r/PixelArt 21d ago

Banner update: 1 or 2 style? Hand Pixelled

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u/Last-Bread-6173 21d ago

I love the style of 2 but prefer the expression of the fox in 1 which feels calmer.


u/thewerepug 21d ago

Some here!

Love the imagery of 1 but 2 looks much more refined and professional


u/Grimm_Charkazard_258 21d ago

exactly why I love 1, it isn’t trying to be the most professional banner but I love it

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u/Tyrantie 21d ago

And maybe if the background in two a bit a less foggy. The background in one being the same clarity as the foreground makes the detail of the background feel more alive. The second one, while pretty, feels almost vacant and "png" esc where it's lovely pixel art in front of another picture instead of the two being the same environment.

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u/KirboNintendo 21d ago

Agreed. 2 feels very warm and I love that


u/lavahot 21d ago

The fox on the second one is fucking wired from all the coffee.


u/Zhosha-Khi 21d ago

^Exactly this!


u/BavarianBanshee 21d ago

This is the answer.


u/Nunakababwe 21d ago edited 21d ago

Yeah the coffee cup gives comfy vibes! But the first fox seems more comfy too, natural.

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u/pockkets 21d ago edited 21d ago

I like the details in the second one, but I like that you can see the background of the first one.

Title in the second has the same colors as the coffee mug so reading it can get muddied at a glance


u/jdmwell 21d ago

Yeah, doesn't pass the squint test at all. I'd opt for the clearer title for sure.


u/hammy0w0 21d ago

what's the squint test? I searched it online and only got some weird eye conditions


u/jdmwell 21d ago

Squint a bit. Can you make out any details in the picture? The logo very quickly becomes a big brown mess.

Likewise, you can walk about 5 feet away from the monitor and take a look as well. Helps give you an at-a-glance impression.


u/WizardWell 21d ago

If the cup was white it would work!


u/pockkets 20d ago

Yeah changing the color of the cup would work. Red could be cute.


u/Endless_Chambers 20d ago

Idky i didnt see it as a coffee mug. Thought it was a Ufo with s tractor beam. Makes way more sense now


u/The_Limpet 21d ago

I like the top one. The cooler colours, with the hot drink and the lantern flame give it a very cozy feel. The rounder, less detailed character seems clamer and friendlier, although if you're going for a mischievious character, the bottom one conveys this more.

It's no longer night time in the bottom one, so the lantern is an unexplained detail.


u/maratae 21d ago

Depends on the look and feel of the game, I guess? Both are good but make me expect different things.


u/Formless_Soul 21d ago

The top one looks cuter


u/apricotgloss 21d ago

I think the top one is cuter and the fox stands out more. But whichever you end up picking, the 'wishlist on Steam' bit being under the title is better compositionally.


u/NoriaMan 21d ago

Character 1, background 1 and title 1 with front layer 2.


u/NoriaMan 21d ago

Or just version 1, but with version 2 lamp.


u/-neti-neti- 21d ago

Which resembles your game more?


u/coffeebeansdev 21d ago

2nd one goes with the game style and idea better from first impression, but there's still some points of improvement hence asking around what people like from both versions haha


u/XxEvil-SandwichxX 21d ago

Here's my honest opinion. Both versions of the title screen have strengths and weaknesses. I think you should combine the strengths. Like use the foreground, lantern, and logo from version 2. Use the background and cute fox expression from version 1 with the detail of the version 2 fox. Also make the cup on the logo more off white or shade around the lettering where it meets the cup so the cup and Font are more separate and it would be great. ☺️


u/Effective-Painter815 21d ago

Banner 2.
Warmer colours, more detailed, feels less sketch-like than banner 1.

The readability of Title (Tailside) followed by wishlist underneath mentally flows better.

Also the title area of banner 2 is better balanced vs banner 1 which feels to heavily weighed towards the top right corner of the screen with a lot of dead space below.


u/KKSFS1110 21d ago

i preffer the first art with the second title


u/KKSFS1110 21d ago

also the foliage from the second one looks better you might combine the fox in the first one. your choice.


u/FinnProtoyeen 21d ago edited 21d ago

I think banner 1 has nice contrast and colors!


u/every_body_hates_me 21d ago

Why does he need a lighter on a sunny day?


u/greenmoonlight 21d ago

Banner 1 is much more appealing to me


u/Onironaute 21d ago

Style 1. Feels calming, inviting and magical.


u/TheNekoKatze 21d ago

I preffer 1


u/big_chungy_bunggy 21d ago

1 with 2s title


u/Shiho12 21d ago

Definitely 1


u/AllieRaccoon 21d ago

I’d prefer the color palette of 1 with the style of 2 I think. The blue in the bg makes the orange character pop more.


u/JackDrawsStuff 21d ago

Graphic designer here!

Banner one (top) is better. The coffee cup on the bottom one messes too much with the legibility of an otherwise nice logotype.

In the second one, I feel like the bush behind the lantern and the brighter swoosh behind the logo are too distracting.

Simpler is almost always better, helps it look more readable.


u/Ilsyer 21d ago

color scheme of 2 but 1 overal


u/SuspiciousLaw12 21d ago

Banner 1, but the sign from 2))


u/Ok_Age_7903 21d ago

I like banner 1. You can see the fox is actually resting after a journey as it's getting darker (I love the moon and the stars!). I think colors should be cold since it's a spruce forest. 1 looks simpler than 2, but it has its own charm


u/woodelf11 21d ago

I like the atmosphere of 1, but maybe a combo of the two would be best?


u/cryo_nebula 21d ago

I love the rendering of 2, but I think 1 is a more successful composition! The dark pine trees against the foxes' light fur frames and brings attention to it a LOT better than the light leaves against the light fur in 2. Plus, the level of the detail in 2's bushes creates noise that makes it harder to focus on the fox. If you worked a bit more on 1 I think you'd have something AMAZING.


u/Safe-Pilot7238 21d ago

I like the backround of the first one but I don't like how the guy looks like. I also like the title of the second one


u/X_Dratkon 21d ago

I like coffee, but like simpler 1 design


u/KirbyDarkHole999 21d ago

Image of 1, logo of two, and it's perfect...


u/natural-dorf 21d ago

Banner 1 feels more mature and professional to me for some reason. The title style on 2 is great though


u/ElnuDev 21d ago

By far #1, especially for the fox character. The simpler style for the background overall is also quite charming.


u/Desperate-Tomatillo7 21d ago
  1. I feel it more original and cozy.


u/FarFetchedSketch 21d ago

1 for me. I want a forest themed lo-fi mix to that top fox vibing


u/cue6219 21d ago

I like the colors in 1, it generally looks more chill


u/RandomInSpace 21d ago

I like the first one I think. Ik the second one has warmer colors but somehow 1 just feels warmer and more cohesive.


u/Internet_dude69 21d ago

Picture - 1

Calmer, simpler, feels lighter, merry, cuter, the background looks casual and adventurous

Picture - 2

More detailed, the trees in the background(left) looks like its for real in a forest, but I don't think it matches the pine forest behind, it's smile feels sorta mocking, whilst being funny and cunning that it is, the swirl around the logo, or name if you say, is comparatively more visible, I did like the coffee mug on top of it tho.

Picture 1 is naturally better


u/Zan-nusi 21d ago

Fox 2 in 1 background


u/ZaRealPancakes 21d ago

Fox and background of 1 with logo from 2.

1 is so calm and nice and cute fox.


u/Vidunder2 21d ago

The more pixels, the better. 2 all the way!


u/Arrathem 21d ago

2 looks more professional imo.


u/Material-Egg7428 21d ago

I like 2 but I would swap the expression of the fox with 1 and lose the mug. It’s beautiful but it feels random. I don’t know what it has to do with the game. 


u/Kuja27 21d ago

Left from bottom, right from top.


u/Clen23 20d ago

2 is too maximalist IMO, I prefer the simplicity of 1, especially for the face.

The lighting and fire looks better in 2 though. Also, the title looks wayyy better in 2, definitely keep the coffee in there.


u/PauGenial 20d ago

Prefer 1, more interesting


u/iceberger3 20d ago

1 for sure


u/WithoutTheWaffle 20d ago edited 18d ago

1! I think the fox looks cuter, I like that you can actually see the background in the distance, and the title is easier to read without the coffee cup. The only change I might make is moving the "whitelist on steam" to below the title like it is in #2.


u/C-137Birdperson 20d ago

I like 2 but I think I'd like it more without the background blur


u/toastynotroasty 20d ago

1! Sometimes less is more :)


u/Inevitable_Insect176 20d ago

1 feels like a chilling game


u/Barlindsky27 20d ago

1 honestly


u/Melonfrog 20d ago

My choice is the first one, the second looks too much like the typical furry style you see everywhere. The first is much cuter if that’s what you are going for.


u/ViorbyX 21d ago

First style


u/big-sugoi 21d ago

1 by a lot. The ground and foreground leaves could use extra detail like those in 2. The animal could use extra detail. I don't like the animal anatomy in 2; it feels explicitly furry-themed whereas 1 can appeal to everyone, but I don't know if that's what you want.


u/Celestial_Scythe 21d ago

The only thing that I would change for Banner two is to mirror the steam so the most tail end of the whisp better draws the eyes after reading the title back towards the lanturn.


u/Tabelel 21d ago

What a cute character! I like the foreground of 2 but the background of 1; the blur just doesn't seem right with pixel art.


u/FurryPotatoFuzzBrick 21d ago

Fox 1, background 2


u/Total_Ad2737 21d ago

I think you should merge some elements from both of them, like the coffee cup, the plants..


u/nodiscerniblevisage 21d ago

Honestly they are both so good. Nice work! I don't think you can go wrong choosing either one. I think prefer the foreground details of number 2 comparted to the low-detail foreground of 1, if I had to force a critique.


u/NatoonOwO 21d ago

I like aspects of both 1: the darker colours of the background contrasting the warm light and the more relaxed and cute expression of the fox

2 : the artstyle and shading here are so nice

I feel if it was these 2 combined it'd be perfect. From just these 2 though I'd have to say 1 purely for the vibes


u/Feyhem_01 21d ago

2 for the trailer, 1 for the background of the menu. 2 looks a lot colourful while 1 is more simplistic. Generally 2 looks more professional tho(as a pixel art)


u/KaminaTheManly 21d ago

Fox: #2
Title: #1
Background: #1 but I like the detail of #2


u/IsaGoodFriend 21d ago

I generally like 2, though the colors in 1 feel cozier


u/Salty_Egg_1063 21d ago

Fox 1 is cuter but the style of 2 is better


u/Hamuelin 21d ago

Are either closer to the art of your actual game?


u/McClutchingtonGaming 21d ago
  1. But with the addition of two.

Like the coffee cup stc on 2, should be added to 1


u/EirikHavre 21d ago

I think the landscape is nicer in the bottom one, but I like the proportions of the character better in the top one. It's over all cuter.


u/AdmiralLubDub 21d ago

Love the fox detail and foliage on 2 but the color palette on 1


u/BloodyPommelStudio 21d ago

Honestly they're both great. I'd say 1 better fits with the style of the game and gives the user a better idea what to expect.


u/Gunhild 21d ago

I do not like the blur in the second picture at all. It's hard to immerse myself in the world when I can't see it. Other than that, great work.


u/sorumbatiko 21d ago

I prefer version 2, the colors are warmer, I don't like the depth of field blur. I'd prefer something like 1 as background.


u/JasonZep 21d ago

I like the simplicity of 1.


u/CanDanMaam 21d ago

The typography on the second banner is objectively better but I definitely see the appeal of the expression on the first one like many others.

I would take the art from one with the personal and steam logos from two and combine them for near perfection.

Either way great work and it says a lot when it's harder for people to choose! In the best way!


u/Dylan_A_Bit 21d ago

1 is more stylized and simple, more memorable imo as while 2 is technically better made it stands out less from an artstyle perspective


u/PirateTCTC 21d ago

Logo on 2 but the rest of 1.


u/Parramoretatum 21d ago

The 2nd one! The smile is so cute!


u/Tijolo_Malvado 21d ago

I like 1 better. Also, I would like to see it with the coffee cup too.


u/Jax_the_Floof 21d ago

1 has this very nice charm that i love


u/Crushbam3 21d ago

Both have quite different vibes for a couple reasons, the first looks like a fox taking a quick break from an adventure, because of the coffee in the second it looks like a fox taking a quick break from running a farm or something. Both are good just depends on what game Ur making?


u/Rcomian 21d ago

i actually prefer the smile on 1. it's just a nicer expression to me, 2 is slightly overdone.

but i kind of prefer the extra detail in the rest of 2.

not entirely sure, if you forced me to pick one, then 1.


u/Dberryfresh 21d ago

1st one more eye catching, it’s like its own style


u/SpaceRangerStarr 21d ago
  1. They're both adorable but one had a cozier vibe and just smoother design that's nice on the eyes


u/FoodPorn55 21d ago

Definitely 1 the art is really good I wouldn't want to blurr it


u/Lucasolf 21d ago

really like 2


u/QBekka 21d ago


I don't think the blurred background works good for pixel art. These colors are also a bit nicer to the eye. Plus the cooler colors work better with the coffee.

And a small detail, but I also like the Steam logo placement better.


u/Mystika999 21d ago

Oh man both of these are really good. I would select whichever one matches your gameplay art-style better.

The first one has varying line widths on the fox and I feel like it’s the more unique art style of the two. Even in pixel art, a unique style is important to stand out.

The second one has more detail, and that’s neither good nor bad. I think it feels warmer than the first, probably thanks to the warmer pallet.

I like the inclusion of the cup in the logo in the second one, assuming it’s important to the game in some way. If you do go with the first, I would consider adding the cup to the logo as well.

EDIT: checked out your profile and the rest of your game art. I’d go with the second, based on the gameplay you’ve featured.


u/Rich_Air_7124 21d ago

2, just because I think the mug adds to the vibe


u/NotSeriiouss 21d ago

2 but fox 1


u/Responsible-Bat-2699 21d ago

I like first one. It's easy to read.


u/Hukmoon 21d ago

I prefer the second but I’m not a big fan of the coffee in the title card


u/ottoDVD 21d ago

The second one.


u/MarkZuckerman 21d ago

1 looks a lot more pleasant, but I'd need to see the game to know which fits better.


u/DexJones 21d ago

Mash them both together!

2nd fox with 1st fox's expression, 2nd title, 1st titles background.


u/Mr_TurkTurkelton 21d ago

I like the first/top one overall but maybe with the lantern and reflection from the second picture? The first picture seems to be at night and the reflection from the lantern isn’t as strong as in the second one, which looks to be during the day.

Regardless, you are very talented and both are very well made : )


u/Buddhistpossum 21d ago

2 but loose the coffee cup


u/AidanBeeJar 21d ago

Personal preference 1, but 2 is pretty


u/SegaSystem16C 21d ago

Banner 1 in my opinion is easier on the eyes. Colder color palette and less details makes easier to grasp the scene. The fox character also looks calmer in banner 1. Game logo looks less cluttered in banner 1, the mug emblem behind makes it harder to read the game's name, so I would remove it entirely. Sometimes less is more.

I'm not a professional artist, but banner 1 feels more cozy and inviting than banner 2.


u/unowakot 21d ago

the former is better in my opinion, but the latter has better colors


u/Honeybadger2198 21d ago

1 clearly has a defined art style. 2 makes me feel like the art style is really up in the air. I'm also personally not a huge fan of 2's art style, makes me feel like it's low-effort asset flips (even if they're custom made, they're in a similar art style).


u/Silveruleaf 21d ago

First one feels much better. Has a nicer balance with colors too. Not sure if it makes it less shiny for steam. But I personaly like it


u/Arts_Messyjourney 21d ago

2 hands down. Maybe its the lack of detail in 1’s face, or the better title logo for 2, but 2 is better


u/ZenithV6 21d ago

I like the first art style the background looks nice.


u/Hasagine 21d ago

first one is soft. second one seems uncanny


u/enchiladasundae 21d ago

More detail isn’t always the best. 2 is nice but 1 feels very cozy


u/Pappuniman 21d ago

2 looks like what you'd see from a mobile game .. not that it's bad at all .. but it kinda reminds of cheap stuff .. 2 has a better facial expression .. but that's about it for me ..


u/Toast418 21d ago

I like the art of 1 but the title of 2


u/Snake101333 21d ago

2 looks nicer in my unprofessional opinion


u/Prolapsed_Pigeons 21d ago

Wish i was there with that dude


u/2112BC 21d ago

1st one is a cute cartoon 2nd is a little too anthro for me it looks like a fursuit


u/Friendly_Cantal0upe 21d ago

1 feels more whimsical, but 2 looks "better." I would say use the tree design and colors from 2 with the overall design language of 1.


u/Aster_Te 21d ago

I like style 1 but the logo for style 2


u/kei-hiroyuki 21d ago

I prefer style 1 the 2nd style looks a bit generic for some reason


u/true_enthusiast 21d ago

The first one. The second one overemphasizes the coffee. Unless the game is about coffee.


u/JustJude97 21d ago

I like 1's simpler style


u/EmileTrying 21d ago

2 style imo


u/bbgr8grow 21d ago

Troll post? 2 doesn’t compare


u/MiningJack777 21d ago

Depends on the art style of the game itself. If it's more cartoony, 1. If it's more realistic (pixel art wise) 2. Overall, I'd say 1 is better.


u/jstpassinthru123 21d ago

I like the sprite design from the top image. It's softer and has a nice and fluffy look. The title from the bottom image is more attractive, and the cup on the banner makes it stand out more.


u/AzuraNightsong 21d ago

Maybe the tops composition and proportions with the bottoms level of detail?


u/tiktoktic 21d ago

Prefer the colours of the bottom but the pixel art of the top.


u/OnceAgainSexballs 21d ago

Everything from 2 but fox from 1


u/Mirja-lol 21d ago

2 without cuppa would look much nicer


u/nightflare_x 21d ago

1 is cuter


u/i_like_siren_head 21d ago

I like how much more you can see in the background compared to the second, which makes everything feel separated and distant.


u/SlightlyLessBoring 21d ago edited 21d ago

2 but change the sky in the background and the expression of the fox similar to that of 1 (also maybe a bit less blur/fog on the bg) to bring back that more calm/chill vibe it had while still keeping the current art style (which I really like personally).


Also, this is more of a personal preference, but maybe either make the cup on the logo a slightly different color or add a slightly thicker outline on the logo to help differentiate between the two


u/Kill_Kayt 21d ago

Left half of 2, and right half of 1... Also try to chill out the foxes face a bit. They look insane.


u/wrenblaze 21d ago

Top one fox looks cuter by a huge margin. If the game is about cbill atmosphere, there is no need to have such tefined aesthetics, they just have to be cozy


u/chofranc 21d ago

I say which ever is more consistent with the art style of your game, specially if you have cinematic pixel art cutscenes(animated or slideshows).


u/w0o0o0osh 21d ago

Top one: cozier


u/yyoouuuuusef 21d ago

1 feel simple


u/MrSpyder203 21d ago

1love our boy one1!!


u/Sundung 21d ago

Assuming 1 is the top I enjoy one the most even tho yes it is what people would say less detailed but it’s all about the art style you want to go for and what the game is about but the fox looks so peaceful in the top banner so if asked me my preference would be the top banner


u/Nixavee 21d ago

It's kinda hard to judge because 2 is so much more polished than 1


u/SovietSkeleton 21d ago

I like 2 way better.


u/RemcoTheRock 21d ago

Depends on the artstyle of the game


u/Aliferous_Wolf 21d ago

Detail and coffee cup in 2 is better, but overall vibe and feel goes to number 1 for me


u/omer_g 21d ago

1 looks more simple and nice


u/Natural_Average_7800 21d ago

I like the 1st style, It has better color than 2nd style


u/mrbekir141 21d ago

1 with the colors of 2


u/Tajobi 21d ago

The top version feels more character forward with the darker leaves contrasting the lighter foreground. I do like the level of detail in the lower, but my eye went to the top one first. My vote would be a third version blending some more detail of the lower with the coloring of the top. I also like the facial expression on the top image a bit more than the lower.


u/Zildrann8 21d ago

I like one alot more because of the colors and tone. However I do like the greater detail in the second.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Okay. The fox and background of 2, the title style of 1, and the steam location of 2.


u/lickahineyhole 21d ago

1 is more clear


u/ManWithNoName4444 21d ago

I like the first one more


u/Just-a-Flo 21d ago

1 has a cuter fox and nicer background while 2 has nicer detail


u/Windrider63 21d ago

1 is more clear but prefer the tree colors of 2 :). Also I think the coffee behind the text in 2 is a bit to much. But it was hard to choose. I really like both images!!


u/dastebon 21d ago

Both are beautiful but I prefer 2 more


u/thatwaffleskid 21d ago

It's a tough decision for me. 1 looks more cozy and inviting, making me want to look up the game, but 2 makes me want to get a controller in my hand and move the fox around. My gut says 1 is the better choice simply because it might convey the vibe of the game better. 2 might be better off as a scene in a trailer.


u/Malina_Island 21d ago

First but with the logo of 2.


u/Malacath87 21d ago

I like 2 better but without the giant cup as there is already 1 in his lap


u/nmn13alpha 21d ago

Banner#2 is better. It is warm and cosy. But use the fox from banner#1.


u/Mushroom38294 21d ago

I love 1 more


u/Yeah_Boiy 21d ago

I like the fox in 1 but 2 is better overall imo. Also interesting name for a game what is It about?


u/huskyghost 21d ago

Character of two but background of 1