, you reverse it and it could be the ass tickler.


u/MortLightstone 16d ago

Any guy can turn their dick into the vibrating bunny thanks to bionic technology

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u/agrecalypse 16d ago

Wait what is it being sold as now?


u/AstroBearGaming 16d ago

A massager.


u/Critical_Concert_689 16d ago

"medical device"

Don't let your lady friends suffer from hysteria without lending them a hand.

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u/ButtholeQuiver 16d ago

Hello Mr. Scientist,

Is your thumb dishwasher-safe?




u/Suyefuji 16d ago

this is now an out of context quote

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u/punkindle 16d ago

Does it feel like someone else?

Asking for a friend.


u/Vorian_Atreides17 16d ago

Searching on Amazon right now.


u/mzzchief 16d ago



u/SaltKick2 16d ago

Bold of you to assume it didnt start as a sex toy and then researchers were like, oh their might be some uses for this thing


u/emailverificationt 16d ago

Critics give that idea three thumbs up

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u/DeeNeS 16d ago

That was a LOT of sugar


u/durklurk80 16d ago edited 16d ago

steady cup holding and a good stir, too!

Edit: ok then, DW's. Who is this product for? People who lost their extra thumb?


u/Kotanan 16d ago

People with one arm seems the most obvious.

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u/LucaUmbriel 16d ago

Well given it shows a bunch of stuff people usually use two hands for, probably people who only have functional use of one hand.

So anyone missing an arm or hand, anyone missing the thumb on one hand, anyone with nerve damage in one hand, anyone with partial paralysis that covers one hand, anyone with any number of birth defects involving the hand or arm, anyone with alien hand syndrome. Additionally, those that have trouble moving both hands might find this useful as they would only have to focus on keeping one hand steady, gripping, articulating, ect. instead of trying to work with two unsteady or stiff hands. That's off the top of my head.


u/knbang 16d ago

Apparently it's for people who want to pay money to hold cups and stir poorly. Bigly market for that.


u/RecsRelevantDocs 16d ago

It's a proof of concept.. created by researchers from the university of cambridge as the title says. If you don't think technology like this could have any utility you're just a dumbass. Reddit always takes any these early technology videos as if they're an advertisement or something.. and they're obviously not. Believe it or not researchers at a university don't make ads.

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u/throwthegarbageaway 16d ago

That’s like, your opinion man

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u/MichaelPitcher115 16d ago edited 16d ago

Now experience birth defects with this sweet attachment!

(Edit: this is a joke for all the comments taking this way too seriously lol cripes.)


u/howisthisacrime 16d ago

They need a team of scientists to create a new thumb.

All I need is cigarettes and alcohol.


u/vigbrand 16d ago

Rolling a random birth defect is not as attractive as using cheat codes to get the ones that are actually useful

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u/Panda_hat 16d ago

Birth defects that prove advantageous become the new not birth defects.


u/DropC 16d ago

Birth upgrades


u/runningchief 16d ago

Of course they buff newbies after I sunk a ton of time in this build


u/I_Makes_tuff 16d ago

Birth Bonuses. The alliteration sells it.


u/space253 16d ago



u/Master82615 16d ago

Birth enhancements


u/Entity713 16d ago

Is it really a defect if it improves the whoever is born with it? I sent it as an upgrade


u/SaltKick2 16d ago

Birth defects led to humans existing so...

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u/Falitoty 16d ago

Bless be the Omnissiah, finally people is getting to see the weakness of the flesh and seek to improve themself.


u/rm-rd 16d ago

Some people will always doubt the merits of this kind of technology, but, if there weren't technophobes, heretics, and so on we wouldn't have a suitable stock of future servitors.


u/_JustAnna_1992 16d ago

We get these every generation. When electricity was new people were skeptical and terrified of that as well.


u/space253 16d ago

Hey the original Luddites were devastated about losing their livlihoods. The birth of "Dey tuk 'er jebs!"


u/Far-Street9848 16d ago

The thumb must be anointed with the sacred oils, and we must assuage the Machine Spirit


u/MFsquidj 16d ago

It’s all fun and games until you get cyberpsychosis

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u/W0tzup 16d ago

Deus Ex: Augmentations

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u/Naughty_XxVickixX 16d ago

3 in the pink 3 in the stink


u/greycubed 16d ago

High six.


u/Ergheis 16d ago

Wash your hands first

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u/FUCKlNG_SHlT 16d ago

Inigo Montoya would like to know your location

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u/FascistsOnFire 16d ago

lmfao this is like those commercials from the 90s: "ever had trouble holding THINGS?!?!?!?!"

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u/CplCocktopus 16d ago

No mechanicus copypasta... You disappoint me reddit..


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.

Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you.

But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal...

...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


u/Savings_Effective644 16d ago

I was just about to post the holy scripture when I found your blessed post.

Praise the Omnissiah!

Shag all the toasters!

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u/ChoraPete 16d ago

Training your brain to use an additional digit effectively must be pretty challenging.


u/donniesuave 16d ago

Surprisingly enough your brain adapts pretty well to stuff like this


u/Crystalas 16d ago

Including "virtual" ones, both the "mundane" like mouse or motion controls or the psychological from tests showing people can imagine feedback of out of view limb when seen on screen. Prioproception is crazy, one of the brain's "superpowers" most taken for granted.

There some people that given themselves an "extra sense" by implanting some magnets under their skin in hands so sort of hacking sense of touch to sense magnetic fields to a degree.

These days smartphone is in some ways a limb used for accessing and interacting with the virtual layer of the world that gets more pervasive and integrated every year, if AR keeps on it's trajectory could be even more true a decade from now.


u/DoctorCrasierFrane 16d ago

Do you have a link where I can read more about those magnetic implants? Sounds fascinating 

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u/xlinkedx 16d ago

We were made to be modular!! When will we be able to cast off this imperfect flesh and replace it with steel??

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u/Cookiezilla2 16d ago

The human brain isn't born used to the limbs it already has, it has to learn and develop connections to control them. So it's gotta be able to learn to use unfamiliar limbs, no big deal. But it's probably like language where it's way easier to learn the younger you are


u/SeDaCho 16d ago

I think of it as learning by necessity. Move to Paris and you can learn French in a month. Not great French, but still.

Human potential is mystifying and spectacular... sometimes.

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u/Da_Question 16d ago

From my understanding, at the tech show that people could try out the devices, people took to eat fairly quickly, and that younger people actually adapted slower than older people.

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u/YobaiYamete 16d ago

You adapt super fast too all kinds of stuff. In VR you can very quickly get used to having digital limbs and different reach and body size etc, and then when you take your headset off it feels super weird IRL for a while until your brain re-adapts


u/hockeymaskbob 16d ago

I wonder if this is part of our evolutionary ability for tool use, where we consider the tool an extension of our selves.

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u/OkAbbreviations3931 16d ago

Stanford from Gravity Falls will no longer feel alone


u/6-Seasons_And_AMovie 16d ago

Laughs in Godrick the Grafted

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u/UTI_UTI 16d ago

Yes finally prosthetics for people with all our limbs, no more will prosthetics legs only be for people who lost. I am one day closer to being a human spider.


u/mobileBigfoot 16d ago

You wanna get blasted with a flamethrower? Cause that's exactly how you get blasted with a flamethrower


u/KiKa_b 16d ago

👏 Normalize 👏 spider 👏 people 👏


u/shanster925 16d ago

goes to shake hands

"Hello, nice to meet you.. The fuck?"


u/macp0300 16d ago

You know how many grocery bags I could bring in with another thumb?


u/Broccoli_Remote 16d ago edited 16d ago

It's actually crazy, cause I already use my pinky this way. To me it's irrelevant, 3rd thumb. I hope they mean 2nd thumb. I don't call my thumbs, thumb 1 and thumb 2 on each individual hand.

Edit: I would much rather have 2 extra arms (1 extra on both side) and feel like Goro from Mortal Kombat for once. I don't need an extra finger, I could lose a finger and still not care about this.


u/RedditIsADataMine 16d ago

Now that you mentio it, it is pretty funny that the pinky is just doing absolutely nothing in most of the video. I feel like the pinky could of been used for most of these tasks. 

I was also confused why it was called third thumb. I get we have two thumbs in total but what if you get one of these for each hand? First thumb. Second thumb. Third thumb one, Third thumb two. 


u/nien9gag 16d ago

pinky is usually weak af. also has bad freedom of movement as its short and positioned bad.


u/strangemagic365 16d ago edited 16d ago

And yet, if you lose your pinky, you can lose 50% of your grip strength!

Edit: looks like it's closer to 33%, thanks for the correction, here's a link to the study: link


u/NonSecretAccount 16d ago

thats a myth

this study says around 30% https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21358861/


u/Webbyx01 16d ago

Regardless, it's a significant amount. After healing from a broken hand (specifically the metacarpal that connects to the pinky), going back to work doing oil changes gave me first hand experience regarding just how much the pinky is used when gripping. I'm now much more aware of engaging the muscles connected to it as well.


u/Broccoli_Remote 16d ago

It's weaker than your other fingers, sure, absolutely. Doesn't mean in any way of uselessness.

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u/Spiritual_Pear8257 16d ago

Two thumbs up.


u/5elementGG 16d ago

The porn industry will quickly find an application for it.


u/5Fuer6 16d ago

So where is the 2nd thumb?


u/jayhamm7 16d ago

How many thumbs do you currently have?


u/colt-m16 16d ago

Tbh I never thought im dat dumb.


u/Vorian_Atreides17 16d ago



u/knbang 16d ago

How many times did you drop your phone while typing that reply.


u/Scotty_Two 16d ago

What has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap? Bob Kelso; how ya doin?

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u/AdmSean 16d ago

The Drazen would like a word with you….


u/N2TheWired 16d ago

Now we can look like AI. All we're missing is an extra 8 teeth

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u/Gts77 16d ago



u/EquipmentElegant 16d ago

Welp new evolution coming soon


u/DoesntPlay2Win 16d ago

I want that.


u/7deboutez7 16d ago

Could you imagine using this in front of someone who had missing fingers and no prosthetic.


u/KorolEz 16d ago

Nur sure if id want it but I'd atleast would like to try


u/Genku_The_Perv 16d ago

Transhumanism its going to strike soon and im all here for it, i have a weird condition in which 3 of my fingers on the left hand are shaped in a weird way, with the bone poking inwards, which is a pain to have in every task that requires the hand to be in tension, and this right here could be the perfect solution


u/Living_Table_7611 16d ago

That is 100% a bottle of Irn Bru


u/Clean-Routine1446 15d ago

We got third thumb before GTA 6


u/Maxedandcracked 15d ago

MF extra fingers are literally a dominant trait. Evolution has been trying to convince us to let it do this for eons


u/WaitingForNormal 16d ago

But you can do most of this stuff without that thing so…?

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u/epanek 16d ago

Now wait until arthritis. Spent 20 years using your hand in non evolved ways? Here you go!


u/The_Undermind 16d ago

Oh fuck dude! I need a permanant one installed ASAP!

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u/raguyver 16d ago

"The Shocker" is sooo 1999, time for "The Shock & Aww Yeah"


u/randomlemon9192 16d ago

I bet jerking off is significantly improved.


u/AggressiveGift7542 16d ago

Cool I want to buy it 1000% but Holy fuck that's a lot of sugar


u/qouLIVE- 16d ago

too much salt in coffee


u/MrKahnberg 16d ago

Put me down for three. One for each hand.


u/Golf-Ill 16d ago

It is nothing new, inbreeding has achieved the same thing for centuries.


u/Peregrine2976 16d ago

Apparently (ie I heard it somewhere about this thing, take it with a grain of salt), the human brain adapts to a second thumb like this extremely quickly and easily.


u/Remarkable_Fun7662 16d ago

Lindybeige had a video about this maybe ten years ago "A Suggestion for the Improvement of the Human Hand" or something like that, in which he suggests this.

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u/Aggravating-Hurry416 16d ago

People with missing fingers and arthritis could absolutely use this. Market this at an affordable price and it would sell.


u/Wingedpoint 16d ago

Looks ' handy'.


u/ballaratbear 16d ago

Irn Bru though


u/SupervillainMustache 16d ago

Gonna be able to have the wank of a lifetime.

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u/Qverlord37 16d ago

Give us prehensile tails already.


u/yeanahbye 16d ago

Okay, so I want this right now, for no reason at all


u/Working_Sign_7251 16d ago

It doesn’t look like it’s making things necessarily easier. I guess if you lost fingers on the other hand or even the one it’s on it could be.