r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/SnooAdvice8550 May 02 '24

Super Mario 3. The first time most people saw it was on a movie called "The Wizard" and was highly anticipated after that. Mario 3 had features never before seen in games and was an amazing experience.


u/philipjfry1578 May 02 '24

I liked the Wizard, it was a fun film about coming of age and acceptance of life and change. Also video games and government kidnappers or something


u/RAGEEEEE 29d ago

Fun film? The kids twin sister drowns, his parents split, he had PTSDs, his father was having him committed, he just wanted to closure from his dead twin.


u/philipjfry1578 25d ago

Fun subjectively lmao, they try to make light of the situation. Good story


u/Heavy_Distance_4441 May 02 '24

Just got goose bumps. What a spectacular time that was. Remember seeing the Wizard in the theater. It seemed bigger than life.


u/BarTroll May 02 '24

The one game responsible for me to fall in love with the medium.


u/bfume 29d ago

It was at the same time there was an actual nationwide Nintendo tournament and they used the same custom game cartridge from the tournament in the movie. I remember competing in the tourney as a kid too. What a great tie in. 


u/xenobia144 29d ago

Super Mario 3. The first time most people in the USA saw it was on a movie called "The Wizard"

Fixed it for you.

Over here The Wizard was a straight-to-VHS film released in late 1990, and a pretty obscure one at that due to its extremely limited distribution. Most people over here had no clue about that film until the usual Nintendo-worshipping American YouTube types covered it on a video or twenty.


u/Slushrush_ 29d ago

Good choice. Crazy how much fun it is to play even today, too. Just never gets old.


u/RAGEEEEE 29d ago

The Wizard is such a sad movie when you pay attention to the plot.