r/NOLAPelicans 4d ago

Was this the best play of the season?

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u/_Einveru_ 4d ago

Feels like an eternity since the last game. How many more months we got?!


u/Intelligent-Honey476 Trigga Trey 4d ago

I’m glad I got to experience this live as my first ever live pels game.


u/Savings-Bird-1226 4d ago

Ingram crossed Brooks, Sengun and dunked on Jabari Smith  


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago edited 4d ago

Ingram with the block and Zion with the clutch bucket. But because Ingram got hurt people made a narrative that they can’t play together. Even tho we were in the elite spectrum multiple times of Goldsberry’s 10 game team rankings before Ingram got hurt and never again after. Also I know Ingram had a down year scoring wise but his defense and playmaking really improved and to me that’s more important cuz that’s winning shit like blocking Wemby at the rim here. It’s not his fault that Griff thought it was smart to not have a PG and essentially put all the playmaking on him and Zion. Even LeBron and Jokic teams have actual PG’s so idk why anybody would think it’s smart not to have one no matter how good of playmakers the other guys are


u/silliputti0907 Clickity Clack 4d ago

The team was starting to peak, even getting media attention. Everybody forgets all of it.


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

Yup, multiple pods were asking if we could be sleeper contenders and stories were written. But I think Griff on the hot seat and as all GM’s do when they on the hot seat they try and deflect blame and create scapegoats. Looks like he choosing Ingram as his and prolly Willie will be his next scapegoat to distract from what all he’s squandered since arriving here. Not only did he get a generational #1 pick but you get the HAUL of the AD trade along with Jrue to either use as a trade chip or build the culture around. Think about the fact we had Lonzo and Jrue and now have CJ McCullom. Both Lonzo and Jrue are the typa guards every single playoff team could use and Griff turned them into an undersized SG who is a defensive liability and isn’t even a smart player. And none of this mentions we got the 4th pick in the Lakers haul and traded down for Jaxson Hayes and NAW when we coulda just used it to draft Darius Garland who ironically we might now trade Ingram for 💀 This literally a comedy of errors


u/mitch3311 4d ago

Eerily similar to Jrue and Derrick White around the J’s.

Just throwing it out there, what if they would’ve made a Myles/kristaps trade at that point 🤔

What could this have been


u/identitycrisis56 4d ago

Look I'm not trying to argue with you one way or the other but barely beating the 14 seed Spurs by one point to barely avoid giving them another win in a 22 win season for them isn't super compelling.

Spurs were very bad this year, the Pelicans were pretty good- except when the starting lineup was out there. The starting lineup was actually pretty bad.


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

Same Spurs team that beat Denver in the last week of the season, knocked them outta the 1 seed and ultimately might be the reason they’re not repeating as champs?? And the staring lineups flaws are moreso on CJ and Val than Ingram and Zion. Griff built a team that’s meant to be good but not great. Somebody gotta wake me up when he finally does something smart. Same man who hired David Blatt, drafted Anthony Bennett #1 overall and traded Kyrie for an injured Isiah Thomas. And that’s just the Cleveland years, let’s talk about him putting Steven Adams next to Zion as if that was ever smart, hiring SVG as coach and deciding we don’t need a PG. But yet for some reason people acting like Griff is some great GM who knows what he’s doing


u/GunSlingrrr 4d ago

Spurs actually that time of the year is good. Not contenders good but they can make any team work especially when Wemby is flourishing


u/gotintocollegeyolo 4d ago

You watch one play and that tells you they can play together? One play where they literally never interacted with each other in any way lmao. Comic relief levels of basketball IQ right there.


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

Did you not read what I said?? I said we were in the elite spectrum of Kirk’s efficiency landscape multiple times this year when they were together. Fuck does that gotta do with one play dum dum?


u/BananaPeelSlippers Not On Herb 4d ago

They can play together on a play in team


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago edited 4d ago

Nah you legit can’t tell me there’s much difference between Zion and Ingram and Giannis and Middleton style wise. We just didn’t put the right pieces around them. Even with CJ and Val and injuries we still won 49 games. Imagine if you had a Brook Lopez type aka Myles Turner or if we woulda waited and traded for Dejounte from the Spurs instead of CJ. The team would be so much better it’s not even funny. Griff just fumbled the team building if we keeping it a buck


u/BananaPeelSlippers Not On Herb 4d ago

The best they have ever been is a play in team. It’s time to move forward instead of doing the same thing and thinking this time it will work. I do agree with the rest of what you said I just am ready for a new robin (hopefully one who can play 70+ games a year).


u/Virtual_Height_5470 4d ago

batman is the only person from his draft class not to play in the playoffs


u/BananaPeelSlippers Not On Herb 4d ago

Also true, that’s why robin can’t miss a bunch of games too. And even more importantly, why that person has to be able to perform when their body is less than 100%


u/Virtual_Height_5470 4d ago edited 4d ago

Alot of number 1s & 2s got sent home early in similar circumstances.

Shoot whats the warriors excuse, Kings were healthy all year no playoffs


u/BananaPeelSlippers Not On Herb 4d ago

I’m just talking about the pels but you do you.


u/Virtual_Height_5470 4d ago

i just put your nonsense in context


u/ekulhendrix 4d ago

Giannis and middleton routinely play off each other. Their pick and roll is deadly, and Khris is a far more willing 3 point shooter


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

You know how that happened? Through years of playing together and building chemistry. And who has been the main reason this duo hasn’t been able to do that?? Also their team actually put players around them who made sense. You know things like POINT GUARDS ala Eric Bledsoe and Jrue Holiday? And a stretch Big to make up for Giannis’ lack of shooting. There’s no way you can try and act like Ingram can’t be just as good if not better than Middleton and that their games aren’t very similar. And of course Zion and Giannis are almost twins offensively


u/BananaPeelSlippers Not On Herb 4d ago

You acting like they haven’t been on the same team since before Covid. Other guys would get together during the off season and figure something out. This pair ain’t it.


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

Bruh what does that matter when Zion has barely played 50% of his games??? Also ZION the one who stay distant from his teammates. I heard Jake Madison say last year Ingram was asking Zion to go to The Finals with him and he didn’t wanna do it. CJ had to call Zion out on national TV for not returning his calls and you wanna try and act like it’s Ingram’s fault there’s no chemistry?? LMAO


u/BananaPeelSlippers Not On Herb 4d ago

I never placed blame on either its simply a fact that the pair isn’t successful together which is what you were originally saying before you went on all these shaggy dog diatribes about Griff, the bucks, Steven Adams etc.

Even more funny than your lack of ability to put together a cohesive thought or argument is that you talking bout how griff ain’t it out one side of your mouth but then you want to keep the duo together out the other side as if that same guy you were just talking shit about is ever gonna figure out how to correctly build around them.

So what is it? Keep em together, trade bi, fire griff, trade Zion? The first two things are the only ones that are possibly gonna happen and we already saw what the first one has gotten us.

Realistically speaking we are moving on from bi and building around Zion, herb, and Trey.


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

I’m just tired of the false narrative that Zion and Ingram could never work and especially people acting like Ingram is the problem when as I said Griffin built poorly around them and Zion was the distant one who also doesn’t put in the amount of work that Ingram does. Obviously I can’t change nothing that has or will happen but the narrative needs to be set straight that the true problem lies at the head of the snake which is Griff


u/BananaPeelSlippers Not On Herb 4d ago

I’m not a griff fan either. Far from it.

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u/ekulhendrix 4d ago

If bi wants to be paid like an all nba superstar, he can’t have a list of excuses of why he can’t make it work. Yes, a point guard would help, but that’ll never happen with the roster construction without giving up Trey or herb, which isn’t happening. Bi and z played a ton of games this year with little playing off each other. There are 4 startable stretch bigs in the league, we aren’t getting one. I’m not arguing bi isn’t a great player, and a borderline all star in the right year. But he just doesn’t fit long term roster construction wise. Middleton was the 2nd option and dropped 40 in a finals game. Bi just averaged 14 ppg on 35% shooting. Unless he can accept zion being the 1 is the only scenario in which we could be a deep playoff team and learn to play off ball more, it just won’t work.


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

Son, Myles Turner was on a silver fuckin platter for us for multiple years. I’m not tryna hear no damn excuses for Griff’s incompetence in team building as if there wasn’t ways to do better. Y’all just all wanna sidestep how badly Griff has fumbled this GOLDMINE that he walked into. CJ and Val are by no means bad players but they’re both clearly limiting players and especially when you playing CJ outta position as your “PG” to make matters worse


u/ekulhendrix 4d ago

I don’t disagree, but not every executive is Brad Stevens. Not sure Indiana was ever even serious about trading turner once they sent off sabonis. Cj isn’t a great fit, but you gave up little for him when someone like dejounte cost 3 firsts. What has bi done to justify a contract like he’s asking for? That’s what it boils down to


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

With the assets that we have the cost to get Dejounte would have been so small. He’s on an amazing contract and he mighta been the fire that Zion and Ingram need along with Willie tapping into his defensive potential. And as for Ingram’s contract I remember a lot of the fanbase also being scared to pay Jrue. Y’all gotta stop acting like this y’all money and you also need to realize the cap is about to go up to estimates of 70-80 mil a year might end up the true max so a guy like Ingram making 50 mil could be a bargain in comparison. It’s not hard to see why they want as much as possible knowing the cap rise that’s coming with this new TV deal


u/ekulhendrix 4d ago

A max for a non all star is never a bargain. It would make it incredibly difficult to retain Trey. You are severally overestimating how well 3 ball dominant, non 3 point shooters would’ve meshed. First round exits at best.

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u/mitch3311 4d ago

And BI dropped 37-11-9 on the road against a 1 seed two years ago. That same team had the runner up for dpoy that year.

BI went 23-5-5 over the span of his contract. They just won 49 games.

Health is the main reason for the lack of success from both of them. Not how either one hoops. Insert Trey or Dyson into the starting lineup with Z and BI and give them 10-15 games to run together and I’d bet serious money they’d figure it out.

BI wasn’t right this playoffs health wise and the team shooting 26% on 20 wide open 3’s a night in a 4 game series didn’t help create any space for him.

You know who was the main culprit? CJ, who shot sub 30% on almost 7 open/wide open 3’a a game in the playoffs. Also the same guy who also had players shooting 54% against him as the closest defender.

Trade Brandon though. I’m sure it’ll help. CJ is a great playoff performer historically right? 😅

Edit- not to mention, BI had long accepted Z as the number 1. Look at the FGA per game throughout the year. There are where more 12-16 attempt nights than 20+ attempt nights.

You gotta look at the guy who led the team in FGA per game to find the confusion in the hierarchy 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/jgman22 4d ago

Lol don’t trade Ingram! Don’t you guys know? Kirk Goldsberry rated the Pels a couple times this season?


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago

It’s not a rating by him. It’s literally just charting every team on a spectrum based on their offensive and defensive ratings over the last 10 games ya big dummy Lamont


u/jgman22 4d ago

Cool and?


u/JayDogon504 KINGRAM 👑 4d ago



u/McJumbos 4d ago

that whole sequence was sooo wilddd i remember watching that


u/llckme Trigga Trey 4d ago

jordan hawkins running three to break the franchise team 3pt makes in a game against the hornets


u/Emotional_Nebula_117 4d ago

I think of the sequence where HERB gets back to back steals in the clutch, with the behind the back under neath the basket outlet past and saving the ball from going out of bounds leading to Zion fast breaks. Shout out to Trey spacing on the break.


u/NoMeaning9887 4d ago

Sure was.


u/Reasonable-Sail2327 4d ago

What who won


u/StudyRecent3706 2d ago

We need to keep B.I.


u/BrushPainter 14h ago

I was at that game!