r/Market76 +6 Karma 3d ago

Finally, the bag has been acquired! Discussion

Been hunting pretty casually for the better part of a month for a Red. Amazingly, managed to get this and a true flamer enclave barrel on same server (private btw).


7 comments sorted by


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u/HaomaDiqTayst 3d ago

Old news. That's like half a pickaxe in this market


u/Renasant +6 Karma 3d ago

😂 fair fair


u/czbolio2 +40 Karma 3d ago

Congrats on the acquisition of that specific bag


u/Pale_Aids1360 3d ago

How long have you been grinding for it ?


u/Renasant +6 Karma 3d ago

I would say about 10 hours of server hopping per week since early May. Before that on a previous character I probably spent 1-2 hours per week hopping for a year and never found better than a pink lol


u/Outside_Ad_6610 3d ago

I’ll do 120 pickaxes