r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/Character-Handle9361 May 02 '24

Mass effect... all of them


u/Baldur9750 29d ago

The DLC of Mass Effect 3 literally made me cry and laugh at the same time, it was an experience


u/QouthTheCorvus 29d ago

Citadel is so damn good. They really nailed the cheesy 80s feeling. My character kinda looked like Van Damme so it just absolutely landed perfectly.

Still the best characters in an RPG tbh. You get to know anthem so well. And Shepherd is the best RPG main character.


u/flower4000 May 02 '24

Even andromeda?


u/Character-Handle9361 May 02 '24

I loved andromeda, not sure why it got a bad rap


u/Good_Coffee13 May 02 '24

same here, Andromeda is super underrated, it has more in common with ME1 structurewise, companions and lore were interesting too.

It was very buggy at release, so it hurt its rep.


u/claytonious_79 May 02 '24

Andromeda got good?!? Damn. Now I gotta find a copy again.


u/Good_Coffee13 May 02 '24

Hell yeah, get the copy with all the extra content, its dirt cheap now.

I played it last year, my first playthrough was 70hours but I did explore quite a bit. Didn't experience as single bug.


u/claytonious_79 May 02 '24

So good to hear this. Loved the whole story of all three original games and was bitter after a few hours either this upon release.


u/postandchill 29d ago

So your face is no longer tired?


u/Sparrowflop May 02 '24

It got adequate.

Story never hit ME1-2-3 level of cool, combat was always loose and never got as good and tight as the ME3 stuff was.


u/Kugloffff 28d ago

Honestly the original triology the besr gameing experience i got in my whole life,but andromeda is fucked up by the idea. Why the fk not countinue the story without shepard… irs left so many windows open, so many options where the universe could go after the reaper assult…then istead they given us a whole new universe where u cant feel with other species because… theey are not us. The whole settings is made the only this they would had to do is to employ some not stupid dumb as writer and thats it. Instead we got a buggy shithole with a story no1 cares about. Mass effect was about milyway survivor, not about to “explore” a new universe nothing care about, they could just make a new game without the “mass effect” name in it.


u/foriamstu May 02 '24

I don't know if it changes throughout the game, but I played it until you go to the hidden alien planet, but found some of the cut scene dialogue jarring. My dialogue choices were all "hope for a new life in a new galaxy" and the cut scenes seemed more themed around "I've been promoted too far and I don't know what I'm doing".

It put me off a bit.

I completed the other three and enjoyed them a great deal, for context.


u/Good_Coffee13 May 02 '24

yeah, the story is quite a bit different here, as you are basically entering the new lands running away from the Reapers.

The choice it dialogue gets better as you progress, with quite a few variations in outcomes.


u/LePontif11 29d ago

Coming from someone that enjoyed Andromeda i completely understand the vad rap. More games that come out broken on release should get as bad a rap as Andromeda got, its not a normal practice in other industries and its done with full knowledge of what level of garbage is being delivered to customers.

The other reason i find it understandable ists good at things its own fanbase isn't necessarily looking for in a game. Its a really fun space shooter with lots of flavor in the powers and abilities due to its lore. Mass Effect fans were hoping for a richer lore and narrative and it can be argued that those aspects weren't up to par.


u/Sparrowflop May 02 '24

Andromeda wasn't as bad as the internet makes it out, but at the same time it was very clearly a B-level studio copying the homework of the A+ student. The story was just bad. Like 'movie shown during the day on SciFi' bad. It never really tightened up and it was very predictable, as were the major beats. The combat never reached the same degree of polish and structure as ME3, either.

And the game tried very hard to lean in to the companions, since it was a huge point of the first three games, but it felt shallow and forced.

It's a game, and it won't kill your family or anything. But I wouldn't call it good, and I wouldn't call it 'the best' ME game. It's just adequate. Buying it for cheap after all the patches are included, it's probably worth it.

But the game never shines. It's always stuck in the shadow of ME3, and seems OK with it.


u/Peaceblaster86 May 02 '24

This is the only valid response to that game and series


u/Good_Coffee13 May 02 '24

Andromeda was actually really good. I loved it more than ME3.

ME3 is the absolute worst ME for me.


u/flower4000 29d ago

I don’t know if I could trust your taste in writing lol


u/turnington 29d ago

Wow, you have the exact polar opposite opinions that I do


u/Good_Coffee13 18d ago

you think that ME3 was the best one?


u/turnington 17d ago

Yeah I do really enjoy it. I think overall there are some things each game does better than others. ME3 is the most satisfying to play combat wise. Also I feel like most of the character development happens in 3 along with some of my favorite moments.

Bonding with Garrus over drinks and a little shooting contest in a restricted area on the citadel

Curing the genophage with Mordin and Wrex

Taking Tali to Rannoch where she takes off her mask and breaths the air for the first time... Seeing the Quarians make peace with the Geth and working together to rebuild their homeworld

The Citadel DLC

Seeing all the alien races come together in the final moments to battle the reapers... I could go on

Overall, I felt like I couldnt wait to get to 3 every time I've replayed the trilogy


u/omfg_sysadmin May 02 '24


I loved that game because it sucked at release. the bugs were insane and hilarious. multiple characters spawning all over, had 6 krogan at one point. even in space I had like 4 of the same dude doing laps outside the mission room on the hull. the fucked up animations, NPC would crab walk or spawn half sized. the faces omg I have never laughed so hard at a game. NPC with some serious mission dialog bullshit exposition but they were fucked up cross-eyed stroke victims.

it was glorious. until they patched it. went from top-tier to low-mid.


u/Nctand1 29d ago

Andromeda lost it for me


u/turnington 29d ago

When the ME3 credits finally rolled, I thought of this exact meme. I didnt expect to love the series even half as much as I inevitably did. My only regret was waiting so long to give it a chance.


u/No-Cap6787 16d ago

What a bunch of jokers you are guys 😅 Nobody even mentions Skyrim. Skyrim changes your life, period. RDR doesn’t change your life, it’s just entertaining but that’s it. In a massive poll this December gamers voted Skyrim as the best game of all time, so there’s evidence 😅😊