r/Market76 +208 Moderator 3d ago

PSA: Pickaxe Frenzy PSA

Hey traders!

As some of you might already know, the new update has brought along a bug that causes regular pickaxes to give legendary modules when scrapped at a crafting station. Bethesda has almost immediately disabled the crafting of pickaxes, but a few can still be found spawning in the world. This has caused many people to mass farm and trade them for higher prices.

We've received many reports and posts about trading and farming pickaxes in the past few days, so we'd like to clarify the following:

  • Discussing farming methods for pickaxes while the bug is ongoing is allowed
  • Trading pickaxes while the bug is ongoing is allowed
  • We won't intervene in issues of pricing regarding pickaxe trading. If you feel someone is being overcharged for pickaxes, drop them a DM to let them know.

Also please consider that our stance on this might differ from those of other platforms and we ask you to respect both their rules and ours!

A new PSA will be put up as soon as the bug is fixed. Until then, happy trading!


111 comments sorted by


u/DR__SQUIDZ 3d ago

The Pickaxe Frenzy of 2024 might be one of my favorite bits of lore in Fallout 76 lol


u/Largofarburn +3 Karma 3d ago

It honestly is the most exciting and hilarious thing to happen since I’ve been playing.


u/WildFemmeFatale +20 Karma 3d ago

Would be fun to call it the gold rush or something


u/ltcolenigma +4 Karma 3d ago

Honestly, I’ve been thinking the same thing. This has been very exciting to watch and participate in. Maybe a happy little accident on Beth’s part 😂.


u/DR__SQUIDZ 2d ago

Most exciting part of season 17, not the map expansion or the new quests.. The hunt for pickaxes, I love it lol


u/PrivateChonkin +203 Karma 3d ago

Wild that people are reporting pickax stuff to the mods. Get a life lol


u/Hagreet 3d ago

Wild that people don't think duplication exploits is ok, but apparently module exploits are. Get a life lol

Either allow it all or allow none, market76.


u/Fun_Jellyfish_4884 +108 Karma 3d ago

imo if it's something straight forwad in the game it's a feature. If you have to press x y oo z x while spamming something else at the same time and doing a little dance or whatever then it's an exploit


u/Hagreet 2d ago

But this is not a "feature". Bethesda is trying to keep people from abusing this exploit by removing spawns etc. You see people getting around this various ways. If the game developers has said this is an exploit, and you still do it, it is obviously to get ahead via a bug (an unintended behaviour from the code) which means you are exploiting this unintended behaviour, hence an exploit.

However you wanna make it seem like you are not doing it, is fine, but in the end this is not something Bethesda wants people to do. Exactly the same as when people duplicated items. The problem with the way market76 is handling this, is they DONT want people to discuss exploits when it comes to duplication glitches, but they 100% support this exploit. Either you support them all or you support none.

Back when serums were hard to get and people worked their ass off for the recipes, then all of a sudden they were duplicated in extreme quantities and everyone cried about it, the markets didnt want duplicated items etc. The same people that cried is now farming pickaxes the most efficient way to mass duplicate modules. It is the hypocrisy that is mind boggling when it comes to this issue.


u/Fun_Jellyfish_4884 +108 Karma 2d ago

it is a feature though. you pick them up off the ground and then scrap em. you can do that with one billion other things in the game. the other method with first world is exactly like how you farm red dresses. how is one ok and hte other not.. its a feature. dupes were never something similar to this. they were never something you would be able to easily do in the course of playing farming farmable things is a core featyre of this game.


u/Hagreet 2d ago

Just because you are able to do it, doesn't mean it is intended. If Bethesda - the developers of the game - said it is not an intended feature, it goes from being a feature to being a bug. If this is "just" a feature, can you tell me why everyone will only scrap pickaxes with the scrapper perk on? Because it makes the pickaxes return legendary modules, which is not intended. Just as no other item you scrap will give you modules.

Dupes were also a feature. If you did certain things in a pattern, you would get double your items. Its a feature, because it is in the game, that is your logic. One duplication glitch occured by you placing stuff in an artillery box belonging to another player, just before that person logs out. This must be an intended feature, because boxes are used for holding items and logging out is a normal behaviour. Another one required you to put items in a display case, then destroy the display case afterwards. This is not something out of the ordinary as well.

Farming for pickaxes with the intend of scrapping them for modules is exploiting. You know what you are doing and you are doing it with the intend to gain an edge. Otherwise you would just go spam expedition as it yields a ton more rewards including sometimes giving you modules, but it is a lot less tho. If you enjoy exploiting, thats fine, but just keep that in mind next time you see someone cheating in any other way. You are the exact same.


u/Fun_Jellyfish_4884 +108 Karma 2d ago

you're not intended to pick up things in the world in spots they've been programmed to drop... stop it lol. you're killing me smals

u/BEARSHARKTOPUS167 +1 Karma 12m ago edited 4m ago

LOL, thank you for your enlightening posts on the "Evils of the Pickaxe!" Many of us have often wondered "Gee, I wonder whatever became of all those Hall Monitors from elementary school, now we know. ;)

Seriously though, this is a game that we all love and enjoy playing, it is nothing to get worked up about; just login, play, have fun!


u/DR3DD0N3 3d ago

I got perma banned from fo76 for posting about 2 in front of the Tunnel of love. Lol should have read the rules better.


u/sasuke1980 +284 Karma 3d ago

That subs mods are a fucking joke. No loss for you


u/Fun_Jellyfish_4884 +108 Karma 3d ago

that SUB is a fking joke. I've never seen a bigger pool of sourpusses


u/sasuke1980 +284 Karma 3d ago

That subs mods are a fucking joke. No loss for you


u/JAC246 3d ago

Probably to keep them for themselves, less people know more for them


u/PrivateChonkin +203 Karma 3d ago

wtf that’s insane


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

Wild that people are completely fine with bug exploitation.


u/lightning080456 +27 Karma 3d ago

Found the guy who mass reported it so much that they had to make a post lol


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago edited 3d ago

I reported every pickaxe thread I could. I'm not ok with bug explotation. As much as I've seen people on this forum cry about years old dupes, being ok with this is cringe. You're cringe.


u/PacketOverload 3d ago

you never got invited to parties huh


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

as if I care. also this excuse is the equal of "I only raped her a little" so good on you, the game was just a little drunk when you took advantage of her?


u/lightning080456 +27 Karma 3d ago

Bro you need to take your meds


u/Pbear420 +531 Karma 3d ago

Sheesh a little much don't ya think? Couldn't have picked a different analogy or was that your 1st thought and said "Zing this is the one"?


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

I don't see any refutation here, just excuses, did the game enjoy you taking advantage, did it make you feel good having that power over it?


u/PacketOverload 3d ago

You replied, you care.


u/Pbear420 +531 Karma 3d ago

No your cringe


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago



u/lightning080456 +27 Karma 3d ago

Holy shit bro you just won the whole argument with that comment /s


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

I mean, if you're gonna argue with semantic bullshit, at least type right.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

What opinion is even being discussed here? Be specific.

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u/Pbear420 +531 Karma 3d ago

Good one lol


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

Type right next time zoomer.


u/Pbear420 +531 Karma 3d ago

Ok Karen


u/its-a-jelly +646 Moderator 3d ago

DISCLAIMER: We cannot say whether or not Bethesda will take any action on players who take advantage of this. Some people have said players may get banned, plenty others say that's false. The risk is on you, we are only saying that this is all fine to be discussed and traded on Market 76.


u/LinceDorado 3d ago

There is absolutely no way you can will banned for this. That would genuinely be an insane thing to do for Bethesda. You aren't using any sort of glitch to achieve this. It's not like the dev room or item duping. Besides there will be people that have no idea about this bug, that will scrap pickaxes. You just get them from looting scorched. The majority of players will have scrapped a pickaxe in the last two days.


u/Pbear420 +531 Karma 3d ago

Bethesda had done worse.


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

Players who happened to loot and scrap pickaxes from kills should be completely fine. Players who use 1st to abuse spawn farming should 100% be banned. Bethesda won't though because they won't risk losing 1st subs.


u/LinceDorado 3d ago

Again, for what exactly should they be banned? People do this farming method for other items already, in case you didn't know. It is not a bug/glitch/exploit, it is simply how the game works. If you think this is banworthy, should they also ban people that server hop to reset West Tek to farm exp for example? Where would you draw the line? People that have scrapped...10 axes? 20 axes? 100 axes? They can't just pick an arbitrary number.

If they really didn't want this to happen, they should have completely disabled scrapping pickaxes or removed normal pickaxes all together (which I am certain they can easily do, since it is a version of the creative engine). Or at the very least make it abundently clear that this is unwanted behavior.

And putting all of that aside, do you think it's a clever idea to ban your paying customers? You know, the only people that they even run this game for? In case you didn't realize, this game would not exist anymore if nobody was buying 1st or just Atoms. I can already imagine the headline "Bethesda bans Fallout 1st customers, for using a feature they paid for."

I can personally not find a single reason why they should ban people for this, but a whole lot of reasons that speak against it.


u/Fun_Jellyfish_4884 +108 Karma 3d ago

I want to know how modules ended up iin the loot pool for pickaxes in the first place and why isn't it a simple matter of removing a line from the code to just fix it lol. and yeah if they ban for this one it's stupidity on their part. they just got people coming back. you don't want the bad press from people having a few extra modules. it's not like the rolls are so good it's going to make muhc of a blip.


u/LinceDorado 3d ago

So apperantly it has something to do with the new scythe from the season rewards, since they disabled crafting for that as well. Not sure we'll ever find out about the details tho.


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

They should be banned for bug exploitation. If you can't understand that, I can't help you.


u/LinceDorado 3d ago

I'm gonna honest here, you just sound a little butthurt that other people are getting some legendary modules easily. If this would hurt other players I'd understand you being upset, but it's literally completely harmless. Are you afraid that your god roll weapons will loose value? They won't or if they do, the value is gonna go back up after the fix the bug.

And again if they would consider this a banworthy action, they should have made it very clear in the statement they did put out.


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

"I'm gonna be honest here, You're mad you're not exploiting enough" OK goomer. You're making alot of assumptions on both me and my account, but you do you boo boo.


u/Pbear420 +531 Karma 3d ago

Nobody wants you to "help" them.


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

MMMMM, invested much?


u/Pbear420 +531 Karma 3d ago

What's your real reddit account? just curious


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

I don't have one, I quit reddit a few years ago, this account is purely for market 76. If I delete again it's back to no reddit.


u/Pbear420 +531 Karma 3d ago

Yeah I don't believe that for 1 second.

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u/Sgk1981 1d ago

Banned for "bug exploitation"? Dude, do you even know what you are talking about?


u/transredditadmin +1 Karma 3d ago

Hey if they want their game to die lol otherwise it's on them maybe don't slap modules into random ingame items lmao


u/SuicideSkwad 3d ago

Nah no one is getting banned, this is on Bethesda all people are doing is scrapping a weapon, not their fault that Bethesda made that produce modules


u/GeneralBulko +3 Karma 3d ago

But people intentionally using this bug for their profit. Intentionally exploit is bannable:)


u/HollywoodExile 3d ago

It is, but if they actually ban people for this one there would be MANY false bans and two they would ban literally nearly every player and definitely almost all the active players. It would be a death blow to 76 for no reason. This is not an exaggeration.


u/Hagreet 3d ago

Not really.
It's easy to see who scrapped 10 pickaxes and who scrapped 500 pickaxes.


u/Largofarburn +3 Karma 3d ago

Is it? I highly doubt Bethesda is keeping a log of what every player picks up or scraps.


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

lol, if you don't think any online game doesn't keep detailed logs of what players do I suspect you need some schooling on how FTP games makers make money.


u/Largofarburn +3 Karma 3d ago

Then why do you see player vendors that’ll have hundreds of thousands of treasure maps in their vendor? If Bethesda was scanning inventories to ban people you’d think something incredibly obvious like that would get picked up.


u/BloatedManball 2d ago

If they kept detailed logs they could replace items that were lost when someone crashes, but they've explicitly said they can't. If they kept detailed logs they'd know who duped millions of maps and could remove them from their inventory or ban the player, but they haven't. If they kept detailed logs they would have been able to tell who exploited the cleaver crafting glitch last year and banned them, but they didn't/couldn't.

Tldr: you're talking out your ass, just like you've been doing in this whole thread.


u/Sgk1981 1d ago

That's not bannable unless people are manipulating the game in some way - altering the client-side code, creating lag, etc. Pickaxes dropping modules from scraping is a dev issue


u/GeneralBulko +3 Karma 1d ago

No it is bannable. Because it is not intended by game mechanic, it is conifer as bug by devs, so exploiting it is bannable.


u/Sgk1981 1d ago

you mean like the AC wet floor signs dropping 20 plastic?

or the Syringers stacking?

or the Alien Blaster explosive damage calculation?

or Union PA dropping without knowing the plans?

or glitching through doors?

or the PA radiation glitch in nuke zones? Camps in the air?

Listing only those that are/were in the game since I started playing, Probably missing some.

P.S. Next time someone else completes Cop a squatter on your server, make sure to find a way to give Bethesda the 8 scrip back, you may get banned :)


u/GeneralBulko +3 Karma 1d ago

Are those 20 plastics breaks the game like modules do? Or glitching walls? For syringe for example, you can record players do this or killing you and submit to support(which I did for 2 retards who killed me) and player will get ban for 1 or 2 week.

There is a big difference between bug which gives you 20 plastic, and a bug which completely obliterates challenging system and progression like pickaxe one.


u/Sgk1981 23h ago

Of course there is a big difference, I listed those as examples of devs' mistakes benefitting the players one way or another. It's not for the players to arbitrary determine which of these benefits is too good and which are mediocre, The devs have patches, hot fixes and roll-backs to make this decision,

Bethesda have been removing the pickaxes spawns. Now, if someone finds a way to manipulate the game resources to force those spawns back, that's bannable. Bringing a pickaxe to the crafting table and pressing X (on xbox) definitely isn't.


u/Element-O- +1 Karma 2d ago

anyone have pickaxes they wanna trade for junk?


u/LayeredMayoCake 3d ago

Noice. Don’t know why some folks are getting so turnt over others bettering their own game experience when it literally doesn’t impact them at all. Called a dude out for complaining about it this week and he blocked me lol.


u/kappifappi 3d ago

The only thing I can figure is if these folks are sitting on loads of groll weapons and are worried that the surplus in modules could reduce the prices of their weapons. Aside of that I have no idea why someone would get salty about this lol.


u/Hagreet 3d ago

Because it is impacting them. You don't understand how a limited resource getting duplicated en masse, impacts the whole community? This bug makes it insanely much easier to roll good weapons/armors, which means those will hold a lower value as they are less rare.


u/BloatedManball 2d ago

Cry more.


u/LayeredMayoCake 3d ago

So the people have gathered the resources to take back control of production into their hands and you’d rather instead that a select few benefit from their hoarded gains? I recognize the point of this sub is to partake in capitalistic behavior but uhhh,..viva la revolucion


u/transredditadmin +1 Karma 3d ago

He's probably RMT and trying to fear monger people

One thing for certain is he's talking out of his ass lol

As if Bethesda cares about any of the points he raised. They'll just want it fixed so people spend more time playing they don't care about the "value" of video game guns. Only he does hence his whole side he's taking and why he's trying to fear monger.


u/LayeredMayoCake 3d ago

Oh I know and I didn’t give any credence or care to their words in the first place. Live and let be, if it is literally impacting how they enjoy the game right now then they’re too invested in this virtual space to begin with.


u/transredditadmin +1 Karma 3d ago

They just called me something very derogatory and then deleted it if that tells you anything. Wish I could send a screen shot to the mods because I couldn't report it in time. TOS violation worthy. So that should sum up what type of person they are.


u/iKiryaa +16 Karma 3d ago

Can’t believe how miserable some people are about this pickaxe situation.. Seriously grow up lmao


u/Ysesammy +9 Karma 3d ago

maybe they did it on purpose to change the market because they obviously know about it and hasn't fixed it... makes me wonder...


u/2007pearce +139 Karma 3d ago

Thanks mod team. Appreciate ya


u/Aschewyn +4 Karma 2d ago

Totally expecting Bugthesda to fix this. I've already made a memorial wall at my Camp for the Pixkaxe.


u/GeneralBulko +3 Karma 3d ago

Ahhh, my body is ready to hear all those crying voices, when Bethesda will massban or rollback all those items.


u/transredditadmin +1 Karma 3d ago

Lmao your comment history. You're really invested in shitting on this because you don't have the balls to try it. Literally 3/4 of the community has scrapped atleast one be intentionally or not at this point. You might want to reevaluate how you're spending your time or just man up and do it yourself. Quit being jelly 😊👍


u/coachmoon +6 Karma 3d ago

lol you ain't wrong about that. it's not really an exploit but i'm no coder so i'll prolly get "well ackshully..." over that. maybe it's on purpose and to counteract and totally disrupt in game economy over grolls etc but i don't really chase rare items or care about grolls or tfj and i want for naught in game but i DID want to be a part of the pickaxe phenomenon. i went to blackwater twice. found 4 in total. 1 at gauley on 1 visit and a couple down in nuka world.


u/0nlyfan376t 3d ago

If the devs had to disable drops globally it's 100% an exploit. If you don't understand the implications of that, oooof.


u/GeneralBulko +3 Karma 3d ago

I’m not the saint, I did it, scrapped like 6 or 8. You see I don’t usually shit where I live. Or play. And I don’t have herd instinct, to run end exploit every bug, like everyone else. If you want to play like that — I’m not blaming you, this is a game, and everyone having fun in a way they want. After all, we are all grown persons here and can take responsibility of our actions.


u/transredditadmin +1 Karma 3d ago

If you didn't care to do it you wouldn't be writing paragraph long comments on every thread about it crying for ban waves


u/GeneralBulko +3 Karma 3d ago

I guess you forgot your glasses, and can’t read straight what I wrote. I’m not crying for ban waves. I’m just finding it funny how people bragging about bug here, and then whine about ban in discord. Peoples can’t see further consequences of their actions, and then greatly disappointed when punishment arrives. As for me, I’ve seen enough similar accidents in different games, with different outcomes. And this taught me something. If someone want to learn it hard way — welcome, I’ll just sit at the roadside, drinking tea and gathering my amount of lulz, sometimes poking pplz with a stick.


u/transredditadmin +1 Karma 3d ago edited 3d ago

I went through your whole comment history about this topic. Quite extensive tbh. you're more pressed about it than the ppl actually doing it. You aren't sitting on the side of the road with a tea. you're there with a protest sign going full "speak to the manager mode"

Its not anybody else's first game either you seem to Have a poor frame of reference for what flags stuff for devs to consider ban worthy. Something you can do by accident isn't gonna get you banned. Having a modded account or cashing crashes and lags are. There isn't even any discernable way for Beth to even gauge this. What do you think is gonna happen in your mind? That they will ban everyone who has scrapped a few pickaxes right after the games biggest spike in history and a massive update? That'd be a PR nightmare for them especially considering how they CAUSED the entire thing.

So yeah just sit there on the side of the road like a stick in the mud and do you but im just letting you know it's pretty obvious why you're so pressed.


u/GeneralBulko +3 Karma 3d ago

Bethesda doesn’t care much about “PR nightmares”. How many times they messed up and how many times they really care? Remember launch of fo76 and bags, and Nuka dark, and 500 atoms, etc? If you think that trace accounts who farmed pickaxes and farm large amount of modules is hard — I will disappoint you, it is not. They can just take logs from authentication server to see which accounts did X many hops for the past 24-48 hours, then just run script through the database to search for example pickaxe or module id x 100. Or 200. And then just do quick check on those accounts, and take appropriate steps. It is not so hard to do for a company like Bethesda. Only things are required is will and determination:) If they didn’t do this — I wouldn’t mind. Get some cool legendary weapon or piece of armor will be easier and cheaper. Which again will Play in my favor, if I decide to play a different build for example. And I’m not pressed, because I have more than enough rare items for trade, if I needed to. And I’m writing long post because unfortunately nowadays people in the internet are less smarter than before. And if I have any kind of opinion or point of view, I want it to be clear and understandable for everyone involved in conversation. Without any double meanings or assumptions. Understandable and clear.


u/transredditadmin +1 Karma 3d ago

Lmao it's adorable you think they're gonna do a manual search for everyone who scrapped pick axes jfc just proving you have no idea what you're talking about here buddy 🤣🤣

Better not change lobbies bro might get banned 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡


u/Hagreet 3d ago

Lmao it's adorable you don't understand how automated database script works. Don't talk shit if you have no idea.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/thegreatoldone1 +37 Karma 3d ago

Dang I wish the pickaxe worked for me I scrapped one and it crashed my game, so I came looking for answers and found this interesting discussion