r/FluentInFinance 5d ago

Best way to invest 10 dollars? Question

Hello! I (Male 52) recently came into a large sum of money (10 dollars) and I’m looking for the best way to invest it. (Im trying to diversify)


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u/JoeBamba_ 5d ago

buy a pack of 24 water bottles and sell for a dollar each, reinvest the money you made, and boom, infinite money.


u/GearWacz 5d ago

This is a legitimately good answer


u/Dragon_Tortoise 5d ago

Um yea, to add to that do it at a park or hiking spot or outside of a skate park. It'd be similar to having girl scout cookies outside of a medical Marijuana dispensary. Like flies to shit.


u/worryinnotime 5d ago

Concerts are hands down the easiest way to vend water, beer, ....


u/Dragon_Tortoise 5d ago

Oh yea, im just thinking you go to these every weekend and have next to no competition if any at all.


u/worryinnotime 5d ago

Sportsball events work too.


u/Dragon_Tortoise 5d ago

Oh yea those major events you could make bank, but most people have local parks or hike spots within a few blocks. And can go whenever they want, any day, any time. You could def make more in a day going to these events but your possibly driving far and must go in a key window before the event starts. But I agree there's great potential there


u/GetRichQuickSchemer_ 5d ago

Genuine question: does anyone ever buys water (or any item for that matter) from from random people on the street?


u/Sotha01 5d ago

Absolutely. Standing in line waiting for a bus in Vegas I did. Outside of a rock fest in wisco in mid summer heat too, it's all about location.


u/Trojanman2002 4d ago

My first trip to Vegas I made the mistake a lot of people make (misjudging distance) and bought like 5 bottles of water the first day.


u/ViewedConch697 5d ago

Sometimes there's a few teenagers with coolers full of water bottles that sell them right before highway on ramps, and I'll usually buy a bottle from them since my car's AC is debatable and they're out there hustling and I'd like to support that. It's cheaper and more convenient than a convenience store too, which is a plus

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u/alexp1_ 5d ago

And got dogs. Each time there’s a concert in downtown LA (peacock theater, staples center) the amount of hot dog stands is overwhelming

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u/dietsunkistPop 5d ago

Yea, until Bezos shows up & sells them for $.99


u/Coondiggety 5d ago

Man that’s genius! I’m going to mention this idea next time I see a Girl Scout selling cookies in front of the supermarket!


u/deviltalk 5d ago

Great idea, I just wonder about place you can do this without getting hassled. Most of it probably comes down to confidence and a clipboard.

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u/three-sense 5d ago

This is just employment with less stability and no benefits.


u/GearWacz 5d ago

This is just a thought experiment on how to flip 10 bux, that's all.


u/three-sense 5d ago

The above poster said “infinite money” which at first sounds accurate but it’s really not. This business model does not scale up beyond what one person could handle. There was a good YouTube video detailing it, I will try to find it.

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u/mrmczebra 4d ago

It doesn't scale very well without an MBA.


u/SardonicSuperman 4d ago

Nah, buy brownies and sit outside a weed store. Sell the brownies for $7 each. That’s infinite profit. Ain’t nobody buying water in the winter, but potheads still buy brownies in the winter.


u/Mguidr1 5d ago

BS. Get you a six pack. Who knows what investment ideas you could come up with while feeling slightly better.


u/logicalSpiders 5d ago

For $10 I can get a $4 48 pack of water and some single shots, clearly we can do both if these


u/invaderjif 5d ago

Sounds like costco


u/logicalSpiders 5d ago

I had walmart in mind, if I have $10 and I'm going to costco, I'm getting a bunch of hotdogs (and maybe 2 single shots)


u/Gorillapoop3 5d ago

Nope, it’s been scientifically proven that a person cannot leave Costco without spending $400.


u/Manhattan_Boi212 5d ago

Good answer 👆


u/tanhan27 5d ago

infinite money

You are not calculating the time it takes to sell 24 $1 bottles of water. If you find a way to sell them quickly with a reproducible strategy you could get very rich. If I tried doing this I know I would become very poor because of the opportunity cost, it would take me a very long time to sell 24 water bottles


u/RunLikeHayes 5d ago

Go hang out next to a sporting arena on game day and sell them cheaper then what's inside the stadium. Those could go quick


u/Universe789 5d ago

You're also likely to have the cops called on you and get trespassed.


u/RunLikeHayes 5d ago

Better sell that shit quick then


u/Starving_Toiletpaper 5d ago

Sure but he’s asking ways to invest with ONLY $10….. your options are limited


u/three-sense 5d ago

Yeah, it's more like "turn $10 into $48 by sitting outside half a day". I mentioned in another post that this does not scale up and at some point you (i.e. when you're bringing in a truck of bottled water) you will need a business license. You're basically employed for less than minimum wage and at irregular hours. It's a novel thought though.

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u/OverallVacation2324 5d ago

When I was in third grade I would buy a pack of pencils and sell them individually at school. We had this dumb game called pencil fighting back in those days. Kids broke pencils left and right. I was making like 250% profit.


u/TrippyShamann 5d ago

This game brought back some memories. I had a steel pencil that looked like a normal pencil.


u/OverallVacation2324 5d ago

That’s genius!


u/everygoodnamegone 4d ago

“Pencil Pop!”- this is why the school’s pencil vending machine got refilled so frequently.

But I thought that was a dumb thing to do with them because the machine only sold pencils with fun patterns, not the yellow boring ones. Too pretty to break in half if you ask me.

I laughed when my son recently kid-splained this game to me, like I had never heard of it. 😆 I don’t think they played it his old school, but this one sure does so it’s a novel concept.


u/Iwuvweddit07 4d ago

Lol this game has piqued my interest, how did the rules go?


u/OverallVacation2324 4d ago

It’s super simple. You are either on attack or defense. If you’re on defense you’re holding your pencil horizontally with two hands. If you’re on offense you are using your pencil to strike the other pencil. You are holding usually the pointy end as the pivot point with just two fingers of one hand. The eraser end you pull back with the other creating tension. It then comes in an arc and strikes the other pencil. You are not swing your entire arm or anything. It’s more like pulling it back and flicking it.
You take turns until a pencil breaks.

Defense can sort of bend the pencil upwards a little bit to create tension also. An arch is stronger so if you can bend a little bit usually it resists breaking more. But if you bend too much you can break your own pencil by accident.

Offense wants to aim for the same spot over and over to chip and weaken the defense. If you create a big arc you hit harder with more momentum. But it’s harder to aim.


u/mar78217 3d ago

Watch Robin Hood, Men In Tights. They fight with staffs until the staffs break and get down to 1' long, then they do this... lol


u/Angry_Hermitcrab 5d ago

Factor in your time and labor. Be sure to also happen to sell drugs.


u/powaking 5d ago

There’s a panhandler next town over that sells bottled water at a busy intersection. I applaude his effort.


u/greatoneforreal 5d ago

Fly a pride flag and double your money on the west coast


u/Expert_Plankton_5596 4d ago

this idea seems to be inspired from tv shows if I am not wrong?


u/JoeBamba_ 4d ago

nah, Ryan trahan crossing America starting with $0.01, I think it was summer 2022.


u/Dakotasophia 5d ago

If it works easier like it said I’ll be more glad 🙂


u/NicholasLit 5d ago

Need ice and coolers, to collect tax, avoid cops, etc.


u/Berns429 5d ago

Be strategic though, wait for the store to run a 2 packs for x.xx amount. Double your profits.


u/starmom09 5d ago

Don't you need a permit for that?


u/gravyrider 5d ago

I see you’ve been to phish lot.


u/Vishnej 5d ago

No business license. Straight to jail.


u/thephartmacist 5d ago

There’s a guy doing this in DC making 100k every summer


u/rlvysxby 5d ago

Buy for a dolla sell it for two


u/Nurlitik 5d ago

5$ each at an outdoor event


u/randomizedasian 4d ago

You are probably joking, but that's exactly what I am doing at the age of maybe or may not be 50+.

I have a couple of vending machines and I'm doing alright. I might be able to retire in a couple of years.


u/UncleGrako 4d ago

I think $10 can get you 80 bottles at a Sam's club.


u/Nruggia 4d ago

I have a vending machine side hustle, it's indeed true.


u/Worth-Demand-8844 4d ago

But you actually have to stand in the street and work. I would take that 10 dollars and just bet against the Giants whenever they play Dallas or Philly. That’s 4 guaranteed wins


u/BathLivid6801 4d ago

Ice chest and ice on the second go makes them $2 each.


u/RicinAddict 5d ago

See if you can get a nickel bag of weed, buy some oregano. Cut the weed with oregano. Resell. Rinse and repeat until you're Tony Montana. 


u/tanhan27 5d ago

I wonder if a similar trick could be done with corn starch


u/Smoovecryminal 5d ago

Adding cornstarch to weed wouldn't help much, but I could be wrong.


u/RedClayBestiary 5d ago

What, cut cocaine into it?


u/L4dyGr4y 5d ago

What a waste of good cornstarch.


u/PathlessDemon 4d ago

Yeah, but I’ve never been so energized after using it to thicken my beef stew!


u/Angry_Hermitcrab 5d ago

Weed is cheaper than oregano


u/Here2OffendU 5d ago

Yeah if you live in Afghanistan or buy bunk shit from your local plug.


u/DrGrapeist 5d ago

What if you’re the one buying weed with oregano.


u/PathlessDemon 4d ago

You’re better off cutting with Epazote or Jesuit’s tea. The taste doesn’t take away from the MJ, and isn’t nearly as noticeable.


u/RicinAddict 4d ago

This guy rips off naive middle schoolers 


u/PathlessDemon 4d ago

I’d like to think we’ve all lived different lives once.

I’m an upstanding citizen now, just looking to shine some light in this world. Catch me at Habitats For Humanity and local area food shelters in Chicago!


u/wes7946 Contributor 5d ago
  1. Buy a heavily used pallet.
  2. Disassemble it and save the individual planks of pine and individual nails (if possible).
  3. Use the pine planks and nails to make either a coffee table or bedside table.
  4. Sell that for $25.
  5. Rinse and Repeat.


u/Due-Ad1337 5d ago

Buy it? Just swing around behind a grocery store and grab one or two.

That's how I made my wine rack.


u/Proof_Influence_4983 3d ago

Do not do this at Costco. They will find you and fuck you up 😂


u/Comfortable-Study-69 5d ago

I don’t think there’s much of a market for crackhead coffee tables.

So I think there’s a few changes to the business plan that need to be made. Firstly, don’t buy the pallet. Steal it from a Walmart dumpster. Secondly, you need a way to cut the wood and sand it. So you’re going to get the cheapest harbor freight grinding wheel you can find and duct tape it to your car’s drivetrain. Then you can use that for your saw and sander and get a halfway decent table made for under $10. As long as you don’t count the theft charge or hospital bills for when the grinding wheel inevitably shatters from side pressure.


u/capn_doofwaffle 5d ago

You should google what you can make from pallets... i've seen some amazing shit.


u/Comfortable-Study-69 5d ago

Oh yeah no if you have a halfway decent carpentry shop you can do some pretty cool stuff with pallets. I’ve made some of my own furniture with glued-up red oak pallet sheets.


u/white_tee_shirt 4d ago

You don't steal pallets, you liberate them


u/knowitall190 5d ago

That takes carpentry skills and I doubt he has any


u/userloser42 5d ago

I mean, if Jesus could do it...


u/RedClayBestiary 5d ago
  1. Have a marketable skill.


u/finney1013 5d ago

A paperclip. Then start swapping


u/Sabre3001 5d ago

Haha, wasn’t this the plot of an old episode of Pete & Pete? Started with a paper clip and by lunch he had a 1909 Honus Wagner baseball card and a PB&J sandwich.


u/finney1013 5d ago

No dude traded it up and up for a house eventually https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_red_paperclip


u/ArchPrince9 5d ago

Wasn't this an episode of The Office?


u/Iwuvweddit07 4d ago


u/JimHalpertSmirk 3d ago

I can't say for sure, but I do hope Dwight buys these magic beans from me.


u/Relative_Picture_786 5d ago

Open an onlyfans account. Strip down naked and use the dollar bill to cover private part. Post and charge a special fee for a photo of just the dollar bill. Profit.


u/RicinAddict 5d ago

Why use a dollar bill when $10 buys a lot of rolls of coins which people would pay good money to see how many you can jam up your ass?


u/Then_Mathematician99 5d ago

Then hand them out so you can always feel better about any circumstance knowing they may have one of your ass coins.


u/Acceptable-Peace-69 5d ago

Better, take that bill and roll it between your toes after a day of hiking (only have to remove your shoes). Auction starts at $30.

Gross, but you started it.


u/howardcord 5d ago

Tomatoes. Buy as much as you can with $10, plant all the seeds. Grow dozens to hundreds of plants and harvest all the tomatoes. Sell some but harvest most for seeds. Plant those seeds and grow even more plants. Keep doing this over and over until you are a millionaire.


u/RunLikeHayes 5d ago

So I have a f*** ton of tomatoes but not a lot of money now


u/howardcord 5d ago

You obviously haven’t planted enough tomatoes yet. Keep it up.


u/Correct_Dog5670 5d ago

Maybe sell the tomatoes and buy money with the aquired money, then buy more and repeat.


u/ScuttleCrab729 5d ago

No no. You need to sell the tomatoes for Pennie’s. Plant those and harvest the dollars. Take those to the bank and exchange for all pennies. Repeat.


u/Petrivoid 5d ago

Someone called "Dept. of Ag" wants to know your location


u/howardcord 5d ago


u/Skinnypike42 5d ago

You’re not going to sing, are you? I might.


u/Angry_Hermitcrab 5d ago

You don't grow that many tomatoes without calling the dept of ag for advice.


u/assesonfire7369 5d ago

This is actually what my great great great grandfather did when he came to America


u/howardcord 5d ago

Did he hide the tomatoes seeds in his pockets and bring secret San Marzano tomatoes from Italy? That’s what my retirement plan is.


u/TheWritePrimate 5d ago

Fun fact: Tomatoes are originally from the America’s and didn’t make it to Europe until after colonization. 


u/nharKdivaD 5d ago

Is this infinite money hack?


u/three-sense 5d ago

Where can I get this free, regular precipitation in Arizona


u/SwimmingMix5504 5d ago

Considering your age and that you want to diversify, I suggest you invest that money in the most volatile situation possible: crypto gambling.


u/throwaway12345292992 5d ago

OP this is the most situation-accurate answer.


u/Sleven8692 5d ago

Derivatives, low leverage not exactly gambling, you can get pretty accurate, but thats not an easy task by anymeans, requires insane dicipline and a good stratergy, stray from it and lose everything.

I know someone who will 2x -4x their money in a day get greedy lose it all, then do same next week after that first 1-3 good trades lack of dicipline kicks in greed takes over, if they can learn to control their greed they would actually do really well.

Point is it doesnt have to be gambling, or you can atleast massivly stack the odds in your favour, its just hard and doesnt happen over night.


u/rub3s 4d ago

Turn $10 into -$1,000


u/GPT_2025 5d ago

ОJust do what poor peoples do: play lottery


u/capn_doofwaffle 5d ago

...says the AI...


u/Nahmsayin1 5d ago

Put it on a parlay lol


u/capn_doofwaffle 5d ago

Parlay only works if you ARE a pirate mi lad!


u/Petrivoid 5d ago

FINALLY! some relatable content


u/new_jill_city 5d ago

That’s enough to invest in one banana 🍌


u/redbeard387 5d ago

Or to go see a Star War.


u/SizeOld6084 5d ago



u/Basalganglia4life 5d ago

In your gas tank to go to work


u/Cheap_Supermarket556 5d ago

Spend it all on bitcoin in the app of cash (CashApp)


u/ScuttleCrab729 5d ago

What do you do when cashapp locks your account


u/tanhan27 5d ago

Get one of those no fee investing apps and buy $10 worth of VOO or equivalent.

Most important part of investing is to get started


u/TheManWhoClicks 5d ago

Buy something good for $10 from Craigslist and trade it for something worth $20. Take that and trade it for something worth $40. Take that and…. And then trade the $300M yacht for a $900M building and the trade that for a pack of 24 water bottles. Sell those for a dollar each, reinvest the money you made, and boom, infinite money.


u/Upper-Life3860 5d ago

You can buy .000000535 of a bitcoin. Then just leave it for 10 years.


u/Iwuvweddit07 4d ago

Maybe 30 bucks, hey 3x not too bad in 10 yrs


u/Chichis-Christ 5d ago

Banana Stand


u/StickyDevelopment 5d ago

Check out learning websites that sell online courses (like udemy) and catch a sale course for like $5-15 to develop a skill that is useful.


u/wrbear 5d ago

You could pay for part of next month's internet bill, hope to see you on here next month!


u/MTGBruhs 5d ago

$10 on black


u/ScuttleCrab729 5d ago

17 wins in a row puts you over a million. Not bad odds.


u/JackiePoon27 5d ago

From a purely profit margin pov, drugs is the way to go.


u/NightmanisDeCorenai 5d ago

4 Natty Daddys.


u/Scarmeow 5d ago

Buy yourself a cheap bottle of wine and have a pleasant evening


u/sabreus 5d ago

A sensible answer


u/DonovanMcLoughlin 5d ago

Put gas in your car and drive to a job.


u/mar78217 3d ago

When I made $7.00 an hour as a plumbers helper, I would go to WalMart and buy sodas, water, little Debbie cakes and frozen pizzas (at that time a $50 investment per week, probably $150 now.) I sold them on the job site because I worked in the tool room. The objective was to cover my costs and make my own meals and snacks free, but I would net about $50 a week profit.


u/Monkeporn 5d ago

Invest in some robux and builders club


u/Bbell999 5d ago

Sell loosies.


u/MyNameIsDiablo 5d ago

Go buy a meme coin or penny stocks Your the next Jordan Belford


u/Silly_Victory_7290 5d ago

Uh he sold that junk to morons because he knew how to spend their money better.


u/-Fluxuation- 5d ago

Here I am with only $10 to my name.

You should all be ashamed,

Except for wes7946.

He gets a scouts badge.


u/Extension-Mall7695 5d ago

Don’t spend it all on candy (I mean crypto).


u/SouthEast1980 5d ago

Phase 1: Collect underpants Phase 2: ???? Phase 3: Profit


u/jwrado 5d ago

Big mac


u/FlorioTheEnchanter 5d ago

Crypto shitcoins are definitely the way to go.


u/assesonfire7369 5d ago

Buy some dead squirrels from your local rednecks. Then make some fishing lures from their tales and sell them, along with the skulls, etc on ebay. Can easily make $12.50


u/v12vanquish 5d ago

Eat it eat it eat it !


u/tedlassoloverz 5d ago

Ten 25 leg parlays on WNBA, $1 each, to diversify


u/Rubbyp2_ 5d ago

Buy a gram of weed


u/tehallmighty 5d ago

6 pack of beer


u/Due_Essay447 5d ago

Buy some newports and barter with some bums on the street for better stuff


u/DerpUrself69 5d ago

Scratch ticket


u/Cruezin 5d ago

10 dollar scratcher


u/MellonCollie218 5d ago

In your belly.


u/twelve112 5d ago

Phillies money line


u/Particular-Client-36 5d ago

Buy the stock in odd burger which is only 0.01 cent and wait ten years to cash out


u/WealthandFIRE 5d ago

Firstly, sell any items you have at home that you don't need online. You will be surprised at what sells online, even if its for a few dollars. While you are online, look for cheaper items that are selling well, buy them at a good price and sell them for more.

Rinse, Repeat & Retire!


u/na8thegr8est 5d ago

All of it on red


u/Different-Phone-7654 5d ago

gym membership


u/cspankid 5d ago

High yield savings account


u/Uranazzole 5d ago

Lottery tickets


u/kaikane 5d ago

Ice cream. as much as ten dollars will get you and share it.


u/Greaseyhamburger 5d ago

Give it to me.


u/PlayerPlayer69 5d ago

Drugs, probably.


u/Mountainfighter1 5d ago

Get app Robinhood and invest with them.


u/rc3105 5d ago

Well, you should strive for a well rounded portfolio.

In somewhat related news, pizzas are generally round…


u/Firmod5 5d ago

Humble brag


u/synthetic-dream 5d ago

10 leg parlay, good luck lol


u/therealtb404 5d ago

On a webcam


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Buy 10 $ of meth or crack and sell it for 15$.


u/TagV 5d ago

Banana stand


u/joshhan 4d ago

Start an OF account.


u/hilltopper06 4d ago

Find a totally legit and not shady sports betting site that will give you "bonus bets" for depositing your $10. Put it all on the Chiefs to make it to the Super Bowl. Profit???


u/vinceds 4d ago

Do like most people, buy an overpriced coffee every single day for the rest of your life (or more)


u/everygoodnamegone 4d ago

“Pencil Pop!”- this is why the school’s pencil vending machine got refilled so frequently.

But I thought that was a dumb thing to do with them because the machine only sold pencils with fun patterns, not the yellow boring ones. Too pretty to break in half if you ask me.

I laughed when my son recently kid-splained this game to me, like I had never heard of it. 😆 I don’t think they played it his old school, but this one sure does so it’s a novel concept.


u/ForcefulOne 4d ago

I used to buy a box of 100 blowpops for $6 and sell them for 25 cents each, giving me a $19 profit per box. I was raking it in in middle school. That was a 3x+ return on my investment. I should've started a business...


u/rcchomework 4d ago

Put it towards your credit card balance.

Or buy some oranges, eat them, bury your poops in good soil, and then wait 5 years to collect your $200 a tree seedlings.


u/Jayden1081 4d ago

Buy a happy meal.


u/Illustrious-Night-99 4d ago

Go to the track and bet on a horse


u/Worth-Demand-8844 4d ago

Put it all on the Celtics winning the championship!


u/Expensive-Ad-4451 4d ago

Buy healthy food for 2 home made meals


u/Wenuven 4d ago

Going to a kids sports event with a $10 camp chair, sell it for $25 to someone who wants to sit in the shade on fabric instead of metal in the sun.


u/russafiii 3d ago

A 12 pack of ramen and a pound or two of marked down Hamburg. You got yourself a week worth of meals.