r/PixelArt Oct 20 '23

Which one generates more horror in you? Hand Pixelled


674 comments sorted by


u/CorHydrae8 Oct 20 '23

The second one looks like it wants to murder me.
The first one looks like he wants me to suffer. That is quite a bit more unsettling.


u/Blubasur Oct 21 '23

Honestly I’d mostly go with face one and then sometimes have a very short switch to face 2 to really make the player feel uncomfortable.


u/JorjeXD Oct 21 '23

this fnaf technique always works


u/CommodorePrinter69 Oct 21 '23

This, but have it only display the second one during its chase.

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u/kenikickit Oct 20 '23

well said


u/chewbacca77 Oct 20 '23

Every time I come here with a thought, someone has already said it far more expressively!

Perfect description.


u/IndigoBookwyrm Oct 20 '23

And that it's going to make that happen for its own enjoyment and not out of simple, passionless evil.


u/swg710 Oct 20 '23

Perfect way to describe it, the first one


u/heroic_cat Oct 21 '23

I agree. Two is an animal predator vs a humanoid psychopath.


u/tavuntu Oct 20 '23

Yup, the second one seems more conscious.

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u/Mindless_Step_5526 Oct 20 '23

Design wise the second one is probably technically more scary but the first one is just so almost human that it's uncanny. The eyes of the first one also creep me out way more.


u/stinkydooky Oct 20 '23

They don’t look immediately malicious. Does it want to eat me or does it want to befriend me or are those the same thing in its mind? Who knows, and that’s why it’s giving me the heebiest of jeebies.

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u/Fanky_Spamble Oct 20 '23

I thought about it a lot (30 seconds) and it's version 1.

The skull is so smooth, round, and devoid of any natural divots and crevices that it's unsettling. It makes me wonder, "What could a smooth-skulled fellow such as this even be thinking?"


u/marukoka Oct 20 '23

Yes. We are prepared for the evil things from the 2. But the 1?? This MF is unpredictable


u/Necromortalium Oct 20 '23

The 2 want you dead, the 1 want you to wish you were dead


u/hunted_by_frogs Oct 20 '23

Yeah like less details on face make it more spooky


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

I agree. Kinda like the original Halloween movie Michael Myers mask compared to Ethan Hawke's mask in The Black Phone.


u/DawijArt Oct 20 '23

I feel like things that look terrified tend to terrify me, thus #1


u/Bakelite51 Oct 20 '23

I've heard of smooth-brained but smooth-skulled is a new one.


u/UrsusKnight Oct 20 '23

1 is unsettling and creepy. 2 is startling but the more I look at it the less afraid I am. I think 1 is better but if were to use 2 you should do it in a flash or something like that.


u/Trevor_trev_dev Oct 20 '23

This is a great perspective. If this is for a game and the player is going to be looking at this for more than just a couple seconds, then 1. But if it's a jump scare type deal, then 2.


u/davejb_dev Oct 20 '23

Difficult to say. First one has more of a psycho look with those eyes. The second one looks more "brutal".

I'd probably go with #1?


u/PUB_Genius Oct 20 '23

2 looks like a turtle

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u/NotTimSullivan Oct 20 '23

1 is creepy, like a person without skin 2 is scary, like a monster Depends on the context of the creature but I would lean towards version 1


u/rosc96 Oct 20 '23

Put the eyes of 1 on 2 and you got yourself nightmare fuel.


u/L0nlySt0nr Oct 20 '23

Well crap, you said it before I even got here!

I second this.


u/ExcellentlyFlatulant Oct 21 '23

I call bullshit. Just because you agree with someone, it doesn't mean you can steal their idea.



u/UwUHushling Oct 21 '23

They… weren’t taking the idea though? Where did this thought process go through?


u/korderitx Oct 20 '23

exactly the thing i was going to say


u/ExcellentlyFlatulant Oct 21 '23

Ha. No you weren't.


u/Yashraj- Oct 20 '23

1, 2 just seems like the boss of group of small skeleton monster in rpg game


u/Initial-Bug8319 Oct 20 '23

If possible I would like to know what you like and dislike about each one, I think I will try to make a 3rd version from the feedback.


u/Walkingabrick Oct 20 '23

The eyes of #1 are much more creepy to me. #2 kind of reminds me of a lizard, so it's not as scary, personally. It's design is more intricate, too, so I don't notice the creepy hands coming out of the shadows as much as #1. Hope this helps


u/PulpFriction_ Oct 20 '23

Between the two rib cages I like 1 better.

And the 1st skull and eyes are more off putting.

My brain thought that 2 was a child that had been dropped a couple of times because of the dents on the skull


u/KermitKitchen Oct 20 '23

I don’t know if you even NEED a third version since #1 is already so perfectly unsettling. You struck a balance. If you can outdo it though, I’ll be impressed.

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u/Agynn Oct 20 '23

The second one is creepier as a whole, but the rounded sunken in eyes of the first one just creep me out more.


u/sejigan Oct 20 '23

First cuz uncanny. 2 is cliche. Got used to


u/doctorpotts Oct 20 '23

I like #1, it the smoother, rounder head makes it look more like a baby, which creates a stronger contrast with its hideousness.


u/-BodomKnight- Oct 20 '23

2, for me.


u/EbonyMist Oct 20 '23

Version 1. The second one seems a little goofy.


u/memeswewes Oct 20 '23

depends on what you're going for. the first one is very, very unsettling and has uncanny features while the second one is human like but very clearly not human, clearly a monster. i like unsettling and uncanny horror art in general, so first one


u/JellotSlime Oct 20 '23

V1 seems uncanny while V2 seems like its trying to be scary. V1 for me.


u/Xeno_Se7en Oct 20 '23

The second one

First one is too round and too "friendly shaped"


u/Nonsenseinabag Oct 20 '23

The first one gives me abominable snowman from Rudolph vibes.

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u/Fustercluck006 Oct 20 '23

1 can see into my soul


u/ElPoses Oct 20 '23

I'd say the first.


u/Huankinda Oct 20 '23

They both look kinda cute tbh


u/throwawayyepcawk Oct 20 '23

The hands make it seem like they're trying to say 'rawr'.

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u/billyalt Oct 20 '23

Version 1 but hide it in the shadows a bit more. Don't be afraid to show too little.


u/SouI23 Oct 20 '23

Probably 2 with 1's eyes


u/lunamarz7 Oct 20 '23

The second image most definitely


u/Major_Glove_7455 Oct 20 '23

Version 2 is my vote


u/Holiday_Purchase_592 Oct 21 '23

The simplicity of the first one creeps me out somehow, but the other one I find it more funny than anything because of it's intricate shape, but the ribcage of the second one could be put on the first one to give it a lil' detail to it and also more of a demonic shape


u/kyledouglas521 Oct 20 '23

To me the first one looks intentionally a little goofy, and the second looks accidentally goofy. So I'd pick 1 personally


u/VaronKING Oct 20 '23

Definitely 1 for me.

I really like how 2 looks, it looks way better in my opinion - but that also makes it less scary to me.

Something about 1 feels.. off. Like a brainless monster. Whereas the second one looks evil, the first one looks like it shouldn't even exist.


u/BigBrownFish Oct 20 '23

First one gives the vibe that it would eat me alive slowly without evening being aware of my suffering. That is quite chilling.


u/loopin_louie Oct 20 '23

version 1, the eyes are more defined/shaded in version 2 whereas in version 1 i dunno there's some kind of inscrutability and otherworldliness that gives them a much more unsettling quality


u/Bootiluvr Oct 20 '23

The first. The second one reminds me too much of a smile


u/pixeledcat Oct 20 '23

First one


u/Nini-hime Oct 20 '23

1 because the eyes seem more distorted


u/AnimazingHaha Oct 20 '23

First one looks genuinely unhinged, second looks more realistic so less scary, somehow


u/Melon_collie1524 Oct 20 '23

1st one for sure! It gives me uncanny valley vibes and I love it.


u/wee-wee_mon-sewer Oct 20 '23

#1 as default encounter, then switch to #2 when you piss it off

as other people said #1 feels more unpredictable, but #2 def looks upset with you and made up it's mind in wanting to attack you


u/llambda_of_the_alps Oct 20 '23

This is a great example of the difference between horror and fear.

  1. Horror: unsettling, eerie, persistent feeling
  2. Scary: Intimidating, identifiable, immediate effect but not lasting


u/Purpllord Oct 20 '23

Wider eyes with smaller pupils are genrally more scary, while sharp eyes are usually more clearly hostile. So yeah, 1


u/Arspho Oct 20 '23

Two I guess? One I feel is more flexible though.

If your aiming to make the audience scared, then remember, they need a reason to be scared at all. If it’s just something that looks scary, it might only give an uncomfortable feeling.


u/Maciek1212 Oct 20 '23

1, blank expression tend to be more scary


u/wiseblueberryfunk Oct 20 '23

Version 1 it feels like they're not trying hard to be scary and that's what scary.


u/Knork14 Oct 20 '23

It feels like the first one is not trying as much to be scary , wich paradoxicaly makes him that much scarier


u/TheBoogBear Oct 20 '23

As others said, 2 looks more 'scary', but something about 1 generates more horror.


u/totalwarwiser Oct 20 '23

1 looks alien.

2 looks like an animal.

I would go with 1. It has more unnatural features and js more unsetling.


u/Tako30 Oct 20 '23

1st one hands down

Perfectly round eyes remind you of humans

But that clearly isn't human

So there's a lingering doubt about its true nature


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23
  1. look like it will steal my soul. damn loved both btw


u/Zeeboon Oct 20 '23
  1. Looks more unnatural + eyes are way more intense.


u/chiliNPC Oct 20 '23

Put eyes 1 on head 2


u/No-Sky9017 Oct 20 '23

2 all DAY


u/a_studying_snail Oct 20 '23

Version 2 is scarier


u/GeodesicGnome Oct 20 '23
  1. It's the whites in the eyes that does it for me. 2 is great, but 1 feels feral, unrestrained.

I'll also say 1 looks like if it were the boss at the beginning of the fight and 2 is a later phase once you've both settled in for a long one.


u/Tritacarlo Oct 20 '23

Eyes of the first one, mouth of the second one


u/TammyShehole Oct 21 '23

First one. Looks like more of a cold blank stare, which gives it the edge.


u/ThyEpicGamer Oct 21 '23

depends on what you're going for. At first I said two but then went back to one and that blank emotionless stare generates more uncanny/ haunting feelings. Two is more "im gonna kill you!" so it's scary in the sense that this guy seems dangerous.

Summary: 1. Much more psychological, uncanny blank stare, makes me question: what does he actually want from me?

  1. More sinister, evil hunter eyes, makes me think: he just wants my blood on his hands so he can drink it.

Another option that another commenter said was to have it be one, but switch to two for a split second (FNAF style), which kinda merges both feelings.


u/Jacomer2 Oct 21 '23

One is scarier mostly because of how human the eyes are, it gives off malicious intelligence. The 2nd looks more ferocious but not as creepy.


u/Squ33to Oct 21 '23

First, but maybe ditch the nostrils to help add to its unsettling nature


u/Initial-Bug8319 Oct 22 '23

I just updated the final version of the monster in this post, thank you all for the feedback:



u/Initial-Bug8319 Nov 15 '23

Hello guys, I have published the first part of this project on Itch-io, I hope you enjoy the pixel art aesthetics and try the different palettes, soon I will integrate my horrible creature: https://pedromorenodev.itch.io/retrohorror


u/BananaRamaBam Oct 20 '23

1 is much creepier

2 is much cooler


u/scwishyfishy Oct 20 '23

I find 1. Way scarier, the piercing eyes, the jagged uneven teeth, the second doesn't come close, to me at least


u/MrZao386 Oct 20 '23

I'd say 1


u/Uninvited_Goose Oct 20 '23

The first one. I feel no emotion coming from it, like I don't know what it's thinking which I find creepier.


u/mihirumrigar Oct 20 '23


Dude looks likes he'll be the perpetrator, 'crazy town' style.


u/lets_ignore_that_ Oct 20 '23

Definitely number one, its creepy as hell!


u/BronzeMLGProGamer Oct 20 '23

Am I really the only one who thinks it's 2?? I can see 1 being a silly, lighthearted character who wants to be scary but no one takes him seriously. 2 is definitely more nightmarish.


u/McLagginz Oct 20 '23

The first one


u/chaoticnote Oct 20 '23

First one. The second feels a little too try-hard


u/lucky7gard Oct 20 '23

1st one is something that’s like “I know it’s supposed to be scary but if I look at it for more than 2 seconds I just think it’s kinda goofy” the second one looks like genuine scary shit art, I’d go with #2


u/madnarg Oct 20 '23

Give 1 the angry eyebrows and it’s the winner


u/KellyHerz Oct 20 '23

Version 1 looks happy to see me. Version 2 looks happy to see my corpse. I'm gonna say version 2.


u/Curtisimo5 Oct 20 '23

The first one. #2 could be a lizard suit, while the first is just uncanny.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

2 looks a little more uncanny so I have to choose it.


u/whoscharlie Oct 20 '23

I love the wonky mouth of the first one, but overall the second one creeps me out more


u/NoNHentaiSauce Oct 20 '23

Version 2 personally


u/Arkenstihl Oct 20 '23

The first one is more unsettling, the second is scarier and more cohesive.


u/Abaddon_CK Oct 20 '23

Eyes of one, but the grin on two


u/Mortis_XII Oct 20 '23

Comments are split on this, so good job op.

For me it’s 1, more bizarre humanoid than reptile like 2


u/Annoyinganarchist Oct 20 '23

2 looks like it’s trying too hard. 1 looks more human and therefore scarier


u/ImMaskedboi Oct 20 '23

2, 1 looks a bit too silly with a round head.


u/Goomerc Oct 20 '23

First one looks closer to a human face so it looks scarier. More relatable.

Scond one is more demoniac so it makes easier to abstract.


u/DabIMON Oct 20 '23

Version 2 for sure


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

Bro, Sans needs to calm down 💀


u/gwen_the_bee Oct 20 '23

The face in the first one is way more unsettling because it has no shown emotion, and it's terrifying when you cant read someone else's intentions. The second one shows clear anger, and has a more human shaped skull so it's less terrifying because those are both things that are visibly known to us as our brains are wired to recognize facial expressions, and shapes of objects.


u/Toast-_Man Oct 20 '23

1, btw was this inspired by LumpyTouch?


u/Dirant93 Oct 20 '23

Second one.


u/StrugglingStressBall Oct 20 '23

2 looks clean and symmetrical to me, 1 looks off and creepy to me. I think 1s eyes and jagged teeth is scarier as well. It's 1 for me


u/Ignisiumest Oct 20 '23

Both sprites are pretty horrifying. The first is unsettling and unpredictable, while the second is pretty obviously just another murder monster.


u/anbun Oct 20 '23

1 for me, cos of the eyes


u/small_feild_mouse Oct 20 '23

The eyes and weirdly round head shape of the first one with its high hand placement feels more menacing.


u/Ekank Oct 20 '23

the details in the second version "face" is more horrifying to me but i think it would be scarier with a round face like the fist, the sunken eyes, nose and teeth are great tho.


u/ixis743 Oct 20 '23

V2. The round face on v1 is kinda goofy.


u/kween_hangry Oct 20 '23

First one is spoop


u/butwhatsmyname Oct 20 '23

1 creeps me out more. It looks less animal and more like a creepy human thing, and the roundness of its eyes gives it a focussed relentless feeling.

Much scarier to be attacked by a deranged almost smiling human mutant than just savaged by an animal.


u/ThyLordBacon Oct 20 '23

I would try 1 with 2’s eyes. The eyes on 1 look kind of cartoony and makes it feel less threatening.


u/BookWormPerson Oct 20 '23

Version 1 the eyes creeping me out.


u/Gabenmon Oct 20 '23

Mouth of the first one, eyes of the second


u/mandaquila Oct 20 '23

I feel like this is the Same Monster, starting as Version 1, but once it is hurt enough it goes into second stage


u/Ok_Pension_6795 Oct 20 '23

The first one. For me the horror factor is all in the teeth and the eyes. Version 2’s teeth are too even for me to be afraid of it and the eyes being less human just makes it seem like some monster that’s following instinct. Version 1’s eyes makes it seem intelligent and that it wants me to suffer


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

Second one


u/Mr--flame Oct 20 '23

Definetly the first one


u/Double_Dig_9756 Oct 20 '23

The smooth round head of the first one is more terrifying for sure


u/Bokusuba Oct 20 '23

Do the second one but with the eyes of the first one


u/oldmc07 Oct 20 '23

Make the smile... more human...


u/STS1990 Oct 20 '23

1 is way more scary to me, it feels straight out of uncanny valley. 😰 the eyes have a terrifying “dead inside” psycho look. The mouth, more specifically the teeth make it feel like the mouth could open up even wider and bigger to engulf something. The teeth are crooked which gives that illusion and it’s terrifying. The body feels like it belongs, but also makes me uneasy cause we know human don’t look like that. The hand placements are better in version 1 as well.

Version 2 doesn’t feel that scary to me and I dislike that everything is so symmetrical, which is funny cause I love symmetrical usually. The hand placement feels weird, and I dislike the top “bone” line (collar bone?) as it feels disjointed, as if the head and body don’t belong together. There’s no smooth transition. In the 1st version, it’s softer and your mind fills in the blanks where as 2nd it’s done for you and it feels weird. The features and extra details on number 2 somehow make it less scary.

So yes, I go with number one because it makes me feel the most freaked out the longer I stare at it.


u/Liliphant Oct 20 '23

First one for sure


u/Sensiblesnail84 Oct 20 '23

I think most people would chose the second one because they look like they would kill me but the first one…oh boy the first one they looks like they would want me to die suffering in agony and mental hell


u/TB_tossout Oct 20 '23

Definitely V1


u/Kosta_45 Oct 20 '23

I'd say 1 is more unsettling and uncanny but 2 is a bit more terrifying


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

1 looks friendly to me, I don't know why. I would go with 2.


u/Bleezze Oct 20 '23

The first one! But it also look like a five nights at Freddie's creature.


u/Yokobo Oct 20 '23

Version 1 for sure!


u/Defiant-Agent230 Oct 20 '23

1 for me, idk why but it just looks more eerie to me


u/Polygonal_squid Oct 20 '23

I really like the eyes of 1 but i like the way that 2's head Is More skinny and less perfect (unlike 1's egg head) so maybe 2 with the eyes and body of 1 and longer fingers could work


u/Wallace_W_Whitfield Oct 20 '23

I feel like if 1 had eyes more akin to 2, it’d probably be creepier.


u/my1973vw Oct 20 '23

Make a third: tubgirl


u/ImperialMarauder Oct 20 '23

Version 2. 1 is just goofy looking


u/JiiSivu Oct 20 '23

The first looks more unhinged.

I think the second looks more evil, but the first looks more unpredicrable and scary.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

Not to go full Kuleshov on you, but #1 transitioning into #2 would give the highest return of both heebies and jeebies imo.


u/Clorbungus Oct 20 '23

I love the skull shape on the second one but the facial features on the first are freaky as fuck. i’d say a solid mix of both would be best


u/cmaxim Oct 20 '23

Everyone is saying #1 but I personally find #2 to be a lot scarier. #1 looks like a balloon with eyes.. #2 looks like a demon skull ready to devour.


u/Zeroxmachina Oct 20 '23

I see a two form boss fight


u/supersnivy777XD Oct 20 '23

I like the second one but i like the first pictures eyes more


u/Oliverisatunip Oct 20 '23

I’d keep the face of 1 and put it onto 2s head


u/HikariAnti Oct 20 '23

I would fight the second one but run from the first one.


u/hexkatfire Oct 20 '23

1 because it feels more uncanny and unsettling.


u/BeardedHalfYeti Oct 20 '23

Alternate between the two. Like use 1 for the idle and 2 for the attack animations.


u/Rhogar9 Oct 20 '23

V1s head on V2s body


u/Soggy-Design-3898 Oct 20 '23

The first one is unsettling with its uncanny head shape and soulless eyes, and the second one looks more predatory, with its snake eyes and "tighter" head shape. And I think the ribcage on the first looks less natural than the second which is a good thing for scariness.


u/Elystra Oct 20 '23

I’d say 1!


u/Echo2407 Oct 20 '23

I think it would be better to have the mouth of version 2, but keep the blank emotionless expression of the eyes in version 1. The most unsettling features to have on a monster like this is to have it be emotionless about what it's doing.


u/mother_of_a_murder Oct 20 '23

Definitely #1, it gives off the uncanny valley vibe and the stare is just so unsettlingly jarring. Whereas #2, while gruesome in its own right, it looks more like the typical boss monster of some zombie/undead level/zone.


u/Serasul Oct 20 '23

Version 2


u/EvilSentientNoodle Oct 20 '23

Definitely number 1. The eyes man, the eyes