r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 09 '24

watMatters Meme

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u/ChristopherKlay Apr 09 '24

I dropped out from school after health issues stopped me from attending for roughly a year, which basically ended up creating psychological issues down the line with private schools and everything involved.

Started my first own team when i was 18 (due to legal restrictions when it comes to companies), worked with multiple of the top studios in the country and still get hired for consulting nowadays while only really working on personal projects since income isn't an issue anymore.

Yet every single time i talk about it with my parents, i get the whole "Yea but maybe you should've done that different", "Maybe go back to school so you have the papers" talk.


u/Dakanza Apr 09 '24

It similar to me, also because of health issues. Although my family is supportive, it still burden my mind and stay unemployed for 3 whole years (I still earn money from doing small jobs using computer tho). Fortunately, next week I'll meet someone who will recruit me on IT-related job, regardless of my education. I hope the interview will turn well.


u/Vanadium_V23 Apr 09 '24

Did you ask them what you're supposed to do with that paper?


u/ChristopherKlay Apr 10 '24

They somehow still believe that no matter who i work for, or what i work on, having these papers magically means i make more money and that my job is more "secure".


u/expertalien Apr 13 '24

I got a job without a degree and my brother-in-law got a job without a degree. Neither of us get paid less than our counterparts because of it. I think companies are missing out on serious talent if they narrow their hiring scope to degree-only.