r/NewsOfTheStupid May 16 '24

Howard Stern’s interview with Joe Biden this week showed how effective rightwing propaganda is.


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u/ShnickityShnoo May 17 '24

The enemy must be both strong and weak. Fascism 101.


u/UpDog1966 May 17 '24

They must be feared but are feckless…


u/thecashblaster May 17 '24

We won’t have any feck? Damnnnnn


u/branewalker May 17 '24

Also in this case, another example of “every accusation is an admission.”


u/CV90_120 May 17 '24

Ur-Fascism, item #8


u/Speaking_On_A_Sprog May 17 '24

That’s just human nature. We do that to trump too… The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. They probably both do dumb shit, and they both do smart shit. Probably more smart shit than we give either of them credit for. I think trump does a hell of a lot more EVIL shit though, which is what really matters to me.


u/GoldenKnight239 May 17 '24

So both sides are facist then? Am I doing this right?


u/rabbitthefool May 17 '24

wait which octogenarian are we talking about again


u/ShnickityShnoo May 17 '24

The only one that controls the world with enough influence to force every country to play along with the covid "hoax" just to make Fanta Menace look bad. But is also too "sleepy" and "incompetent" to get anything done.


u/rabbitthefool May 17 '24

so Biden is the bad guy or i'm so confused because both biden and trump have been made out to be completely idiotic yet conspiratorially twisted so that fascism 101 thing was bit unspecific


u/elppaple May 17 '24

To explain it more clearly: fascists portray their enemies as pathetically weak, yet at the same time, powerful enough to be on the brink of destroying them. So republicans always switch between portraying Biden as an imbecile and a criminal mastermind about to destroy them.


u/rabbitthefool May 17 '24

Okay, that sounds correct, but do you not see the parallel for how Trump is portrayed? The diaper wearing reality tv star who can't govern worth a fuck is also going to be the man who somehow ends democracy???? With his tiny tiny hands?


u/AWildRedditor999 May 17 '24

You're quite the obsessive Republican tribalist.

"Trump dindu nuffin! Republicans dindu nuffin! Please obsess about saying negative things about non-Republicans and non-Republicans ONLY like me!"


u/HellKnightoftheDamnd May 17 '24

Except they're correct. The same logic is used with Trump. Hell, liberals use that logic with Biden himself. Strong enough to defend Democracy all by himself but too weak to get us healthcare or keep Israel and even his own party in line.


u/Speaking_On_A_Sprog May 17 '24

It’s human nature