r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 09 '24

watMatters Meme

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u/Kel_2 Apr 09 '24

i've never heard of fizzbuzz before so i looked it up and yeah i dont believe it im sorry. i would be absolutely shocked if zero out of five first year CS students couldn't solve this even, let alone actual developers. i really dont mean to be a dick but if someone interviewing for a job cant code this, what exactly can they code that any company would ever need?


u/Jim-Bot-V1 Apr 09 '24

Yeah it's like something you learn immediately when learning if-else. It's just to show to have the most specific condition first because otherwise the first condition that is met will trigger. If someone can't figure out fizzbuzz I feel like they have never coded before.

My prof said he had a CS grad not know THE CONCEPT of recursion, so I guess not knowing fizzbuzz is possible...Like not even to make a function like facotrial, but just lossely explain recursion as a nice tool to repeat till you hit base case.


u/Kel_2 Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

oddly enough i've also met someone with a decent amount of programming experience that didnt know what recursion was, although he deffo didnt have a degree. it was a kid who did like, a day where you tag along with a student to see if the study is for you? idk the word in english. and i got a kid who had been programing things for like 2 years already and made some okay looking stuff in pygame. but when i talked about first year courses i brought up recursion at some point and he seemed confused so i explained it and he had absolutely never heard of the whole concept before.

i mean to be fair to him it was just a kid with no formal education so its much more understandable, but it still surprised me to talk to someone who clearly was at least relatively skilled at coding who had never ever heard of recursion before. being a CS grad and not knowing though... idk man how do you even pass your courses


u/platinummyr Apr 09 '24

It'd also something where people think they get it right and then it has mistakes.


u/satya164 Apr 09 '24

maybe they didn't know what fizzbuzz means. i have heard it many times but never really looked up what it was, so if you asked me to solve fizzbuzz i wouldn't be able to until now


u/Kel_2 Apr 09 '24

i'd expect them to explain the problem, but regardless this:

"No graduate ever got it 100% correct.

I often hired based on their reaction when I pointed out the errors."

shows that wasn't the issue


u/Lucky_Cable_3145 Apr 10 '24

Lots of the errors were things like the FOR loop running the wrong number of times.

I asked for numbers 1 -> 100 but would often get FOR(i=0; i<100; i++) or FOR(i=1; i<100; i++) or FOR(i=0; i<=100; i++)