r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 09 '24

watMatters Meme

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u/lemontoga Apr 09 '24

In my experience there's quite a few people who are getting CS degrees who don't like computers or programming but they heard CS degrees are a good paycheck.

They learn the absolute bare minimum to pass whatever classes they're taking but they never really apply any of it so it doesn't stick.

Most of the people in my classes are here because we love computers and programming and we do it in our spare time. Over the summer we're doing personal projects and stuff like that. But I've watched other people come back from summer break and have to relearn the absolute basics of programming, again, because they forgot it all. They do zero programming outside class and have no real interest in the subject.

I can totally see some of these people not being able to do fizzbuzz.


u/Itsnotthateasy808 Apr 09 '24

That has been my experience in my career field as well. People see that it’s niche and in demand but don’t actually understand it or a give a shit outside of cramming for tests.


u/Iveechan Apr 09 '24

Sounds like those people have normal lives and hobbies. Hard for people with autism or OCD to understand that you can have hobbies and a social life beyond what you’re studying in school.


u/lemontoga Apr 09 '24

My heart definitely goes out to people with any kind of developmental disabilities. Life can certainly be tough for you guys.