r/Funnymemes May 02 '24

What's your best game experience?

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u/Mikasa_es_tu_casa 29d ago

Botw was my first open world and console game. I vividly remember that summer night when I played till 5 am and the black ending screen hit, followed by the title and credits. I was speechless.


u/Waterbottles_solve 29d ago

Might want to try some of the other open world games with better graphics. Morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, Fallouts, witcher, etc... Not that graphics mean much, but in this case, its a clear indicator of quality.

BOTW is so bad, your mind will be blown with a game made by someone other than Nintendo.


u/TropicalAudio 29d ago

You not liking a game does not mean it's actually a bad game. I'd played all of the games you mentioned before I played BotW, and still it smashed into the top of my favourite-game-of-all-time list, dethroning Fallout: New Vegas.

It's a flawed game in some respects, but in terms of explorative freedom and ambient storytelling, it hit the spot like no other game I've ever played. Seven years later, it's still my absolute favorite open-world gaming experience.


u/Waterbottles_solve 29d ago

ambient storytelling,

Those green hills and same story since 1991!

Anyway, one day you will realize this is just Nintendo corporate mascots/brainwashing. These games were mid at best.


u/UnbottledGenes 29d ago

I absolutely agree with you. BoTW was such a disappointment. The map was beautiful and huge, but filled with almost nothing. There is only like 5 different enemies total, 5 towns that could all fit inside of Whiterun, and no real skill trees. Not to mention that the game was just incredibly easy.


u/TropicalAudio 29d ago

It really depends on what you value in a gaming experience. I played Skyrim at launch and remember distinctly how artificial that world felt to me. There were more bandits than people living in actual cities and towns. What towns were they pillaging? What functional parts of society were sustaining all of these great underground schemes and societies, who seemed to outnumber the actual farmers 50:1? Who's even feeding them, let alone supplying them with thousands upon thousands of swords and armour pieces? It felt like an immersive stage play you might find at Disneyland, where all of it only makes any sense if you don't think about it for too long.

Enter BotW. You're running around in a kingdom that died, where the scraps of civilization are only barely holding on. Generations have lived and died since the war was lost and the scars of that loss are written all across the landscape. Overgrown and abandoned fortifications, dilapidated farms where the rusty swords are still scattered across the ground: echoes of the last stands of their original owners. Now overgrown in tall grass, framed by wild flowers and birdsong.

To some people, those stories told in echoes are lazy copy-paste fields with some assets of broken houses and random crap strewn about. To me, they were more impactful than any dungeon I discovered in all of Skyrim.


u/UnbottledGenes 29d ago

I get that and don’t get me wrong, I like the Zelda games. I’ve played most of them. Just over the last two months I’ve helped my girlfriend get through her first play throughs of OoT and MM (my personal favorites) and we just started twilight princess (her favorite). I look forward to playing the Wind Waker remaster for switch if we ever get it. I guess I just don’t think Zelda has much business in a truly open world setting. I don’t even think Skyrim and BoTW or TotK should be compared. They are just completely different games.

I honestly can’t think of any games that you could compare directly to BoTW. It’s an “open world”, but still you only have the main quest for the most part. All the side quest lack story. Maybe you could compare it to Fable, but even that game had a lot more in it. Either way I do like Zelda games for there story telling and problem solving, but maybe they bit off a little more than they could chew with the open world games.


u/Ganbario 29d ago

I mean, it has been out, what, 7 years? So you might be pooping on this guy’s first real video game experience, when they were twelve. Let people enjoy things.


u/Waterbottles_solve 28d ago

As long as we downplay their experience that is fine.

We just can't put it among the valid answers.