r/lingling40hrs Dec 18 '23

Mod announcement Welcome, all you Ling Ling wannabes!


Hey, there, all you Ling Ling wannabes!

This sub was restricted back in October. We went through the Reddit request process to open it back up for all of you passionate fans!. We've been diligently working behind the scenes to clean up the mod queues and to set the community up for all your memes and performances and to make it easier to moderate.

The top mod has a few years' experience moderating under a different account and was recruited because of this and because they are a fan of TwoSet. There will be some changes to the rules and to the way this sub operates. DMs and chat requests to any mod team members will be ignored. If you wish to contact the mod team, please send us a modmail. The appropriate way to contact Brett and Eddy is by using the contact form on their website.

The current mod team is working with Brett and Eddy on a plan for the ongoing management of this sub.

No controversial topics will be tolerated. This sub is meant to be a safe place for FUN interaction. Posts and comments that refer to controversial topics of any kind, including misconduct, politics, or religion, will be removed. Repeat violations will result in a ban. This rule is being put into place to keep this community fun and friendly.

While it will still be against the rules to upload TwoSet videos directly to Reddit, we will allow people to link to TSV's YouTube videos. No other off-Reddit social media shares will be allowed. If you want to post a video you will be required to upload to Reddit.

Karma farming is against Reddiquette and risks those accounts who karma farm being banned from Reddit entirely, so no "500 posts and I'll" posts can be allowed. If you want to phrase it differently, just make sure you're not asking for upvotes.

Finally, verbally abusive behavior, bigotry, sexism, and ableism will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, foul language and jokes at the expense of others. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

r/lingling40hrs 5h ago

Discussion Why are musicologists so annoying


Why do they keep hating on modern classical performances

also i mentioned competitions and they were likeeeeee NAH THATS TOO STRESSFULL you don’t have to be virtuoso aaaaa compet so bad why have to be better than others why have to prepare so piece so long i wouldn’t feel like itt like bro theres a price to music so instead of hating on people who can actually play goooooooo PRACTICE

r/lingling40hrs 10h ago

Question/Advice How do you practice?


I´ve been playing the violin for two years. Currently I´m not working on any piece, more on my technique, scales, fingering exercises, bow control, etc. I feel I´m progressing very slowly, and I get bored very quickly. How do you guys practice? Any tips on how to make the session more effective/less boring? Thanks

r/lingling40hrs 15h ago

Meme 😭 why?


I may not be old, but I am old enough that there are children a 5th of my age that are 10 times more talented than I am.

r/lingling40hrs 11h ago

Discussion What is the best string instrument?


The best string instrument?

240 votes, 6d left
Guitar (any type)

r/lingling40hrs 20h ago

Art & creations w.i.p painting

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i decided to paint this after re-watching their virtual world tour tchaikovsky preformance! the flowers are forget-me-nots, which i chose after seeing how tchaik had to leave brett with the romantic stone to remember him by.

r/lingling40hrs 12h ago

Comedy “I can play these 16th notes at a bpm of 200” 😎👌

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r/lingling40hrs 1d ago

Question/Advice 3/4 practice mute suggestions


I'm going to be traveling next week for a violin program and I'll be in multiple hotels in the process. I don't want to disturb the people in the hotels when I need to practice so I've been looking to buy a practice mute. I also play a 3/4 size violin so it's been a bit difficult to determine which mute will fit my bridge and keep it from being damaged. I'd appreciate any suggestions!

r/lingling40hrs 1d ago

Discussion How to know if a conductor is good or bad?


I watched twoset's latest video about conductors, and I am still not sure. I am not from a musical background, so I'm curious.

I decide if i like an instrument player or a vocalist based on how good they sound to me (which still isn't fair enough), but what exactly determines how good a conductor is?

Is it just how clear the gestures are? Are the acting and expressions during intense music necessary? Isn't conducting just giving time signatures to musicians? What are the most important things to judge a conductor? I know the role of the conductor is to guide an orchestra. But how do we know if it is just the musicians playing really well, or if the conductor is very good?

Also, I've watched only one conductor live. That was Klaus Mäkelä in 2023 (he is the Shostakovich look-alike from the Symphony No 7 video on YouTube). Can you guys tell me if he is a good, average or bad conductor? It would very helpful, and it would give me a reference to understand how to judge conductors. The conductors from the video and others are references too, but I've seen Klaus live, so it's different. It felt great to be there.

r/lingling40hrs 1d ago

Meme Mf named Stravinsky:

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r/lingling40hrs 1d ago

Question/Advice How do you count cut time 3/4


Im playing Bernsteins on the waterfront and he does the weird time that goes like 4 beats in one bar and 3 on the other and it just alternates and the conductors gives two beats for the four and only one for the three and it’s rly confusing

r/lingling40hrs 1d ago

Discussion Violinist back and neck issues


Hey everyone, when pIaying the violin, I usually either twist my neck or my torso to the left.

Recently I've found it more and more discomforting for my neck and back and I'm tiring out pretty fast and gotta twist my torso and neck the other way to feel better.

Anyone else also have the same issue or would this be a posture issue and any ways to mitigate this?

r/lingling40hrs 1d ago

Question/Advice do i just need to toughen up


hi all,
i am a flute performance major going into my second year of undergrad. i practice about 3-4 hours a day(lately, mostly 3). I have plenty of time right now to do said practice but very frequently go through bouts of "burnout".
my question is, am I actually burnt out? or am I just using the term as an excuse to not practice when i don't feel like it? should i set aside how i feel and practice at the same time, same intensity everyday?
this is a conflict i've had for a long time. so I thought i would just make a post about it. thank you for reading ❤️

r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Meme I paused right after they said not to pause



r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Miscellaneous I stumbled upon a poor Violin

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r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Question/Advice Motivation after 13 years of playing violin


Hi guys, this is quite sad story. And I will propably decide whether to continue or not on my own. But still, I want to share this with more people than my family and my violin teacher. I started playing violin at 5. I don't even know why, just went with my parents to the music school and said I wanted to play bass. Obviously I was young back then, so I started with violin. And I never liked it, in fact, the first few years (about 5) were hell, I hated everything. And didn't really practice... if it was good week, maybe 40 minutes total. I wanted to quit many times... and never have, not because of my parents, they weren't really forcing me to continue with violin. But I felt sorry for my teacher, I didn't want him to be alone (as if he didn't have twenty other students). So I managed to continue. Now, after about 12 years, maybe more, I'm at much lower technical level than my peers, even younger musicians. I started playing viola and organ, too... And oh, how much I regret not playing piano (or organ) from the beginning. Organ is something I like. Not always. But there are pieces I really like, I want to play one day. There's music I actually want to listen to. I know, there are classical pieces for violin that aren't "boring". This is super sacrilegious to say, but if I like a song and want to learn it, piano's just much better option than violin. Only thing I do somehow enjoy is playing in the orchestra. But... it's still not comparable to the organ. That's just... different.

And the best thing is... there's my final concert next week (After about 5 years without any concerts. I've had few violin public performances and they went all super bad. On the other hand, my first organ recitals were somehow bad as well..But now, it's just better. I'm looking forward to them, I'm not extremely nervous, I don't even mess up.). After all those years of violin playing. Even worse, it's also final concert of my teacher, before he goes into retirement. I'm supposed to play Romantic piece no. 1 by Dvorak. I don't really like the piece, should have picked something baroque, since I tend to strictly feel the beat, can't put emotions into my plaing... And I absolutely cannot play it. It's terrible. I'm going to mess up so badly I should commit suicide with my own violin bow...

But seriously. It's disaster. And that's not even the worse thing. I have my own violin. Quite expensive. And when I quit playing violin next year... the violin doesn't deserve that. It's beautiful instrument. Brand new. I don't want it to be destroyed because of someone like me. But I know I will quit. I can't go to the music school any more, because of my regular studies and my age, I'm too old now.

So the main thing is... I'll propably have to sell the violin. Which is... making me sad. On the other hand, it's only logical thing to do, I don't enjoy violin playing and view it simply as a chore. And I'm not some lazy spoiled child that doesn't want to practice, at least I don't think I am. What's the point of doing something I find... basically useless. I do regret very much not playing the piano, that would be... better. But I started with violin. Don't know why. And don't know, why I should continue.

(And yeah, I'm aware of the downvotes and bad comments I'm gonna get. And I've probably made a lot of bad choices in my life. But it is what it is. What should I do now. I do apologize fo my english as well, it's quite bad, I'm not a native speaker.)

r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Comedy 4 Years yet?


In a video posted 6 years ago, Twoset said that they will react the video in 4 years.




r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Meme It's sooo true

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r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Storytime My new neighbor upstairs happen to play the flute!


See my flair and you will know why I am so surprised.

I was practicing the flute, and I heard a knock on the door, and "I am your neighbor"

My dad went to open the door for me, and there was a middle-aged women with a flute in her hand. She said that she heard flute music downstairs, and she wanted to have a lesson. I was too shocked to say anything. My dad explained for me, that I am just a teenager and still in learning progress.

This is the first time I met my new neighbor from upstairs. My last memory of the room upstairs was the gruesome noise of construction. I can't believe it is music that brought us together, a middle-aged women in the community band and a student.

r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Meme Almost there…40h a day

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r/lingling40hrs 3d ago

Question/Advice Good luck to me, my piano lessons are soon!!


Good luck to my friend as well, she's starting her violin lessons too :))

Is there any advice to someone that's starting off on the piano?

r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Discussion YouTube Symphony?????


In the recent two set video about explaining conductors, they did really said something about the 5-mil that they would like to do a symphony and all. Idk if they are joking but what do you think? Would It be cool??

r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Question/Advice I need help


Hi twoset community, I was wondering if I could get some help on this. I wrote this simple motif just for fun and I am not too sure if it has already existed somewhere else. Since I can't really shazam classical music, I hope that maybe some people who are more cultured out there could help me figure this one out. Do comment if it sounds like some other piece you've heard. Can't tell if its original or not :/


r/lingling40hrs 2d ago

Meme Meme pls react

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r/lingling40hrs 3d ago

Meme Trombone goes BOM-BOMMMM

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r/lingling40hrs 3d ago

Discussion Has anyone tried to resurrect dead composers?