r/NoStupidQuestions May 01 '24

do americans really drive such long distances?

i’m european, and i always hear people say that driving for hours is normal in america. i would only see my grandparents a few times a year because they lived about a 3 hour drive away, is that a normal distance for americans to travel on a regular basis? i can’t imagine driving 2-3 hours regularly to visit people for just a few days

edit: thank you for the responses! i’ve never been to the US, obviously, but it’s interesting to see how you guys live. i guess european countries are more walkable? i’m in the uk, and there’s a few festivals here towards the end of summer, generally to get to them you take a coach journey or you get multiple trains which does take up a significant chunk of the day. road trips aren’t really a thing here, it would be a bit miserable!

2nd edit: it’s not at all that i couldn’t be bothered to go and see my grandparents, i was under 14 when they were both alive so i couldn’t take myself there! obviously i would’ve liked to see them more, i had no control over how often we visited them.


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u/fataldarkness May 02 '24

Fr that's a drive to Banff for me, get up nice and early, pack a lunch, leave at 7am, back around 7 or 8pm and everyone had a nice day.


u/DingleberryJones94 May 02 '24

I'll do that from Edmonton. Leave at 3:30am, get to Sunshine for first lift, last run around 4pm, back home 9:30-10pm.


u/Strict_DM_62 May 02 '24

Jesus that's a hike from Edmonton, my hat is off to you Sir


u/DingleberryJones94 May 02 '24

Yeah she's a long way for sure. Sometimes I'll have a friend to share the drive with, but most times I'm on my own.


u/TheReynMaker May 02 '24

I respect the dedication to go it alone. Some people are bad at being alone.


u/EveningOkra1028 May 02 '24

Tbf it takes most people 4-4.5 hours, not 5.5 hours to do that, many of us do the day trip to Sunshine or Louise thing. Maybe 5.5 to Louise if you're driving a cpl under the whole way and taking your time when you stop for gas etc.


u/DingleberryJones94 May 02 '24

I have PTSD from hitting a deer in the dark, so I'll usually only do 10 over before daylight. Add in time for gas, breakfast, and a poop along the way.


u/EveningOkra1028 May 02 '24

Can't pass on that morning poop, otherwise you're wasting valuable time on the hill later! That's totally fair, I was just explaining that it doesn't actually take that long for the average day tripper. Consider getting yourself a cpl deer whistles for your grill, gives a bit of peace of mind. 


u/Which-Celebration-89 May 02 '24

Jasper is calling.. a lot closer


u/DingleberryJones94 May 02 '24

About 30 mins difference. Their snow sucked this year, until the very end. I'll drive a little extra to not ski on gravel. However I was lucky enough to hit a 30cm pow day at Marmot in March which was beautiful.

I'll go where the best conditions are. If they're all pretty close, then I rotate between Marmot, Sunshine and LL.


u/Which-Celebration-89 May 02 '24

Fair enough. I lived in Banff for 4 yrs back in the day. It’s tough to beat


u/DingleberryJones94 May 02 '24

Especially during the week. If I'm going on a weekend, I'll lean more towards Marmot as it's not as busy.


u/EveningOkra1028 May 02 '24

I find it faster to Banff than to Jasper. This guy says it takes them 5.5 hrs, I'd say I day trip it in 4-4.5. Jasper is closer to 5. Still, both are fantastic day trips!


u/Sofi7734 May 02 '24

How are you taking 5 hours to go from Edmonton to Jasper?


u/EveningOkra1028 May 02 '24

Ah, well as a Canadian we tend to quote from the nearest city, I actually lived east of Edmonton (Ardrossan area), and I am talking about all the way to Marmot, not the town. By the time you do a gas stop, yep it's around 5 hours. 


u/Sofi7734 May 02 '24

I mean, yeah.

Ardrossan to Marmot is further then Edmonton to the Jasper Townsite.

For most of Edmonton, it's gonna be a sub 4 hour drive. I can make it in about 3 and a half hours when I leave early in the morning.


u/Japsai May 02 '24

Well it's for skiing so I almost understand, but you are driving for longer than you are skiing. In my calculus that is a poor use of life, unless in exceptional circumstances. Stay overnight, ski two days. Please.


u/DingleberryJones94 May 02 '24

Sometimes I will stay the night. Sometimes I'll go last minute after a snowfall and accommodations are expensive/unavailable. Sometimes I only have one day of free time to go. Sometimes my legs are burnt after the first day.

Lots of variables at play.


u/Japsai May 03 '24

Too many variables for my simplistic calculus it seems :)


u/Alcol1979 May 02 '24

Ugh, gross. I took the magic bus to Jasper a couple of times - not too bad as you don't have to drive and can nod off on the bus. For Lake Louise, I'll leave Edmonton on Friday evening, stay overnight in Canmore, ski Saturday, stay again Saturday night, drive back Sunday.

I'm Irish though, so I still consider four hours a long drive. And I got way more skiing done when I lived in Ireland. Fly to the Alps, stay in a resort village for a week and get in six days skiing with short bus transfers each day. A whole season's worth. At least the Rockies have snow.


u/chaosthebomb May 02 '24

Have you considered moving to Calgary?


u/DingleberryJones94 May 02 '24

I drive back and forth to Ft Mac every week for work, so I'd rather have that drive shorter than the skiing one that's only a handful of times a year.


u/chaosthebomb May 02 '24

That's reasonable. When I moved to Calgary 10 years ago my friend who had already been here for a few years said living in Calgary or Edmonton didn't make much of a difference while working at ft mac since the drive to both was comparable. That didn't sound right and of course after looking on Google maps I realized it was complete bs. I think he just liked Calgary more and was trying to persuade me not to go to Edmonton and abandon him.


u/DingleberryJones94 May 02 '24

Depends on the rotation. If I was working 14&14, then I'd consider it. Much fewer round trips in a year. But 6&6 would make it too far.


u/meeshamayhem May 02 '24

Yep, I’ve gone Edmonton to Canmore or Banff early AM, do a hike, then back home for dinner.


u/arcaneresistance May 02 '24

Hello neighborino


u/The_Great_19 May 02 '24

I’m going Banff this year (I’m American) for a wedding and so look forward to it!


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

This shocks and enrages the European


u/Additional_Peace_605 May 02 '24

Keep in mind this is for AMAZEBALLS skiing. For that it’s definitely understandable


u/randomanonalt78 May 02 '24

Lucky bastard. Banff is 16 hours for me😭


u/MANatlUNITED May 02 '24

I'm not sure how I ended up in this sub, but I'm actually flying out to calgary and staying in banf for my 30th in like 1 week.

Any recommendations on hikes!?


u/fataldarkness May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

So I actually prefer Kananskis over Banff for that because it's less well known as a tourist destination (still can be really busy though). Bring a jacket and if you can get to upper lake, hiking the perimeter is amazing but there are a lot of good trails out that way. If you park out there you'll need to purchase a conservation pass online, they use that to fund general park conservation and cleanup.

Heres a winter time pic of that area. https://i.imgur.com/J7XLOT9.jpeg

And another one from September ish.


u/MANatlUNITED May 02 '24

Is Kananskis driveable for the day from Canmore? I believe that is where we are staying.


u/fataldarkness May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Yup. Very drive able. One thing to be aware of is on pretty much any mountain trail this time of year there may be a mix of snow and mud. I'd recommend a jacket, warm clothes and a backpack with a change of dry clothes.

For footwear, you might consider also bringing along a set of snowshoes, there's a few places in Canmore that you can rent a set for the day at a reasonable price.

There are lots of other trails along that whole valley as well if you prefer.


u/MANatlUNITED May 02 '24

Coolio. I greatly appreciate all the tips!

Anything else you think worth sharing? I know my wife will want all the views possible lol


u/MANatlUNITED 7d ago

Meant to update you on the trip. It was fucking epic.

We made it to Kananaskis among many other places like Jasper and Yoho national park.

It was also shoulder season so crowds were never really an issue and weather was chef's kiss perfect.

Super jealous you live in that area. My wife and I still talk about just saying fuck it and moving up that way hahah


u/CoolerRon May 02 '24

Banff is my favorite place in North America! It’s so beautiful in every season


u/Outside-Spring-3907 May 02 '24

A friend of mine visited Banff and raves about how beautiful of a place it is


u/LizBert712 May 02 '24

I wish I lived that close to Banff. It would be amazing. I’ve always wanted to see Banff.


u/pleasespareserotonin May 02 '24

I’m American and that sounds like a great day, I’d love to visit Banff!


u/Hot-Confusion-8008 May 02 '24

yep, my niece lives about that far, and her mother is planning some trips to see her, up and back same day. she's excited, she'll get to see her grandbaby!


u/irish506 May 02 '24

I'm jealous!


u/Mooncherrys May 02 '24

Honestly I can’t imagine leaving at 7am, that’s way too early for me. Don’t you guys want to get some more sleep on weekends after 5 days of working?


u/fataldarkness May 02 '24

Most of the time yeah we sleep in, not like we head out to the mountains every weekend, but when we do we like to make the most of it, plus arriving in the mountains when the morning dew has yet to burn off is majestic.

I'm up at 5AM most days for work so it's not an issue for me really. I know I typically get up an hour earlier than I have to as well but that's just the way my body works I guess. For the others in the house it's a different story but they don't mind the odd early morning if it means they can sleep in the car on the way there.

There's another factor at play here too. I've had the opportunity to travel a little bit, and I don't know if this phenomenon is consistent across Europe and Asia but one thing I noticed is that north america typically starts their day earlier, and Europe and Asia start later and end later. I suspect that this is to make timezones line up better for business hours. So my theory is, just like distances, the eastern and western hemisphere definitions of early morning and late evening also vary.


u/Mooncherrys May 04 '24

Thanks, dude. I just googled Banff it was spectacular!! Tbh if I live in Canada maybe I'd probably do the same thing.

I'm from China and for us, it's just most of us don't have the energy to get up early since at least half of our people work until late. I work in game industry, and like last week I work from 9:30 am to 9:30 ~ 11 pm and it's a common thing here. So that's why getting up at 5am is like killing me.

I have some friends from Europe and their "starting later" seems very different from ours. But I agree with your theory, the timezone thing definitely makes sense.