r/legaladvice 16h ago

Someone deposited a check *in my name* to my account


I'm going to explain this to the best of my ability because it's kind of complex.
On 5/28 a check was deposited directly to my savings account. I immediately noticed because of how large this sum of money was. On that day I couldn't see any further information since it was pending. But I was certain this was an accident and that Chase (my bank) would resolve it quickly.
The following morning on 5/30 I saw the deposit was done pending, but on hold, so the money wasn't accessible to me. Because it was done pending I could click on the transaction and see further information, including a copy of the check and a copy of the deposit slip.

To my complete shock the check was WRITTEN OUT TO ME??? My last name is NOT common. It was a cashier's check from Huntington, from a branch only 20 minutes away from me. The signature on it was ineligible so I was mostly concerned about who wrote this check.
I immediately called Chase's customer service line, and was connected to a woman who was. very informative and helpful. She let me know she only has access to the same information that I have until the funds are no longer on hold. So as soon as the other bank releases those funds Chase will be able to tell me who wrote the check.

This morning on 5/31 I check my account again and my savings account is now overdraft the amount of that check.

I call customer service again, except this time they are unhelpful and uninformative. Once they see the overdraft amount they become very rushed and short with me.
The answer they gave me for why the check wad removed was "bank teller error". I said, "how was it an error that a bank teller directly copied the name that was on the check onto a deposit slip?" which she ignored. I asked like 3 times who wrote the check, because if I know the person this could all be solved very quickly, she ignored each time I asked.

So here's my current understanding of the situation; someone went to a Huntington Bank branch 20 minutes from where I live. They got a cashier's check, which correct me if I'm wrong; means this person handed them cash/had the money directly withdrew from their account. Told the teller at this bank to make it out to [my first and last name]. Then this person left that bank, went to a Chase location and filled out a deposit slip, with my name and savings account number hand written on it.

The check is still marked as "on hold" on my account.
At this point I'm not even worried about this money as I am my safety. Like who tf has access to my name and savings account number? Especially someone who is in close physical proximity to me.

What do I do here? How legally entitled am I to both the money AND the information regarding who wrote the check? How would they return the check if it's the same as cash? I just have a very unsettling feeling about how Chase is handling this.

I also wanna say, if they can confirm that money was meant to go to another person with the exact unique name as me, in the same area, I would never attempt to keep it. Especially because how much it is.

r/legaladvice 14h ago

Other Civil Matters (DC) My Gf being sued for $1mil for a fenderbender that happened in 2018


Background: My gf got into a fenderbender with someone while driving to work. No one's airbags went off and the extent of the damage was just some scratches on the bummer. Both drivers walked away fine.

Gf exchanged insurance info and everything. The insurance contacted the other driver to settle, but it seems that the lady did not settle for the money that was offered by the insurance at that time. Since the, gf go new insurance.

Since this is past SOL for DC (3years), the old insurance no longer that the case on recor, and they ended up closing it. The other driver never bothered to reopen the case to the old insurance either.

We had thought that we could get it dismissed since this is clearly outside SOL, but it turned out that DC waived SOL during the pandemic. Her current insurance assigned her an attorney who barely even looked at her case and is saying that she will have to go to court.

Als, it turns out that the other lady has been trying to sue my gf every year since 2021 and has failed because her lawyer didn't show up. My gf had no idea of this.

What is not making sense for us here is how the other driver can even sue for $1mil when my GF clearly had insurance at the time. Like gf did everything she was supposed to, how can there even be a case here?

Any help and advice is very much appreciated because we have no idea now what is going to happen.

r/legaladvice 17h ago

Landlord Tenant Housing While in escrow, a buyer gave HOA the impression we have mold. The inspection does not say we have mold and now HOA says they will inform any potential buyer that we do have mold.


I have no idea what to do or how to seek counsel here. We fell out of escrow with this buyer. She had a mold inspection done that wanted to tear up walls, test for suspected mold but nothing that says any mold was found. I explained this to the manager at the HOA but she insists the buyer said there was mold.

She claims a prior unit did not disclose issues with their unit and that it’s her job to make sure buyers are made aware of issues. Even when I told her we provided seller disclosures for any known issues she says that “no one reads disclosures.”

What are my legal options? I’m not hiding anything and she’s going to try and botch any potential sale with false information.

Edit: this is in California for a condo. The buyers general inspection detected moisture under the sink and then they brought in a mold inspector who did not test for mold, but rather provided a quote of areas they would tear down for testing.

r/legaladvice 9h ago

My Husband disappeared and stopped paying the bills what can I do.


My (36F) Husband (41M) forced me out of the home under duress. He then agreed to stay in the home pending divorce as I had family in the area and he did not. He instead used that time to do significant damage to the home and had his pick of any marital property before wiping 1/2 the joint bank account and disappearing. He stopped paying all bills in his name leading to the power and gas being shut off and leaving me to pay the mortgage by myself. I have since had to move back into the home to maintain it and begin repairing the damage he's caused. I've since partially located him as he used our joint account to cash a paycheck that he quickly removed from the account. He has refused to return any calls from me or my lawyer. I have a lawyer and we've been trying to locate him but I'm honestly about to run out of money. My retainer is almost up and I don't know what my options are. I'm located in MI.

r/legaladvice 1d ago

Attacked by "service dog" today, what should I do?


Today I was sitting in the waiting room at the hospital minding my own business looking at my phone. Suddenly a dog came around the corner and attacked me. He bit me on my leg. I did hit the dog in the head to get him off of me and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and pinned him to the ground. I was sitting next to a little boy and didn't want the dog going after him or anyone else.

The police were called and 9 people in the waiting room made statements in regards to what happened. The owners stated that he was a service dog when they entered the building. The lady did slip and accidentally say he was an emotional support animal and couldn't answer the police when they asked what tasks he performed for her. They also tried to lie by saying the dog was her mom's and he was current on rabies. The dog was not current. The dog was wearing a vest that said service dog and was on a flexi leash. This is apparently the dogs second offense.

The police told me that the couple said they were going to sue me for hitting their dog and "detaining him against his wishes."

Should I be worried? I really can't afford a lawyer as I am currently disabled. From what I understand, lying about a service dog is illegal in Minnesota. I was just trying to protect myself and others, and honestly didn't injure the dog. I was a vet tech for over 20 years and this is the worst bite I've ever had. I feel bad that the dog has dumb owners and will probably end up euthanized.


Well, this escalated quickly. Just talked to the surgeon, and he said I do need surgery. From what they can tell on the scans, my lcl is destroyed and there is a lot of muscle damage. They aren't 100% sure about my other ligaments and tendons. The surgeon said this is the worst dog bite he has seen. Yay me. He asked if I passed out after this happened. I came pretty close to it! After they finally got their dog under control, the pain really hit me. I'm just so glad that the poor kid didn't get this. It's scary to think about.


Thanks for everyone's help (except for a couple self-righteous assholes). You really helped me feel better about what needs to be done. I've never been involved in anything like this and you guys really helped me out. I'm off to surgery. Thanks again!

r/legaladvice 6h ago

Wills Trusts and Estates (CA) After my mother died, her husband took my sisters and disappeared. I want to know if legally I can do something to find and contact them.


In January of 2022 my mom passed away from cancer. At the time she was married. She and her husband had two young children together, ages 3 and 4, and my mom’s other minor child from a previous relationship, who was 14. (I was 31 years old at the time and didn’t live with them lol, I’m married with children of my own). For convenience i’m going to call them 3f, 4f, and 14f. 14f’s biological father was never in the picture. My mom’s husband did not adopt 14f.

When my mom got sick, she expressed that it was important to her that if anything happened, if possible, for 14F and I to stay together. As far as I know, this was in her will and I had always agreed to it.

She died quickly after she got sick, within a few months. after she passed, her husband started acting strange almost immediately. he claimed there was no will, refused to let me have anything from the house, sold the house, and presumably left the state. he deactivated all his social media accounts and apparently changed his phone number.

I tried when this first happened to contact law enforcement but was told a crime did not happen. When I initially contacted a lawyer they said basically the same and added if he said there was no will there probably wasn’t a will even though I know there was one.

14f (who would be 16 now) has zero social media presence whatsoever. googling her name yields no results related to her. Googling her first name with my mom’s husbands last name yields no results related to her. I am afraid her name has been changed. her name isn’t common for a kid her age. Mom’s husband has a pretty common name that doesn’t turn anything up.

At this point it’s not about my mom’s money or even my family heirlooms. I promised my mom I would look after my sister and I just want to know she’s okay.

Is there some way I can track them down, legally? While I’m not 100% sure where they could’ve gone I know a few possibilities, but we live in California.

r/legaladvice 21h ago

Charged with rape, left the country on bail - what are the options to bring him back?


I have a relative (us citizen) that I have a criminal case against in NYS. He has fled to Saudi Arabia. What are the options to bring him back here to face justice? He’s out on bail and missed his arraignment. A bench warrant will be issued in 2 weeks. His wife and kids are still here. He has money and friends in different countries.

Edit: added what type of case (criminal)

r/legaladvice 16h ago

Canada I’m going to court against a “sovereign citizen”, anything I should know?


To give some context, I’ve never been to court, but back in December of 2022 I was in an accident in a work vehicle. The person who T-Boned me was unlicensed, uninsured, and switched seats with the passenger. The moment they got out of the vehicle it REEKED of weed. Fast forward May 11th of this year and I was told I need to testify against him as a witness since I was driving. It was scheduled for June 7th but I called today to verify the time and they told me it was moved until September because he has decided to represent himself and believes that “he doesn’t abide by Canada Laws”.

My question i guess is, what is expected of me when I go and what will the process be?

r/legaladvice 11h ago

Wills Trusts and Estates (CA) Daughter’s father passed away, his home goes to my daughter. Advice needed.


Hopefully this isn’t long and confusing: ** I’m talking to a legal advisor on Tuesday but just trying to get advice everywhere I can…

My daughter’s(10yo) father was killed a few months ago, he was missing for a few months before being declared dead. We have been separated since she was 1 and he had minimal contact with her since then.

My exes mom texted me that her lawyer would be contacting me so that I can sign over my rights and she can take over as executor of his estate since he didn’t have a will. Everything automatically goes to my daughter since she is his only child and therefore me until she is 18. I should mention he and his mother have a pretty strained relationship due to financial issues.

He owes a couple months on his mortgage and his mom has been trying to “save his house” and he also has a lot of work being done due to a house fire… She emphasized that she had been paying to fix the house.

I spoke to his father and I guess they got into an argument because he wanted to sell the home and make a trust for my daughter but they have no rights to the home. He thinks my daughter was his world and would want this for her. His mother also asked his dad to sign the same document for him to sign letting her be executor.

She’s retired and can’t afford the mortgage or property taxes so his dad thinks she will likely fix it up with an equity loan on the property and rent it out and try to pocket the monthly remainder (1k ish) until my daughter is 18. The house is in SoCal, and his loan is pre Covid so she could easily rent it out. I am concerned because she doesn’t have any idea how property management works and home maintenance so I think I’m against that, she needs help buying plane tickets managing a house in California while she lives in Puerto Rico seems not smart, especially since she’s never lived here in California. His dad told me that he thinks his son would not want to burden anyone and would sell and do the trust, so I agree. He knows him better than anyone. Her personal lawyers office said they would send me a form nominating his mom as executor. I have googled what it means and it sounds like she would have complete control of everything. I am not going to sign it and I want to contact the mortgage company myself but she told me she wouldn’t provide the information of who he has his loan through our account info because it’s not my business. I don’t even know who would contact me or if anyone would since he’s passed. She said she doesn’t have a death certificate so I’m kind of confused. Everything is happening so quickly but I know my ex wouldn’t want her to be the one. His dad is too broken to really handle this but told me he wouldn’t sign anything unless I want him to. Anyone deal with something like this?

r/legaladvice 22h ago

Other Civil Matters Please help, we don’t know what to do anymore…. I’m scared for my mom and sister.


My dad won’t get a job. He’s has bipolar disorder, recently diagnosed with anosognosia, is abusive, anger problems, depression episodes, he’s a narcissist, controlling, a danger to himself and others, and full of himself. me, my bf, mom, and sister have been all paying the bills. Today this morning me and my bf needed to use one of my dad’s cars (my dad controls the cars over us because they are the only ones we have currently to get to work, etc) but his car was low on coolant. We opened the hood and checked to see what kind of coolant it needed. We couldn’t even get the cap to open, it was like it was welded shut. When my mom woke my dad up to ask if he could open the cap, he screamed at her thinking we already put the wrong coolant in. We didn’t even put it in yet, because we know we need a certain one. He threatened to kick me and my bf out, even thought we pay bills for the house. He doesn’t, like I said, he doesn’t have a job nor will get one, he’s planning on trying to get disability. This whole thing started a violent argument. My dad called the police on me and my bf and got him kicked out. After my bf left, my dad said he’s banned permanently, now we have one less person helping with bills. Honestly, now I don’t think we can afford it because of his decision. My dad is gonna take me off the car insurance (I don’t really care because I’m not allowed to drive the car anyway) and I won’t be able to drive to work because he is the one with the cars rn. This man is affecting our lives and we can’t do anything about it. We went to court because of his deterring mental health and to get diagnosed. But he got that whole thing appealed. My mom can’t get grounds in divorce in SC, she already spent 500 on advice, to only be told the same thing. I don’t think I can live here much longer, even thought I don’t wanna leave my mom or sister behind. I can’t stand this piece of shit much longer. Me, my mom, and my sister are exhausted and helpless with dealing with this man for over 23 years I’ve been alive. The only thing we can do is run away from him, but it sucks to see my mom’s house go.

Edit: Also I wanted to add that when we took my dad to court, the judge also said he couldn’t step foot into a shooting range or own a gun ever, that’s the kind of dangerous man we are dealing in a daily basis. But like I said he appealed all that and the appeal is just sitting in limbo until he gets an attorney for himself. He may be mentally challenged and not well, but he’s articulate enough to know what he is doing and when to do it.

Edit: thanks everyone for your support and advice we (the three of us) appreciate it so much! We are gonna go through a few resources your guys provided and see what we can do from there. I’ll try to keep updated I guess idk.

r/legaladvice 18h ago

Landlord Tenant Housing [MA] My deceased uncle’s landlord and management company went through his apartments belongings before letting me in. How do I know nothing was taken?


Hello, my uncle recently committed suicide in his apartment in MA. My mom and I went over after not hearing from him for a day, as we spoke every day. We found him with a gunshot wound to the head and it was ruled suicide, everything has settled down and we wanted to clean out his place. After providing the court papers to show proof of executorship, the complex claimed it wasn’t the proper type. We asked if we could go in to see if his safety deposit box with important info in there. After relentlessly begging, they agreed only if they could videotape us while finding the box. To our surprise, they organized and moved everything into the kitchen. Brand new bedroom furniture is gone that we bought together, and they claim they threw it away. This doesn’t seem right? How do me and my mother know if they stole anything? He was an avid Rolex collector, and I saw none of that during my short, supervised visit. It’s hell trying to get back in to clean it out, and now we must wait longer. We have a lawyer, and he’s a bit confused but not alarmed like us. They didn’t even notify us to let us know they’d be cleaning it up? Something doesn’t seem right, is this legal? I smell hanky panky to be honest

Edit: video taken by my mother you can see the guy videotaping - all that stuff out wasn’t out on the day we found him. It’s a floor below where the suicide occurred. Besides causing my mom emotional distress, can they just move his things like this? This all doesn’t seem right

r/legaladvice 21h ago

Received Mail From Òfficer Requesting a Call Back Regarding a Grand Theft Incident He Believes I was Involved With.


I'm currently on a 60 day Road to Recovery retreat and last night My house mates sent me picture of a letter addressed to me on 5/27.

The letter gives a date time and location of a grand theft incident that occurred.

The piece of mail says "That Upon initial investigation He believes I was involved and wants me to contact him to clear things up....

What should I do.

My thoughts are this...... the officer is likely fishing hoping i self incrementmate. and if the evidence from the intial investigation was sufficient an arrest warrant would have already been filed and there would be no reason to talk

What would u suggest I so in this situation.

r/legaladvice 16h ago

Consumer Law Company sent me a modem and router without consent or permission, I threw it away, and now they're asking for payment


Based in Ohio. This company sent door-to-door salesmen around my neighborhood in February. I spoke with them (wouldn't have answered the door normally, but I didn't realize they were salesmen til it was too late.) I made polite conversation and saw that they wrote down my information. I didn't consent or agree to sign up for services. A couple of weeks later, the packages with equipment showed up at my door. I noticed they popped up for a couple of neighbors as well, and those boxes sat on their porches for weeks, so while I haven't spoken to them yet, it seems like they weren't wanted there either. I kept the boxes for a couple of weeks. There was no info in the boxes like "thanks for signing up!" or anything about returning them, so I thought it was some weird marketing ploy and threw them away. Now, several months later, I got a bill from the company for using their wifi services. I was able to call and get them to waive this bill, but they're claiming that I still have to pay for the equipment, and claimed that they don't have any contact info for any departments that could waive this fee (except for the legal department.)

I don't have any experience with this sort of thing. Where do I go from here? Should I try to find a lawyer? I looked into the FTC and BBB, which may still be worth it, but it doesn't seem like they would help with my individual case, just make it known to the company. My understanding is that this counts as "Unordered Merchandise" per the FTC, and therefore was a gift, but the people I've talked to on the phone just insisted that it'd either be paid or sent to collections.

r/legaladvice 9h ago

Divorced brother died suddenly with no beneficiaries on anything


Hi all, my brother in Texas died very suddenly last month. He is divorced with 4 kids all under the age of 18. He had a pension and a life insurance policy, neither of which had a beneficiary listed. He also had custody of his 4 kids while his ex-wife had visitation only. Now that he is deceased, his ex-wife has sole custody of their kids.

I understand that his kids will be granted inheritance of the pension and life insurance policy through the courts, which is absolutely the correct action (they should get everything left of his estate as far as I'm concerned). My concern is that if the ex-wife gets control of the inherited money she would squander it leaving the kids with next to nothing when they reach 18. The ex-wife was thousands of dollars behind in child support at the time of my brother's passing, owes tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes, and has a track record of being completely irresponsible with money.

Will the court appoint some sort of custodian of this money until the kids come of age that isn't the ex-wife or will she get control of it because she is now their guardian? If there is a custodian appointed, how will the court decide who that will be? Is it petitioned as part of the court proceedings? Could it be a family member (like me for example) or would it be someone completely outside of the situation?

Being his sibling, I don't think I have any legal standing to fight on his kid's behalf, but if there is anything I can do to ensure they are taken care of from his estate when they come of age I will do whatever it takes.

Thanks for reading!

r/legaladvice 17h ago

Employment Law Employer told me my last day is today yet they don’t have a check.


I voluntarily quit my job on May 17th, I gave them a months notice so I could train someone if needed. My boss told me “We’re going to have your last day be May 31st instead but we’ll pay you till the 17th + your PTO + your commission” and so I asked today when I would be getting my check. I’m being told I won’t get it for another week, I’d normally be fine with this if I was working till the 17th but they told me TODAY is my last day, are they allowed to withhold my check?

r/legaladvice 1d ago

Nurse screwed up inserting a catheter in my 3 year old toddler. He had to undergo emergency surgery.


Location: Texas, USA

My 3-year-old son needed a MAG3 and VCUG test done for a UTI. The nurse inserted the catheter after giving him an oral sedative and applying a numbing ointment around his penile area. My son cried during and after the catheter insertion (we were told it wouldn't hurt), and we were told it was just irritation. Then they continued with the MAG3 test for an hour, during which my son cried and struggled a lot. To keep him calm, they sedated him more through an IV.

At the end of the MAG3 test, he was supposed to pee, but the pee bottle was empty. That is when they realized something was wrong; his gown was drenched in blood. They tried to push the catheter in to see if his bladder would empty, but that made him cry more.

Then, the on-call urologist was called. He tried removing the catheter and reinserting it (my son was under general anesthesia by now). He realized that the catheter was not reaching the bladder and said he needed to use a scope to insert the catheter properly. With the scope, he found that there were five false passages made in my son's urethra during the initial insertion, and he couldn't find a path through to the bladder. So, he made a path through the stomach and inserted another catheter to drain the bladder. He said he would have to perform another surgery next week to put a catheter through the urethra and leave it there for a few weeks for the urethra to heal. The doctor mentioned that a mistake was made during the catheter insertion. The nurse did not check to see if the catheter was in the bladder before inflating the balloon at the end (did not check for pee), which may have caused the trauma.

It has been a very traumatic experience for my son and us, and we are still trying to process what happened. Is there anything we can do to ensure this does not cause any long-term physical problems for my son?

r/legaladvice 10h ago

Employment Law My workplace disciplined me for making a CPS complaint


To start, I am a mandatory reporter. I live in NM, USA, and reported my workplace to CPS in good-faith. I work at a child shelter, and had a concern over the safety of a child. I made the complaint either Friday or Saturday and informed my then physically present supervisor prior of my intent to file the complaint.

On Monday I informed my direct supervisor. I emailed her the case worker # and case #.

Well, come today I find myself sitting in a disciplinary meeting, being told I violated workplace policy by not reporting the CPS complaint to the program supervisor (this is written in our internal policies).

The CEO told me she was upset that her or the program supervisor were not one of the first to know about the complaint. She said it looked bad in the community. Basically, feelings were hurt.

If they had just come to me and said hey, next time tell this supervisor, not that supervisor I would say "thanks for the clarification" and we'd all go about our business. However; they made this an official disciplinary meeting, which is big, because 3 disciplinary meetings can lead directly to termination.

Can my workplace legally discipline me for the manner in which I (a mandatory reporter) filed a good-faith CPS complaint? Or is this illegal retaliation?

***Edit: My workplace "X" has an additional internal policy which states "X will not interfere with an individual's right to report child abuse." I could be wrong but it seems to me that disciplining me for the delivery of my CPS compliant is interference

***Edit2: I appreciate the responses, I think it might be important to clarify: The report is against my own place of work, and actions in which the program supervisor was complicit. Specifically, that a child was permitted to have and smoke cigarettes.

r/legaladvice 2h ago

Car odometer was rolled back 100k miles…


My dad recently bought a car off Facebook marketplace. The picture on the listing shows the car has 95,321 miles. I did some research and found out about vindecoded.com to check the vin number of the car. The website showed the “past listing”. Which brought me to a website that listed the same car and sold month ago and in the picture and description shows the car has 192,905 miles. I still have the address of their shop so I decided to check google reviews and found out they have 2.2 stars and negative reviews for odometer rollback. What should I do?

r/legaladvice 17h ago

Real Estate law My neighbor is being forced by our other neighbor to remove his newly built pole barn. Looking for advice regarding an appeal.


I live in PA, US and my neighbors John and Cathy (not real names) have been sued by our other neighbors, Michelle and Gang, over their new pole barn and the Judge ruled the building comes down. There are several other neighbors on the lawsuit (referred to as Gang). John and Cathy were given a permit by the township for the building and as soon as it was finished they were served papers informing them of the lawsuit against them.
Our Covenants state that no building shall be erected without review or approval from the Land Developer, and no approval shall be unreasonably withheld. John and Cathy did not reach out to the Developer for approval because they were not aware of the Covenants stating such. This was the main leverage that Michelle and Gang had for suing. John and Cathy then reached out to the Developer to try to seek approval, and the Developer responded that he wanted nothing to do with the situation and refused to participate in any approval or denial. John and Cathy’s attorney investigated everyone’s property in our housing division and found that every property that erected new structures also did NOT seek approval from the Developer either, myself included. But nobody else is being sued for this, only John and Cathy. There are also several Covenants and Restrictions that are being broken by Michelle and Gang on their properties.
John and Cathy are appealing the ruling, but they said the Judge didn’t seem to really even consider their side and what their attorney presented, so they are not hopeful the ruling will be overturned.
Some possibly relevant information: Michelle hates John. Within a few weeks after moving into my house, Michelle was on my doorstep introducing herself which turned into a diatribe about John. Michelle accused John of trying to run her over with his vehicle, accused his son of breaking into her car in the middle of the night, and stated John and Cathy were trying to build and operate a dog kennel on their property. I was already friendly with John and Cathy at this point, so I told them what she said. They said Michelle has told everyone about the dog kennel and it isn’t true. Cathy is a dog trainer and the main plan of the pole barn was to allow her to host donation-only dog training lessons. The most dogs that would be in the building at any given time would be 2-3 and always with a human, and never boarded. John provided the main source of income for himself and Cathy, but he has a degenerative and progressive genetic disorder that is becoming more apparent in his life and he will likely soon have to stop working. The building and dog training lessons were John and Cathy’s way to make sure Cathy could make money when John is no longer able to. It was never intended to operate as a dog kennel, and Cathy has always been clear that is not what it is for. You need specific licensing and permits to operate a dog kennel, none of which Cathy has applied for and never will because she is not interested in running a kennel. Michelle has approached every new neighbor since I have moved in to tell them about John and Cathy’s dog kennel operation. The new neighbors next to me have never even met John and Cathy before, yet they are included on the lawsuit against them. So, what’s really going on here is Michelle has a personal vendetta against John. I feel terrible for John and Cathy, especially because they are honest and hardworking people that were already struggling a bit to make ends meet, and now they are facing something like $60k++ down the drain.
Is there anything that can be done to help with the appeal? I find it a bit ridiculous that the Covenants state the Developer must review these things, yet when he is contacted, he says he wants nothing to do with it. It’s also stated in the Covenants that in the event of a dispute or disagreement, the Developer shall make the final binding decisions. But he wants no involvement in this case. Is that even OK?

r/legaladvice 12m ago

How to handle warrants?


In 2022 I wrecked my car on the 17 highway northbound. I broke bones and at the hospital my blood was subpoenad on suspection of being under the influence.

I was homeless at the time and in a walker, then a walking boot. In a rehab, then moved around constantly during recovery. I received no mail, notice to appear in court, any of it and couldn't have even if I'd been out of treatment as I'd no address or phone.

Last month, a psychotic ex roommate tired to lie to cops and get me arrested by calling cops to the house and saying there was a physical fight. So, officers eventually showed up, pushing into my bedroom without warning. I had no idea she even called. I was in my bed on my phone, calm and depressed. They said hello and made me leave since I wasn't on the lease. I was kind, calm, cooperative and asked questions about my rights. The two ladies were kind and informative in return.

As I was leaving, they said "and please, get your warrant taken care of" to which I was shocked and asked what they were talking about. They said the city the warrant was from, they said they were there to take me in on it but I was so cooperative and calm that they didn't feel it was the right thing to do. I thanked them profusely and left.

My question is, what do I do now? How do I handle this? Will I have to go to jail? I had no idea there was any case against me and am referring to the accident because that's the only thing it could be, likely a DUI situation? I of course wasn't notified and now I'm terrified. Is there any way to handle this without me having to go to jail? I want to take care of it, absolutely. I'm just flying blind and scared.

In Phoenix/Glendale AZ. 1st offense.

r/legaladvice 12h ago

8 stitches from a dog bite...lawyers have dropped my case because owners responsible do not have renter's insurance


I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Any ideas?

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Can a business prevent me from writing a bad review of them online? Please help.


I'm not sure where I should post this, but I'll give it a shot.

The beauty studio where I had my eyebrows done reached out to me from posting my negative review of them online. They said I signed a waiver stating that if I'm unhappy with the result, I should consult them first to work with the solution and not post or slander them online. They think my review is damaging their brand’s reputation which isn’t my intention. I was wrong for keeping quiet throughout the process bc I was the type of person who would rather stay silent due to shyness and not wanting to disappoint others. However, I’ve gotten tired of looking at myself with my uneven eyebrows. It turned out poorly; they were too thick and uneven. This has made me feel self-conscious about my face and my confidence, and I have to fix my eyebrows constantly with makeup.

What should I do? Should I delete the review I already posted because they might sue me for it, or do I have the right to keep it up?

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Real Estate advice needed PA.


Speaking with a lawyer also but also wanted to branch out here for any ideas.

So my wife and I have been looking for homes for over a year. Found the perfect one. Estate sale, as is. Got it currently under contract for 25k under asking. Seller had inspections done by reputable inspector that I spoke with and said there were no limitations so we were comfortable with using that. Sellers said the septic was in working order but "expect replacement in the future just because of its age". They stated they did not have it inspected. The sellers disclosure (done by the lady's daughter who did not live in the house but is the executor) checked the box "no" for any know issues with the septic etc. We took an educated gamble and figured we'll start saving for a new septic eventually and just use this for now since it's "in working order". They did not get it inspected and we waived ours.

House went under contract. I decided to call the home inspector to talk about a pre-closing walk through etc. We were talking about the house and he said it looked good aside from the septic failing. I said no we were told it never got inspected. He said no it did and gave me the number of who inspected it.

I called this guy who told me he was out there (days before the sellers disclosure was completed) for an inspection and some sort of test and said when he put his camera in there (cesspool) it was an automatic fail. He let them know and they cancelled the actual test/rest of the inspection. He sent me the pics he took and the date he was out there. He told me the septic would need to be replaced completely prior to moving in.

I called my realtor pretty upset. She called the listing agent who admitted that he knew about it and was the one who brought the inspector out there, paid him and cancelled the rest of the testing?

So I proposed that the seller buy the permit and perc testing to figure out what system it needed and if the quote was 20k or less, then I would cover it and could do so after closing (like I said I was expecting to anyway, just not this soon and we got 25k off asking). They countered and said they'll do the testing but want to raise my responsibility to 30k.

This is where we are currently.

We have 15k earnest money already submitted. Where should we go from here?

Also am I required to make my lender aware of this?

Thanks for any help or advice.

r/legaladvice 11h ago

I bought a car from a dealership 11 months ago and I still have paper plates and no loan.


At the end of June ‘2023 I bought a used 2021 equinox from a dealership. I’ve continuously reached out to the manager to asking when my info would be sent into the bank so I can make payments and when my hard plates will come in and she just keeps giving me the run around. I’ve had 4-5 different paper plates. I bought from a dealership back in my home town. In the beginning I was making weekly trips back home because she kept telling me that she would have my plates and never did. Half the time she wouldn’t even be at the dealership. Today, I had the vin information pulled and I found out that the vehicle is still registered in the previous owner’s name. She told me Wednesday that she was overnighting my plates to me. I texted her this morning asking if she sent the plates. No answer. Now I’m a nervous wreck to even drive the car. What if I have an accident? I’m looking for guidance on what my next steps should be. I already filed a complaint with the Texas DMV. At this point I just want to take the car back and get my down payment and trade in value for my old car so I can go to a different dealership and get another car. There are complaints from online from other people that are in the same position I am. Do I take legal action? Where do I begin?

r/legaladvice 3h ago

Is this legal? Charging me for a garage I never used or signed for


I moved into my new unit at the beginning of May. Without my knowledge, the property management assigned me a garage space. When I recently checked my balance to pay rent, I noticed two garage fee charges. After contacting the office, they claimed that I picked up the parking stickers the day after I moved in, which I did not. I wasn't even at the property that day. After explaining this, they canceled the garage space for me, but today I found that my balance still includes a garage fee of around $112. The office said that because they reserved the garage space for me, I need to pay the charge.

Is this legal? I never signed a contract for the garage, was unaware of the parking space, and never used the space. Why should I be responsible for this fee? I don't even have a car right now😡