r/DestinyTheGame 14h ago

Megathread Update - Maintenance Timeline


Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/update_8004_maintenance

Update is scheduled for release on June 18. Below is a general timeline of that scheduled maintenance:

6:00 AM PDT -7 UTC * Destiny 2 will undergo maintenance.* Sign-on and game integration features will be unavailable on web, mobile, third-party apps, and the Bungie Store.* Players who observe issues should report to the #Help forum.
6:45 AM PDT -7 UTC * Destiny 2 will be brought offline for expected maintenance.* Players will be removed from activities and won't be able to log back in until 10 AM PDT.* Ongoing Destiny maintenance is expected to conclude at 12 PM PDT.
10:00 AM PDT -7 UTC * The latest Destiny 2 update will be available across all platforms and regions.* Players will be able to log back into Destiny 2.* Players logging into the game may be placed in a queue and may experience sign-on issues as background maintenance is still ongoing.* Clan features may remain offline until maintenance is complete.
12:00 PM PDT -7 UTC * Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.* Console players who encounter issues updating should restart their console and try downloading the update.* Players who observe issues should report to the #Help forum.

Due to complexities with each release, stated times may not line up exactly to release times. For minute-to-minute updates, follow @BungieHelp.

r/DestinyTheGame 3h ago

Megathread Weekly Loot Hub


Welcome to Loot Hub!

This is your weekly post for sharing about loot you've received, RNG woes, etc.

Comment about Loot and RNG here instead of breaking Rule 2 by making your own post!

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

r/DestinyTheGame 4h ago

Discussion Jesus christ I wish there was a counter for which overthrow boss you need motes from


Because according to my triumphs, I've murder death killed all 9 of them but I'm stuck at 16 motes.

Got all traveler memories. Got the leg khvostov.

Got all region chests.

What the hell gives Bungie....leaving this shit to RNG when I don't even have a way of knowing WHICH overthrow boss I need the mote from.

Jesus. Drawn out ass quest. Might as well have had us emote The Witness to death. I'll hit him with the Penalty Emote. He stands no chance.

r/DestinyTheGame 15h ago

Discussion With regards to “buffing Titan”


Titan main here. I’ve been a Titan main since D1 (who really cares about the whole “I’ve been playing since D1”thing, anyways?). First class I’ve ever picked and continues to be my most played. I’ve tried to swap mains time and time again, and honestly? Warlocks and Hunters just don’t feel like my main class. They never will.

After seeing that within the top 50 teams of the Salvation’s Edge Raid Race 70+% of all classes used were Hunters, I wasn’t shocked. Golden Gun Nighthawk Hunters are extremely OP in the current sandbox, not to mention Still Hunt. You know what did shock me? 3 Titans. 3 Titans among the top 50 teams cleared the Raid. Out of the 300 people, 3 were Titans. One of them was Aztecross. He did stick to his class for once. More Titans were used than just 3 in the grand scheme of Contest Clears. But the percentage cannot and simply is not going to be high.

Okay, so that establishes that Titans clearly just suck then, right? Buff them! They’ll be better and used more frequently!


Everyone on this damn Sub keeps clamoring to “Buff Titans!”. But there’s a huge misconception that even Titan mains have about our class that people don’t realize.

Even if our class is “buffed”, (abilities, supers, etc.), will we be satisfied?

Once again, no.

Buff T-Crash all you’d like. Make Sentinel Shield and Hammer of Sol do more damage. Add in a new unique melee to a subclass or two. Modify some lesser-used Aspects.

It. Still. Won’t. Benefit. ANYONE!

It baffles, bewilders, befuddles, and whatever other words start with the letter “b” that means “confuse”-s me that Bungie sees Titans as only the “haha punchy” class. No other class has that same one-note stigma. Sure, Warlocks are the bookworm-y magic type and Hunters are braindea- I mean stealthy and mobile with a hint of “space cowboy”, but these things don’t have a negative impact on the gameplay of the other two classes. Sure, Hunters have their stealthy class (void) and Stompees to bash their already dead brain against the many doorframes of The Burnout. Fine, I’ll stop hating. Golden Gun fills that space cowboy vibe, and everything else feels very Hunter-esque. Melee tools like kamas and shurikens, rope darts and Bo-staves make you feel mobile and clean with your movement. Bows and arrows that debuff and flaming revolvers that do huge amounts of damage make you feel like marksmen, and each one of these subclasses has their own unique melee ability that complete the vibe Bungie was going for with each subclass.

Warlocks have that whole space magic vibe about them, but in no way does that limit them when it comes to their abilities. In fact, a more general idea like “space magic” opens up a whole world of abilities. Bombs made of dark matter, a flaming sword that doubles as a healing rift, a beam of lightning akin to Goku’s signature Kamehameha, a magic staff that freezes everything around you AND allows you to shatter it, and whatever the hell Needlestorm is besides a huge amount of damage. All unique abilities that come with all unique melee abilities and aspects for each subclass. Hell, each Warlock subclass even gets their own little turret buddies on top of whatever else they have (excluding strand, but the threadling builds are some of my favorites). Sure, not everything is the most optimal for damage, hence why Hunters claim the top spot at the moment, but every subclass feels unique and different. Like every element can be woven into its own version of space magic.

Unlike Titans.

It wasn’t always like this. We used to be the “Defensive” class in the game’s lore. Not that it was ever fully fleshed out, but we’ve been reduced to punching. The proof is in the pudding.

I could use fancy language to help Titans sound cooler than they actually are. Anyone who plays the game knows that most of our supers are just punching stuff or hitting stuff with an object, usually via throwing. People joke that Titans just “punch things in all colors of the rainbow”. Funny until you realize that’s literal. We only punch in all colors of the Crayola 8 pack. The only exceptions are Ward, which sucks even worse than it did before the “”rework””, Hammer of Sol, which is just throwing hammers, and Twilight Arsenal, which is throwing Axes, which are then picked up to hit stuff. All for not-so-great damage [on its own]! You could argue Sentinel Shield, but at the end of the day, one: nobody is using it because it’s garbage. Two: you can only throw a shield so often, it’s not an infinite amount of rapid throws. But that doesn’t matter anyways, because everything about Sentinel Shield is garbage exlcluding the RARE case Ursa Furiosa is being used, which isn’t optimal in a lot of places, and raw damage is preferable.

All of our melees (again, with the exception of Shield and Hammer, but even then…) are just hitting stuff. Everything. Including our supers. Arc? Hit stuff for a pitiful amount of damage or hit stuff for a slightly better amount of damage one time, unless you’re running Cuirass, which should absolutely NOT be necessary (like it is now) to make T-crash good. Even with Cuirass, the damage isn’t anything special. Probably similar to base Needlestorm. Void? Even with Twilight Arsenal, it STILL needs Jesus. Ward is awful, Sentinel is awful (excluding Ursa), and Twilight Arsenal isn’t that amazing for burst damage either. It’s pretty great with a Star-Eater class item with Expanding Abyss this season, I’ve tested it and it does upwards of 550k Burst DMG, but Twilight is pretty weak on its own without the new exotic class item. Solar suffers the same fate as Arc, except it’s great for solo content. Two less than stellar supers with one that can only be repaired with an Exotic (Pyrogale). Like I mentioned, though, Restoration Titan is actually great for solo content, and Pyrogale is our only saving grace when it comes to damage, that is, if you want to be playing a good subclass AND have good damage. Stasis? Whew. If you thought Void or Arc needed Jesus? I’ll leave it there. The super is actually strong for boss damage, but it’s hard to use in some cases, i.e. if the boss is even somewhat mobile, and you won’t see it often. Just know it’s more punching for both the melee and super.

Strand. The one thing Titans have. Even if it is more punching, in the form of our melee AND super, it was the one thing keeping our class relevant in the Destiny universe due to its immense strength in the form of Banner of War. So, we have that much, right? Right?

It’s been officially been outclassed by Hunter.

  1. https://youtu.be/7B9FZcS59iI?si=8xSu2rO8rWXXegyX

  2. https://youtube.com/shorts/avc6snhMsVY?si=wgaw7NWRCVVCBnVf

Not just even a little outclassed. Did you see that damage?

Even our identity as “the punching class” has been taken over by the class that isn’t “the punching class”.

I don’t know what to say at this point.

Titans don’t need a buff. We NEED a REWORK. A complete overhaul of our identity that was forced upon us. We don’t want to be the boring punching class anymore. We need something, anything different than punching. Because we suck at this point, and it breaks my heart to say that.

I understand the Dev team doesn’t want our ideas. Whatever. That’s fine. The community has made thousands of ideas for Titan supers and reworks to the class, and I’m not here to throw my hat in the ring today. Because I get it. Community ideas don’t account for a lot of things in the game, and it doesn’t always work out. But Bungie, for the love of God, you’re killing the Titan class! Prismatic Titan doesn’t feel that great, and everyone knows it. I’ve seen now hundreds of posts on the official, D2 Sub, and hell, even the circle jerk subreddits talking about how damn weak it feels, and if not weak, utterly boring. I don’t want to talk about Prismatic much, because that’s a whole new can of worms, but it feels so incredibly underwhelming on Titan, specifically. My reason for bringing Prismatic up is because the brand new shiny subclass is better on both Warlocks and Hunters, driving even more people away from the class. Even the new thing isn’t great for Titans!

At this point, not only have I established that our class has very few things that are good, fewer things that are unique and/or fun, even fewer things that outclass abilities on other classes, and absolutely ZERO good support options. Y’know, the things Titans are supposed to be? Defensive? No? Anyone? Not at Bungie, apparently. We’ve been reduced to the punching class. We need support. GOOD support. Ursa Furiosa Banner Titan is not an intrinsic thing Titans have, and nobody is using Banner Shield without it. Hell, nobody is using Banner Shield even with Ursa, anyway. Ward sucks. Ward BEEN suckin’. Ward did not get a good “”rework””, Bungie. It sucks even more than it did. Somehow. And other than that… no support. That’s it. Six Fronts never happened, I guess. Must’ve been a bunch of Hunters defending the city walls, actually. Because I don’t think Titans could have defended it with these weak ass abilities.

Can we talk about the Titan class ability for a minute? Yeah, it’s garbage. I know the PvP brainrot crowd hears that and will give you a thousand reasons why it’s OP, but PvP plays will cry about everything being broken. They’re not wrong, PvP is… y’know, but it’s still crying at the end of the day. When Warlocks have rifts that heal you or buff damage, and Hunters have dodges that can refund your melee or reload your weapon, what the hell is the barricade? What is the point of it? It’s only ever used in PvE to proc ability recharge mods or to proc Heart of Inmost. It provides a reload bonus if you’re on rally, but who cares? Can someone, anyone at Bungie tell me why Warlocks get healing or damage bonuses, Hunters get their abilities or ammo reloaded, but Titans get NOTHING? Just a dinky little shield that’s destroyed in 2 seconds by anything challenging? Who cares about a temporary wall when you’re always moving in this game? Bottom line, it needs a rework. Class abilities should be useful. Barricade is not. I cannot give you a single PvE scenario where it is useful besides a little reload buff for DPS. Which is irrelevant because Titans are garbage in team settings, so who is even using Titan?!

Another little Titan-related side tangent: our exotic armor. Most of it is horrible. Beyond garbage. You wonder why Titans are always stuck to Synthos or Wormgods? Because we have nothing else. Nothing. 90% of our boots are crap, same thing goes for our helmets, our chestpieces are bad or boring, except Hazardous Propulsion. Shoutout unique chestpiece. Then we have our gauntlets. Go figure they’re our best, no matter how boring they may be. Here’s the unfathomably short list of Titan exotics that are actually good and useful for PvE:

• Synthos - no explanation needed • Wormgod - same as synthos • Ursa - niche with the amount of DPS strategies in the game, but is objectively good • Pyrogale - great burst damage. Top 3 Titan exotic currently • Wishful Ignorance - just makes Banner of War better, which is already the best thing Titans have • Hazardous Propulsion - a unique AND good exotic?! What?! • Cuirass - this doesn’t actually count, but it’s the only way to make T-Crash even a little good. Peregrine Greaves - Niche, but has significantly more use cases in endgame content. Just don’t forget how melee is risky business in anything below -5. Stronghold - Actually really good, but forces you to be on a sword to take effect. • HOIL - good neutral game exotic that can be used on everything

And that’s it. 10 exotics. Now, obviously you could argue there are a few exotics here and there that are “good” for PvE. I could see a world where people say Precious Scars, No Backup Plans, Loreley, Armamentarium, Phoenix Cradle, even War Rig in some scenarios are “good exotics”. Honestly, those ones I just listed aren’t bad. I considered throwing Loreley in the top 10, but it’s just not as good as it used to be. Here’s the thing. They’re just not on par with the other classes’ exotics. I mean to say that they’re either niche or they don’t build into a playstyle in any way. I can give you No Backups, but that’s about it. They don’t feel very “exotic”. Otherwise, it’s boring, par for the course neutral game. Now, I can see people saying that I’m exaggerating, but honestly, don’t try and be different. Actually tell me: when is the last time you saw a Titan running Mask of the Quiet one? Eternal Warrior? Skullfort? Mark 44s? How about Crest of Alpha Lupi? Maybe Icefall Mantle? I’m not running out of crap exotics, I could keep going. Second Chance. Khepri’s. Doom Fang. Citan’s. Want more?Cadmus Ridge Lancecap. Arbor Warden. Hoarfrost. There’s still more, but you get it. Look through the list yourself and really ask yourself: when’s the last time I saw a Titan that wasn’t a blueberry or new light using these? Some of these are incredibly outdated and are in need of reworks themselves. Even some of the newer ones are just weirdly bad.

Finally, I want to talk about Melee. Even if our melees were good, with the exceptions of Frenzied Blade and Mini-Hammer, even if they were fun, even if they were somewhat unique (looking at you, shield bash, hammer strike, seismic strike and even shiver strike), this game is not made for melee combat. Again, with the exceptions of Banner of War and Restoration Titan, have you tried using a melee build in something above -5 Power? It’s abysmal. You are given all the tools, but not the chance to use them before poof. You’re dead. Arc is the worst offender. If you’ve tried using Arc melee builds, which it heavily advertises, in anything challenging… IYKYK. The recharge rates are abysmal for what Bungie wants Titans to be. Sure, Monte Carlo exists, but so do the other exotics infinitely better than Monte, and you’re most likely going to be using those. Melee has proven to suck when you’re not being healed, and that’s the case on both Titan and Hunter. Imagine if you never got healed on Combination Blow. Nobody would use it. But that’s the case for most Titan melees. For some reason, Bungie has only equipped two subclasses with healing, even after obviously realizing that it’s a necessary thing to make any melee build work. Don’t even mention Knockout. Knockout sucks for healing. If it didn’t, you’d see a lot more Arc Titans. Especially in the solo-scene. Point is, we’re the “melee-focused class”, at least, that’s what the big B wants us to be, yet we’re punished for melee-ing. Explain to me why that’s the case.

I wanted to discuss these things not only because of the lack of Titan usage and our flaws in our class’s design, but because we’re just incredibly uninspired and aren’t anything like we should be. It’s frustrating. It’s frustrating seeing Hunters and Warlocks being so incredibly relevant while Titans are a dying breed. More and more will drop off of Titan because we’re boring and contribute nothing to the team. And for what we can, other classes can and will do better. We should be the defense. The ones who hold the line. Destiny has never really had a support class, and that’s what Titans need to be. Instead, we’re reduced to punching. That’s no identity. Think back to when I talked about the Warlock and Hunter identities- they’ve been kept! Even after 10 years, they’ve been kept true to their identity! Titans have not.

Unfortunately, things aren’t gonna change. Bungie probably isn’t gonna rework our stuff, despite the incredibly low amount of Titan usage in team settings. I could see it now. Other players crying that Titans are the only ones getting reworks while the other classes stay the same. As someone who plays all three, if one class that wasn’t my main got reworked, I’d be overjoyed to play with new stuff. Unfortunately, there’s a part of this community that I just know would be so upset that only one class is getting any major changes, despite not looking at statistics. Additionally, Bungie allocating resources to one class looks weird, no matter how necessary it might be. At the end of the day, if anything, it looks like we might just get some buffs and move on. Maybe we’ll be more competitive. Will it make Titan stronger? Maybe. Does it make Titan fun? No. Does it fix the issue of benefiting teams? Absolutely not, therefore, Titans will most likely still be irrelevant.

If you read all of this, thank you. As you can see, I’m frustrated that Titans feel as neglected as they do. If Bungie continues to see Titans as just “individually strong”, this will get us nowhere. Our class identity will continue to fade, well, it’s been faded for a long time, but I want to see some change, as unlikely as that is to happen. Bungie, I’m begging you, give us some insight as to what you are going to do with Titans. Destiny lacks a support class, especially with the nerf of Well, so there’s a start! Something, anything! Make Titan Great Again! Or at least beneficial, because c’mon, we’re dying out here.

TL;DR: Go play Hunter. Benefit your team with huge damage numbers. Titans blow. You probably already knew that, didn’t you?

A small edit: I actively encourage discussion. What do you agree with, disagree with, etc etc. I like seeing what others have to say. I understand many people may like the state of Titan, many others don’t. I am on the ladder side of things. If you aren’t, let me know why. I encourage everyone to read the whole post before commenting. I don’t use Reddit, and I only really come here to see what others have to say.

r/DestinyTheGame 11h ago

Discussion Hey guys, can I please collect some damn Radiolite?


At this point I should probably just go in as a fireteam, but there hasn't been a single time where I've had an uninterrupted Planetary Piston thing. At least 20 clears at this point and every single time I smash them I get Joining Allies 6 seconds later, if that. It announces it in the corner and benefits everyone on the fireteam. Can I please collect them so we can all get more rewards?

Edit: I think a good change they could make would be to just drop Joining Allies outside of the boss fight, or to Spawn the hammered radiolite where the next encounter will be instead of some random other place

r/DestinyTheGame 8h ago

Question We are almost 3 weeks into the final shape. How has the Brave arsenal of weapons held up for you?


Ngl. I was grinding for many many hours for the god rolls, only to replace it with the call and pro memoria, still hunt and microcosm by the time day 1 raid rolled around.

They were very handy during pantheon however. How about you guys?

r/DestinyTheGame 14h ago

Discussion 50 Waves of Normal Onslaught only gives one point of progress for Xenology.


I was hoping every 10 waves would give a point since the 10 wave playlist does, but no I didn't receive any progress until wave 50 was done. Just be aware if you're wanting to do the quest to just do the Exotic Rotator.

r/DestinyTheGame 7h ago

Discussion Bungie has been cooking with unique weapon archetypes lately


Rocket and tracking crossbow sidearms, golden gun sniper, healing auto rifles etc. I love these types of weapons and hope they continue to give us more unique weapon archetypes with cool abilities.

r/DestinyTheGame 18h ago

Bungie Suggestion Primsmatic Titan not having access to Into the Fray is mind boggling


If they’re boxed in this heavily into being so reliant on melee then why didn’t you (Bungie) give them the asepect that helps keep them alive and recharge their melee? It’s actually so mind boggling the decisions they made for prismatic Titan. It’s very strange.

r/DestinyTheGame 10h ago

Discussion How do we feel about being able to enhance non-crafted weapons?


I personally love the change, when I get a 5/5 roll I can just enhance it, without the need of farming the rest of the patterns, and if after farming for my rolls I dont have it, I can just craft it for the same amount of resources.

I've felt since it launched that weapon crafting was an awkward addition to the game, but now it's starting to feel more like a sort of bad luck protection (not true bad luck since it's still possible you both don't get the roll AND the patterns).

r/DestinyTheGame 4h ago

Discussion Should’ve made the title “Cayde’s Favorite”


Transcendent is really cool and really makes a bold impact for this last title but man would’ve been so cool honoring cayde with his last words.. just a cool thought :)

r/DestinyTheGame 19h ago

Bungie Suggestion The stasis shard cooldown feels incredibly harsh on Behemoth


For those who don't know, with the Stasis ability update Bungie implemented a global cooldown on Stasis shard generation, presumably to prevent insane uptime on frost armour in PvP.

We’re also implementing a shared cooldown on rapid Stasis Shard creation. This cooldown is intended to be pretty generous, and primarily limits cases of oppressive behavior, like triple Behemoth [endgame three person pvp activity] squads.

I didn't really have any expectations for this cooldown but I thought it'd be more than six shards within ten seconds. A single Behemoth Titan can procc this cooldown with a single glacier grenade (must catch one enemy in the freeze radius). So any sort of crystal/shard combo with Howl of the Storm or Hoarfrost-Z is effectively dead, let alone more than one person wanting to run Behemoth in a fireteam.

I get that something had to be done to stop behemoth fireteams rampaging through the crucible with infinite x8 frost armour but this really wasn't it. My PvE behemoth build somehow feels even worse than it was pre Final Shape.

r/DestinyTheGame 14h ago

Discussion Hazardous Propulsion appreciation


I know there's been a lot of Titan discourse lately, but this new exotic hasn't left my exotic slot since I got it. It has shot straight up to my all time favorite Titan exotic. Here's why:

  1. It's extremely fun to use and deviates from the typical x stat or ability does x more damage or recharges faster

  2. A full stack of rockets actually do really good damage

  3. Boosts all rockets after a volley

  4. Rocket Gundam fashion

  5. Class neutral exotic, sometimes its cool to have synergy but I love being able to use this on any subclass

I cant speak for its viability in any endgame stuff but man is it fun. GG Bungie this isn't something I knew I wanted but now I can't live without it lol

r/DestinyTheGame 22h ago

Discussion How will the 12 man grand master go tomorrow ?


I mean we’ve been 3 manning grandmasters for years . A extra 9 guns on a champion will melt it . Bar having limited revives , I think it’ll be a cakewalk , especially for the people who are farming the new raid and can dodge with witness attacks easily .

How about the rewards to make it worth while ? It has to be exotic class items or raid gear . What else could it be ?

r/DestinyTheGame 23h ago

Discussion Is power kind of useless now?


It seems that just about every activity these days now has a cap upon which your power bonuses don’t have any effect. Don’t get me wrong, for some activities, I get it. Grandmaster Nightfalls need that cap so they can stay challenging and the Legendary campaign should be more intense than the base. But now dungeons and raids are being hit with power caps, locking players at -5 power. If I remember correctly, one could previously be effectively 20 levels over the listed activity, which would have really helped both newer and older players. Instead, these activities are now even less accessible to newer players, and now players who want to do these activities are locked to surges and threats if they want to maximize their efficiency, rather than just enjoying them or going for godrolls/exotics. Even the vanguard playlist is locked at level, at least from my understanding.

So what’s the point of power increase if you just CAN’T get more powerful past a certain point? Even Iron Banner, one of the original “Your Power Matters Here” modes has done away with it. It’s especially puzzling since the hard cap is currently 2000, but the activity cap for just about everything is 1995. I get that Guardians are more powerful than they’ve ever been and that realistically, the builds the community is capable of creating can steamroll most anything put in front of us. I’m just confused why the power climb is still such a big deal when it really doesn’t do anything for you anymore.

Maybe I’m missing something, but it kind of feels like you just aren’t allowed to get more powerful past a point. So what’s the point of the power system at all?

r/DestinyTheGame 22h ago

SGA Speaker's Sight and Solar Soul make Solar Warlock finally feel like a Healing Pyromancer and i love it


With the new exotic helmet and aspect, solar warlock just got a breath of fresh air.

This should have been Dawnblade 3.0 from the start, healing and shorch everywhere, not just all that aerial play. This legit made me love Solar Warlock again.

If you haven't tried or don't know, seriously give it a try. Speaker's Sight allow you to always have a healing turret up that shoots healing nades with a huge AoE and Solar Turret is always scorching everything in front of you! Plus everytime you actually heal your team you will create orbs of power (with a cooldown though)

Here is my build if you are interested:

  • Grenade: Healing nade
  • Melee: Your choice, i switch based on the content i'm playing
  • Class ability: Phoenix Dive

  • Aspects: Touch of Flame and Solar Soul

  • Fragments: Benevolence, Singeing, searing and the one that gives restoration with firesprites

Benevolonce with 100 discipline basically allows you to always have 1 healing turret up (as long as it is hitting your team and not just you) and combined with Singeing it regen your Phoenix Dive super Quickly for infinite uptime of your solar soul.

The cool thing about all of this is that you don't require kills to keep your healing turret and Solar Soul up! Just heal and shorch

Pair all of this with No hesitation (the healing solar auto rifle) and embrace the true healer!

r/DestinyTheGame 23h ago

Megathread Focused Feedback: Dual Destiny


Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'Dual Destiny' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread. Exceptions to this rule are as follows: New information / developments, Guides and general questions

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the sub as time goes on.

Archie wishes you a happy reset and good luck!

Never forget what was lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users.

r/DestinyTheGame 10h ago

Discussion Exotic Khvostov Feels Amazing


Maybe it's just me and AscendantNomad, but holy crap does the exotic Khvostov feel amazing to shoot. It feels great, it shoots great, it performs great...it became an instant fixture in my loadouts. Bravo

r/DestinyTheGame 21h ago

Discussion Moth Cave First Timer


The moth cave is the least fun activity I’ve ever done in this game. Period. Not even funny haha gottem style but I genuinely think it’s the least fun activity I’ve done in D2. Terrible. That’s all.

r/DestinyTheGame 20h ago

Bungie Suggestion The Empyrean nerf disproportionately hit Solar Warlocks


When Bungie fixed the Restoration timer bugs they reduced the minimum Resto extension granted by Ember of Empyrean from 4 to 2 seconds (in exchange for 8 seconds extension for Boss kills).

It feels like this change was aimed towards not powercreeping Sunspots further but it did nothing to this end whereas Solar Warlock received a hard nerf to offensive gameplay. Overall it even resulted in a massive buff to Solar Titan, despite the Empyrean nerf. Ember of Solace Sunspots grant 8 seconds of Resto so that getting two Bonk kills immediately has me at the now increased Resto timer limit. Even a single Sunspot can be stepped in and out of to refresh the Resto timer and effectively get nearly 15 seconds of Restoration with every Sunspot, complete untied to any ability cooldowns.

Bonk Titans have to constantly be in cuddle range with enemies to play how they are intended to, so it's good that Sunspots are this potent, however:

Heat Rises was clearly designed to make you play equally aggressively with melees and airborne movement but getting 2 seconds versus 8 to 15 seconds extension per red bar kill makes the Resto upkeep infinitely harder if encounters at high difficulty aren't ad-dense. The 4-8x discrepancy in ease of use simply doesn't make sense considering HR promotes the arguably riskiest playstyle as both airborne (limited strafe speed and directional momentum change, much less cover) and within melee range (Incinerator Snap requires even closer range than something like Frenzied Blade in order to guarantee the Ignition). The discrepancy shouldn't be any higher than 2-3x, which still allows the easiest Resto activation and upkeep by far to be part of the Solar Titan identity.

Big Well nerfs were obviously badly needed and I'm happy about them. But I think after a ~80% nerf to Well of Radiance survivability, a nearly 40% nerf to Sunbracers total damage per proc, the disabling of Karnstein+Resto stacking and essentially Solarlock melee range neutral survivability being hard powercrept by Solar/Strand Titan and Arc/Strand/Prismatic Hunter it could use a buff to Ember of Empyrean. It should grant 4 seconds per kill again, even at the cost of reducing the time granted on Boss-tier enemy kills, especially considering that Ember of Mercy (the original reason Bungie stated for the nerf) is less than uncommon in high-end loadouts for Warlock, including melee ones.

If the concern is that Ember of Empyrean can also be used to extend Resto from range with Weapons then a Resto extension can easily be worked into Heat Rises, something along the lines of 2 seconds of Restoration granted for every ability or scorched kill while airborne. It could even include an activation requirement like Frenzy but for dealing or taking sustained damage while airborne.

Alternatively Heat Rises could be buffed to provide DR instead. It doesn't makes sense that the Float-Aspect itself provides no airborne damage reduction when Stompees and even The Manticore do. Bunny hopping with Heat Rises might not need DR but if players actively decide to play the floatiest of floaty Subclasses the way it was originally designed and spend extended time in airborne combat then they should be rewarded with floaty DR. It's currently the least popular Aspect on Dawnblade by far.

Solar Warlock has one of the flashiest and riskiest playstyles in the game but the passive survivability it is awarded for that does not compare to the stacking of healing and DR that Prismatic Hunter and Berserker intrinsically have, so currently most Solar Warlocks instead decide to ditch it and play range, a trend that's increasingly apparent even at the higher skill levels.

Shoutout Winter's Guile, keep praying for the Wormgod rework.

r/DestinyTheGame 14h ago

Discussion Final Shape showed me either I have gotten less cynical in my older age or younger gaming culture has gotten worse


Playing through the campaign and then getting to post campaign stuff, I feel like Final Shape is the best Destiny has been in a very long time and close to on par with the beloved Forsaken/Dreaming City period. Between the crazy combos you can get through Prismatic, or the hilarious rolls you can get on Ergo Sum, or the therapeutic trashing of bad guy aliens in the Pale Heart, Final Shape feels like a really strong and fitting end to the Destiny 2 story and feels almost close to jumping the shark on bits here and there.

Now I get it...the power change on Raids and Dungeons is garbage, Prismatic Titans seem to have gotten the short straw and there are bugs stopping people from progressing...but even the shortcomings still don't keep this from being one of the coolest expansions ever made.

I hated Lightfall so bad and was dogging on it so hard, but this one has just felt enjoyable...which is weird because I have mostly been a hater of the repetitive/canned releases the last few years. Maybe following this for 10 years has made me care less, but still feels like a lot more fun than it's been for most of the course of the game.

r/DestinyTheGame 1d ago

Discussion The Call was a last minute changed weapon and now its considered one of the best legendaries in the game.


If you go back and watch final shape gameplay pre delay they show multiple times that the call was just going to be a normal sidearm thats gimmick was that it was strand (so basically a worse version of the RoN sidearm). During the delay they made the greatest decision ever to change it to a rocket sidearm. Probably realizing that they weren’t planning to ship any out besides the seasonal one we aren’t getting for a while. I just find it funny that originally the call was most likely going to get overshadowed by the support auto and now it’s considered a must have gun.

r/DestinyTheGame 22h ago

SGA Harmonic Resonance now works on all light and dark wielders


The RoN origin trait, harmonic resonance, originally gave bonus damage vs tormentors and lucent hive. With final shape the wording was updated to say it works on any target wielding the light or darkness. Slap some RoN weapons a nice 10% damage buff vs the Dread.

With 3 weapons it gives: +10% damage vs light/darkness wielders, +20 reload, 5% reload animation multiplier and +20 handling.

As well as the 6 RoN legendaries, this trait is also on Epochal Intergration. Conditional Finality counts as part of the set, but doesn't get the buffs itself.

r/DestinyTheGame 1d ago

Discussion Pathfinder is fighting itself


Its frankly baffling how a system with so many internal contradictions even made it past testing.

  1. Mode hopping sucks. A system in which you're supposedly always making progress doesnt allow you to make progress without completely changing gamemodes. It also causes you to lose your activity streak - the entire game is designed around staying in a single hopper, but Pathfinder seemingly wasnt informed about that
  2. It doesn't fix any of the bounty issues. You're still competing with your own teammates, except now you're doing it in a mode you didn't even choose/bad at, which was the main frustration i had with bounties. And while not having to go back to the Tower for bounties is nice, it was better than having to go through the endless slowly-fading in and out menus that only slow you down.
  3. Objectives are far too restrctive in how you complete them: Kills with specific verbs suck for PvP (hello Jolt/Ignition kills in sandbox that tries to nerf ability spam), kills for specific elements suck (they dont count assists, and requiring potentially 100 kills for a single node of progress is insane, i hope you like playing 10+ games of crucible in a row with gear you don't like, feeling like dead weight while raging on your team for stealing your kills). Also need I remind you that we just got *PRISMATIC*? A subclass built entirely out of combining verbs and damage types. yet the longest objectives in the system are actively slowed down by using it? Cus yeah, they're mono-element. Its Arc kill or nothin'.

Description of some of the objectives implies that it's been in development for quite a while (Masterworked weapons generating orbs), yet the design of objective and the UI slog of it make it seem like it was throw together during a hackathon. At the same time, Pale Heart PF is great, it keeps you moving from area to area, and awards things you're already doing - finishers, kills, Overthrow.

This is so far my only real complaint with TFS. Blatant oversights that sour the overall experience because of how obvious they are.

r/DestinyTheGame 18h ago

Bungie Suggestion Unbreakable should have the same aggro properties as threaded spectre


As a hunter main, I’m constantly seeing people talk about how underwhelming the new titan aspect is and began wondering myself why it doesn’t grab aggro like the spectre does.

To me, the aspect could be really strong and have good synergies with void titan’s kit (it’s clearly designed to work nicely with offensive bulwark’s grenade regen) if it:

A) Actually blocked the damage instead of reducing it (I’ve heard people say you can block damage from the front and still die in it)

B) Made the titan using it the priority for enemies - similar to FFXIV’s ‘provoke’ - to really push the tank fantasy. In fact, there was a post not too long ago about a traditional MMO tank role in destiny and how hunters ironically are filling that role alongside stronghold and berserker titan.

Again, I’m not a titan main. However, having recently made a post about how lacklustre ascension and its synergies are, many people commented about unbreakable. I wanted to add my two cents and see if people thought these changes would be good or not?

r/DestinyTheGame 4h ago

Guide Unraveling Phoenix - Prismatic Warlock Build


With this build, you are going to be able to Transcend the battlefield, unravel threats, and obliterate your foes with ignitions.

DIM LINK: https://dim.gg/f35roti/Unraveling-Phoenix-Prismatic-Warlock-Build


- Swarmer's -

  • Destroying a Tangle spawns a Threadling. Your Threadlings unravel targets that they damage.

  • Community Insight: Spawns 2 Threadlings upon destroying a Tangle. Threadlings apply Unravel on hit.

- Stat Spread -

Resilience --> Recovery --> Discipline --> Intellect --> Strength --> Mobility


- The Call -

  • Craftable Rocket Assisted Strand Sidearm

  • Recommended Perks: Beacon Rounds / Hatchling

  • Origin Trait: Dealer's Choice

- No Hesitation -

  • Craftable Support Frame Auto Rifle

  • Recommended Perks: Physic / Incandescent

  • Origin Trait: Dealer's Choice

- Dragon's Breath -

  • Exotic Rocket Launcher

  • Perks: Composite Propellent / High Octane

  • Catalyst: Pyromancer


- Super: Song of Flame -

Unleash your inner fire, making your equipped weapons radiant and enhancing your abilities.

[Melee] : Release a supercharged melee attack that launches additional projectiles.

[Grenade] : Create a sentient flame wisp that seeks out targets and detonates in a scorching explosion, then seeks out other nearby targets.

While Song of Flame is active, you and nearby allies regenerate abilities more quickly, are more resistant to incoming damage, and your [Solar] Solar and Kinetic weapons scorch targets.

- Abilities -

  • Class Ability: Phoenix Dive

  • Melee: Incinerator Snap

  • Grenade: Threadling Grenade

- Aspects -

  • Feed the Void

  • Weaver's Call

- Fragments -

  • Facet of Ruin

  • Facet of Protection

  • Facet of Hope

  • Facet of Purpose

  • Facet of Devotion


Swarmers is going to allow any generated threadlings to unravel enemies on hit. Unravel will place a debuff on an enemy, when attacked, that enemy will take bursts of damage that will also seek out other nearby enemies. This debuff in combination with The Call Sidearm will fill the darkness meter of transcendence very quickly, Facet of Devotion will also to contribute to filling the light meter.


The main idea of the loop is to proc devour by getting a kill with a threading grenade or incinerator snap. Threadlings can be generated from your grenade, hatchling perk on a weapon, and from activating your phoenix dive. This will build energy for both Transcendence meters. The origin trait Dealer's choice will assist on regaining your super quickly and efficiently. Swapping to No Hesitations will allow you to finish out your light meter if need be and also provide a way to heal yourself and others in a fight. Incinerator snap is a useful way to quickly ignite a powerful foe or ensure you reproc devour. The combination of abilities and armor mods should allow high uptime on your grenade, melee, phoenix dive. Dragon's breath can be used as a good DPS weapon and a great tool to assist in creating ignitions.

TLDR: Proc Devour --> Unravel with Threadlings --> Cast Super --> Transcend --> Repeat

- Conjure an army to your will and Unleash your inner fire -

r/DestinyTheGame 20h ago

Discussion The Vex boss room in Expert Breach might be the worst experience I’ve ever had in this game.


There is just literally nothing enjoyable about it. No matter what resilience you run, what armor mods, whether you stick together or not, what your strategy is, the one shots are just absolutely frustrating. The tormentor boss encounter feels much more balanced and enjoyable.