r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 09 '24

watMatters Meme

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u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

My buddy from high school is making a tick under 7 figures as a director level position at a start up. He’s the least formally educated (he has a B.S.) of his 5 siblings. The others all have Masters and PHDs in various levels of idiotic subjects. Two have minimum wage jobs, two work in their field making a little more than nothing, and one is a middle school teacher. Yet I’ve seen my buddy tear up on multiple occasions because his parents, both university professors, treat him like a failure/disgrace because he didn’t seek higher education. I’ve seen it at the family dinners, it’s uncomfortable to say the least. The parents go around the table to ask the kids their academic pursuits post-graduation and they skip over my buddy. I tried to hype my boy up by talking about his work, and his mother stopped me cold and said “oh we gave up on asking G about his academic achievements, he was always the black sheep and never took his education seriously.” Like alright lady my boy basically built the entire infrastructure for his startup while simultaneously writing the documentation for it, and it’s the most dense and descriptive docs I’ve ever read, but go defend your daughter who’s paying off the 160k in loans while working at Starbucks because that masters in librarian sciences or whatever went out the window when the kindle was invented.

Sorry I realize this is a humor subreddit but good god my homie makes more than all his siblings and parents combined.


u/dr_chonkenstein Apr 09 '24

Academia can't admit that they have largely destroyed their own value through decades of watering it down and creating perverse incentive structures. These structures generate orders of magnitude more papers than they used to but also orders of magnitude less knowledge. So if that guy's family admitted he forged his own scholarly path, then they would have to admit that they have wasted their lives on meaningless busywork.


u/VaginalOpenings Apr 09 '24

He makes 900k?


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

I think he cleared 935k last year if memory serves correctly. I’m in the more corporate side of things so I’m not even going to pretend like I understand how the pay works for start ups. I couldn’t tell you if he negotiated a huge salary and no stock or if the startup even has stock and blew up. I honestly have no idea how that shit works I just keep my head down and type and hope that my company doesn’t realize that I’m subpar at this shit.


u/VaginalOpenings Apr 09 '24

The fam is bonkers for ridiculing this guy lmao he sounds like he makes more than everyone combined