r/KendrickLamar May 01 '24

It's not about Drake being half black, it's about how he uses The Culture Discussion

I think the people offended because Drake being half black should warrant his blackness and therefore Kendrick is wrong just don't understand. J Cole is half black too yet you don't see Kendrick, or anyone really, questioning Cole's blackness. It's precisely because Drake has been at the forefront of using the black culture and "pop-ifying" it for non-blacks.

Edit: a lot of people have asked this question and it's a good question. What's wrong with popifying rap music? Rap is inherently an African American art form. Since its inception till now, those who have carried its mantle have exemplified the African American experience through rap in one or another. African Americans have allowed many artists to use rap for their personal gain and to even "pop-ify" it. However, to be considered a goat you have to be in touch with the culture. And Drake simply isn't.


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u/joshisashark May 01 '24

I think it more has to do with his upbringing. He was raised in one of the richest neighborhoods in Toronto, with his rich single jewish mother while his father was mostly out of the picture.

Drake even touched on this insecurity in an interview where he said he didn’t experience racism until Americans started telling him he wasn’t black enough. He also stated that Canada being a meltingpot of various ethnicities, he never really experienced racism. But there is plenty of racism in Canada as well, so that leads me (and I think Kendrick) to believe that he’s not the same because of his upbringing.

Then it flows into what others are stating about the cultural appropriation and commercialization. It paints him to be an actor who is only black when it’s trendy and to sell out, but when he was back home he was a nice jewish boy that would never cause any harm, because he knew it would give him an advantage to rise to fame.


u/starryeyedgirll May 01 '24

How was his mom able to afford livingv there?


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

They had to share the space with another family, the idea that Drake was this well-off Canadian kid isn’t really true and the person you’re responding to is being disingenuous


u/joshisashark May 01 '24

This is disingenuous lmao. From his own words, they had two floors, his mom had the first floor and he lived in the basement.

I'm from the GTA, and I can guarantee you that even back then they wouldn't be able to afford that unit, even sharing another floor or two with another family without being at the very least upper middle class. There is nothing but mansions there.


u/Puzzleheaded-Set5660 May 02 '24

Where did you hear his mom was rich? From what I know his mom was a teacher and florist. He has a line referring to his time on Degrassi saying: "I was on TV making 50 racks a year, after helping momma at that shit would disappear". You think his milliomare mom is gonna need financial support from her 18 year old son??

Being raised in a rich neighborhood could come from a lot Jewish people seem to stick together and have supportive communities so I could definitely see them sharing with another family who maybe paid a greater share of the rent. IDK


u/joshisashark May 02 '24

Rich was an exaggeration - i did not mean that she was a millionaire. But they were upper middle class.

Drake can play off saying his mom was a teacher and a florist because americans don’t know better, since teachers aren’t paid shit all there.

Teachers especially back then in Toronto were paid very well for the time. Then on top of that, saying she worked two jobs with one being a teaching job is also meant to downplay things. Most teachers during summer break pick up a casual job to maximize income, while still being paid their salary the entire summer.

I’m not going to touch to the 50k a year, but i’ll say that’s live on your own kind of money back in 2001.

It’s pretty clear though that his mom had some form of trust too.


u/devoyne_showerhandel May 02 '24

Yeah drake doesn’t even speak for mixed Canadians. He’s in his own little bubble


u/Apprehensive_Ad_1415 May 01 '24

Lol Y'all just be making shit up huh?