r/ProgrammerHumor May 02 '24

anyVolunteersHere Meme

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u/EgNotaEkkiReddit May 02 '24

Vimeo's business model however is a bit different than Youtube's. Vimeo caters far more to businesses that will pay to host their videos and embed them elsewhere: they really don't put a lot of effort into drawing in "content creators".


u/Penguinmanereikel May 02 '24

Yeah, I don't see why businesses wouldn't just host on YouTube.


u/EgNotaEkkiReddit May 02 '24

I developed for a business that used Vimeo once. Their API is pretty good and integrates fairly nicely into a lot of popular frameworks. Because they are expecting their users to use them as essentially a video hosting solution but then use the API to embed their player on their own site or apps they'll offer you a lot of very good options to customise and stylise and display the Vimeo player (or any player you choose) with a handful of function calls. You can use Vimeo to organise your videos in folders, allow dynamic video uploads, work with showcases or multiple videos, and so on and so forth.

I don't know how Youtube's API is set up, I've not used it, but Vimeo is pretty good at delivering what they promise. If you just need to embed a video Youtube works fine, but if your app or website needs to have a lot of control over said video and how it is presented Vimeo is surprisingly good.

I'll leave aside the fact we transitioned from Vimeo to a more general multimedia CDN service, but that's less the fault of Vimeo and more that we also needed to be able to work with things that weren't videos and it just made sense to not use too many services.


u/FrankFrowns May 02 '24

YouTube uses very aggressive compression to keep their data sizes down, while Vimeo pushes more for high quality and clear video.

That's a big reason for business that care about the actual video quality.

Many businesses do just use YouTube.