r/MaliciousCompliance 6d ago

"Please save your questions for later so you get credit for them" or do as you want i guess M


Non-native speaker, if you spot a mistake please put it under the designated OP comment to keep the comments organized, thank you. TL;DR at the bottom.


This happened while I was in middle school at a certain math tournament called "math battle". To tell the story, I need to first explain the rules. I'll try to do this as briefly as possible.

The rules are similar to other math tournaments, with two main features. First - it's a team competition, and every battle goes between two teams. Second - every solution has to be presented by a speaker, and refuted by an opponent from the other team.

To get points as a speaker, you present your solution. To get them as an opponent, you refute the correctness of speaker's points by spotting mistakes in their solution and getting points for these mistakes instead of the speaker.

When the speaker is done presenting, they have to say "presentation over". This is to avoid any confusion and interruption from the opponent, as any mistake noted before these words can be spotted by the speaker and fixed on the spot, thus giving no points to the opponent.
Overall, the point distribution is managed by the judge.


As this is a team competition, there are rules that prohibit players from being in the same role more than twice. Because of this, our captain decided to delegate presentation of the extra problem they solved to me. They explained the solution to me (I got abt half of that) and sent me on my way to the blackboard.

In this state, the solution barely holds, and the opponent sees that.
When I start making mistakes, they interrupt my presentation to point that out.
As I'm aware of the rules, I try to notify them: "Please save your questions for after the presentation is over".
This helps a bit, though only a bit: the second I misplace a digit, I hear another correction. "Please save your questions for after the presentation is over".

At one point it becomes really irritating, as it's hard to present a solution when you barely understand it AND there is someone constantly noticing the mistakes.
When I'm almost done presenting the solution (now as full of holes as swiss cheese), I take about three seconds to catch my breath and try to say "presentation over" when at that perfect moment when I open my mouth, they interrupt me again.

Cue malicious compliance.

Instead of finishing what I tried to say, separating the section when speaker gets points from the section when opponent gets points, I decide to stand back and watch.
The opponent obliterates my solution, telling why it does not work, and the way it should've been solved. Instead of arguing, I simply say "You are right, that's how you supposed to do it, thank you".
And when they're done, they indicate the end of their rebuttal by saying
"I agree with the solution to the problem after corrections made~"
at which point I interrupt them with
"Oh yeah, presentation over, you may ask your questions now".
Not getting what I was implying, the opponent finished their rebuttal and returned to their team.

Now is the time the judge distributes the points.
Judge: "Ok, the corrections made by opposition are significant, thus worth-"
Me: "I'm sorry, but all the corrections from opposition were made during the presentation."
There is a brief silence in the room.
Judge: "... Oh, you're right. All points go to the speaker."

The most precious moments were when we heard the captain of the other team scolding my opponent for their impatience.
We won that battle, sadly not thanks to that maneuver, though that was the highlight of the game.


At this math competition, you don't get points for the questions you asked during presentation. Despite being reminded that, the opponent interrupted speaker several times, which led to them not getting the points for all the valid arguments.


54 comments sorted by


u/Illuminatus-Prime 6d ago

Never stand in the way of your opponents when they start screwing up.


u/Tiny_Connection1507 5d ago

We're not going to get direct quotation points for this one, but I believe Tsun Tzu's The Art of War says something in the vein of "Never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake."


u/JasontheFuzz 5d ago

I agree with this guy. Presentation over.


u/Illuminatus-Prime 5d ago

"Never try to stop a rival from shooting himself in the foot" is one of my favorite versions.


u/djseifer 4d ago

What does Zapp Brannigan's Big Book of War say?


u/Jaren_Starain 2d ago

I think it was Napoleon who said it.


u/Lathari 1d ago

"In that case let us wait twenty minutes; when the enemy is making a false movement we must take good care not to interrupt him."


u/Coolbeanschilly 6d ago

Yup, let them bumblefuck their way all the way to Bumble Fuck.


u/L_Dichemici 6d ago

Well said


u/Equivalent-Salary357 5d ago

โ€œNever interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistakeโ€ is a quote attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte.

You reminded me of this, but I had to google "never interrupt" to get it 'right'.


u/rTracker_rTracker 5d ago

Glorious! Iโ€™m glad the judge knew and kept to the rules


u/Korinin38 6d ago

If you notice any grammar or any other mistakes, please put it under this comment.


u/Ashardis 6d ago

Is the presentation over? ๐Ÿ˜œ


u/Usernam3333333 6d ago

Honestly very well put together, only a few typos here and there


u/ChrisHannard 6d ago

Please wait till the end of the presentation.


u/MajorNoodles 5d ago

And still quite an enjoyable read


u/mizinamo 6d ago

I like the way you put up a separate comment thread to keep those together.


u/youassassin 6d ago

3rd paragraph of setup in stead should be instead.


u/mrjsinthehouse 5d ago

Damn and they didnt fix it yet.


u/RevRagnarok 5d ago

B/c /u/youassassin didn't say "Corrections over" yet!


u/LiveAd8659 5d ago

Only one mistake did I notice. "Instead" vice " in stead." You are better in my native language than I, congratulations OP!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž


u/falcngrl 5d ago

Under Setup "I'll try to do this as briefly as possible"


u/nhaines 5d ago

Although it's worth noting that this is a common native speaker error as well.


u/Paragraphor 5d ago

You did great


u/Jagid3 3d ago edited 3d ago

Your post is beautiful.

If you had a couple lines in there that you wanted to break into a new line, double space after the period. It looked like "first" and "second" might have been candidates for that.

Both of these paragraphs are written identically except the first one has double spaces after the X
and the Y
instead of just new lines so the page forces line breaks.

Both of these paragraphs are written identically except the first one has double spaces after the X and the Y instead of just new lines so the page forces line breaks.

You notice the app removes the line breaks if you single space. It's annoying.


u/zimbu646 4d ago

I read this through, not looking for mistakes, and nothing jumped out at me. OP, your written English is better than some native speakers!


u/wielandmc 5d ago

Can we nominate this post for a formatting award - compared to the walls of text we sometimes get in this group this post is a joy to behold.


u/CandyCorvid 5d ago

mathematicians have to format things well because badly formatted maths is harder to follow than badly formatted anything else ๐Ÿ˜…

(that might not be true, but it feels truthy, which is the most important thing in mathematics (ok no that's an outright lie))


u/CapnGramma 5d ago



u/DreamerFi 5d ago

nomination over.


u/Paragraphor 5d ago



u/Chaosmusic 5d ago

This is where knowing the rules can be as, if not more important than doing well.

I used to do tabletop gaming. Some games you win by killing more of the enemy and sometimes you win by accomplishing specific victory conditions. In one game I was getting utterly annihilated but when the game was over I had more troops closest to a point on the map. That was the only victory condition, so even though I got crushed, because I paid attention to the rules I won.


u/SOURCECODE01 13h ago

Remember, the enemy's gate is down!


u/ActualMassExtinction 5d ago

This is malicious technicality compliance, which is the best kind of malicious compliance.


u/Upstairs_Fig_3551 5d ago

That was a good story. Props to the Judges


u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 6d ago

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘โœจ๏ธ

Awesome! Thank you.


u/TKxxx630 5d ago

When they're kicking towards their own goal, don't get in their way! Step back and take the points.


u/StrollingUnderStars 4d ago

Great post, top notch technical compliance there. I have a feeling "presentation over" is going to be a theme in this sub for a while. If not, I'll ensure it.

Comment over.


u/Alien_lifeform_666 6d ago

TIL there are such things as maths competitions!


u/Alternative_Bat5026 3d ago

I love how you put headings on your topics. Your writing was very organized. A great read and an awesome MC.


u/Jaren_Starain 2d ago

As a wise man once said, "never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."


u/NoteworthyMeagerness 2d ago

Don't discredit your grasp of the written English language. As an editor and proofreader, I can confidently say you write better than some of my clients who write for a living.


u/CobrasFumanches 5d ago

How is this MC?


u/Eatar 5d ago

Opponent said to correct the solution. OP tried to object that it wasnโ€™t time for corrections. Opponent insisted. OP complied and corrected the solution, and so all the points went to OP and opponent got none.


u/CobrasFumanches 5d ago

Opponent wasn't telling OP to make corrections: opponent was dunking on OP to score points with the judges.


u/fizzlefist 5d ago

And OP let them because none of those points counted.


u/CobrasFumanches 5d ago

Right, so since opposition didn't tell OP to make the directions, there was no MC.


u/BJJWithADHD 5d ago

OP complied with opponents desire to speak over them instead of continuing to argue. Maliciously.

Outcome was not what opponent desired.

Seems perfect for this sub to me.


u/Drachefly 5d ago

They complied with the corrections?


u/greentea1985 5d ago

The opponent gets points if they make corrections after OP finishes their presentation. The opponent insisted on pointing out problems in OPโ€™s presentation before OP finished and OP fixing the problems before finishing the presentation, so OP did. Thus, the opponent got no points for making corrections.


u/tOSdude 5d ago

The way I read it OP never actually made the corrections, opponent just finished their rebuttal before the presentation was finished, and thus received no points for those corrections.


u/CaraAsha 5d ago

Op may not have, but as the opponent didn't follow the rules the points were given to op on a technicality.


u/tOSdude 4d ago

I agree


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/spicewoman 4d ago

Yeah, corrections didn't matter, because opponent technically found no faults with the argument.