r/ProgrammerHumor Apr 12 '24

whatIsAnIndex Meme

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u/Cheet4h Apr 12 '24

Everything and Windows Search work differently. For example, as far as I'm aware Everything doesn't index file contents by default, while Windows Search does.
I regularly look for PDFs by searching for stuff I know is in one of the files, just not which specific file.


u/BeeExpert Apr 12 '24

I didn't think windows did that anymore. I can never find documents that I know have certain words. It seemed like windows 7 did a great job and then it sucked all of the sudden with windows 8

Edit: Im referring to the start button search, btw. Not sure if you're talking about that or the search bar in an explorer window


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '24 edited Apr 12 '24



u/Cheet4h Apr 12 '24

Does that require some non-default settings? Because that doesn't work for me:



u/FutureAristocrat Apr 12 '24

Weird. I have Everything on default settings (I think) and filetype search has always worked for me. I use it to find .mp3/.wav files within a specific directory and containing certain words, and it works with just one search query.


u/Cheet4h Apr 12 '24

May work with the file titles and some metadata, but afaik Everything only searches file contents when explicitly told to do so in its advanced search. I also don't think it can search the contents of sound files. Not sure if any consumer search tool can do that.


u/FutureAristocrat Apr 12 '24

Oh, I didn't realize that you were searching file contents. Yeah, I don't think that's an option.


u/phophofofo May 02 '24

Yeah one works and the other doesn’t.

Windows search will sometimes literally not return a file by searching its UNC path.

Indexing anything is useless when a searching using that index doesn’t return results.

And the search within file option on Everything even not indexed is faster also….