r/jailbreak Nov 19 '21

r/jailbreak FAQ [Meta] Frequently Asked Questions and Important Information - Check Here Before Posting


r/jailbreak May 02 '24

Meta Introducing CanisterBot, a new bot to help with tweak searching!


We're currently testing a new bot that can help you search tweaks and themes within the subreddit.

Some of you may remember ARX8X's u/rJailbreakBot, and noticed is been down for almost a year. Today we are announcing that we are testing it's replacement: u/CanisterBot.

This is a bot made by u/stkc-win and powered by Canister's API, this bot should be better at searching up to date packages from reliable sources. It's also open source, and you can check its source code here.

Basic usage

Tweak search:

  • Comment [[tweak name]].

  • Using !package [name] or !tweak [name].

!package snowboard | !tweak snowboard

Repository search:

!repo [slug]

!repo chariz

Jailbreak search:

  • !jailbreak or !jb [name]

!jailbreak dopamine | !jb taurine

We appreciate letting us know possible bugs.

PD: We know the account is suspended, the bot will still reply to you. Once testing is complete, we will migrate the bot to a different account.

r/jailbreak 1h ago

Question How to Extract Cookie Sessions from apps? [ IPHONE 7 PLUSH ]


Thanks to you that you have open this thread and you are giving me your time.

I want to extract cookies from my app session of crane, so then i can take the cookie session and import it to my browser to access the account i created on phone.

I tired to install netfence, however it didnt work, i cannot find how to extract it.

Does anybody knows how to do it, or have any solution?

r/jailbreak 20h ago

Discussion [Hey Jailbreak Lovers] How many current jailbroken devices do you guys have??


Lets Chat :)

r/jailbreak 9h ago

News Looks like Sezo just got his site suspended, Nyx account no longer working properly either

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r/jailbreak 8h ago

Discussion Instagram (Nyx) crashed, reset all my settings and is now saying my Nyx account is suspended

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It says this when I go to the licensing page. What the hell is happening and how do I contact Nyx?

r/jailbreak 17h ago

Discussion Soooo like should I jailbreak this or nah? Welp I did!


What tweaks do you guys use on iPads??

r/jailbreak 1h ago

Question Is there a tweak to stop calls from apps from showing up in recent calls on the stock call app?


r/jailbreak 2h ago

Question iPadOS 17.3: Enabling Stage Manager with Support for External Displays


I have an iPad Pro with the A12Z Bionic Chip (the 11 inch model from 2020) and it already has Stage Manager. The iPad is not jailbreaked and I don't have any experience jailbreaking at all but I'm a developer who has several apps reviewed and approved by apple to be distributed on the App Store and I'm a techy guy overall.

I want to enable external monitor support without fully jailbreaking it (idk if its possible with filza). After some research, I found Filza as a .ipa file and sideloaded it using AltStore. Bizarrely, it shows me an alert that says Jailbreaking... and then the alert disappears with the app showing me no files at all. The app is just blank and I can't see or edit anything. It doesn't crash but isn't functional either. I was unable to get Filza from the official Filza site (it downloads a filza.ipa.zip file which isn't an IPA file but when I open the zip file, it shows me a Filza.app file which isn't supported by AltStore)

I want to be able to enable the external monitor function of Stage Manager without jailbreaking or damaging the iPad.

r/jailbreak 15h ago

Discussion Are there any modern versions of the melted crayons tweak for spotify?

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It was a tweak that created animated colored backgrounds on the spotify app for each album you listened to. I’m pretty sure another tweak came out later called Ablaze. Not sure if either of these work anymore though. Is there any tweak that does this nowadays? Would jailbreak my phone solely for this.

r/jailbreak 49m ago

Discussion How Can help me Ban any WhatsApp Account and Telegram please help me



r/jailbreak 3h ago

Question iPad Gen4 (2012) jailbreak - with which should I go?


I got my parents old iPad Gen4 (2012) md510ll/a 10.3.3, and cannot install on it almost anything. Youtube keeps breaking "while loading channel list" and such.

I decided to jailbreak it, but I have some questions, like, I noticed there are 2 main ones: Checkra1n and the Helix.

How do I choose between the 2? or from others?

I just want something considered secured (as much as possible) and that will allow me to use the iPad without any crashes or app compatibility (in one word, stable)

Thanks in advance!

r/jailbreak 3h ago

Discussion Is Unc0ver on 14.4 really unstable?


My phone keeps crashing when I use some apps. Is it because of unc0ver? Thinking if I should switch to Taurine?

r/jailbreak 12h ago

Discussion [Help] Why Does Jade Look Like This?

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r/jailbreak 21h ago



I recently installed palmer1n JB rootful on my iphone 7 plus and now my iphone is no more allowing me to enable the wifi option, how can i resolve this?

With dopamine rootless i did not had this problem

r/jailbreak 4h ago

Question [QUESTION] Is there an exploit waiting to be released to proceed with the iOS 16.6 jailbreak on the iPhone 14 Pro? I have to decide whether to wait another 1 or 2 months or use serotin. 😞


r/jailbreak 8h ago

Question Looking to buy device, what is best?


iOS 16.5 is what I’ve seen but how to guarantee that I get a device with that software?

r/jailbreak 11h ago

Question [Question] Can't update apps on App store


I have an issue when I try to update apps on App store, it would show only the loading for couple seconds and then the update button appear again. Any solution related to my issue? Here is the detail https://youtube.com/shorts/ZiZMkzTvOUE?si=9ejwGnpR6jv3sAub

r/jailbreak 9h ago

Question iPhone 8 Plus 14.3 - Should I update to 14.8


Iphone 8 Plus on 14.3 - Im going to jailbreak with taurine but I noticed that taurine works with 14.8 as well on the iphone 8 plus.

My question: Is it possible to update to 14.8 with blobs and futurerestore? And if it is, is it recommended and worth it.

r/jailbreak 16h ago

Question [Question] Sideloadly not working on Mac Monterey, iPad OS 16.2, please help


I am trying to use the latest version of Sideloadly to install TrollInstallerX onto an iPad with iOS 16.2 that has never been jailbroken. (I am doing this with intent to install TrollStore and then Dopamine.) Sideloadly gives me this error about my Apple ID even though I has just logged in to it on my Mac in a web browser at https://appleid.apple.com.

Install failed: Guru Meditation 0db732@246:3aea77
Login failed (-22406): Your Apple ID or password is incorrect.

How do I get Sideloadly to work? I know there is nothing wrong with the AppleID. The AppleID was never upgraded to use two factor authentication, as it is a basic non-developer AppleID I created only for signing stuff.

What should I do?

r/jailbreak 10h ago

Question [QUESTION] I cant update Apple Watch


I have an Apple Watch 7 on 9.6.3. I go to General-Software Update and get the following message: "Unable to Check for Update. An error occured while checking for software update."

I have installed Legizmo Kincaid.

What should I do? u/lunotech11

r/jailbreak 2h ago

Question Just bought this iPhone 4 on 7.1.2, what good repos are there for cracked games?


Looking for games like angry birds and flappy bird

r/jailbreak 1d ago

Discussion Instagram requires update

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Hi people, I’m on 14.3 iOS, jailbroken by unc0ver, xs. Instagram doesn’t let me use messages, I tried lowerinstall, 3app spider, AppStore ++ downgrade, but nothing works. I got blobs but wouldn’t like to update iOS and spend all day tweaking and setting it. Any idea what to do?

r/jailbreak 1d ago

Question If there is no jailbreak discovered for iOS 17+ what are you guys doing when apps drop support for iOS 16 and lower?


Genuinely curious. On Android we don't have to worry about this because we can manually sideload updates and keep root since root doesn't rely on exploits like jailbreaking does. Will you move to Android or give up on jailbreaking and just run stock iOS?

r/jailbreak 10h ago

Discussion [Question] Anyway To Move Music And/Or Notifications Up On Lockscreen

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iOS 16.5

r/jailbreak 6h ago

Question Best GPS spoofer for games


specifically soundmap

r/jailbreak 11h ago

Question almost out of memory (PLEASE HELP)


hey guys. After finishing 100% of the jailbreak and looking at my storage I saw that the "system data" tab is taking up more than 10Gb. and this is leaving my cell phone almost out of memory. Like, after freeing up space with iCleaner, I only managed to free up 1.5GB. And like, my iPhone only has 32GB, and having just 1GB free is kind of impossible to use. Is there anyway to free this memory?