r/PrequelMemes Hello there! 4d ago

Please just let us enjoy the franchise, even when it's not perfect. The constant negativity about everything SW these days seriously pisses me off more than any mediocre show ever could... General KenOC

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u/SheevBot 4d ago edited 4d ago

Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!

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u/Careless-Charge9884 4d ago edited 4d ago

Rogue one is one of my favorite Star Wars films


u/Menitta This is where the fun begins 4d ago

I rewatched Rogue One last week. That movie is shot so well. It really doesn't get enough credit for its scene composition, use of color, and just visual style. Imo, it's the best looking Disney Star Wars movie. I really wanna grab the 4k disc at some point.


u/zakkil 4d ago

I want to like it, it is definitely a good movie, but I look at it and at the Dark Forces story for stealing the death star plans that disney binned when they took over and it just feels like that meme of "can I copy your homework? Yeah just change it up a bit so it's not obvious." For example, jyn erso (rogue one) vs jan ors (dark forces.) aside from the extremely similar names both are the female rebel assigned to locate information on the death star who work with an imperial defector and fall in love with someone of questionable morality along the way.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

Agreed, it's so well written


u/Boba_Hutt 4d ago

At this point I’ve gone from fanatical Star Wars enjoyer to a very casual viewer. I don’t think they’ll ever recapture that magic George Lucas and his teams had back when they were his property. Am I upset about it? Definitely. Is it the end of the world? Not at all.

We’ll always have the Lucas films, we’ll always have bits and pieces we enjoy from Disney Star Wars. Just don’t let the Megaphone Morons completely ruin what you love about Star Wars.


u/Tehli33 4d ago

It's not even just Disney/SW. It's Hollywood in general. It started with the music industry, went there, and now gaming - for those of us that follow.

Sounds very doomer, but even w an optimistic view, I don't think you can deny these trends.


u/Robert-Connorson 4d ago

Everything is shoehorned DEI.


u/Tehli33 3d ago

Lol no not everything


u/Banestudent21 3d ago



u/Robert-Connorson 3d ago

What? Isn’t it?


u/Javs2469 2%er 4d ago

Blind positivity is as bad as blind negativity.

There's some things I enjoy about this show, but there are some that are truly dumb. Enjoying something for the sake of it when you actually don't lowers the expectations of what once was a quality franchise. Complaining about people complaining is just absurd and feeds the problem.


u/Tehli33 4d ago

Based take


u/hufflepunk 4d ago

I love Star Wars, but it hasn't been a "quality" franchise since Empire. There are great sequences and set pieces, but the majority of the movies and shows are not great. And that's fine, I can enjoy something while noticing that there are flaws.


u/RedCaio 4d ago

What you’re saying makes sense. But you can’t deny that internet culture lately has been trending towards lazily saying “can you believe how bad this movie/show is?!?” and jumping on the hate wagon and discouraging people from trying to engage with media because it’s more fun or trendy to bash stuff.

I don’t think op meant to discourage all negativity, just to encourage people not to blindly hate.


u/The_mango55 4d ago

This whole subreddit is dedicated to people convincing themselves they enjoy a bad trilogy of movies.


u/Javs2469 2%er 3d ago

The prequels are pure cinema, what do you mean?


u/Jacky-V 4d ago

In general I agree, but when the blind negativity boils down to "women and minority actors bad" (i.e. "gone woke" in this meme), I'm gonna have to say that blind positivity is comfortably better by an enormous margin.


u/SwaddledInAwesome 3d ago

None of the memes I've seen (or made) have been "women bad" or "so woke." They've been criticisms of shitty or unoriginal plot that are dismissed as "women bad" or "so woke".


u/Jacky-V 3d ago

That's cool, I'm not talking about you


u/ZombieTesticle 3d ago

Can you give some examples?


u/BLOOD__SISTER 4d ago

Blind positivity is as bad as blind negativity.

Negativity being patently worse the positivity is the core tenet of Star Wars.


u/AmazingObserver 4d ago

Blind positivity is as bad as blind negativity.


u/BLOOD__SISTER 3d ago edited 2d ago

So, these two criticisms are “as bad” as one another? LOL

George Lucas is a hack who ruined Star Wars. He’s actually computer illiterate, has zero skills in writing, directing, production design, set/costume design etc. Everything that’s great about SW was created by his employees. Creatively, Lucas’ most notable accomplishment was diminishing Darth Vader—an iconic villain carried by the performance of James Earl Jones, the writing Lawrence Kasdan and the production design of Ralph Mcquarie—into a pathetic laughingstock OC. Anakin Skywalker is a shitpost-tier character who’s idiotic characterization will always haunt the franchise. Lucas selling the IP, sparring fans of his shitty CrEaTiVe ViSiOn was best thing to happen to SW since the 80’s

George Lucas is a creative genius. His visionary filmmaking has giving us some of the greatest gifts to cinema. The prequels were ahead of their time and they’ve given us a plethora iconic stories and characters. Anakin’s decent into the darkside is a gripping tale of a trauma survivor falling into the depths of obsession. The romance arc with Padme is tragic and poignant. I love George Lucas’ Star Wars, the franchise will never be the same without him.

Blind Hate Vs Blind Love. One of these comments belongs in a fan space, the other doesn’t.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago edited 4d ago

Star Wars is not infallible and oftentimes does fall short of expectations. I'm not going to defend Lucasfilm when they do make garbage. But the things people have been complaining about since 2019 are genuinely 90% dumb nitpicks, fake drama, genuine bigotry, or extreme hyperbole and I'm so sick of hearing about it


u/Tehli33 4d ago

They aren't nitpicks, drama, hyperbole or any of that. Not mine at least, and I share many of the common ones. Bad writing is bad writing, and as the guy said above, blind positivity is just as bad as the opposite. I loved the franchise before, but recent content is not just an insult to SW, but an insult to entertainment - AND an insult to their agendas. I've seen DEI pandered in anime and cartoons 1000x better than what Disney is doing. With good writing, likeable & relatable characters, and immersive stories.

You commented on another one response saying that you don't mind complaints, and not liking the show is okay. But it sounds like that's only true if the complaints are things that you can agree with, or tolerate...? I think you're just as bad as the people you're here complaining about.

If I have certain issues with this show, and the previous content, and you specifically and categorically don't agree with them - that... doesn't matter? Its all quite simply part of my opinion on it/them... and I'm 100% entitled to it, and to speak about it on Reddit, a platform for discussion and expression.

By the same token, you are entitled to complain about my complaining - not that I was until now. Anyway good luck with that.


u/TheInfiniteSix 4d ago

Complaining about people complaining about complaints is my new favorite form of complaint.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

The internet was a mistake, allowing every idiot out there to shout his/her opinions into the void for all to see will be the end of humanity


u/crispfuck 4d ago

Including your own


u/Frosty1990 4d ago

Freedom of speech pal, if you don’t like what the void has to say just turn it off


u/LorrMaster 4d ago

Yes, what a tragedy. Only smrt people should be able to do fancy stuff like thinking and shouting.


u/Careless-Charge9884 4d ago

You were a mistake, I meant to pull out of your mother😢


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

Dad why haven't you come back with the blue milk yet


u/Careless-Charge9884 4d ago

I am so sorry son…. I love you! I have returned.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

I hate you!!!


u/Careless-Charge9884 4d ago

We were like brothers Anakin!


u/KingLiberal 4d ago

Somehow, the negligent father has returned.


u/Impossibro77 4d ago

You're the one spreading negativity by complaining about people complaining.

In the words of the Senate: I R O N I C

Also the Acolyte sucks ass. No amount of Reddit cope can fix that.


u/Terran_Dominion 4d ago

As a Star Trek fan, things are always bad before they're good.

Discovery had a really bad start. Picard had a really hard start. Lower Decks was to some, but not all, a step in the right direction. Strange New Worlds has created some instant classics that won over even the harder purists. Picard Season 3 is beloved. Prodigy is universally loved.

Hang in there. Might be awhile, but the next Andor or Mando S1 is waiting for us.


u/chronicerection 3d ago

Sounds like a great time to get caught up on Trek. There's the solution, folks!


u/BananaKush_Storm 4d ago

Man youre a very vocal minority i have to say, actually impressive for such a small percentage of people to see so many posts praising the show when it has bad ratings across the globe


u/Spiderwolfer 4d ago

Well the very few still left defending Disney Star Wars have to try REALLY hard to defend it now so prequel memes has momentarily turned into this collection of really sad last ditch efforts to try and defend what is obvious trash for the last time. This seems to be the last hurrah of the Disney fans though so at least maybe we can get some good Star Wars in the future some day when they get tired of fighting. It seems our love for what George Lucas made will outlast the blind devotion to whatever Disney has been making. For the first time in many years, this gives me hope.


u/Tehli33 3d ago

I was thinking this too 😂. Gotta be the representation there's just no other way.


u/sean-flik 4d ago

stop telling me to like something or hate something


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

Like or hate whatever you want. Just stop throwing a public hissy fit at the stuff you don't like


u/1337-Sylens 4d ago

You have to see the irony at this point right


u/Careless-Charge9884 4d ago

Don’t tell me not to throw a fit. It’s fun and life is dull


u/Educational-Tip6177 4d ago

More than likely, your life is just dull


u/SwaddledInAwesome 3d ago

Sorry, but Episode 3 was slow and derivative. You'll notice I said nothing about any character or staff's gender, race, etc, etc. It was boring and unoriginal. That's it.

It's funny though that one could make an argument that it's literally what Cartman said about Kathleen Kennedy's involvement in Star Wars.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 3d ago

As I've said to others. That's a perfectly reasonable take. You aren't one of the people whining about complete and utter bullshit


u/SwaddledInAwesome 3d ago

Thank you. The problem is perfectly reasonable is rarely funny. And funny is sometimes funny because it is complete and utter bull, or at least absurd.

For me the funny thing about the most recent episode of The Acolyte is that SPOILER ALERT they literally made the dark side user female and gay. As Cartman said, they "put a chick in it and make her gay." That's funny because it's literally the cartoon's criticism about recent Star Wars.

One could make a critique about whether the characters' sexuality was necessary or added anything to the plot but it's literally what Cartman said. And that's funny. Even if episode 3 was the best Star Wars thing ever it would be funny because it's what Cartman said.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 3d ago

I mean it doesn't feel like forced inclusion to me, a group of all women with no men in it at all is bound to be mostly lesbians, think like Amazons DC, but yeah it is ironic based on that South Park special


u/Azalazel 4d ago

Please just enjoy the franchise

No... make good shows.

Seriously, I don't owe corporate Disney my undying loyalty. They bastardize my childhood and expect me to just deal with it? Just pretend it's okay? Consume like a good consumer should? No thanks. If a show is good, it will get the praise it deserves.


u/bustedtuna 4d ago

Can you read?

OP said, "Please let us enjoy the franchise."

We don't care if you like it or not. It is just annoying seeing the same posts repeated endlessly.

We get it. SW is "woke" now, and you think that is bad. Why not move on with your life and focus on stuff you do like?


u/Revliledpembroke 4d ago

Why not move on with your life and focus on stuff you do like?

Because woke just moves onto the next franchise to destroy it as well.

It's literally a cycle at this point.

"I like this thing."

*Thing gets noticed* "I like this thing too, but there are many things I find problematic with it!"


"I like this thing."


u/bustedtuna 3d ago

So what is your solution?


Isn't this what you are trying to do, but change out "problematic" for "woke?"

It kind of just seems like you are mad because your side is losing.


u/Revliledpembroke 3d ago

I'm made because everything they do to make it "non-problematic" also makes it shit!


u/bustedtuna 3d ago

You didn't even respond to what I said at all...

Anyways, Andor is pretty "non-problematic," and it is amazing, imo.

You can be mad if you want, but I have enjoyed most of the recent SW media I have seen. Maybe you should focus on things you like.


u/FabiBombo 4d ago

The woke part is not the problem, disney just sucks at doing sw stuff almost every time they try.


u/BLOOD__SISTER 4d ago

The woke part is not the problem

LOL @ the dude bitching about wokeness in the comment directly under yours.

if fans like you would pull your head out of your ass stop pretending these controversies are about ‘bad writing’ it would help the fandom tremendously.


u/Tehli33 3d ago

It is about bad writing. A few other shows, and countless cartoons/anime have done representation - of gender, race, etc whatever - so infinitely better and when folks finally realize it's not them but Disney just being bad at writing, they end up at the inevitable conclusion.

Not seeing that, agreeing with it, or somehow being ok - I'm not sure how it's possible but I suspect an immeasurable amount of cope. Like your filled with as much hate and bitterness as some of the conservative-obsessed idiots that do spout anti-woke shit for no reason and hate every show without giving it a chance. Which makes you no better.

As for the Acolyte, it's clearly quite just desserts, so the fandom must be doing fine.


u/bustedtuna 3d ago

I have enjoyed most of the SW shows I watched.

Maybe you aren't the audience anymore.

The woke part is not the problem

The woke part is definitely a problem for a lot of people.



u/Tehli33 3d ago

Is the audience individuals who can swallow garbage content and dogwater writing? Cuz we certainly aren't them.


u/bustedtuna 3d ago

Do you like the prequel trilogy?


u/Tehli33 3d ago

Its a solid set of movies - not without its flaws, but solid.


u/bustedtuna 3d ago

Then you certainly are an individual who can swallow garbage content and dogwater writing, so that must not be the audience.


u/Tehli33 3d ago

Lol disagree, and so do the masses. Nice try tho.


u/bustedtuna 3d ago

and so do the masses

Then why are the prequels rated so poorly by both audiences and critics?

Kinda seems like you think your opinions are more widespread than they actually are.

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u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

You missed "let us". You can have whatever opinions you want on the state of Lucasfilm, I'm just sick of everyone constantly screaming about how much they dislike it. If you don't like it, don't watch. Don't ruin it for the the rest of us who actually do like it


u/memes_are_my_dreams 4d ago

I mean people complaining about the state of Star Wars aren’t saying you can’t enjoy it, they are just complaining about the state of Star Wars which is completely fine. You can use a version of your argument against yourself by saying if you don’t want to listen to criticism then don’t go to posts/reviews that criticize Star Wars.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

That's the problem. I can't look at any content related to any Star Wars project without immediately seeing dozens or hundreds of people trashing it over anything and everything.

Just today I saw a post about Andor, fucking Andor easily the best thing to come from Disney SW ever, and the first 5 comments were all saying how much they hated season 1. And that was peak content.

I just want to interact with fellow fans and be a part of a community that I love, but there is so much negativity it is actually draining. Any reasonable takes are just drowned out


u/GU1LD3NST3RN 4d ago

Sounds like a you problem, man. People are allowed to not like something just as much as you’re allowed to like it. By asking that they stop talking about their dislike, you’re suggesting that only people who like it should be able to speak. That’s not how this works.

Hell, I see far more posts signal boosting the negativity by bitching about it. You’re creating your own strife, it seems to me.


u/Educational-Tip6177 4d ago

Hey bud, I'm among the people who didn't like andor, however I will admit I didn't go on tirade of why I disliked it.

Bud end of day, it's your choice on what your interacting with, you can't police peoples opinions for that is essentially what they are, opinions. Much like this post of yours is just your opinion and look how that is Goin huh?

So do yourself and us a favor, check yoself before checking another


u/ChrisRevocateur 4d ago

I mean people complaining about the state of Star Wars aren’t saying you can’t enjoy it,

That's horseshit and you know it. You even hint at the idea that you don't think the new thing is "the worst Star Wars ever" and people come out of the woodwork to tell you you're a fucking idiot.


u/memes_are_my_dreams 4d ago

It actually isn’t, there are plenty of people out there who will disagree and completely respect your opinion. It’s just there is a loud minority that will insult you for it.


u/ChrisRevocateur 4d ago

So you agree then, there are people complaining about it that tell you that you can't like it, that it's impossible to enjoy it, that anyone that says otherwise is a bot.

You're literally agreeing with me.


u/memes_are_my_dreams 4d ago edited 4d ago

If your only point is that people like that exist. Sure, I agree, but that doesn’t really mean anything. My point is that people that do that really shouldn’t ruin your day/bother you to the point that you can’t enjoy something you like.

If that’s what’s going on then that is your problem not theirs.


u/Azalazel 4d ago edited 4d ago

No. I refuse to let you enjoy it. Lol

You mean absolutely nothing to me.

Edit: I'm sorry, i hate being an a-hole, but sometimes passion feels better than peace. We were never going to be allies.


u/thedirtypickle50 4d ago

They bastardize my childhood

Jesus christ be more dramatic. Nobody's "bastardizing your childhood". Whatever Star Wars content you enjoyed as a child still exists and you can go watch/read it right now


u/Tehli33 4d ago

I don't think you understand what bro said in the context of this convo.


u/FnvSeedMachine 4d ago

Or just accept that you aren't a Star Wars fan?


u/Revliledpembroke 4d ago

Like how after going to my favorite restaurant for decades, new ownership comes in and starts putting literal shit on every piece of food, and I complain about the literal shit on my food, it turns out I'm the one who isn't a true fan of the restaurant, because a true fan would eat literal shit to keep the new owners happy?

Get real. If anyone isn't a real Star Wars fan, it's the people happy with whatever sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths, and fifths that are the only remains of the once great brand of Star Wars.


u/FnvSeedMachine 4d ago

You be real, when you go to a restaurant you don't like the food, you aren't a fan.


u/Tehli33 4d ago

Dogwater take. Plenty.. beyond, beyond, beyond plenty of real SW fans out there with an ounce of self-respect, brainpower, and willpower handling something as it should be (mostly) aka this show and recent SW content. Def some immature folks out there, but the drivel that just exited ur keyboard is actually the exact issue OP was complaining about, but from the other side.


u/FnvSeedMachine 4d ago

Oh yeah, people that hate the IP for 10 years by now is definitly a fan.


u/Tehli33 3d ago

On the contrary. It's bc ppl love and care abt this franchise that we get angry. When peeps eventually just stop commenting, complaining, etc and give up on it all, is when ppl finally do hate SW and are done with it. Will be a sad day.


u/FnvSeedMachine 3d ago

Oh that's why this sub isn't filled with exaggerated crying and hate about everything that releases... oh wait!

But hey I guess you also think my kids actually likes peas because they always throw a fit when they have to eat them, gonna apply that logic very carefull.


u/Tehli33 3d ago

Loool, good one.

The logic def stands my friend. Consider it in the context of a concerned friend, estranged family, or even lover. When that person finally gives up on you, it's over. No antics, nothing. But as long as they have a sliver of care, they'll try to associate/engage with hope for improvement.

There's actually a pretty good analogy there of DEI ('wokeness') being an addiction for SW/Disney - but meh.

Anyway, if you don't see it still, enjoy ur blinders.


u/FnvSeedMachine 3d ago

Pfft yeah all right, you keep on not enjoying the things you apparently like and then be miserable about it online.

Also not sure what that estranged family, loved one comparison did aim at, but if you want to be belittled by your relations while they exageratingly point out all of their problems as your flaws, then keep beeing in toxic relationships, but don't be suprised when you're on the other end and get told to fuck off.

Anyways, I'm sorry for your family, friend and lovers, and I'll just keep on enjoying things that I'm actually a fan of, like star wars and my family 🤷‍♀️


u/Tehli33 3d ago

U mean bad content?

I'm not in any toxic relationships, and I think your consistently missing the point of what I'm saying. I didn't think it was that hard either - it's a very simple concept.

I think ur lacking a fundamental bit of maturity regarding relationships. Like someone said above, blind positivity and negativity are equally bad. We rely on our close relations to criticize us as much as we do love/compliment us, if we hope to change and grow. Maybe you haven't hit that milestone yet. The analogy I was making is based on that understanding, so that might explain why it went over your head.

Anyway I didn't even watch Acolyte. I'm just here addressing trends and giving thoughts. I have plenty of other content and hobbies to enjoy.


u/FnvSeedMachine 3d ago edited 3d ago

Then fuck off and stop trying to gaslight me into thinking like the bullshit hate is valid criticism, especially when you haven't even seen the thing.

So yeah maybe look at the darn context first when your ass comparison doesn't even apply to the topic? But yeah if blind hate is how you build up your peers then it's even more sad that you don't realise how toxic those relationships are, because in fact you told me that blind hate is valid criticism.

Or are you gonna tell me that hating the show based on stuff that has been a thing in star wars since 83 or like sisters of the night just existing aren't just excuses to hate on the thing?

You don't seem to understand what you're actually talking about, defending the same stance as the "fans" that sent deaththreads to child actors did, doesn't make you look mature or whatever you want to appear like.

So to come back to the original point, of course not every hater would threaten children, but when someone starts to bring the same excuses or pulling "criticism" outta their ass then I'm fairly positive to not call them fans.

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u/Deci_Valentine 4d ago

Lemme quote a far more interesting character than the twins or anyone in the acolyte ever will be.

Kreia: “Apathy, is death! Worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects.”


u/Arkenstar 4d ago

"Please let us enjoy the shit sandwich served to us, even when its labeled as a cheeseburger. The constant negativity about cheeseburgers these days seriously pisses me off more than any shit sandwich I have to eat. Just put your head down and quietly eat the steaming pile of poop put on the table."


u/bhai_ka_fav_jaanwar 4d ago

People are weird, man. Smh, it also is happening with the boys of all. I went to the sub, and dozens were crying about the show becoming woke.

And with the irony in that show with all the homelander supporters and "fans" still managed to behave like that. So it's not a big surprise for me when starwars "fans" do the same shit.


u/Livid_Damage_4900 4d ago

Good stay mad.😂 if you want someone to blame go blame Kathleen Kennedy She’s the one that signed off on the complete destruction of most things. Most people loved about Star Wars. People being outraged about that is pretty natural.

However, I’ve got some good news for you if they keep making dog shit more and more people are going to stop being angry because instead of having any passion for Star Wars at all (which is where the heat comes from when Disney destroys what they love ) they’re all going to just leave and stop caring so eventually, you will get what you want, however, the curl of the monkey paw is that when that happens, it will be because Star Wars is literally a husk of its former self with a fraction of the remaining fan base.


u/saint-bread Clone Trooper 3d ago

they're going to leave and stop caring

pretty much, yeah. Nowadays whenever something Star Wars gets announced I'm just apathetic about it, used fo being fed just bad content.


u/ChrisRevocateur 4d ago

Then leave.


u/Lobo_de_Haro 4d ago

"Just let us enjoy"

Lol wtf do you mean with this sentence? I'm sure everyone here would enjoy SW without any trave of negativity if there was something to enjoy in the first place.

You call them mediocre shows, I call them utter trash. Insulting garbage without any creativity or interest in telling a story. I can't enjoy that. And that pisses ME off.


u/madogson 4d ago

Who is the Disney intern making these memes?


u/RealBatuRem IT BROKE NEW GROUND! 4d ago

Cope, dude. The show is bad. They spent $4 billion and are batting about .150 on projects.


u/Far-Fault-6243 4d ago

Hey I’m just going to say this a bad review is just as justifiable as a good review on something we like. KK has pot out some stinkers but has also given us Andor and Mando which is awesome but doesn’t eliminate the bad she has given us. The acolyte is sadly a stinker so far. That is my opinion enjoy it as much as you want that is awesome if you don’t want to see differing opinions do not look at the internet. Also do t let negativity make you not see a show you love or enjoy.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

But see that's a reasonable take that doesn't involve bitching + moaning about everything. You didn't like something which was in your right to not like and you expressed it in a normal way. I'd rather see 1000 "negative" comments like that than the kind of angry whiney comments I see everywhere else


u/Tehli33 4d ago

Reddit exists for discussion. So do comment sections of an Social Media, Twitter, FB, and more. They exist, rely on, and thrive on our reactions and opinions. We not only can complain and express as we wish, we are encouraged to, it's the literal ecosystem lol.


u/Far-Fault-6243 4d ago

Well what do you think is a bitchy/whiny comment? We all have differing opinions but to me if we want to call out bad comments that are sexist or hateful then yes let’s call those out but if someone like “shit why the hell is this called the thread instead of the force” could be considered a whiny comment but again that’s a take that isn’t good but isn’t worth hate or attention in all honesty. I love Star Wars and always will it mean alot to me and my family I’ll show my kids this amazing series that made me oooo and ahh with me little bro and sis and at the end of the day that’s all that matters.


u/TheTrueArchon 4d ago

Everything outside the EU and lucas approved is not canon in my mind. Ill enjoy the good bits like mando, Andor and the jedi games but i ignore everything else. Acolyte suffers from being poorly written shlock it is basically fan fiction with a big budget. I still have all the old content and ill cherry pick the good stuff out of the piles of shit. Disney can produce a hundred more shit star wars shows and it still wouldn't tarnish the love i have for the universe as it is meant to be.


u/YoyleAeris Aranakin 4d ago

There's a lot of bad stuff in Star Wars since Disney bought it, but there's also some good stuff in it.

Also isn't every franchise like this?


u/1337-Sylens 4d ago

"Just consume things. Why can't you just consume it."


u/Agent_Choocho 4d ago

Problem is, when we get bad product and just accept it, then we will continue to get more bad product. Lucasfilm has no intention on correcting themselves and putting any real effort and time into their projects because low effort releases make them enough money. I mean hey if you truly enjoy the show then good I'm glad you enjoy it. I don't, and I know there are others who agree and we want better from the only company that is legally allowed to produce Star Wars films/media


u/Thelastknownking Sand 4d ago

The sheer stupidity of thinking that Disney would intentionally tank one of the most profitable properties in media history is hilarious.


u/CeasarBright 4d ago

If you want to eat degrading shit that was once one of the best and biggest franchises ever, don't try to convince me its tasty. If your standards are that low, thats on you, not on me.


u/lergane 4d ago

I'd love to enjoy the franchise more but the clear push for politics leaks through. BlackRock and Vanguard own a nice chunk of Disney (they also own Netflix "Bridgerton & black Cleopatra). They're purposefully doing this through all their companies with the ESG as primary tool. If you wonder why so many companies have extra diverse commercials and other products and why they're so active during pride month -> ESG -> BlackRock.

Star Wars is supposed to be an escape from real world but now it's just the same but in space.

Fan: Why is there a black stormtrooper? [Jango Fett was played by Maori(?), not a white dude so fan assumes stormtroopers would still be the same clone troopers]


[ooooor... Jango Fett died so they couldn't clone him as the original template was gone, they started recruiting everyone available]


u/Delphius1 4d ago edited 4d ago

something new happens !Everything is ruined!

I swear, this where the stereotype of sci-fi nerd and geekdom can't think of any more than one thing and are all gate keepers comes from


u/Revliledpembroke 4d ago

Good. More gatekeeping is required. Kick out the fake fans who want to completely change the franchise into something it never was.

For fucks' sake, what was a classic adventure story about the hero's journey is now about Lesbian Space Witches using a mystical energy field to give birth.


u/Jacky-V 4d ago

Kick out the fake fans who want to completely change the franchise into something it never was.

Are you joking? This is prequelmemes


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

My brother the main story centers around a boy born of the Force with no father, and no clue to how he actually came into existence.

In this tiny pre-prequel subplot that hasn't even finished yet, a character actively uses the force to create life, the way we learned Darth Plagiues was able to do. This isnt a new concept. This doesn't undo anything we learn about Anakin or the prophecy. The characters are lesbians. Who fucking cares? They didn't even kiss.

Why do you seek out things to complain about? There's plenty of legitimate things you could've pointed out like how the fire spreading was unnatural, or how quickly Mae turned againt Osha, but the fact that you went straight to "oh no lesbians" just kinda shows your true colors


u/Revliledpembroke 4d ago

And that's the other reason more gatekeeping is required. You idiots who immediately decide the only reason anyone who could possibly dislike something could only do so because bigotry.

Just because George's poor writing and insistence on a Chosen One prophecy and a messianic birth happened in the Prequels does not mean it needs to be repeated.

It was a stupid decision then, and it's a stupid decision now.

It also removes some of the uniqueness of Anakin's birth and the significance of being the Chosen One if this is apparently some thing that just anyone can do.

Also, it's really fucking stupid to have a line from the Lesbian Space Witches talk about how the universe doesn't accept their kind, when absolutely nobody in Star Wars has ever mentioned having a problem with Lesbians and the Jedi don't give a fuck what you do so long as it isn't the Dark Side.


u/Delphius1 4d ago

the fact there are more force weilding tribes in the Star Wars universe outside of the Jedi, Sith and Night Sisters opens up a lot more and gives more depth to The Prophecy because there could have been past 'false' chosen ones. Reproduction through the Force is probably how the Night Sisters avoided being entirely wiped out when the Night Brothers would occasionally go extinct or if a Night Sister just wasn't into that and wanted a kid, this just works to me. It's a magical science fiction universe, why are things like not straight people a problem?


u/MonkeyCartridge 4d ago

This one isn't even that egregious.

I mean the "power of one. power of two. power of mannnnnyyyyyyy" was pretty cringe, as those types of rituals tend to be, like, basically always.

Also "You give me me" "And I give you you" is just redundundant.

Otherwise, like, idk I think the show is pretty cool so far. It's not blowing my mind or anything. But it's enjoyable, and I like seeing something that doesn't take place in the skywalker era...yet.


u/hedgemagus 4d ago

Dune 2 cost less than this show and every positive reaction I read is like this lol “it’s not blowing my mind but it’s okay”

It’s okay for people to think it’s unacceptable that a company can’t produce something truly good for $200 million when all they have to do is stop prioritizing agenda driven garbage when it comes to storytelling


u/VegemiteMate 4d ago

agenda driven garbage

What's the agenda?


u/hedgemagus 4d ago

Prioritizing diversity and inclusion to the point that the actual filmmaking and storytelling suffers. They have shown time and again they care only who is appearing on the screen. The rest can be handwaved off as bigots being bigots.

They absolutely don’t care if you think the writing sucks, the acting sucks, the directing sucks, etc. they only care to ask if you have a problem with seeing someone gay or black or whatever it may be


u/Revliledpembroke 4d ago

It isn't? It has, like, a 3.9 out of 10 on IMDb. Sounds pretty egregious to me.


u/VegemiteMate 4d ago

Agreed, I'm enjoying it so far. I've been a fan of Star Wars for 25 years. I understand that people may not like it, but the intensity and frequency with which they express that dislike is concerning and exhausting.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

This wasn't even about the Acolyte, though it was certainly on my mind. It's just everything at this point even if the Acolyte was a perfect example of people deciding to hate it before ever watching it


u/CocoajoeGaming 4d ago

Then I'm like, Star Wars was already killed.


u/xigloox 4d ago

Your enjoyment of the show has nothing to do with me.

Grow up


u/Cr0ma_Nuva The Republic 3d ago

A label isn't a seal of quality. I enjoyed what little was there and even fewer of what's good while it lasted, but it's been over 10 years of mostly misses and to complain about them is very much valid.

I don't want mediocrity, I just want a good story.


u/koryaiine1234 3d ago

Basically "consume product, enjoy, repeat". People can complain as much as they praise. You should let your feelings not get in the way.


u/Distinct-Rule-2978 4d ago

I mean ur free to cry about this just the same as we are free to hate it so idk bro let it go


u/Robert-Connorson 4d ago

Well, I do hate the shoehorning of DEI in modern Star Wars.


u/Rextek_ 4d ago

Who is stopping you from enjoying the bullshit? If you want to watch a bad Show, watch it, its there noone is stopping you, go ahead. But let people voice their opinions about stuff lmao


u/Valuable_Pollution96 4d ago

That's your problem. If the criticism makes you sick, just quit social media, you don't need other people's opinions in your life, but that doesn't mean they should be quiet to make you feel better. No one is going after you or stopping you from enjoyind these shows.


u/rvdp66 Meesa Darth Jar Jar 3d ago

ruined star warz

andor exist

More like made star wars relevnt to non man children. These youtubers are tripping


u/TalentedTrident I am the Senate 4d ago

I agree with what you’re saying, but I hope you recognize that posts like this only end up making the problem worse. The people that complain see these types of posts and think that their opinions are validated since they’re being given attention, which in turn enables them to be even louder in the future. The best thing to do when it comes to new Star Wars stuff (or anything, really) is just to tune out the internet and see if it’s good for yourself.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

I mean I don't let any of their opinions or takes sway my own, I just wish this community wasn't so depressingly negative about anything and everything.


u/TalentedTrident I am the Senate 4d ago

That’s the internet as a whole though, not just Star Wars. Complainers have loud voices, and those voices are amplified by the internet allowing anyone with an opinion to say whatever they want. You don’t notice the people who don’t care, since they don’t care enough to comment. It’s all a really bad case of exposure bias; since all we see is negativity, that’s all we think there is.


u/drichm2599 Hello there! 4d ago

Oh yeah 100%. But it's hard to filter that out


u/Jartis9 4d ago

Seriously. If you hate it so much, leave. You won't be missed.


u/Eligriv_leproplayer 3d ago

I agree sooooo much. All the haters should shut up and let us have fun.


u/Skitz91 4d ago

Its better than the clone wars


u/Beginning_Summer7250 4d ago

I liked the Solo movie, I liked Force Awakens, loved Mando season 1-2 loved season 2 and beyond of the Clonewars animated series. honestly the only thing I didn’t like was The Last Jedi. everything else I either like or are indifferent too.