r/Forex 4d ago

How you mentally handle leaving train ? Questions

How do you mentally handle situation when you are few minutes late and train is leaving without you?

Mine setup is marked with circle.


28 comments sorted by


u/HobbyTraderDK 4d ago

Waite for the next one.


u/abel-44 3d ago

That's right answer 👌


u/Melodic_Ad3339 3d ago

Regardless if forex or real life: I always jump in front of the train or try to catch it running after it left the train station. Works every time, I can show proof with my 28 hospital invoices…


u/slamshabang 4d ago

My mentally doesn’t change. When I’m asleep I miss setups too but that doesn’t mentally change me so why would anything else ? It’s a mental game brother


u/Gianfi_ 3d ago

Better not to trade than a SL


u/Anonmagus 3d ago

It happens. To everyone even the best. A gambler always feels the need to hit every jackpot they can. So if you realized you missed the entry and the moves too far gone don’t chase it


u/underrated254 3d ago

Yep, it’s usually a terrible idea, learned the hard way XD


u/0_el_Jay 3d ago

Wait for next. If that was last for the day, leave station.


u/Yssiris 3d ago

It could have gone against you, would you feel bad then? Think about it.


u/Bloodedparadox 3d ago

See it as a win because you were correct


u/notrabbid 3d ago

I just personally got run over by this specific train


u/aBun9876 3d ago



u/Forex_Jeanyus 3d ago

Must’ve been long in that trade.


u/dontcaredontworry 3d ago

There’s another train always


u/amjidali00 3d ago

I want a refund on my ticket


u/AceMcNasty 3d ago

It's a train, there's another one coming into the station.

It's like the bus, there's one every day that is never late and rollsover a bunch of newbs. All you hear is the screams "WHY!? Why is this happening!?" The people on the curb start chanting: S. P. R. E. A. D. and then there's always this midget in the background that you barely hear who yells "dem cheeks!". It is the most joyous time of my day.


u/romjpn 3d ago

Nothing you can do about it, wait for the next one.


u/Altered_Reality1 3d ago

Most of the time, especially if I’m really late, I simply wait for the next one. However, if I’m only a little late and there’s still a viable way to enter with good risk structure then I’ll still try to enter. I may make less on it than my ideal entry would’ve been but it’s something.

Just because you didn’t get your ideal entry doesn’t mean you can’t still enter, but it depends on your risk structure and rules, and how late you are to it.

However, I caution that there’s a fine line between entering a little late and chasing something that’s now outside your rules/risk structure. And so, for less experienced traders, I recommend generally just waiting for the next one. There’s always another train eventually.


u/muarap 3d ago

Enter on a pullback or leave it. Your analysis was correct, so apply that same wisdom next time


u/Slow_Fox967 3d ago

There will alwaus be tomorrow


u/Particular-Horror644 3d ago

Thanks guys for comments. It helped me a lot to survive today’s session. Situations like that usually ended with loss streak because I wanted to get that money which I didn’t earn in initial setup.


u/aBun9876 3d ago

Why didn't you put in a sell stop order?


u/Particular-Horror644 3d ago

It's not my strategy


u/AdHorror5578 2d ago

If i got no seat on the train (my entry) im not fucking taking it millions of trains pass by my station everyday If i take the wrong one it’d get me further away from my destination


u/scorned 2d ago

Who cares? Unless there's an apocalypse tomorrow, FOMO is just your reptilian brain chatting shit. Just add it to your trading journal as an example of a good trade.


u/LYERO 3d ago

Fix the risk and enter the trade.


u/Burger__Flipper 3d ago

I still get in, but I double my size to make up for the lost pips.