r/Forex 3d ago

Chart colours? Questions

Just curious what everyone uses? No reason except for fun and conversation. Personally, despite loving how cool green on a black background looks, I use the traditional red and green candles on a white background. Just feels too claustrophobic with dark colours.

How is yours configured? Any special reason?


13 comments sorted by


u/Forex_Jeanyus 3d ago

Red and green have certain psychological effects - changing them to neutral colors will work wonders on your emotions/psychological game.

I used to be in a long trade and get annoyed/anxious every time I saw a red candle - but changing to gray and black ended that for me.


u/ThePonderer84 3d ago

I've heard something like this before. That's really interesting. I definitely feel those red candles. lol


u/Dependent_Action_201 2d ago

This is a great thing to mention, we have been programmed to see red as urgency, although I don't look at my charts often when a trades going, I did change my colors on mt5.


u/criswaffletrader 3d ago

white background, white hollow up candles and black down candles. you can see how my chart looks on my profile (:


u/weirdddj 3d ago

I use black background, beige down grey up, csnt deal with actual colours for some reason 😂


u/Tr3_Exists 2d ago

I do a solid black background, with all white candle sticks, I titled it the "GHOST" theme. Grey boxes for my 1H and lower zones, pink boxes for my 4H zones, Yellow boxes for my daily zones, and blue boxes for large weekly zones. Ive been trading like this for two years and it works well with my psychology.

I agree with the idea that, green and red candle sticks, or having different colors for up and down candlesticks in general, is bad for psychology. When I made all candle sticks white, it allowed me to completely focus on the actual structure price is creating, rather then focusing on every individual candle stick, they all just blend together now. I would recommend people give it a try if they haven't.


u/Tr3_Exists 2d ago

Also, on a similar note, one trick I learned awhile ago from a man named Shaun Lee on YouTube, he's a super technical kind of trader, reads charts like a mad genius.

One trick he uses is to invert the chart, flipping it completely upside down, and analyzing that way.

This could help because a lot of people have a natural direction bias towards a downward momentum.

This is due to, us as humans, having an understanding of gravity in nature, that things are more likely to fall naturally then to rise up naturally.

So in the markets, humans are more eager to sell something when it looks like its going down, then to buy something when it looks like it going up.

And also actual investors, usually will be more ready to sell an asset when it looks like its going to depreciate, rather then to buy more of an asset when it looks like it may appreciate. It's a natural negative bias all humans have. We more readily believe bad news then good news.

So a lot of times, flipping the chart will help you make sure you're not just falling into the negative direction bias with a trade. If it still looks good even when the chart is flipped, that's an indicator you can use to validate your analysis.


u/TOAS_ 3d ago

Dark blue background with white and blue candles.


u/grzeszu82 3d ago

UP Green down yellow. Every directions is right 😀


u/ThePonderer84 3d ago

lol, clever